THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 FEBRUARY, 1923. 779 Benefice of Long Stanton Saint Michael and advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this All Saints/ but the Parishes of the said Bene- Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar fices shall continue distinct in all respects. of the said Diocese of Ely. "2. That upon the day when any Order of Almeric FitzRoy. Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme shall be published in the London Gazette the union shall forthwith take effect, and the said At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the Horace Bernard Woolley if he is then Incum- 29th day of January, 1923. bent of the said Benefice of Long Stanton All PRESENT, Saints shall be the first Incumbent of the United Benefice. The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. "3. That upon the said union taking effect HEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commis- the Parsonage House at present belonging to W sioners for England have, in pur- the said Benefice of Long Stanton All Saints suance of the Union of Benefices Act, 1919, shall become and be the house of residence for and of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1921, the Incumbent of the United Benefice. duly prepared, and laid before His Majesty "4. That after the said union has taken in Council, a Scheme, bearing date the 25th effect the course and succession in which the day of January, 1923, in the words and figures respective Patrons shall present or nominate following, that is to say : — to the United Benefice from time to time as " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the same shall become vacant shall be as fol- England, acting in pursuance of the Union of lows, that is to say, the right of presentation Benefices Act, 1919, and the Union of Bene- shall be exercised by the Patrons of the said fices Measure, 1921, have prepared, and now two Benefices alternately, the Patrons of the humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council, said Benefice of Long Stanton Saint Michael the following Scheme for effecting the union having the right upon the first presentation to of two neighbouring Benefices, that is to say, the United Benefice to be made after the union the Benefice (being a Rectory) of Offord and every alternate right of presentation and D'Arcy and the Benefice (being a Rectory) the Patron of the said Benefice of Long of Offord Cluny, both of which Benefices are Stanton All Saints having the right upon the situate in the County of Huntingdon and in second presentation to the United Benefice to the Diocese of Ely: be made after the union and every alternate " Whereas Commissioners appointed at our turn thereafter. request by the Right Reverend Frederic " Provided always that nothing herein con- Henry, Bishop of Ely, pursuant to the provi- tained shall prevent us from recommending sions of the said Union of Benefices Act, 1919, and proposing any other measures relating to to inquire into and report upon the union of the matters aforesaid, or any of them, in- the said two Benefices of Offord D'Arcy and" accordance with the provisions of the said Act, Offord Cluny duly made their Report to the or of any other Act of Parliament." said Bishop of Ely and therein recommended And whereas drafts of the said Scheme have, the union of the said two Benefices and the been published locally in the manner prescribed terms for effecting the union, and the said in the Statutory Rules made under the said Bishop of Ely signified in writing his approval Act and also transmitted in the manner so of the said Report: prescribed to the Patrons affected together " And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical with a Notice in each case requiring any objec- Commissioners for England, have prepared this tions to such draft Scheme to be stated or Scheme for the union of the said two Benefices transmitted in writing to the said Ecclesiasti- based upon the terms recommended in the said cal Commissioners within the time prescribed Report: in the same Rules: " And whereas both of the said Benefices of And whereas the prescribed time has elapsed Offord D'Arcy and Offord Cluny are now full, and no such objections have been so stated or the Reverend Ernest Verschoyle O'Connor transmitted to the said Ecclesiastical Commis- being the present Incumbent of the said Bene- sioners : fice of Offord D'Arcy, and the Reverend John And whereas public notice of the certification Mere Latham being the present Incumbent of to His Majesty in Council of the said Scheme the said Benefice of Offord Cluny: and the consent thereto in writing of the " Now, therefore, we, the said Ecclesiastical Bishop of Ely has been duly given in the Commissioners for England, with the consent manner and within the time prescribed in the of the said Frederic Henry, Bishop of Ely (in Statutory Rules aforesaid: testimony whereof he has hereunto set his And whereas neither of the two Benefices hand), do humbly recommend and propose to affected by the said Scheme is situate in a City Your Majesty as follows, that is to say: — or Municipal Borough: " 1. That the said Benefice of Offord And whereas the said Scheme has been ap- D'Arcy and the said Benefice of Offord Cluny proved by His Majesty in Council: shall be permanently united together and form Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with one Benefice with cure of souls under the style the advice of His said Council, is pleased of ' The United Benefice of Offord D'Arcy hereby to -affirm the said Scheme and to order with Offord Cluny ' but the Parishes of the that the two Benefices therein recommended to said Benefices shall continue distinct in all be united shall be united to the extent and for respects. the purposes recommended in the said Scheme, "2. That if upon the day when any Order and further to order and direct that the said of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme and every part thereof shall be effec- Scheme shall be published in the London tual in law immediately from and after tte Gazette both of the said two Benefices shall time when this Order shall have been duly be vacant the union of the same two Benefices published in the London Gazette pursuant to shall take effect forthwith, and if one only the said Act. of the said two Benefices shall be then vacant And His Majesty, by and with the like the said union shall take effect upon' the next.
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