N E T W O R K University of Manitoba | Faculty of Architecture | Annual Faculty Newsletter | September 2007 J. A. Russell Building Preserved Completed in 1958, the John A. like curtain wall. While highly innova- heavily in the design and the selection of a jury member commented, “this was the Russell Building for the Faculty tive, the unique cladding system deterio- cladding materials and in the refinement best of the urban spectacle projects that of Architecture at the Univer- rated over time, necessitating its complete of details. we saw [out of the 70 submissions]”. removal and replacement. The building envelope project was com- LM’s joint venture with Patkau Architects sity of Manitoba, represented LM Architectural Group as prime con- pleted and re-dedicated in 2006. With the on the Millennium Library has won four the modernist ideology of its sultant with Crosier Kilgour and Partners restoration of the courtyard to its original major Canadian architecture awards. progressive dean for whom the as the building envelope consultant were design, scheduled for completion in the Sustainable Design is not just a market- building is named. An iconic retained in 2003 to undertake the project. summer of 2008, the Russell Building will ing tool for LM Architectural Group — example of the Modern Move- After an extensive analysis of the exist- be ready to inspire another generation of their offices are located in Winnipeg’s his- ment, and influenced by the ing wall system and components it was students with its elegant simplicity and toric East Exchange District in what was determined by the consultants that, with timeless beauty. once a former warehouse space — some work of Mies Van de Rohe the exception of some minor architectural Founded over 50 years ago, LM Archi- of their staff have been known to skate- and others, the building was elements, none of the original construc- tectural Group <www.lm-architects.com> board and canoe to work! Twenty-five originally designed by the firm tion could be salvaged. Recognizing the and its interior design division, Envi- percent of their staff are LEED accred- of Smith Carter Katelnikoff historic value of the original design, a ronmental Space Planning <www.esp ited professionals and, they have health- Architects, with James Dona- preservation approach was taken in the intdesigners.com> have been involved in care, corporate, and civic projects slated hue, the principal designer. restoration of the building. This neces- many award-winning projects in Win- for either Gold or Silver sitated a coordinated effort by the design nipeg – some of which were recently LEED certification. While having the appearance of a cur- team working in close collaboration with highlighted in an exhibit of Modernist tain wall exterior cladding system, the Terry Danelley of LM the client to resolve the technical deficien- Architecture at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Architectural Group is a original design was in reality a hybrid of cies while maintaining the integrity of More recently, LM took second place at member of the Partners early curtain wall technology and wood the original design. Computer modelling the International Design Competition for Program. ¢ frame construction, assembled to appear and the use of full scale mock-ups figured the redesign of Portage and Main where 1963. Since then, the Faculty of Architec- ture has annually awarded approximately Paying Tribute to an $350 each to motivated students in all five programs of study – Environmen- tal Design, Architecture, City Planning, Interior Design and Landscape Architec- ture. For today’s students, however, this is the equivalent of funding only one half- course in a full year of study. In order to more accurately reflect Dean Russell’s huge impact on the Faculty, we would like to increase the amount in the fund to at least $250,000 which would allow the Faculty to offer substantially higher annual awards in Dean Russell’s name. With your help, we can reach our A man of integrity, leader- goal of $250,000, allowing the Fac- ship, and vision, former dean John.A. Russell, June 1964 ulty of Architecture to offer either five of Architecture, John A. Rus- annual awards of at least $2,000 each, or a greater number of annual awards of sell, was instrumental in estab- $1,000 each. lishing the first “stand alone” Dean Russell was a community leader, School of Architecture in who was intensely dedicated to architec- ture program before becoming the Faculty working towards sustainable community tural education and the students and staff Canada which evolved into the of Architecture’s first dean in 1964. development. His work and leadership in in the Faculty of Architecture. For nearly only multidisciplinary design Trained in the Beaux Arts tradition, architecture, architectural education and 40 years, Dean Russell poured his heart school in this country. Dean Russell went on to lead a school cel- the performing arts was, and continues to and soul into the faculty and the univer- ebrated for its promotion of the Modern be, inspiring. A dean for only two years before his sity. To honour his legacy, we invite you style. In addition, Dean Russell believed To recognize his vital contribution to death in 1966, Dean Russell left an indel- to consider a financial contribution to firmly that being an architect involved a the faculty, the Architecture Building was ible mark on the University of Manitoba help build the John A. Russell Alumni certain responsibility and service to the formally named the J.A. Russell Building through his 38 years of teaching – 20 of Bursaries. Together, we can ensure Rus- community – finding innovative solutions in 1967. After an extensive building reha- which were spent heading up the architec- sell’s spirit will live on through future gen- to common environmental problems and bilitation, it was reopened and rededicated erations. in September 2006. This building, and the cultural institution to which he gave his For more information please all, are still of the highest quality and bear contact: witness to his achievements. Douglas Clark, FCSLA, MCIP Executive Director, Partners Program Dean Russell’s example has also been t 204.474.6801 f 204.474.7533 honoured through the creation of the [email protected] ¢ John A. Russell Alumni Bursaries in Faculty of Architecture work of faculty and students in Winnipeg Allan Waisman and Turkey. The Faculty believes strongly in the importance of these outreach initia- Lecture tives and applauds faculty, such as Profes- The inaugural Allan Waisman Lecture sor Kelley Beaverford, for spearheading was very successfully launched in Octo- such activities. ber 2006 with a stimulating and chal- I had the privilege of visiting the Turkey lenging presentation by Peter Busby of studio and seeing first-hand how faculty Perkins Will+Busby. To a standing room and students are able to work closely with only audience in Centre Space, Mr. Busby a rural village and design and build an presented a compelling argument for a important amenity for the community. fresh approach to design that embodies Perhaps one of the best outcomes is the the holistic notions of ecology. He noted chance for students to live with the villag- that the current path of development, ers for one month and experience their consumerism and design was headed to life in the fullest. a dead-end unless the design professions respond with resiliency and vigour. From the Dean’s Desk The Allan Waisman Lecture is endowed as the result of Allan Waisman’s signifi- This has been a period of In addition to these physical improve- cant financial contribution to the Faculty. ments, the Faculty has been completing a Mr. Waisman is a distinguished gradu- renewal for the Faculty. Fol- ate of the Department of Architecture. lowing a year of curtain reform of the undergraduate Environmen- tal Design Program. This major reform He was a principal in the establishment wall replacement and other process involves the streamlining of offer- of Number 10, Waisman Dewar Carter upgrades, including replace- ings, creation of a four-year ED Program, Grout and Architectura. His practice has ment of the foundation and a streaming into four options (architecture, been international in scope with projects new network system, we are interior environments, interdisciplinary such as the new Vancouver International studies, and landscape + urbanism) in the Airport, and was the largest in Western well settled back in the J. A. Canada before being acquired by Stantec Russell Building. The invest- third year so that students have the oppor- tunity to spend two years ‘specialising’ in Architecture & Engineering. ment of $5.2 million, funded l to r: Dean David Witty (in red), Professor Kelley The Lecture will occur annually and a particular area. Three of the four options Beaverford, architecture graduate student Joe through the Province of Man- will have discipline-related requirements, Kalturnyk and locals review plans for the tea house will focus upon an environmental design itoba’s venture in campus infra- while the fourth, interdisciplinary studies, We continue to explore and develop theme. ¢ structure improvements, has will be non-discipline-based and will be a strategic approach to international resulted in a wonderful ‘new’ oriented to a broad selection of environ- exchange agreements that facilitate the space (designed by graduates at mentally focused studies in collaboration movement of students (and potentially with other Faculties. faculty) between institutions, such as FACULTY REPORT FACULTY LM Architectural Group) that Much work is still required to gain Chongqing University in China, Istanbul replicates and complements approval from University Senate, Govern- Technical University, universities in New the original Russell Building ment and Administration. However, it is Zealand and Australia, and South Amer- design. our belief that a reform of ED is essen- ica.
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