THE WESTFliLD LEADER The Leading And Mott Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County ITY-SIXTH YEAR—No. 43 PublUhed WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1956 Every Thurtjda; 30 r«g••—i Onto fret Weiek Registration Memorial Library An Unwilling Contetlant Attendance to Decide To Close Saturdays If Skating Continue* Lincoln School Th. W^rt^UI M...H.1 The free roller skating program Playfields Hits 2,380 Library will b. d..W S.tyr- at the South avenue municipal imj, Jvriaf July «»4 Av«a>l. parking lot will continue through- Th* r*(al>r 9 «... to S p.m. out the summer if large attend- wkWvU •• Sitvr4*r will U ances continue, the Recieation Principal Resigns ice At nnimmi Saturday, i»ft, «. Commission has announced. The I programs are held every Friday [Time High Of evening. There were 165 teen- j Supermarket ageis pretent last week. H. M. Partington 1 Children Appeal Filed Library Plans In Local Systen mtion on the local play- [reached 2,380 at the end of Board Asked To For 28 Years Irrt. week of an eigkt-wetV Reading Project |am. Lincoln and Mfcraon Set Aflde Permit lead In registration* with Hillla M. Partinirton, « princi- thtj) 4D0 on each ground. Charles A. Keid Jr., attorney Will Be Offered pal in the Westfteld public schaoji Y<sk\y attendance «ra« at «n for the newly-formed Westfleld To Teen-Agen. for the past 2% )•««••, has re- Residents Association, filed an ap signed, effective Oct, 1, l»5g, MI ne hifh «• » total at more principal of Lincoln fkfcool to ac-^', 10,#W children m retched. peal to the Board of Adjustment The young people's section of last week, asking that the board eept a position •« auoeiate m-'. Iganvtif reached by total- the adutt department of the West- fessor of *l«m«nt»rr «l»catM»-rt,~-. j th» daily attendance every set aaldt the permit whieh was field Memorial Library Is »pon»or- vr granted to Grand Union last June Gordon Collet* in S*mrlf< fMMl> llni? and afternoon during the j Ing a "Heading Spectacular." for ¥•>•. His rwijrnatioi) WM •*t«ff>" " 14 by Bernard Jann, building in- iti teen-age reader*, ,thc "«pec- spector. e4 »-tth ngr&bf ih» - ' -- -rapte rules »nd eventB wer tacular" it a companion project to KiJutatlon Tuwday nJt» on nil playgrounds' this . Grand Union has the permit to the "Investment in Reading" pro- build a supermarket, at 219-288 gram in the teen-age section of Mr. Partiagton can* if M*W with entry blanks to be fs RONALD J. WALSH iertty from Lltchfteld, OH tomorrow. Elm street, a site located in a the children's department. business tone. The company hen 1921. He taufht in tbf . special event Wednesda; The young people's section,'a schools of Leonardo, fmri- mmva.-^ [be » hat «how. Homemad an option to buy the property collection of books from the adult from Dr. Leland Davis and Mr». KIV. It E. ALEXANDtft M. A. mouth and Nutlcy kefor* riiBSfi - modern, and any oth< Y Names Youth ihejves, serves as a guide to thotc to Wertfleld « Utkimt-r^S ' [trill be displayed, Sarah Farnam. Howewr, Mayor young readera whose reading H. Emerson Thomas r»port»d of Lincoln ««hoal.te>;litt. Nt WM town box hockey champio tastes are adult, yet who And principal of UnjjrjiiM Wa»Wnf- Work Secretary June 15 that Grand Union haa Tkii pfc*t» Ukm tfariag a phyi«M coitamt contut br H. Eraai themselves facing an overwhelm- determined today at Me agreed to withhold using the per- Belfast Preacher ton MhoDla trmfflm U tW, School playground and f • Hmtatll WM Ant.afa* «ri*a*r ia tkw initial woltlr ikoto con- ng mass of books on the main li- principaa at UntoWmA Colunkw 1 mit for live months to permit tort MB*1 CWMIMIWI at ta« •!•• WwlaWM pl*rfrou*4i. Aaron* brary shelves. inounced in next week Walsh Succeeds town officials to interest realtors *chM>l»> inm 1»41 to lMf, M« Next week the tow •araM al «|« •U)i|nnJl ii •IfglUi to «.««-. D*««li»« for The "spectacular" is a sug- To Speak Here princtf*k*(,UncoIn Scbasl to tlw in building an apartment hotel on i» Moaalay morning;.. ' . looting championships w: Harold Gosson the Bite. gested list of books, frankly, de- present tl«e, th at Columbus School. signed far the "spectacular" read- Under hi« ltadershi^ «tan)r ia- JtooMreit PUjraraimd The appeal contends the super- er; who prefers a well-written Ronald J, Walsh of Chatham Will Be Guest novationt were Introdnetd Intv •' market would create exceptional book to an easily forgotten light rlties »t Roosevelt the firs has been appointed youth work Children, Parents Warned By the achoola which l|»" of the playground seaso: secretary of the Westfield YMCA, traffic congestion because it is de- novel, the reader who knows that Of Presbyterians signed to accommodate a large such as the Lincoln idu>«) included bronco tag, rei according to Raymond S. Grant, book can offer something to volume of traffic. Two *30-foot student government, a acbooljaa* Jo'dgeball and relay race; general secretary. He will succeed think about, something to wonder At the 8 and 9:30 a.m. worship driveways on Elm street will in- Chief On Bicycle Riding Rules per, bicycle «af« riding and " if of the games which thi Harold O. Closson Jr. who re- about, can arouse curiosity and services Sunday in the Presby- terfere with usage, of sidewalks, la Your School", a .pictorial 'playgrounders" have en cttn stiil be exciting, suspenseful terian Church in Westfleld the signed recently to accept the posl-, the appeal states, and thereby im- "With children no longer in field Police Department is doinR slide deicription of tcho«l reading. guest preacher will be the Rev. playing while tetherball an tion of boy's work secretary of pede the normal flow of traffic in school for the summer, you, as a all in Its power to try to cut down ties. • v;, (C.key' are enjoying; their us- the M. D, Anderson Branch of the H, E. Alexander, M.A,, minister the street. The appeal also notes parent have to be careful about this terrible condition that exists The theme of the "spectacular" In commenting, *H, It..Hrt! jularity. YMCA of Houston, Tex. Mr. where your child plays, or where when we become careless and for-is that young rt*der&. are capable of the Fitzroy Avenue Presbyter-, the* existence of a residential area ian Church of Belfast, Northern ton'* rtilgn»tlM|.lV>~£< " ~* it Holt, Barbara Lyng, Mi Walsh will begin work with the to the north, northeast and north- they Sre.riding their bicycles." ' get the rules 9f safety. The' par of absorbing fine writing. The li- local association tomorrow. Ireland. His sermon topic will be Jr., auperintMIAMt'' »* I Smith, Ellen Blaier, Cath west of the proposed market, a This message came today from ents as well as- the children must brary urges that the young adult said "Mr. Partii* ' Chief" Albert Pflrrmann of the be educated in the rules of safe examine the suggested books, Ii "The By-Pioduet of A Relaxed Christopher B o a t e s, A native of Newark and a grad- grade school across the street and Mind", the beat »lementatr pr! Ackerman, Margaret uate ot Newark Academy, Mr. a Junior high' school two blockB Westfleld Police Department as he bike riding 90 that they can keep the "spectacular" which may be have ever known. Hla ' , Tony ^ake, Joe Gillie Walsh did his college work at the away. warned parents as well as. girls after their youngsters to driv< found In the form of a notebook Mr. Alexander was born at was most effective an! their bicycles in a safe manner." jttphan Jackson weie thos( College of Woonter where he ma- and boys about the danger that in the young people's section, for Broadlea, In County Donegal, not teachers alike ben«ft(, In a June IS statement Mayor ready reference. In addition, a '" icipated in the "swing, jored in religion and history. He can deriye from carelessness It i3 no longer ride your b far distant from, the birthplace of wise guidance. He haa • fttti . Thomas said that Newark Traffic when the' safety rules are not vacation reading list has been pre- one of his predecessors, the Rev. contest, Cathy Conovei was graduated with a bachelor of cycle, the chief said, "but now acter and is truly a ChrUU»n.g«r'. Engineer Edward L. Cyr had pared for those teen-agers whose William Colquhoun. His father, winner, and Tony Lak arts degree In June of this, year. made a study of traf Ho 'condition! . The chief said that the has come to a'point wheie wi tleman, We ahull ittla* htan; ' Mr. W«in Will gl ntj Safety Council estimates mutt drive our bicycles, with ovei summer, vacation Is not compUte William Alexander, 4a a descend- neroiuli' Joe Gillie ani aftvtha. wraaftff*rt-tElwii" a^wfr aiti. r wlthwli-booW»;v..W^c»alJ Jl-— -- Ackerman were th «k a «p«M io»i«niiX- and aald IHfliii'report to the town i,SOb' bteyejes registered in Wtst U 9*kn at age will be killed th field .it is impossible to not' tafci have been prepared-and tips", plea of Group Work" given that "location of >uch a market of books are, available to th,ose the. Oliver. Ame» fligk year by Springfield College Sum- at the proposed.location will not year.' cognizance of the fact that thi went "over to Ireland from" Scot- ill has been a populai The chief also said "the Wes need tot following these nim teen-agers who' wish to ' borrow land in the 17th century, On com-North Ea'ston, Mass., and a< la'vwnr" for the older chil mer School at Silver Bay on Lake Involve exceptional risks of traf- books to take with them on vaca- Boston University from 19 George, N.
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