Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-53417-8 - Jane Austen: A Family Record: Second Edition Deirdre Le Faye Index More information Index The conventions and abbreviations used in this index are as shown on pages xvi–xvii above. Abbey House School, Reading: 50–2 on CEA: 222–3 Adams, James: 5, 29 on her cousins: 222–3, 261–2 Addison’s Disease: 236 writes stories: 238–9 Adlestrop, Glos.: 7, 86, 115, 155, 198 letters to JEAL: 143, 276–8 Affleck, Admiral Philip: 88, 91 James Austen on: 261 Allington, Wilts., living of: 81 leaves Steventon rectory: 262–3 Alresford, Hants.: 46 later life: 143, 263, 270, 272 Alton, Hants: 168, 173, 176, 213, 222, 233, 241 on JA: 137, 149, 176–7, 178–9, 183, 222–3, 238, amateur theatricals: 46, 49–50, 61–3, 66–8 276–8 Amiens, Treaty of: 136, 139 possible JA romance: 143–4, 277 Ancaster, Brownlow Bertie, 5th duke of on JA’s writing: 209–10, 238–9 (1729–1809): 84, 138 on JA’s illness: 235–6, 239, 247 Andover, Hants.: 12, 13, 46, 69 last visit to JA: 247 Andrews, James, artist: 280 on JA’s last days: 250, 251, 252, 253 Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando Furioso: 114 on JA’s portrait: 280, 282 Ashe, Hants.: Austen, Cassandra (nee´ Leigh, 1739–1827), living of, rectory: 7, 46, 47, 93, 126, 135, Mrs George Austen: 8–9, 61–3 141 character & appearance: 10 Ashe Park: 11, 25 portraits: vii, 11, 82, 136 Ashford, Kent: 109 events: Atkinson, the Misses: 78 marriage: 7, 11–12 Augustan Review: 232 early days at Deane: 17–18 Augustus Frederick, Prince, Duke of Sussex moves to Steventon: 20–1 (1773–1843): 131 legacies, property: 8–9, 22 Austen family, origins: 1–7 visits London: 23, 36, 64 crest: 105–6 visits Kent: 36, 44, 48, 64, 108–10, 140, Austen, Anna, see Lefroy, Jane Anna Elizabeth 149–51, 171–3 Austen, Anne (1759–95), see Mathew, Anne visits Bath: 104–5, 113–14 Austen, Anne (nee´ Motley): 2 illnesses: 110, 128, 132, 141, 171–2, 266–7 Austen, Betty, see Hooper, Mrs George living in Bath: 132–8, 152, 154 Austen, Brook John, see Knight, Brook John finances: 22, 146, 147, 152, 246–7 Austen, Caroline Mary Craven (1805–80): 100, living in Southampton: 158–63, 168 137, 143, 149, 158–9, 218, 238 visits Lyme Regis: 141, 142–3 on Godmersham: 166 visits Worthing: 151 on Chawton: 174–5, 176–7, 180 visits Adlestrop: 155 on EAK: 183 visits Stoneleigh: 155–7 on CJA and Fanny: 187 visits Hamstall Ridware: 157–8 on Anna’s wedding: 217–18 visits Steventon: 135, 152, 167, 190 on Chawton society: 179 offer of Chawton Cottage: 170 359 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-53417-8 - Jane Austen: A Family Record: Second Edition Deirdre Le Faye Index More information 360 Index Austen, Cassandra (cont.) visiting and living in Southampton: visiting and living at Chawton: 162, 48–9, 86, 158–63, 168 173–4, 177–8, 239, 266–7 visits Great Bookham: 115 last visit to Steventon: 190 visits Adlestrop: 86, 115, 155 death: 266–7 visits Stoneleigh: 155–7 and family: visits Hamstall Ridware: 157–8 children: 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27–8, 41, visits Harpsden: 95, 115 53 visits Kintbury: 92, 135, 164, 236 letters to Mrs Walter: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, death of Tom Fowle: 101 34–5 income, legacies: 49, 87, 101, 146–7, letter to Phylly Walter: 56–7 152–3 on EAK’s adoption: 43 staying at Godmersham: 108–10, 126–30, Phylly Walter on: 64 137, 140, 149–51, 158, 161, 168–73, 184–90 at birth of Anna: 84 visits London: 130–1, 213, 224–5 letters to Mary Lloyd: 99, 156–7 visiting and living in Bath: 104–5, 135, 154 help for the Leigh-Perrots: 122, 123, visits Steventon: 135, 137, 152, 164, 183, 221 124 visits Ashe: 135, 141 the Leigh-Perrot Will: 246–7 visits Lyme Regis: 141, 142–3 on JA’s death: 255, 258 visits Weymouth: 142 makes Will: 255–6, 266–7 visits Goodnestone: 150 letters to Anna: 218, 220, 222, 251, 252–3, visits Worthing: 151 255, 263, 264 visits Manydown: 137, 152, 164, 183 on Anna and Ben Lefroy: 223 visits Winchester: 221, 248–56 on Harriet Palmer: 263–4 visiting and living in Chawton: 162, and friends: 173–4, 177–8, 266–7 TomLybbe-Powys: 8, 10–11, 12 visits Cheltenham: 236, 239–40 Mrs Lybbe-Powys: 8 visits Scarlets: 246 Mrs Birch: 8, 79 Will and testamentary letter: 269–70, 271 death of George Hastings: 18 death: 271 literary activities and opinions: and friends: humorous verses: 10, 42, 73, 115–16, 141, Fowle family: 42, 81 148–9, 162 Lloyd family: 68–9 verses on Anna’s wedding: 218 Bigg-Wither family: 117, 164 on Scott’s Waverley: 222 and JA: on JA’s works: 222, 230 friendship: 27–8, 41, 50–2, 80, 104, 267 Austen, Cassandra Elizabeth (1773–1845): dedicatee: 74, 78, 87 character and accomplishments: 50, 80–1, 101, memorandum of JA’s novels: 100, 104, 162 110, 189–90, 197, 209, 222, 238, 259 appearance: vii, 64, 82, 270–1 portraits of JA: 80, 142, 177, 280 Phylly Walter on: 64 and Mansfield Park: 211 Eliza de Feuillide on: 72, 75–6, 101 and Emma: 230 Anna Lefroy on: 80–1, 112, 181–2 and Persuasion: 267 Charlotte Maria Middleton on: 198 and Watsons: 241, 268 CMCA on: 222–3 and Sanditon: 243, 268 events: to Winchester with JA: 248–56 birth and early years: 25, 26, 27 on JA’s last hours: 253–4, 255, 256 with the Coopers in Bath: 45–6 legacies from JA: 248, 259 at Oxford: 47 later life: 258, 266–7, 268, 270–1 to school at Reading: 50–2 profits from Northanger Abbey and visits Kent and London: 64, 126–30 Persuasion: 261 visits seaside: 72 on JA: 143–4, 267 witness to Jane Cooper’s wedding: 77 destruction of JA’s letters: 268, 269, 270, visits Rowling: 78, 86–7 279 visits Ibthorpe: 78, 131, 142, 147 dispersal of JA’s MSS and memorabilia: engagement to Tom Fowle: 81, 92, 95 270, 271, 279 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-53417-8 - Jane Austen: A Family Record: Second Edition Deirdre Le Faye Index More information Index 361 Austen, Cassandra Eliza (b. 1814): 268 to Winchester: 251–2 Austen, Cassandra Esten (b. 1808): 161, 171, 201, news of JA’s death: 255 206–7, 222–3 not at funeral: 256 co-operates with JEAL for Memoir: 280 Austen, Charles John junior (1821–67): 264 on JA’s portraits: 280 Austen, Cholmeley: 266 memorabilia of JA: 271 Austen, Edward (1767–1852), see Knight, Austen, Catherine Anne, see Hubback, Edward Catherine Anne Austen, Edward junior (b. 1794), see Knight, Austen, Charles, see Knight, Charles Edward junior Austen, Charles John (1779–1852): Austen, Eleanor (Mrs HTA II), see Jackson, character and appearance: vii, 82, 113, 265 Eleanor events: Austen, Elizabeth (nee´ Weller, Mrs John Austen birth and early life: 41, 46, 56, 72 IV): 2 at Royal Naval Academy, Portsmouth: Austen, Elizabeth (nee´ Bridges, Mrs EAK): 70, 72, 87 131, 150, 162 naval career: Volunteer and pregnancies and children: 165, 168 Midshipman: 87, 96 death and mourning: 169–70 Lieutenant: 113, 126, 131, 139 JA on: 169–70 Commander: 139, 161 Anna Lefroy on: 181–2 Post-Captain: 184, 187, 212–13, 216, 234, Austen, Elizabeth (later Knight), see Rice, 241–2, 264–5 Lizzy Admiral: 264–5 Austen, Elizabeth (Mrs HTA I), see Feuillide, ships: see the following names under the Eliza de heading Ships: Daedalus, Unicorn, Austen, Elizabeth (b. & d. 1814): 216 Endymion, Scorpion, Tamar, Indian, Austen, Elizabeth Matilda (1766–1855, Swiftsure, Namur, Phoenix, Mrs Butler-Harrison): 48, 86 Aurora,Winchester, Bellerophon Austen, Fanny (b. 1812): 201 at Steventon: 113, 131, 187 Austen, Fanny Catherine, see Knight, Fanny in West Indies: 161, 171, 183, 184 Catherine in England: 127, 131, 135, 136–7, 187, Austen, Fanny Sophia: 268 206–7, 220 destruction of JA’s letters: 279 at Chawton: 187, 201, 206–7, 241–2 Austen, Frances Fitzwilliam, ‘Fanny’, see Palmer, at Godmersham: 206–7 Frances Fitzwilliam in Mediterranean: 126, 131, 216, 222, 234, Austen, Francis I (1600–88): 1 264–5 Austen, Francis II (1698–1791): 2–3, 18, 38, 44, 47 coastguard service: 263–4 career and property: 2–3, 4, 6 injured: 264 attorney for Hancocks: 5, 32 appointed CB: 264–5 buys livings for George Austen: 7, 25, 47 in Far East: 264–5 visits from the Austens: 36, 44, 64 death: 264–5 portrait: 44 and family: death and Will: 72, 78 gives crosses to sisters: 135, 198 Austen, Francis Edgar (1774–1804): 48 father’s death: 145 Austen, Francis Lucius (b. 1773): 64 marriage to Fanny Palmer: 161, 187 Austen, Francis Motley (b. 1747): 2, 3, 64, 78 children: 161, 171, 184, 187, 201, 216, 220, Austen, Sir Francis William (1774–1865) 264 character and appearance: vii, 56, 65, 82, 139, death of wife and daughter: 216 266 and mother’s finances: 246–7 events: illness of daughter: 251 birth and childhood: 26, 41, 48 remarriage, to Harriet Palmer: 263–4 at Royal Naval Academy, Portsmouth: CEA’s residuary legatee: 258, 269–70 56, 65 and JA: naval career: as Volunteer and dedicatee: 66 Midshipman: 65, 70 on Emma: 230 as Lieutenant: 65, 86, 87–8, 91, 97, 98, 113 letter from JA: 247 as Commander: 113, 125–6 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-53417-8 - Jane Austen: A Family Record: Second Edition Deirdre Le Faye Index More information 362 Index Austen, Sir Francis William (cont.) Austen, Revd George (1731–1805): 3, 37, 72, 105 as Post-Captain: 125, 137, 139, 151, 153, character and appearance: 4, 64, 136 161, 187, 203 portraits: vii, 11, 82, 136 as Admiral: 266 Phylly Walter on: 64 ships: see the following names under the Eliza de Feuillide on: 64, 75 heading Ships: Perseverance, Minerva, Anna on: 136 Lark, Andromeda, Glory, Triton, Peterel, and family: Neptune, Leopard, Canopus, St Albans, marriage: 6, 7, 11–12 Elephant letters to Mrs Walter: 22, 27 visits Rowling: 97–8 financial matters: 20, 25, 42, 50, 72, 112, visits Steventon: 131 130, 146 visits Godmersham: 131, 154–5 trustee for Mrs Hancock: 36, 38 in Mediterranean: 113, 125–6 on Edward’s adoption: 43 at Ramsgate: 139 advice to FWA: 65 misses Trafalgar: 151–2, 153 dedicatee: 66 at St Domingo: 153 bequest from Francis Austen: 72 living at Southampton: 153, 158–63 gift to JA: 89 at Great Yarmouth: 167–8 letter to Cadell: 104 at Deal: 165, 203 trustee for Eliza de Feuillide: 105 and Peninsular War: 167 gift to HTA: 105 in China: 161, 171, 183–4 and friends: in North Sea and Baltic: 203 and J.
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