Index ABC see Australian Broadcast Corporation/ Industry Association Music Awards) 166, Commission 188, 249, 277 Abercrombie, John 188 Armiger, Martin 142 Aboriginal Moomba 198–99 Armstrong, Gillian 137, 147 Aboriginal people 12, 193–207, 224 see also Armstrong, Louis 94 Indigeneity, Torres Strait Islands ArtPlay, Federation Square (Melbourne) 162 Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Arts Victoria 163 Sale of Opium Act of 1897 194 Ascenseur pour l’échafaud (film) 140 Abrahams, Chris 13, 267, 269–75, 277, Astor Club (London) 202 279–82 Astor Showcase (television programme) 122 Adelaide 5, 7, 41, 84–88, 90, 92–93, 95–96, Atkinson, Leon 84, 95 98, 100 Auckland 71–73, 104 Adderley, Cannonball 218 Australasian Performing Right Association Adelphi Cabaret (Wellington NZ) 68 (APRA) 160, 166 Adorno, Theodore 8 Australia Council 162–64, 166 Aebersold, Jamie 262 Australian Academy of the Arts 90, 92 Aether (recording) 281 Australian All Stars (band) 123–26 Afghanistan 195, 206 Australian Broadcast Corporation/ Akabella 183 Commission (ABC) 9, 98, 117–18, 119– Albert, Prince 23 32, 161–62, 165–67, 204 Albert’s American Annual (sheet music) 36 Australian Comforts Fund 196 Albert & Son’s music house 38 Australian Human Rights Commission 193 ‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band’ (song) 23, 38 Australian Jazz Archive 10–11 Alice Springs 279 Australian Jazz Bell Awards 166 Allan, Cameron 143 Australian Jazz Club 217 ‘All Coons Look Alike to Me’ (song) 33 Australian Jazz Convention 6, 94 Allen, John 232 Australian Jazz Museum see Victorian Jazz Alliance of Melbourne Women Improvising Archive Musicians 163 Australian Jazz Quartet/Quintet (AJQ) 11, ‘All the Things You Are’ (song) 219 100, 232–33 Alter, Andrew 177 Australian Music Centre 160, 166 Ampersand record label 88, 100 Australian Red Cross 196 Amsterdam 181 Austria 181 Angel Heart (film) 139 Angels and Rascals (recording) 166 Baartz, Martha 163–64, 167–68 Angry Penguins (journal) 7, 90, 92–95, 97–99, ‘Back Home Again in Indian Annie’ (song) 244 100 Bailey, Buster 95 ‘Anthropology’ (song) 251 Bailey, Judy 159, 170 Apollo Theatre (New York) 94 Baker, David 230 Aquatic (recording) 274–75 ‘Bakiff’ (song) 93, 98 ‘Arabia Land’ (song) 53 Balkans, the 256–57, 263–64 Arabic music 269 Bamford, John 220 Archibald Prize 90 Bandstand (television programme) 122, 203 Ardell, Anita 123 Band Waggon (radio programme) 73 Argentina 180–81 Banks, Don 91, 100, 138 Arguelles, Julian 178 Barlow, Dale 183 Aria Music Awards (Australian Recording Barnard, Bob 11 © Equinox Publishing 2016 286 Index Barnett, Dan 183 Body Heat (film) 139 Barnett, Shannon 164 Bolden, Buddy 215 Barrett, Ray 141 Bonano, Sharkey 86 Barry, Keith 119–20, 122, 125 Bonython, Kym 86–88, 91 Bartok, Bela 143, 253, 261 Boptet (band) 110 Basie, Count 259 Bowden, Mark 233 ‘Basin Street Blues’ (song) 203 Boyd, Arthur 99 Baum, Frank L. 203 Boyd, Peter 256 Bay of Plenty (NZ) 70 Boyes, Fiona 184 BBC see British Broadcasting Corporation Boys, The (film) 138, 268, 279–81 Beadle, Ray 183 Bradley, Reuben 109 Beatles, The 118, 127 brass bands 3, 28, 158, 194, 256 ‘Beauty’ (song) 280 Brazil 180 Beck, Jess 192 Brisbane 60–61, 68, 74, 104, 166 Beiderbecke, Bix 86 Brisbane International Jazz Festival 177–79, Belgium 180–81 181, 184–87, 189 Bell, Graeme 3, 6–7, 11, 41, 43, 85–89, 91– Britain see United Kingdom 92, 94–97, 99, 124, 130, 166, 197–98, 203 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 119– Bell, Roger 3, 5–7, 11, 43, 85–89, 94–97, 21, 159 99–100 Brokensha, Jack 197 Bellingen Jazz Festival 177–79, 181, 183–87 Brous, Sophie 187 Bennett, Claude 79 Brown, Alan/Allan 68–69, 79 Bennett’s Lane Jazz Club (Melbourne) 105, Brown, Baden 71, 80 161, 165, 178 Brown, Brian 111, 113, 226, 244 Benson, Ivy 159 Brown, Bryan 142 Berardi, Kristin 164 Brown, Ray 219 Beresford, Bruce 143 Brown, Tas 86 Bergner, Yosl 91 Browne, Allan 111, 182–84 Berlin, Irving 23, 29, 37–39 Browning, Daniel 204 Bernhard, Paul 87 Brubeck, Dave 255, 259, 263 Bertles, Bob 218–19 Brunswick Green venue (Melbourne) 108 Best, Peter 141 Bryant, Gai 160 Bethlehem record label 233 Buck, Tony 13, 259, 267, 269–70, 272–74, Beyond El Rocco (film) 250 276–78, 281–82 Big Sleep, The (film) 140–41 Buckley, Jim 70 Bijou Theatre (Melbourne) 41 Bulgaria 255, 257 Bird of Paradise (stage musical) 54 Bull, Geoff 183 Birth of White Australia, The (film) 36 Bunyip, The (stage musical) 53 Bishaw, Henry Peelua 54 Burdett, Louis 259 Bjelke-Petersen, Joh 141 Burke, Rob 183 ‘Black’ (‘song’) 276–77 Burke, Roger 183 Blair, Harold 198, 205 Burnett, Fiona 162–63, 165–66, 168 Blakey, Art 251 Burrows, Don 11, 219–20, 233 Bloom, Harry 80 Burst of Summer (television movie) 203 Blott, Charlie 100, 200 Burt, Peter 229 Blue Note record label 230 Byas, Don 94 Blue Riff Big Band 183 blues 157, 192–93, 195–98, 201, 203, 205, Café Continental (television programme) 12 207, 258, 261, 264 Cage, John 269 ‘Blues for Cyber’ (song) 233–34 Cairns 195–96, 202, 204 Blue Shift (recording) 259 Cale, Bruce 232–33, 235–36, 242–43 ‘Blues in the Night’ (song) 204 Campbell, George 71, 80 Blythe Waterland Minstrels 29 Campbell, Phil 80 © Equinox Publishing 2016 Index 287 Campion, Jane 144 Coloured/Colored Idea (Revue) 5 Canada 180–81 Coltman, W. Stan ‘Tut’ 65, 67–70, 74–79 Canberra 178 Coltrane, John 232, 243, 251, 255, 257 ‘Capt. Kenney’s Bathing Ship’ (song) 233 ‘Come and See Her’ (song) 138, 146 Carides, Zoë 145 Come Out (recording) 271 Carter, Benny 219–20, 230 Commonwealth Investigation Branch 5 Carter, Howard 4 ‘Confirmation’ (song) 225 Cavanaugh/Cavanagh, Inez 93–95 Connolly, Jerry 78 Cavanaugh, Liz 192 Connolly, Keith 67 Cave, Jenna 164 ‘Consolidation’ (song) 225 Celia (film) 144 Contemporary Art Society 90–92 ‘A Century of Steps’ (song) 243 convict heritage 20, 24–26, 28, 34, 43–44 Ceylon 158, 201 Conway, Jim 183 Chamber Music Society of Lower Penkivil Coppin, George 24 Street (Sydney) 225–26 Corbyn’s Original Georgia Minstrels 31–32 Chapple, Frank 79 Corea, Chic 178 Charles, Teddy 231 Corners (recording) 233 Chatham Theatre (New York) 24 ‘Corners Suite’ 234–41 Chauvel, Charles 9 Coronet record label 233 Chemist (recording) 276 Corris, Peter 141 Cherry, Don 255 ‘Corroboree Rag’ (song) 53 Chicago 84–85, 89, 95, 100 Coughlan, Frank 11, 68, 76, 217 ‘Chicken and Almonds’ (song) 89 Coughlin, Jerry 80 China 4, 47, 50–62, 255 Counihan, Noel 91 ‘China Girl’ (song) 52 Countdown (television programme) 129 Chinatown (film) 139 Courtney, Vince 53 Chindamo, Joe 183 Creary, Jim 79 ‘Ching A Ling’s Jazz Bazaar’ (song) 57–58 ‘Crocodile Creep’ (song) 98 ‘Ching Chong’ (song) 53 Croydon Palais (Sydney) 71 ‘Ching Chong Jazz Arrangement’ (song) 53 Cuba 180–81 Choulai, Aaron 183 cultural intermediaries 174–75, 189 Christchurch (NZ) 104 ‘Cunt Song, The’ (song) 92 Chronic Rhythmosis (recording) 256 Curtis’s Grand African-American Carnival 32– Chu Chin Chow: A Musical Tale from the East 33 (stage musical) 55 Czechoslovakia 43 ‘Circles’ (song) 225 circus 49 Dallwitz, Dave 7, 88–89, 91–93, 95–100 Ciro’s nightclub (Melbourne) 198 Dallwitz, Joan 91 ‘Clare the Kitchen’ (song) 25 Dan, ‘Seaman’ 192 Claridge’s nightclub (Melbourne) 198 dance 3, 5, 9–10, 21–24, 28, 31–33, 35–39, Clarke, Bruce 43, 136, 198, 217, 220, 224, 43–44, 53, 57–60, 62, 65–66, 69–72, 244 75–76, 85, 91, 120, 157–59, 192, 195–96, ‘Clever Fellow’ (song) 97 216, 256, 275 Cloncurry 195 Dandenong Mountains (Victoria) 86 Cloudstreet (film) 145 Dankworth, John 201 ‘Coal Black Rose’ (song) 24 Darwin 279 ‘Coalesce’ (song) 243 Davidson, Jim 76 Coates, Jimmy 68–69, 76, 79 Davies, Spadge 86 Cocoanut Grove dance hall (Brisbane) 74 Davis, Miles 8, 13, 140, 230, 242, 244, 251, Coker, Jerry 230 259, 272 Cole, Jeremy 146 Dean, Roger 270 Cole, Nat King 202, 205 Debussy, Claude 93 Coleman, Ornette 100, 225, 232 Decca record label 230 © Equinox Publishing 2016 288 Index Dee-Jays, The 8, 123–24, 127 El Rocco Jazz Cellar (Sydney) 159, 217, 226, De Heer, Rolph 8 250 deJohnette, Jack 188 Embers nightclub (Melbourne) 217–20 ‘Delhi Belly Dancer, The’ (song) 244 Embers, The (recording) 227 Delius, Frederick 93, 95 Empress Ballroom (Sydney) 68 Denmark 180–81, 230 Empty Beach, The (film) 141–42 Desmond, Paul 251, 253, 255, 259, 263 Eno, Brian 270, 278 Dickeson, Andrew 259 Ermoll, Serge 270 Diet Coke Women in Jazz Festival (New Ern Malley Suite (recording) 99 York) 161 ESP record label 242 Dingo (film) 8 ‘Eternal Frost’ (song) 260 Dizzy’s Jazz Club (Melbourne) 178 Ethiopia 180 Djin Djin the Japanese Bogie Man (stage Ethiopian Serenaders 29 musical) 55 Eureka Stockade uprising 26 Dobell, William 90 Europe 4–6, 48–49, 58, 87, 95–96, 99, 170, Dobson, George 76, 80 176, 200, 206, 242, 262, 269–70, 273 Does the Jazz Lead to Destruction? (film) 8 Eustice, Mal 218 Dog (band) 109 Evans, Christine 256 Dolphy, Eric 232 Evans, Gil 231, 234 Downes, Jim 79 Evans, Sandy 160–62, 164, 168–71, 183, 251, ‘Down in Chinatown’ (song) 52 259, 270–71 ‘Down Under [Blues]’ (song) 203 ‘Everyone Loves a Jazz Band’ (song) 41 ‘Dreamy Honolulu’ (song) 53 ‘Ezz-thetic’ (song) 245 Drive By (recording) 271, 277–78 Dr Jazz (film) 250, 259 Farewell, My Lovely (film) 140 Drummond, Cindy 192 Farmer, Art 231 Dr V’s Swing Thing (band) 183 Ferguson, Maynard 108 Drysdale, Russell 90, 197 Festival Hall (London) 201 Duff, Jeff 183 festivals, jazz 8, 10–11, 155, 160–71, 173–90 Duggan, Bernie 80, 220, 222, 226 Festival Sextet (band) 164, 166, 169–70 ‘Dumbrille Was No Greek’ (song) 233 Fielding, Harold 201 Dyer, Margie Lou 184 Fields, Noel 69, 79 Dyn, Paul 113 film 1, 8–10, 49, 52, 55–56, 71, 76–77, 135– 50, 157, 195, 223, 227, 268, 277 Eames, Penny 99 Finland 2, 181 Eastern Horizons
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