Founded in 1800.] An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal^ Especially Devoted to Local Mews and Interests. : * : [$1.00 a Tear. VOL. XCV.—NO. I6. A; NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19,1895. PRICE TWO CENTS. j no attack was attempted. Gen. Meade eral, do you know that when you let foot are approaching paying figures for claimed that the delay was for a more Gen. Lee's army get away from yon rAZETTE. growers and feeders. But they do not critical examination of the enemy's there at Williamsport, you made me MRS. CAHILL'S ESCAPE. ' NORW position; he then'issued orders for a think of an old women I used to see warrant any such sensational rise in combined attack of the whole army out in Illinois, trying to shoo her ducks She Batt'es With an Insane Wo­ the price of dressed beef to butchers OF A next dav, Tuesday, the 14th. Tuesday across the river ? " Then laughing so came, but Meade's bird had flown! heartily at the satirical fun in his little man Who Wanted to Kill Her. THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER. by the great slaughtering establish­ Monday, Lee was still hemmed in on story, he soon had Gen. Meade shaking ments, or an advance such as has been WAR the eastern three-quarter circle of the his sides in a merriment that took itife Potomac Banks. During Monday away any sting lurking in the simile. Her Cheek Bitten and Her Face reported on the part of the retail deal­ night, by means of an improvised Ever after, when reference was made • : i.rf Scratched. I f Iittiteit li all UIIES : Beotral 11 lottiii. ers in meat to consumers. A normal bridge, raft9,; and swimming of his to the Secretary of the Navy in my men and animals, Lee with the wretch­ presence, Mr. Lincoln's favorite ex­ rise in the wholesale price of dressed ed remnant of his grand army of West­ pression was "your friend Daddy Mrs. Patrick J. Cahill, who lives on beef and in the retail prices should be ern Virginia, was on Tuesday morning Welles." The inconsiderate jibe had Hoyt street, it will be remembered met • Town Court Bill a Law. BT THE safely across ;the river on the sacred touched his comical rib and made a only in proportion to the rise indicated permanent impression upon his mem­ with a thrilling experience on Tuesday, , The passage of the Norwalk Town soil of Virginia! for beef on foot." * Editor of the Gazette. On July 4th, the President having ory. April 8th, in jumping into the river to . y Court Bill yesterday by the unanimous received the intelligence of the Union save her child, who had fallen into the : The prices ruling in New York yes­ triumph at Gettysburg and prior to get­ Sale of the Union Mfg. Co. Plant. vote of the Senate without the sub­ Copyrighted 1894. water from an embankment, but it was - ting the news of Grant's capture of The sale of Norwalk's once greatest mission clause and just as it had passed terday were: . v Vicksburg, had issued an enthusiastic not to be compared with her experience > Porterhouse, 28 cents a pound; sir­ and congratulatory proclamation to the and most profitable manufactory was yesterday, with a neighbor named Mrs. fig , the House with| only two dissenting CHAPTER LII. loin, 22 cents; round, 18 cents; chuck, country. The escape of Lee's army consummated according to law, yester­ John White, who moved from Winni- ^ ? votes, make its approval by the Gov­ From my halt at Hagerstown I next now completely shrouded in humilia­ day afternoon. It was bid off in its en. pauk to apartments on Hoyt street a'^-; 14 cents; soup meat, 12 ueute. day followed on after the retreating tion and'gloom all the exultation the ernor a certainty and the new court rebels by the main highway traversed tirety at auction, by Mr. William H. few months since. ; On the finer cuts the*e prices are an Gettysburg victory had caused. All system is to be put upon trial for the by the chief body of them. This was sorts of excuEes for the tardiness have Olmstead for a total of only $38,500. Mrs. White complained of being in' <1 easy to do, as the road was not only been given. Thel ast one is possibly There were but two other bidders, Mr. approval or disapproval of our people. advance of four or five cent?, and on poor health, and at different times Mrs.|!|li terribly cut up, but footsore and used the beBt, criven by a warm personal Eben Hill of South Norwalk and a Mr. the cheaper cuts prices are just up stragglers and discarded animals, Cahill had assisted her in her house-^ ^ Wherever tried, it has beenjadjudged friend, to the effect that being a very W. J. Einguerhouser from eastern Con­ doubled. ' with cast* away soldiers' foot-gear and nervous and sensitive man, the manner hold work, doing the same out of a . a great advance upon the old time, garments, distinctly defined their line necticut. kindly feeling for Mrs. White who has' These New York prices {do not vary of his appointment to the command of effete and too often, corrupt, justice of retreat all the way from Gettysburg the army of the Potomac and the dis It is understood that Mr. Olmstead's five children. , much from those ruling in Norwalk. to Williamsport. Somewhre about placement of Hooker; the peremptory " system. Should it prove otherwise the middle of the afternoon of Tues­ purchase was in the interest of the Yesterday, Mrs. White sent her old- : * order to assume command made by the company's heaviest creditors and as here and Norwalk become the only ex­ The hardship is bearing so heavily up- day, I chanced to fall in with a detach­ President and seconded by Secretary est child to Mrs. Cahill's with the re- / ^ o the poorer classes as to greatly ment of cavalry under the command of Stanton and General Hallock and de­ debts exceed the amount bid for the guest that she come over and comb her ' -y, ception to its satisfactory workings, it Generals Kilpatrick and Custer. Kil- livered to him by a special messenger property the interests of the old hair, as she was sick and unable to do ij diminish their consumption of beef and patrick was very emphatic in bis dec­ from the War Department who inter­ J \ '• can easily be repealed, but no one be­ stockholders would seem to be en­ herself. -';W ; this fact is working hardships to all laration, that if Pleasanton were only cepted him at Frederick while he was lieves it will fail to prove a most satis- within supporting distance, our cavalry marching with his corps to overtake tirely wiped out. This is a severe blow Mrs. Cahill willingly complied witb^ , factory measure. (mall dealers,, could capture and destroy the entire Lee; the faot that the Gettysburg fight to many old Norwalk families who have the request and found Mrs. White supply trains of the enemy and that had. raged all one day before he had few years past, had a large and To Representative Keeler, for his Mrs. Frank Selleck Dead. until a bed, and apparently very sick. would end the career of Lee, if not of reached the field; his entire want of regular dividends from this great hive courageous and^manly defense of the Miss Nettie Sherwood, wife of Frank the Confederacy; because another such information as to the country at and proceeded to wash the sick womatfsplll a transportation outfit could never about the battle-field; his tremendous of industry. face and had commenced combing iier^f V: bill in the House and to Senator Fer­ Selleck, died at her home on Belden again be created by them, and without The plant in former times, was deemed avenue, about 2 o'clock, this afternoon, . and overwhelming sense of responsibili- hair, when Mrs. White sent her ^ttle|^^J ris, whose better judgment convinced it Lee's army would be powerless, and ty; his entire loss of mental and physi­ worth a full million of dollars and at aged 26 years. She leaves a husband forced to a surrender or irreparable cal rest and sleep for many days and girl ont of the rom on some pretext or - him .of its need here in Norwalk and of disintegration. As it was, all our' few nights, resulted in temporarily para­ the close of the war had in addition, a other, the two women thus being leit^ r i^^ and infant child. Mr. and Mrs. Selleck million of surplus. Losses, death of the overwhelming preponderance of cavalrymen could hope to do was to lyzing his brain, so that his mental alone. No sooner had the ehild aone^fc were married June 5th, 1894. harass the enemy and make small and powers were affected to a degree that former managers and inexperience of our best people, who desired its enact­ out than Mrs. White leaped out of bed unimportant captures. his normally alert mind would not new Qnes, with a constant decline in and rushing to the door locked it. c ment, and thus was led to withdraw his Clean Your Cellar. A little before dark my road wound work. Be the cause of Meade's inertia up over a high elevation overlooking what it may, the fatal error was in not prices of the fabrics it produced, have She then grabbed Mrs. Cahill by the^4 opposition and permit its passage in the It is important if you wish to pre­ wrought this sad ruin of our largest serve your own and your neighbors' the surrounding country, near a place immediately attacking the enemy the shoulders and before the pinioned teflfi Senate as it came from the House, are called St.
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