MAY 21, 2018 9 GOINGS ON ABOUT TOWN 33 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Robin Wright on Trump’s Iran-deal outrage; the N.R.A. Hulk; the Duplass brothers; techno Germans; Carol Burnett’s youngest fans. ANNALS OF GAMING Nick Paumgarten 40 Weaponized The latest teen video-game craze. SHOUTS & MURMURS Josh Gondelman 46 Recommendations AMERICAN CHRONICLES Jill Lepore 48 Sirens in the Night Do victims’ rights harm justice? THE POLITICAL SCENE Evan Osnos 56 Only the Best People Trump’s government purge. LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA Adam Gopnik 66 Bottled Dreams The quest to make a truly American wine. FICTION John L’Heureux 74 “The Long Black Line” THE CRITICS BOOKS Lauren Collins 82 A reading list for the royal wedding. 86 Briefly Noted Tobi Haslett 89 Alain Locke, dean of the Harlem Renaissance. MUSICAL EVENTS Alex Ross 94 Harpsichord smackdown! POP MUSIC Amanda Petrusich 96 Courtney Barnett’s laid-back angst. THE CURRENT CINEMA Anthony Lane 98 “First Reformed,” “The Seagull.” POEMS Cynthia Zarin 62 “Marina” Peter Cooley 79 “Bear” COVER John Cuneo “The Swamp” DRAWINGS Mick Stevens, Edward Steed, Seth Fleishman, Pia Guerra, P. C. Vey, Liana Finck, Will McPhail, Harry Bliss, Roz Chast, Carolita Johnson, Frank Cotham, Maddie Dai, David Sipress, Bruce Eric Kaplan, Lars Kenseth, Jon Adams SPOTS Serge Bloch Introducing CONTRIBUTORS The New Yorker Crossword Puzzle Jill Lepore (“Sirens in the Night,” p. 48) Evan Osnos (“Only the Best People,” is a professor of history at Harvard. p. 56) writes about politics and foreign Her new book, “These Truths: A His- afairs for the magazine. His book “Age tory of the United States,” will be pub- of Ambition” won the 2014 National lished in September. Book Award for nonfiction. Tobi Haslett (Books, p. 89) has contrib- Lauren Collins (Books, p. 82) has been uted articles to the magazines n+1, Art- a staf writer since 2008. She is the au- forum, and Harper’s. thor of “When in French: Love in a Second Language.” Emma Allen (The Talk of the Town, p. 35) is the magazine’s cartoon editor and Nick Paumgarten (The Talk of the Town, edits humor pieces on newyorker.com. p. 38; “Weaponized,” p. 40) has been writing for the magazine since 2000. Adam Gopnik (“Bottled Dreams,” p. 66) is a staf writer and the author of, most Peter Cooley (Poem, p. 79) teaches at recently, “At the Strangers’ Gate: Ar- Tulane University. His tenth poetry rivals in New York.” collection, “World Without Finish- ing,” was published in February. Robin Wright (Comment, p. 33), a joint fellow at the United States Institute of Amanda Petrusich (Pop Music, p. 96) is Peace and the Woodrow Wilson Inter- a staf writer and the author of “Do national Center for Scholars, has cov- Not Sell at Any Price: The Wild, Ob- ered the Middle East since 1973. sessive Hunt for the World’s Rarest 78 rpm Records.” John Cuneo (Cover) has been drawing for the magazine since 1994. “Not Wav- John L’Heureux (Fiction, p. 74) has pub- ing but Drawing,” a collection of his lished eleven novels and three story sketches, came out last year. collections. NEWYORKER.COM 1. Schmaltz, literally. Everything in the magazine, and more. 2. Stud alternative. 3. A 1928 Virginia Woolf “biography.” 4. “A ludicrous invention,” per Germaine Greer. Do the rest of the puzzle, and find a new one every week, at newyorker.com/crossword NEWS DESK Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow report on four women who accused New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, of physical abuse. Read the story that led Schneiderman to resign. SUBSCRIBERS: Get access to our magazine app for tablets and smartphones at the App Store, Amazon.com, or Google Play. (Access varies by location and device.) OLIVER MUNDAY 2 THE NEW YORKER, MAY 21, 2018 THE MAIL THE HISTORY OF HITLER play, adapted from the novel by Chris- GEORGIA O’KEEFFE: topher Hampton, was staged in Lon- VISIONS OF HAWAI‘I Alex Ross, in his survey of recent lit- don in 1982. People were so shocked by erature on Adolf Hitler, conducts a de- Hitler’s eloquent monologue that they tailed examination of American in- condemned, boycotted, and picketed fluences on Nazi ideology (A Critic at the production. Large, April 30th). My only note is that William Fried he might have placed greater empha- Bronx, N.Y. sis on the American eugenics move- ment, and specifically on Granville As Ross notes, liberals and neo-Nazis May 19–October 28 Stanley Hall, the first president of the alike have compared Donald Trump to Discover the artist’s little-known American Psychological Association Hitler. But another analogy from the depictions of the Hawaiian and the founding editor of the journal period might be more apt. In the early Islands — and the plants and Eugenics. In the early twentieth cen- thirties, the Nazi Party was financially landscapes that inspired them. tury, Hall wrote extensively about how distressed, losing voters, and dissatisfied a society might develop a healthy citi- with Hitler’s leadership. More main- zenry, and he vocally supported forced stream conservative politicians at- sterilization of the poor, the sick, and tempted to co-opt the Party to broaden the developmentally disabled. His work their electoral base. Alfred Hugenberg, arrived in Germany at the height of the a wealthy media mogul and the leader völkisch movement, which romanticized of the German National People’s Party, German ethno-cultural heritage and supported a plan to bring the Nazis hailed his writings as scientific ratio- into the governing coalition as a bul- nales for racial cleansing. After the Sec- wark against leftist movements. (The ond World War, Nazi attorneys at the plan backfired, and Hitler maneuvered Nuremberg trials used Hall’s writings, his way into the chancellorship.) and those of Eugenics contributors, as Hugenberg’s behavior is typical of élit- palliatives for Nazi atrocities. ist politicians in a world of mass pol- Roger R. Rideout itics. Convincing the public to support Norman, Okla. policies that primarily benefit the wealthy is an uphill struggle. The al- Ross’s account of Hitler’s rise to power ternative is appealing to voters’ bigotry, ascribes particular importance to his populist nationalism, and irrational fear. skill as an orator. Paraphrasing Peter This has been the strategy of the Re- Longerich’s book “Hitler: Biographie,” publican Party for the past fifty years. Ross writes, “Even those who found Trump has flirted with white nation- his words repulsive were mesmerized alism during his Presidency, but so far by him.” Another relevant work is his only major legislative achievement George Steiner’s 1981 novel, “The Por- has been a tax cut for the rich. His tage to San Cristobal of A.H.” In Stein- Presidency doesn’t yet signal a victory er’s alternative history, Hitler does not for fascism but, rather, the continuing commit suicide as the war ends but success of a dangerous form of tradi- flees to a remote reach of the Amazon tional conservative politics. Trump isn’t rain forest. An Israeli Nazi-hunting a Hitler; he’s a low-rent version of Al- team is commissioned to find him, and fred Hugenberg. is warned to keep him gagged. “You Roger L. Albin must not let him speak,” their leader Ann Arbor, Mich. Any views, fi ndings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those says. “His tongue is like no other.” They of the National Endowment for the Humanities. • Georgia O’Keeffe, Hibiscus with Plumeria (detail), 1939, Oil on silence him until, in the last section of canvas, 40 x 30 in., Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Sam Rose and Julie Walters, 2004.30.6 © 2018 Georgia the novel, they put him on trial in the Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, O’Keeffe Museum / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York jungle. When they remove his gag, he address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to delivers a speech that they find irresist- [email protected]. Letters may be edited LOCATED IN BRONX, NY, 20 MINUTES for length and clarity, and may be published in FROM GRAND CENTRAL ON METRO-NORTH ibly compelling. (The novel ends be- any medium. We regret that owing to the volume TICKETS AT NYBG.ORG fore the trial’s verdict is announced.) A of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. THE NEW YORKER, MAY 21, 2018 3 If your advanced non–small cell lung cancer has high levels of PD-L1, KEYTRUDA could be used alone as your fi rst treatment. “LAST YEAR, I WASN'T SURE I'D SEE MY SON'S GRADUATION. THANKFULLY, I WAS WRONG.” -ROGER KEYTRUDA will not work for everyone. Results may vary. KEYTRUDA is used to treat a kind of lung cancer called non–small cell lung cancer 71% of patients treated with KEYTRUDA (NSCLC). KEYTRUDA may be used alone as were alive at the time of patient your fi rst treatment option when your lung follow-up, compared to 58% treated with cancer has spread (advanced NSCLC) and chemotherapy that contains platinum. tests positive for “PD-L1” and your tumor does not have an abnormal “EGFR” or “ALK” gene. PD-L1 = programmed death ligand 1; EGFR = epidermal growth factor receptor; ALK = anaplastic lymphoma kinase. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Call or see your doctor right away if you develop any • Kidney problems, including nephritis and kidney failure. symptoms of the following problems or these symptoms Signs of kidney problems may include change in the amount or get worse: color of your urine. • Lung problems (pneumonitis). Symptoms of pneumonitis may • Skin problems.
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