INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROJECT, WEST BENGAL Summary of DPR Section A PROJECT LOCATION DETAILS Sl.No Particulars Details 1 Project Name SALANPUR MILI WATERSHED. 2 Project Code Barddhaman/IWMP/ 1 /20 11-12 3 State West Bengal 4 District Burdwan 5 CD Block Salanpur 6 Gram Panchyet* Salanpur, Ethora, Basudevpur – Jemari, Fulberia – Bolkunda , Samdi, Achhra, Rupnarayanpur, Kallya & Jitpur – Uttar Rampur. 7 Mouza (Village) * Sl. No. Block Gram Panchayet Name Jl.No Village Code 1. UttarRampur 43 01232900 2. Jitpur – Uttar Rampur Jitpur 44 01233000 3. Kirtanshala 47 01233300 4. Seakulberia 46 01233200 5. Kallya 45 01233100 6. Kalisanko 48 01233400 7. Chayenpur 49 01233500 8. Kallya Dharaspur 50 01233600 9. Keshardi 51 01233700 10. Paharpur 52 01233800 11. Manahara 53 01233900 12. Kankurkunda 49 01234100 13. Dabar 57 01234300 14. Salanpur 27 01231700 15. Khudika 28 01231800 16. Salanpur Mahismura 72 01235700 17. Bara Pattabara 73 01235800 18. Milliakhola 74 01235900 19. Dharmma 71 01236000 20. Dhundabad 29 01231900 21. Basudevpur - Jemari Banbirdi 30 01232000 22. Basudebpur 31 01232100 13 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. Sl.No Particulars Details 23. Jemari 32 40903000 24. Dhaminberia 33 01232200 25. Rupnarayanpur Amjharia 34 01232300 26. Rupnarayanpur 36 01232500 27. Benagaria 37 01232600 28. Achhra Achhra 56 01234200 29. Harishadi 35 01232400 30. Ethora Ethora 76 01236200 31. Madhaichak 69 01235500 32. Alkusha 58 01234400 33. Fulberia 59 01234500 Fulberia - Bolkunda 34. Sadhna 60 01234600 35. Patal 65 01235600 36. Mohanpur 70 01235100 37. Lohat 61 01234700 38. Salanpur Samdi Radhaballavpur 62 01234800 39. Samdi 63 01234900 40. Pahargora 64 01235000 Note * additional rows may be inserted Watershed 8 Name Regd. No. Remarks Committee * 1. DAMODAR SALANPUR WATERSHED COMMITTEE -------- 2. DAMODAR BASUDEVPUR - JEMARI WATERSHED COMMITTEE ------- Preparation Under Process 3. DAMODAR KALLYA WATERSHED COMMITTEE ------- 4. AJOY KALLYA WATERSHED COMMITTEE -------- 14 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. 9 Micro watershed Description * Sl. Micro Block GP Name of Mouza Jl.no Vill Code No. watershed 1. Salanpur 27 01231700 2. Khudika 28 01231800 I) 3. Mahismura 72 01235700 - Salanpur 4. Bara Pattabara 73 01235800 5. Milliakhola 74 01235900 6. Dharmma 71 01236000 7. Basudevpur - 01231900 Dhundabad 29 Jemari 8. Ethora 76 01236200 Ethora 9. Watershed (Micro Madhaichak 69 01235500 DAMODAR SALANPUR SALANPUR DAMODAR 10. Sadhna 60 01234600 Fulberia - Bolkunda 11. Patal 65 01235600 1. 01232200 Dhaminberia 33 – II) 2. - Amjharia 34 01232300 Salanpur Rupnarayanpur 3. Rupnarayanpur 36 01232500 4. Benagaria 37 01232600 5. Banbirdi 30 01232000 Basudevpur - 6. Basudebpur 31 01232100 Jemari 7. Jemari 32 40903000 8. Alkusha 58 01234400 Fulberia - Bolkunda 9. Fulberia 59 01234500 10. Achhra 56 01234200 Achhra 11. Harishadi 35 01232400 DAMODAR BASUDEVPUR BASUDEVPUR DAMODAR 12. Watershed (Micro JEMARI Samdi Lohat 61 01234700 15 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. Micro watershed Description * Sl. Micro Block GP Name of Mouza Jl.no Vill Code No. watershed Chayenpur 49 01233500 2. Dharaspur 50 01233600 3. Keshardi 51 01233700 III) Kallya 4. - Paharpur 52 01233800 5. Manahara 53 01233900 6. Kankurkunda 49 01234100 7. Dabar 57 01234300 8. Watershed Radhaballavpur 62 01234800 9. Samdi Samdi 63 01234900 10. (Micro KALLYA DAMODAR Pahargora 64 01235000 11. Fulberia - Bolkunda Mohanpur 70 01235100 1. Salanpur Seakulberia 46 01233200 2. Kallya Kallya 45 01233100 3. Kalisanko 48 01233400 IV) 4. UttarRampur 43 01232900 5. - Jitpur 44 01233000 6. Kirtanshala 47 01233300 Jitpur – Uttar Rampur Watershed Watershed AJOY KALLYA (Micro (Micro KALLYA AJOY 10 Weightage (Table 1.3) 75.50 Out of 150 11 Project Cost ( Rs in 456.00 Lakh) 16 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. SECTION B SOCIO ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE PROJECT AREA Sl.No Particulars Ref Table No. DPR (Format) Details 1 Name of Project Implementing Agency (PIA) Assistant Director of Agri. (Agril. Economics), Burdwan. 2 Nature of PIA (a) VO b) Pancheyat c) Others) Others. 3 Total Population in the Watershed 1 3.12 61537 Nos. 4 Total Number of households 3.12.1 12506 Nos. 5 Total Number of ST households 578 Nos. {ST Population /(Total Population / Total Family)} 6 Total Number of SC households 2217 Nos. {SC Population /(Total Population / Total Family)} 7 Total Number of BPL households 3.12.1 4729 Nos. 2 8 Total Number of Small Farmer household (appox) ( 3.14 522 Nos. may be Computed from Agri Census 2005-06 and table 3.14) 9 Total number of Marginal farmer household3 (appox) ( 3.14 5929 Nos. may be Computed from Agri Census 2005-06 and table 3.14) 10 Total number of landless and asset less households (BPL 3.14 5229 Nos. + Landless families) 11 Number of person days of seasonal migration 3.22 0 Note: 1 Sum total of population of all the villages in the project area 2 A farmer cultivating (as owner, tenant or sharecropper) agricultural land upto 1 ha (2.5 acre) 3 A farmer cultivating (as owner, tenant or sharecropper) agricultural land more than 1 ha up to 2 ha 17 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. Section C Other Detail from Base line Survey Sl.No Description Ref Table No. DPR (Format) Particulars 1 Total geographical area (ha) Executive Summary 5210.93 Ha. 2 Treatable area 1) Waste land (ha) Executive Summary 654.13 Ha. 2) Rain fed agriculture land (ha) Executive Summary 3145.87 Ha. 3) Total Treatable Area (ha) {1+2}1 3800.00 Ha. 4) Forest area available for treatment Executive Summary 0 5) Area available for treatment (3+4) 3800.00 Ha. 3 Total cropped area (ha) 2 Table 3.9 (Calculated) 3371.47 Ha. 4 Net sown area (ha) 3 Table 3.8 & Table 3.9 3258.67 Ha. 5 Average Cropping Intensity {Sl.3/Sl.4 x 100} Table 3.8 103.46 % 6 Total No. of water storage structure4 Table 3.3 498 Nos. 7 Total storage capacity of water storage structure (cum) Table 3.3 3935800 Cum. (Example, Volume-= length x breadth x avg. depth x no of water storage structures) 8 Total number of water extracting units 5 Table 3.5 07 Nos. 9 Depth of ground water (bgl) in m a) Pre monsoon (Av. Of 30 Nos. Of Well) Base Format : 9 7.00 b) Post monsoon (Av. Of 30 Nos. Of Well) Base Format : 9 4.26 Note : 1Total Treatable area excludes area under habitation, steep slopes, snow covered area, rock mountains, roads, forest , assured irrigation etc. 2 Total Cropped area represent total area sown once or more than once in a particular year i.e. the area counted as many times as they are sowings in a year. This total area is known as Gross Crop Area. 3 Net Sown Area represent the total area sown with crops and orchards. Area sown more than once in a same year is counted only once. 4 Total number of water structure includes ponds, tanks, check dams, any other surface water storage structures. 5 Total number of water extracting units include wells, bore wells, hand pumps, shallow tube wells, Medium shallow tube wells, deep tube wells. 18 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12. Section D Year wise Action plan (Physical) (kindly fill in figures. i.e 0.00 instead of NIL) Sl.no Particulars Ref table of DPR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total Format 1 Watershed Development works 1.1 Land Development 1.1.1 A forestation (on wasteland) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Plantation and nursery) 1.1.2 A forestation (on other land) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1.3 Horticulture (on waste land) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1.4 Horticulture (on other land) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1.5 Field Bunding (on waste land) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 9 52 21 82 1.1.6 Agriculture (on other land) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1.7 Pasture Dev ( on waste land) (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1.8 Pasture dev (on other land) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 Soil and moisture conservation 1.2.1 Staggered Tranching (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 103.82 1.2.2 Contour Bunding (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2.3 Graded Bunding (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2.4 Bench terracing (ha) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2.5 Others Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 Vegetative & Engg. Structure 1.3.1 Earthen Checks (cum) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3.2 Bush Wood Checks (m) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3.3 Gully Plugs (cum) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3.4 Loose boulders (cum) ( Table 5.3 0 0 1 8 3 12 1.3.5 Gabion Structures (cum) Table 5.3 0 0 1 2 1 4 1.3.6 Others (nos) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 Water harvesting structure (New) 1.4.1 Farm Pond (no,) Table 5.3 0 0 7 13 5 25 (Cum) Table 5.3 0 0 8099 15041 5785 28925 1.4.2 Check Dam (no,) Table 5.3 0 0 0 5 3 8 (cum) Table 5.3 0 0 0 9750 5850 15600 1.4.3 Nullah Bund (no.) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 (cum) Table 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4.4 Percolation Tank (no.) Table 5.3 0 0 9 19 6 34 (Cum) Table 5.3 0 0 8334 17594 5556 31484 19 BARDDHAMAN/IWMP – 1/ 2011 – 12.
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