www.EDUCATIONUPDATE.com AwardAward Volume XII, No. 2 • New York City • OCTOBER 2006 Winner For PArentS, EDUCAtorS & StUDentS CORPORATE LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION HAROLD MCGRAW III U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE V P PRSRT STD. PRSRT OO ermit No.500 RH EES , NJ EDUCATION UPDATE ■ For PArentS, EDUCAtorS & StUDentS ■ OCTOBER 2006 GUEST EDITORIAL Education updatE Mailing Address: 17 Lexington Avenue, A1207 Analysis of High School Minority Enrollments New York, NY 10010 By DEAN ALFRED S. POSAMENTIER, a support program must be started very early in not. If Johnny was black and didn’t do well on a Email: [email protected] DR. JOYCE R. COPPIN a youngster’s education, and offered on a regular test, the teacher would generally console him and www.EducationUpdate.com & DR. EDMUND W. GORDON basis —say, after school or on weekends—reach- tell him “it’s all right; you’ll do better next time.” Tel: 212-477-5600 Fax: 212-477-5893 ing out to all students with the cooperation of Whereas, if Johnny was white and performed PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN CHIEF: A recent report in The New York Times, which all school principals, conducted in a way that is poorly on a test, the teacher would simply tell Pola Rosen, Ed.D. the deputy chancellor found “extraordinarily sur- convenient to all students, sensitive to the need him that this was completely unacceptable and prising,” indicated a precipitous drop in the for peer support and properly aligned with the would not be tolerated next time. This difference ADVISORY COUNCIL: percent of black and Hispanic students enrolled curriculum. This is clearly not the case now, of expectation had a dramatic effect on student Mary Brabeck, Dean, NYU School of in New York City’s six specialized high schools where it is conducted in a concentrated fashion performance. Teachers must take a mentoring Education; Sheila Evans-Tranumn, Assoc. —those requiring a written test for admission. in the summer and then infrequently during the approach to assure that students stay on track. Comm. of Education, NYS; Charlotte K. For example, the City’s public schools cur- school year. Naturally there are many other factors that con- Frank, Ph.D., Senior VP, McGraw-Hill; rently have 34.7 percent black students and at The schools ought to reach out to parents to tribute to this enrollment dilemma. There may be Joan Freilich, Ph.D., Vice Chair, Con Stuyvesant High School there are only 2.2 per- provide them with the tools they need to be parents who choose not to send their children to Edison; Cynthia Greenleaf, Ph.D., Director, cent black students, down from 4.4 percent ten appropriately supportive in the home. They need a school with such a low black enrollment. The Partnerships, Chicago Public Schools; years ago. At Bronx Science over this period to focus on the psychological role parents and Department of Education must make every effort Augusta S. Kappner, Ph.D., President, Bank the percent of black students dropped from 11.8 other adults could play, such as holding high to stress and infuse through all schools the impor- St. College; Bonnie Kaiser, Ph.D., Director, percent to 4.8 percent, while at Brooklyn Tech the expectations—even for a subject like mathemat- tance of a good education, with a culture of high Precollege Program, Rockefeller University; percent of black students dropped 22.4 percent to ics that most people take pride in admitting hav- academic aspirations and effort. Harold Koplewicz, M.D., Founder & 14.9 percent. All the while the Asian population ing been bad in during their school days and Not withstanding the problems that have Director, NYU Child Study Center; Cecilia increased dramatically. Moreover, this comes thereby excusing or accepting mediocre perfor- plagued many schools, such as the teacher short- McCarton, Ph.D., Dir., The McCarton after the chancellor expanded the Specialized mance from their children. Regular meetings age in critical areas that has left the system with a Center; Alfred S. Posamentier, Ph.D., High School Institute—a program to increase should be held for parents and interested adults to relatively inexperienced teacher force, we believe Dean, CCNY; Adam Sugerman, Publisher, minority enrollment in these schools—from one show them ways that they can help their children that one of the root problems—one that is often Palmiche Press; Laurie Tisch, Chair, Center location with 419 students to 17 locations serving maintain good academic habits, and to familiar- not properly addressed—is the need to support for Arts Education 3,781 students. ize them with the demands of serious academic families so that they can properly reinforce aca- The immediate reaction from most was that work and the material that the children are being demically positive environments and high expec- ASSOCIATE EDITORS: the admission process or the test must be flawed. taught in school. In short, the home support and tations for their children. The Department of Heather Rosen, Adam Sugerman, While this is always a possibility, it is not some- environment—stressing the singular importance Education must stop being shocked by statistics Rob Wertheimer thing that will change in the near future. We of education—is one of the key factors affecting and perform an in-depth analysis to determine ASSISTANT EDITOR: believe that the concept of an institute could the dismal under-representation of black students why its program to prepare racial and language Liza Young be a positive form of intervention to augment at the City’s specialized high schools. minorities has not been successful. Only after appropriate support from home and community, We cannot leave teachers out of this issue. these findings are implemented—with proper GUEST COLUMNISTS: but it must be more than an attempt to provide They, quite obviously, play a critical role beyond support is given to the instructional staff —and Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Steve Bailey, students with the skills necessary for this admis- their teaching skills. Several years ago the when both the schools and the home address this Elva Berger, Dr. Joyce Coppin, Dr. Edmund sions test—usually limited to reading and math- Teaneck school district wanted to know why the problem simultaneously, will we have a chance to Fordon, Dr. Carole Hankin, Dr. Glenn ematics. It must foster high expectations and honor classes in the high school were largely reverse this unfortunate trend. S. Hirsch, Maureen Hornung, Dr. Alfred accountability for every youngster, socialization white and the remedial classes were largely Alfred S. Posamentier, Dean, The School of Posamentier, Randi Sachs, Kara Solomon, to the demands of high academic performance, minority. A thorough investigation concluded that Education, The City College of New York, CUNY; STAFF WRITERS: support for personal development, and promote the one contributing factor was teacher expecta- Joyce R. Coppin, Distinguished Lecturer, The Jacob Appel, J.D., Judith Aquino, Stevanne cultural fairness and equity. Most important, such tion—regardless if the teacher was minority or City College of New York, CUNY; Edmund Auerbach, Ph.D., Joan Baum, Ph.D., Mike W. Gordon, Richard March Hoe Professor of Cohen, Gillian Granoff, Richard Kagan, Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Sybil Maimin, Martha McCarthy, Ph.D., LETTERS Columbia University. Merri Rosenberg, Emily Sherwood, Ph.D. RE: The Bard College Prison Initiative RE: Prison Teachers BOOK REVIEWERS: To the Editor: To the Editor: IN THIS ISSUE Harris Healy III, Lillian Shapiro, Selene I have a 22-year-old daughter in a detention This is a great article. I teach in a juvenile secure Editorial & Letters . 2 Vasquez center in Fort Collins, CO. She is scheduled to care environment. Unfortunately, most of these Spotlight on Schools. 3-13, 16, 18 MEDICAL EDITOR: be released next summer and will be returning to teenagers have or do not see the importance of edu- COVER STORY. 14-15 Herman Rosen, M.D. MA at that time. We are looking for programs to cation until six or seven months in secure care. Music, Art & Dance. 10-11 get her started on. If you have any comment or Gregory E. Williams, New Orleans, LA Special Education. 17 MODERN LANGUAGE EDITOR: links I would appreciate it. I’m touched by your Colleges & Grad Schools. 19-21, 24-25 Adam Sugerman Books . .22 article and appreciative that you have provided us RE: A Glimpse into the Imprisonment of Jean Children’s Corner. 24 MOVIE & THEATER REVIEWS: with this opportunity. Harris MetroBEAT. .26 Jan Aaron Frank Ordway To the Editor: MEDICAL UPDATE . .27 MUSIC EDITOR: Sharon, MA It is amazing how a white woman can commit Irving M. Spitz murder and it is sensationalized. Jean Harris RE: An Interview with President Ruth committed 1st degree murder and was charged POLITICAL COMMENTARY: Simmons, Brown University with 2nd degree murder. If an African American Stuart Dunn To the Editor: male would have killed someone with the exact ART DIRECTOR: The article was most appreciated. She is a same motive in Scarsdale, New York that black Neil Schuldiner remarkable woman, a breath of fresh air and male would have received a charge of 1st degree realizes what it takes to make a good University murder and life without parole or the death ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: a great University. I hope Ms. Simmons makes penalty. Only in America can a white woman be Martin Lieberman, Manager. Brown her last stop. redeemed for murder and any male that is not Nancy Kontos, Chris Rowan Tom Bragen white will just be a murderer. SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR: Bayonne, NJ George E. Wilson Steve Bailey Memphis, TN Inquiries: 646-872-4018 EDITORIAL INTERNS: Heather Maher, Justine Rivera, Ashish Malhotra Education Update is published monthly by Education Update, Inc. All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express consent of the publisher.
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