H492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2021 OFFICE OF THE CLERK, was, by the greatest number of votes given GENERAL APPLICABILITY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, at said election, duly elected REPRESENTA- Rule 1—Applicability of House Rules Washington, DC, February 9, 2021. TIVE IN CONGRESS. (a) Except as otherwise specified herein, * Litigation pending Hon. NANCY PELOSI, the Rules of the House of Representatives The Speaker, House of Representatives, Given under our hands, this 8th day of Feb- ruary in the year two thousand twenty one. are the rules of the Committee so far as ap- Washington, DC. plicable, except that a motion to recess from DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I have the honor to Douglas A. Kellner, Commissioner. day to day, or a motion to recess subject to transmit herewith a copy of a letter received Peter S. Kosinski, Commissioner. the call of the Chair (within 24 hours), or a from Mr. Robert A. Brehm and Mr. Todd D. Andrew J. Spano, Commissioner. Valentine, Co-Executive Directors, New Anthony J. Casale, Commissioner. motion to dispense with the first reading (in York Board of Elections, indicating that, ac- We certify that we have compared the fore- full) of a bill or resolution, if printed copies cording to the Certificate of Election for the going with the original certificate filed in are available, is a non-debatable motion of Election held November 3, 2020, the Honor- this office, and that the same is a correct privilege in the Committee. A proposed in- able Claudia Tenney was elected Representa- transcript therefrom and of the whole of vestigative or oversight report shall be con- tive to Congress for the Twenty-Second Con- such original. sidered as read if it has been available to the gressional District, State of New York. Given under our hands and seal of office of members of the Committee for at least 24 With best wishes, I am, the State Board of Elections, at the city of hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or Sincerely, Albany, this 8th day of February, 2021. legal holidays except when the House is in ROBERT F. REEVES. ROBERT A. BREHM, session on such day). Co-Executlve Director. (b) The Committee’s rules shall be publicly NEW YORK STATE, TODD D. VALENTINE, available in electronic form and published in BOARD OF ELECTIONS, Co-Executive Director. the Congressional Record not later than 60 Albany, NY, February 8, 2021. NOTE: Names bolded and italicized were days after the Chair of the Committee is Hon. CHERYL L. JOHNSON, not previously certified by the Board of Can- elected in each odd-numbered year. Clerk, House of Representatives, vassers at a meeting that was held on De- (c) The Chair, in consultation with the Washington, DC. cember 3, 2020. Ranking minority member, may establish DEAR CLERK JOHNSON: Enclosed herewith is [State Seal Affixed] such other procedures and take such actions the group Certificate of Election signifying f as may be necessary to carry out these rules those persons elected to the 117th Congress or facilitate the effective operation of the from the State of New York at the General SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Committee. Election held in this State on November 3, CLAUDIA TENNEY, OF NEW Rule 2—Vice Chair 2020. YORK, AS A MEMBER OF THE The Chair of the Committee shall des- Also enclosed is a copy of the vote as cer- HOUSE ignate a member of the majority party to tified by the State Board of Canvassers on serve as Vice Chair of the Committee in ac- February 8, 2021. The SPEAKER. The Chair will now administer the oath of office to the cordance with clause 2(d) of Rule XI of the Very truly yours, Rules of the House of Representatives. The ROBERT A. BREHM, Member-elect from New York (Ms. Tenney). Vice Chair shall preside at any meeting or Co-Executive Director. hearing during the temporary absence of the TODD D. VALENTINE, Will the gentlewoman from New Chair. Co-Executive Director. York present herself in the well. MEETINGS The gentlewoman from New York STATE OF NEW YORK will please raise her right hand. Rule 3—Regular Meetings CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION Ms. Tenney appeared at the bar of (a) The regular meeting day of the Com- We, the State Board of Elections, consti- the House and took the oath of office, mittee shall be the second Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m., while the House is in tuting the State Board of Canvassers, having as follows: canvassed the whole number of votes given session, if notice is given pursuant to para- for the office of REPRESENTATIVE IN CON- Do you solemnly swear that you will sup- graph (c) and paragraph (g)(3) of clause GRESS in the several congressional districts port and defend the Constitution of the 2(g)(3) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House as enumerated at the General Election held United States against all enemies, foreign of Representatives. in said State on the third day of November, and domestic; that you will bear true faith (b) Regular meetings shall be canceled 2020, according to the certified statements of and allegiance to the same; that you take when they conflict with meetings of either the said votes received by the State Board of this obligation freely, without any mental party’s caucus or conference. Elections, in the manner directed by law, do reservation or purpose of evasion; and that (c) The Chair shall give written notice of hereby determine, declare and certify that you will well and faithfully discharge the du- the date, place, and subject matter of any for the First Congressional District, Lee M. ties of the office on which you are about to Committee meeting, which may not com- Zeldin; Second Congressional District, An- enter, so help you God. mence earlier than the third calendar day drew R. Garbarino; Third Congressional Dis- The SPEAKER. Congratulations, you (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holi- trict, Thomas R. Suozzi; Fourth Congres- are now a Member of the 117th Con- days except when the House is in session on sional District, Kathleen M. Rice; Fifth Con- gress. such day) on which members have notice gressional District, Gregory W. Meeks; Sixth thereof, unless the Chair, with the concur- Congressional District, Grace Meng; Seventh f rence of the Ranking minority member, or Congressional District, Nydia M. Vela´ zquez; ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the Committee by majority vote with a Eighth Congressional District, Hakeem S. quorum present for the transaction of busi- Jeffries; Ninth Congressional District, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause ness, determines there is good cause to begin Yvette D. Clarke; Tenth Congressional Dis- 5(d) of rule XX, the Chair announces to the meeting sooner, in which case the Chair trict, Jerrold L. Nadler; Eleventh Congres- the House that, in light of the adminis- shall make the announcement at the earliest sional District, Nicole Malliotakis; Twelfth tration of the oath to the gentlewoman possible date. An announcement shall be Congressional District, Carolyn B. Maloney; from New York (Ms. Tenney), the published promptly in the Daily Digest and Thirteenth Congressional District, Adriano whole number of the House is now 432. made publicly available in electronic form. Espaillat; Fourteenth Congressional Dis- Rule 4—Additional and Special Meetings trict, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez; Fifteenth f Congressional District, Ritchie Torres; Six- (a) The Chair may call and convene addi- PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE tional meetings of the Committee as the teenth Congressional District, Jamaal Bow- RULES man; Seventeenth Congressional District, Chair considers necessary or special meet- Mondaire Jones; Eighteenth Congressional RULES OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET FOR ings at the request of a majority of the mem- District, Sean Patrick Maloney; Nineteenth THE 117TH CONGRESS bers of the Committee in accordance with clause 2(c) of Rule XI of the Rules of the Congressional District, Antonio Delgado; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, House of Representatives. Twentieth Congressional District, Paul D. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, (b) In the absence of exceptional cir- Tonko; Twenty-First Congressional District, Washington, DC, February 11, 2021. cumstances, the Chair shall provide public Elise M. Stefanik; Twenty-Second Congres- MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to clause 2(a) of electronic notice of additional meetings to sional District, Claudia Tenney *; Twenty- House Rule XI, I submit the rules for the the office of each member at least 24 hours in Third Congressional District, Tom Reed; Committee on the Budget for the 117th Con- advance while Congress is in session, and at Twenty-Fourth Congressional District, John gress for publication in the Congressional least three days in advance when Congress is M. Katko; Twenty-Fifth Congressional Dis- Record. The Committee adopted these rules not in session. trict, Joseph D. Morelle; Twenty-Sixth Con- by a voice vote, with a quorum being gressional District, Brian Higgins; Twenty- present, at our organizational meeting on Rule 5—Open Business Meetings Seventh Congressional District, Chris Ja- Tuesday, February 9, 2021. (a) Meetings and hearings of the Com- cobs. JOHN YARMUTH. mittee shall be called to order and presided VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:57 Feb 12, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.004 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE.
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