If Assault Weapons are Evil, Why Do Cops ~~~~_~_&_W_~~~~V_~_12_/N_o._l~~~~_U._OO Want Them? UExtremism in defense ofLiberty is no vice. H -Barry Goldwater, 1909-1998 11 al1d ;41111 a.l1d <T-shl'lts ··· We located a few more ofthese popular sartorials. 1"~e portrait ofAyn Rand (at right) appears on the front of the shirt, while the back has the famous question from Atlas: "Who is John Galt?" The printing is done in dramatic black on a pre-shrunk 1000/0 cotton white Hanes "Beefy-T-shirt ." This is a handsome, high quality shirt you can wear with pride. (Extra large size only) l2ast chance: there ain't no more! <The ~usslan ~adlcal · · · Chris Sciabarra's breakthrough study ofRand's philosophical origins has challenged thousands ofreaders. We offer Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical in a beautiful hardcover edition for only $21.95 (list price: $55.00), while supplies last! 477 engrossing pages. ($2.00 s&h) scenes, featuring Barbara Branden. (Audio: A228; Video: V228) Also: Letters ofAyn Rand, edited by Michael Berliner. We Ayn Rand and Libertarianism. Featuring R.W. Bradford. offer this hardcover edition for $24.95 - $10.00 offthe (Audio: A229; Video: V229) publisher's price! 681 pages ofabsorbing reading. ($2.00 What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Philosophy of s&h) Ayn Rand. Featuring Barbara Branden, John Hospers, Order both The Russian Radicaland Letters ofAyn Randfor Lester Hunt, and R.W. Bradford. (Audio: A230; just $30! A savings ofmore than 60 percent! Video: V230) The Passion ofAyn Rand, by Barbara Branden. The ~'la.med ~'lee! dassie, definitive biography ofRand, explores both the ;P'lll1t light and the dark ofthis brilliant woman's life. This With your order of$75 or more, you'll receive Chris softcover edition for just $14.95 ($2.00 s&h) Whitten's elegant drawing ofAyn Rand as she appeared at the height ofher powers, after she finished The This specialseries oftalks andpanels is yoursfor only Fountainhead and began work on Atlas Shrugged. $105 (video) orjust $35(audiocassette): Professionally matted and framed behind glass, this The Problems and Challenges ofWriting Rand's Biography. print is a bold statement, with these words ofRand's Featuring Barbara Branden. (Audio: A225; Video: V225) printed below her picture: Arguing with Ayn Rand. Featuring Rand's friend, eminent "lfyou ask me what is greatness? - I will answer, it is philosopher John Hospers. (Audio: A226; Video: V226) the capacity to live by the three fundamental values of John Galt: reason, purpose, self-esteem. " Ayn Rand's Ethics. Is egoism ancient? Featuring Nietzsche scholar Lester Hunt. (Audio: A227; Video: V227) ($19.00 when purchased separately,$S.OO shipping) That Fountainhead Rape. A discussion ofRand's sex r ------------------ 1-800-854-6991 ---, I Audio: $6.95 each; Video: $19.95 Postage & Handling: $3 per order (foreign I Yes!Send me the items indicated at right. orders: please add $1.50 per item) List tapes by number: I I o Enclosed is my check or money order tape subtotal: _ I o Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard Expires _ _ Ayn Rand video set @ $105.00 ea. I _ Ayn Rand audio set @ $35.00 ea. = I Account # _ _ Ayn Rand framed print @ $19.00 ea. = I _ Ayn Rand T-shirt (extra large) @ $11.95 ea. I Signature _ _Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical @ $21.95 ea. = I _ Letters ofAyn Rand @ $24.95 ea. = I @ Name _ _ Both of the above books $30.00 = I _ The Passion ofAyn Rand @ $14.95 ea. = I Address _ _ I've ordered $75 or more. Please send me myfree print. I I City,State,Zip _ shipping & handling: _ I total: L -----------------------------Send to: Liberty, Dept. L67, 1018 Water Street, Stiite 201, Port Townsend, WA 98368 ..I September 1998 Inside Liberty Volume 12, Number 1 4 Letters Turn the page and you're there ... 7 Reflections The ladies and gentlemen of Liberty's masthead master the art of spin, span the growth of freedom from its origins to its future flowering, ring in the Fourth of July with Steve Forbes, uncover the real significance of Barry Goldwater, and ask: if assault guns are evil, why do cops want them? Features 17 Y2K and the Feds While Senators worry about private computers crashing at the dawn of the new millennium, the real threat is to the government's gigantic mainframes. Declan McCullagh uncovers the real peril. 19 Beltway Libertarians For one brief, shining moment, Washington, D.C. was overrun with Libertarians. One hotel was, anyway. Brian Doherty reports. 23 The Second Epistle of Paul Clinton's friend and advisor, Paul Rako, shares his wise counsel with the president and asks for a small favor. 27 Out of Scalia's Shadow According to the media, Clarence Thomas is Antonin Scalia's lapdog. As usual, the media are wrong. Dylan Carp explains. 30 Die, the Beloved Country The South Africa in which Jim Peron lives is not the South Africa you see on CNN. 37 Sex and Subsidy Ross Levatter warns that we will all pay if the government treats virility as an entitlement. 39 I Believe in Miracles As the new millennium approaches, Harry Browne re-affirms his faith. 43 The Election Casino Pierre Lemieux checks the odds in the oldest established permanent craps game: democracy. 47 Condominion! Are homeowners' associations protectors of liberty? or invaders from the state? Spencer MacCallum and Robert Nelson duke it out. Reviews 51 Earl Warren in a White Hat David Friedman reviews the career of Justice Stephen Field, who made liberty, property and the inViolability of private contracts the law of the land. 54 At the Altar of Ego Timothy Virkkala contemplates the benevolence of Ayn Rand, and tries to be charitable. 63 The World According to Sowell Jane S. Shaw conquers the latest book by Thomas Sowell. 65 Bowdlerizing Ayn Rand Chris Sciabarra discovers that the editor of Ayn Rand's Journals omitted her reference to Albert J. Nock and altered the meaning of what she wrote. 66 Filmnotes Jane S. Shaw goes to the movies with her IO-year-old son. 67 The New Hollywood Harry Browne discovers that big government isn't doing so well at the box office. 68 Classifieds The purest form of communication. 70 Notes on Contributors A handy tool for future biographers. tant than actually electing anybody? The LP's national Mission Statement was [=:::::::::::=::=============:=============:Le======tt======e======rs=============:============::.] recently stripped of any and all mention of candidates and elections. (I'm not Disgust Gets You Nowhere Ohio's curious tax laws. making this up.) And we do know that Ifcynicism bred freedom, I would In 1988, while I was a resident of demonizing the opposition is an effec­ share Alan Bock's pleasure in seeing Bill Alabama, I had my last name on my tive way to scare big bucks from contrib­ Clinton degrade the office of the presi­ wife's mailbox in suburban Cleveland in utors - because the older parties have dent (Reflections, July). But the connec­ case something arrived addressed to me taught us how to do that. tion isn't at all obvious. On the contrary, there. This was my only presence in Perhaps there's something in the air: most of Europe is contemptuous of its Ohio at the time. I got a letter from the The Libertarian Party of Washington's political class, with no detriment to the Cleveland Regional Income Tax newsletter, which I edit, includes an state's power or reach. Disgust is Authority - addressed only to "Wingo" elected Republican as a contributing edi­ enervating. which was all that was on the mailbox ­ tor. He's a party member, an unabashed John C. Boland asking who I was and why I was not fil­ libertarian, and goes out of his way to Baltimore, Md. ing Ohio state and municipal (!) income personally help individual LP libertari­ taxes. Naturally I wrote and explained ans. He also chairs the powerful House o Holy Lobbyist that at that time I had no income origi­ Finance Committee. He's my Statehouse Bill Kauffman (Reflections, July) may nating in Ohio - but how did they find Correspondent. Sometimes, not very not share any of Gary Bauer's deep out?? Either the postman reported the often, he embarrasses us. And some­ religious convictions, and may thus see name on the mailbox to the Ohio tax times, also not very often, we embarrass Gary as a tempting rhetorical punching authorities, or they have somebody who him. But we never abandon our shared bag. But as a longtime co-worker and goes out and reads (by implication) dream. friend, I am willing to testify that for every mailbox in the State. Either way it Another libertarian, this one a former genuineness of belief, moral probity, was a little disturbing. long-time party member, sits on our and sincerity in a business (national pol­ Several years later, I left Ohio for a state's Supreme Court. That doesn't itics) conspicuously lacking in all three. number of reasons, not the least of which count, among the tribalists, because it's The heathen may rage in Elba, but in was the taxes. I followed Liberty's advice "only" a nonpartisan office. When "our" this case the rage is sorely misplaced. and voted with my feet. Now I am a resi­ Justice campaigns, he addresses any and John McClaughry dent of Texas, where they still haven't all partisan gatherings that will have Kirby, Vt. thought of state income tax (let alone him. Even Democrats.
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