t tl,ll'lugp~rt Blndci'Y , 1 fllJtiDB'PD~~. l41olliJlllB l• 3 Sections THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 22 Pages I Ninetieth Y car - No. 28 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MA~ON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 Wet Weather New ·Golf Course Equipment Delivered /lave You lJtlet? Slayer of Boy Mt nnd Mt H Rlchtud L, Dlll­ MltfiOJI's gnlf cnurac gtccna and lnghnm of 415 Wr.at Ash slt oct, Mclean Gains Election Cn II·wn YR may talce on the Joolc nnrl theft· duughtm, Cluudln Halts Harvest of tho Willi o House lnwn. Shown Enters Prison 1 one, who IB lfi months old'' rthovo Is DL 0 I{ Puuley, co­ 'rho Djlllnghruns mover! It Pill ownei of the Mrwtm com sr., nnd gnlon Rnplds to Mnaon Thuts· To Mason ,School Board, l•'loycl Schill artle•mlfln fot' Spru·­ rlny, nnrl m c living In nn UJllLrt­ Of Wheat Crop lnn dlslttbulniA, who clQJlvolod a For Life· Term mcnt nt the Mrs AnnrL Scnllelt whole fleet of To10 powct mowr.t a home. Moisture Content Running Beatty Hopes He'll Never High on Wheal, Combining to tho MnAon coutse Schut ex­ lllllmgllllm, who wotlcs nt the Bray arid Dens·more Back plnlncd that •ror o mower a n1 c user! Rc Free, So Does Juclge Flshet 13ocly In Lrmslng, WfLH " ... Haa Been Held Baclt a Wcclt to mnnlcul'c tile White House Coa3h Who Passed Scnlence bot n rtnrl 1ruscd In Enlon Rnp­ lnwn lds, rmrl IS an Eaton Raptds Both New Candidates Pitted Against Each Other Farmers arc almost slipping Pauley owns and opel'ntcs the Dndlcy Beatty, 21), entered htt,h HI !10nl g'lllrhtlttc Mt H J)Jll. For Post Vacated by Joseph D. Wyman, B1·ay Is o£f the anxious scat waitmg to r·outsc with hla rather, m o. Jackson prison shortly after lnghnm came from C1ruml Rrtp­ Re-elected to Board Without Any Opposition lds nnd was gt nrhlfttccl fl om stalt combmmg of their wheat PnuJcy Since fiC(jUII'lllg OWIIClShip noon Tuesday If the sentence the Pauleya lmvc pruchnsccl new Union high "thool \hot c 'l'he • ' Last Saturday's 1.38 inches eqnlpmcnt to handle the gt cons passed by Judge Louis E. cnuplc have Jived In F:nlon Rrtp· Raymond II McLean was elected and Ch,Jilcs A Dens­ of rain was had enough. nncl [nit WILYS In tl1o plctnr e a hove Coash on Beatty Tuesday fore­ trlH fm tho pasl Llu ec yeru H mme and Dee B1ay were re-elected to the Ma~on hoard of edu­ Thursday mm ning's steady Is tile tlrtclm· nllar hment Llutl Is noon is carried out, the killer Jn I he navy fo1 llu co yon! s catiOn Monday night. Thc1e was a rcc01d tlllnout of 188 voters. hr.lnr;- used Lo slash the 1 oughs to rhtling- I he WUI, Dtllinglmm downpolll was even worse. of Walter (Pee Wee) Eaton McLean beat W. Meier to fo1 the post which If anlclr. depth HOI vccl Ill the South Pacific G 129 57 the ram stops by Thursday Pnt t or tile now eqmpmenl m· will never get back out the ttct had been held by Joseph D. Wyman fo1 SIX ycau;. Wym<~n was noon and dry wmds set in, t•lnrlcs n scven-grmg mowing rig through the gates. 'rho Dilllnglmms m c MeLhod­ not a cancl1date for re-election Bray was .tppointccl in january cotnbmmg c1 ews Will still re­ crtprtblc or clipping the fail ways J udgc Coash in passing SC!l· tsts to f11l the vacancy caused by the removal of L. Mdx Sowers main 1clle until Saturday. In less thnn six hour A 'rho Pnulcys tencc said he hoped no succes­ from the d1stnct The appomtmcnt ran only unlil Monday's nlso fllll clmsed a btusilnttnchmcnt '!'here illt'i hcen nome combining to p1ck up all lcnve'l and clippings sor judge will ever agree to election, Bray was elected without opposttion to complete the dono this wcclc, lnte Monday aft­ By hnrsh lng the nnp or the greens Beatty being paroled or two years of Sowers' term. Densmore was without oppo&ition ernoon on thm stands on light soil, Alaiedon Farmer putting wtll be made mm e unl· pardoned. • for h1s third thrce-yca1 term ' nnd 1'uesclnv nftcrnoon on hertvlm form (lnghi\m County News Photo) "No mattCJ how long you set vc stands on hcavlm soil A few more F'l om the .John Bcrtl,1 comprmy In talccn of every pmson who lMs cnt loc.Itton tffo1ds two lee-off in jlliSDn, you Will llCVCI ]lfl} fat Loses Barn By Made No Pronlises until the candtdacy of Meier farmers stru Led comblmng Wednes­ Lansing rt p01 tahle spi!Ly unit was heen mtcr cstcd in plrryrng golf If fan wrrys on husy cl.tys. The Lee­ tlul Ctlme ' the judge clcelru ml was again offe1cd. Den&mme day aftenwon, when clcvalm tcsls pm cllfl sed to tr oat o~ll the gr eons enougil mlcr est c,m he shown in oil munncl' I 01 both No 1 nnd 'rhet e ts nothing m lhc pl'esont won, 105 to 80. ahowccl samples to the mtLXtmum fm f1mgns growth ttl least once 11 01 gani;.;mg a clun, then the new No 7 .Jtc witiun cnsy teach of the law, however, to pt event a pat don Lightning Bolt Building Jo'unrl lloosl•••l alloWitblc 11 moisture con tent weelc F11ng'IIS g10wth 1csults 111 club house Will he buill If not, club house 01 p u·oJ~ hemg- g'Ianled. Tests run nl Mnson elevators up to By •t vole ol 121 Ln .l'i laxpaycts the htnwn blnlches on the greens then Lhc present club ho11se WJJl 'I' lie Lhcm y of ln vm;< out a golf R.ttlsfled 11 lth Srnll'llt't' Fu e catJscd by lightning de· one o'r lor k Wednesday ranged LhH t show up m the summcl' rem am 1'1 ms Cot the pt oposorl slt oycd Fcrtls Reason s hmn on lppi0\'0(] tile ltnnsfct• or $25,000 'nut so hm. ch<Lngcd, Pauley smd De~ tty rrgt cccl wl th the cout t ft om tile fiCllOol OJH 1 Iling fund to from 15 to lU. months house w•ll be on hn.nd n.t the golf BeLl pC! wad m Alntcdon townsll1p '!'he tclcrt nnw Is lo make the !haL he •,hould ncvet Joav~ puson the hml<lmg .Inti site fum], nhtlctng Some Ingh,un wheat was cut bv Acr 01 dmg to Dt Prwley, thor e cnut sa ]Jy tlus wee){ end Pauley Srtlnt cl,ty aftCJ noon. c•out scs 1elaLtvely simple and not As I h0 Jngh w.tlls and the g Ira• d olbOill $75,000 dVolll.tiJ]e fat ,t new binder week before lrLHt A few H J•i sllll a lot to nccomplisl! Nat- Siurl to c Jut tel them up wrth sand LOWCI ,tl the pt!HOil Ioomer] up A combme, n. quantity of baled sell on! combmes wet e st !LI ted up last mally he s.tld the course rlself The Pauleys have dcctclcd thrrt tt.tp•;, ma1slws and Jllllglc wugl1s Tuosrlay aftetnonn, Bently smd st1 aw, hay gt run and othct tools Thut sdny and I•'tlcl ty Both M!tson Thct c wet e lots of questtrms wtll come 111 st But by the end of the present srte of the cluh house The new ownc1 s hell eve Ll~<tt those "I nevm· want to be ftce I want Wct c lost A 200-pound potl<cr elcvutot s took Jn wheat Friday and Lhw weclc he expects to hnvc de- wrll be the bcsL pl.tcc for (he new obstacles only lnul the novrces to be loclccd tip fot cvct When I nskecl nt Lhe husmcss scsston of 1.m back rnto the flrrmcs an'\ wrrs lhc mcclmg ,uul Llw1 c wet e many Satutday 1 t.ulerl plnns o( a proposed club nne, too At tit sl, Dt Pauley s,tld nncl not tho good g-olfcw, As 11 re­ nm flee I ncvm· lmnw whrrt I'm hm ned to death, Nc1ghhm s h< \1Jecl ( How,It cJ Onl<lcy nne! Glen Fox house The pl.tns hemg dtawn up movmg the club house out to tho Sltll Lhc hogmnciu .u c 'JO rhs­ going to do" flowCJ y \\otds utlcJerl m the male· Reason s.tvc a lt ac tm a set ,Jf mg of nomln.tllng speeches but of Slocl{bltclgc and Ralph Fet gu­ hy a Dclt ort ru clutcct c,tll fot a lughw,ty hrrd been constdm cd .tllll E;ustnd by Lhe tm1c they have lost Umlm shcuff Jaclc Lechlet and plows rrncl a few otlrcl thmg, son of !Jansvtllc dehve1 eel the fit st snack shop club tooms, loclccrl by domg that some Llunugh-Llnf- lht·ec ot four 7Gc b,tJls m the Com t Offtcm Dnn Boone pnt nobody pledged .tnV (',tlltltr],Ita to m l fl4'l wheat to Mnson elevators 1 onms and showers 11<' c•u•itomet s mtght stop But I Ollf:hS ,mel WdSLCd hOlll S J111ntmg Beatty mto ft em In Lfmsmg nn· The h,n n was msurcd fot $'l,GOO .tnv JMtltcul.u pltlfo, Nq can­ Fnd.ty Someltmc 111 the neat fulut c I Pnuley saul LlM1 the pt escnt SJLC fot lost balls, th,tl they gtvc up mcclmlcly after sentence w,18 m the F,umcts Mutual 'l'heto w ,, rhclatc mnclc any st.ttcmcnt dS to Prruley sn1d a cnnvass will he IS sllll lhe best because the pt es- the game, Dt P utlcy srud passed The offrcms b1011 ght 1 $1 700 on the contents 'fhe net his mlcnt1on' No suggesL!on was Salunl,JV's r.un h whrtt h,ts helcl m.tdc tltat an onlstcll' committee up p1 or.cr.rlrnr.o;s 'rhe I 3R mches of BeAtty to M.tson whet e m,11 1 R Joss Will tun up to ~7 000, tt ts ·------------------------------- Bc.tslcy w.ts pt<'l<ccl up Beasley csltmntcd be sol up Lo Sl!Hly HCIIOOJ b,ulcllng top of ,Ill the I ollll of the pl CVIOIIH noe[Js Last week a move w,ts }Je­ week s.t111! .tLNI the p ouncl There Tns:Ele 1\Tews had been scntencod ],tst wee]< to LeWIS Wtlson .mel Re,tson owned i-fL£1 'fl sctve ftoml% 1n 1 yc,us m ptisnn the comhme JnmLly It h•td been mr: n1.1dc Lo ha>O such a commit­ have been hcfn y mm n lng- nntl ntgh t .I.J 1 tee named School Chief Gives Little Hope rm .tss.Llllt wtth 11 deadly wcnpon secl tlf ee years Eatltct tli<IL aft­ dews 'mr c Jrrcltls have hec•n d.tmp c,cncJd! news, Pdgc :~, Pa1t 11 1 1, J'.tgP I, l'.ut 2 From Ma•,on Lechlet .uul Boone 01 noon Rerrson h,td gone to lhe The m cclrng- \VfH h<'lrl m tl!e wtth dew h••fotc r.undown and the g-ymnns1um Ne.uly t'\CIY chair Of St t' A c A • Wn n l .tds, P,tgcs G, 7 unci 8, do ova then two pusnnets du cctly F 1.mk Sever.tncc fmm clown thl' dampm•ss has rom.uncd tmtrl noon ar lng g ourse ga~n wns occnpiecl Lc <> B111\ <>II w,Is ap­ In lic.!vy wheat f\clrls steam has ' I P.u t I to the pr1son J3cRtty wns 1 e~ls- 1oad to fetch the combme It had nscn What's needed rA ,t dt y spell! , Socml news, P,tgc 1, Pm l 1, Lmcclnt the pt1son rlcsk at 110 hccn stmecl m the Scvmnncc barn pomtccl elcc Lwn msp• c•Lot wtth ffid· with dt y wtncls to get the morsturc M.tson lugh schools agucullm- htnlchng and stte fund by a specJ.tl P.tgc 1, J•.ut 2 Clatlclo Mm shall, Lansmg attm- smcc last fall Wrlson's loss on the w,u rl Campbell Chat Jcs Sc hmrttet• down below 11 When that kind of nl comse allllndoned last year levy next ycat.
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