Mostly sunny High: 29 | Low: 21 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Tuesday, January 5, 2016 75 cents 2015 in Ironwood SUPERIOR FALLS Bessemer Council above average appoints Whitburn to for precipitation, sign CDBG documents By TOM STANKARD city needed someone to sign the temperatures [email protected] documents as they come for By RALPH ANSAMI BESSEMER — In front of a approval over the course of the [email protected] large crowd, the Bessemer City next “few days.” IRONWOOD — A December Council approved on Monday to With that, Frello made a that produced more rain than have Mayor Kathy Whitburn motion to have Whitbrun, who snow pushed the 2015 precipi- sign documents concerning the was not at the meeting, sign the tation total above average for Community Development Block CDBG documents. The other Ironwood. Grant. council members unanimously In December, Ironwood Council member John Frello approved. received 4.68 inches of precipi- said the city should have some- Given the current city manag- tation, compared to the long- body to handle things as they er situation, City Attorney term average of 2.11 inches. come up that are “out of the ordi- Michael Korpela said, in the The record was 5.39 inches in nary or beyond the authority of future, Whitburn would only be 1927. staff, council members or the appointed for very specific pur- That boosted Ironwood’s pre- Bessemer Department of Public poses on a “case-by-case” basis. cipitation total for the year to Works.” “It’s not telling anyone that 38.96 inches, compared to the City Clerk Jim Trudgeon said we resolved the city manager long-term average of 34.93 the city is making final pay- issues by this type of arrange- inches. ments for the water project as ment,” Korpela said. The yearly record was 56.5 part of the CDBG project the city Moving forward, the city coun- inches in 1931, according to the undertook last summer. He said cil approved to schedule a closed National Weather Service office past City Manger Michael in Marquette, which compiles Uskiewicz was the authorized records dating to 1901. Weath- signer for the city and that the er readings are taken at the BESSEMER — page 5 Gogebic-Iron Wastewater Treatment Plant off Cloverland Drive, covering 24-hour periods to 7 a.m. daily. Health department offering Only 24.4 inches of snow fell in Ironwood in December, about half of the historical monthly free radon test kits average of 46.3 inches. HURLEY — The Iron County radon levels in their homes while The mild December weather Health Department is offering your measurement is very high,” resulted in an average tempera- free radon testing kits in recogni- said Elizabeth Ruder, an envi- ture of 32.9 degrees, compared tion of January’s designation as ronmental public health special- to the norm of 24.2 degrees. The National Radon Action Month. ist with the department. “The December record average was Radon is a naturally occur- only way to know how much 38.5 degrees in 1939. ring, colorless, odorless gas that radon is in your home is to per- For all of 2015, Ironwood is released from rocks and soil in form a test. The test kits are averaged 41.1 degrees, com- the ground, according to a really simple to use and only pared to the 115-year average release from the health depart- take a few minutes of your time.” of 40.1 degrees. The record was ment announcing the free test The danger from radon comes 56.5 degrees in 1931. kits. from the ionizing radiation What’s in store for the rest of “Radon levels in the home are released as it decays, which can an El Nino winter? difficult to predict. There are potentially cause cancer, accord- The Climate Prediction Cen- some areas of Iron County where ing to the release. As it is natu- ter forecasts above normal tem- radon risk is higher than others, rally occurring and frequently peratures and below normal Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe but radon levels commonly vary RECENT COLDER weather has frozen Superior Falls near the mouth of the Montreal River between from one home to the next. Your Saxon, Wis., and Little Girl’s Point in Ironwood Township. The river has also frozen. neighbor may have very low IRONWOOD — page 5 HURLEY — page 5 Iron County AODA offers Pre-schoolers learn art of intricate mural making By TOM STANKARD [email protected] video series on addiction and IRONWOOD —To encourage a community atmosphere, artist Connie Greany and students at mental health issues All Saints Catholic Academy started making a mural Monday. HURLEY — The first in a chaos can be saved through As a school project, children series of videos on the recovery treatment and recovery,” said a made tiles and Greany helped process from both mental health film description from the Iron the students place them on an and addiction issues will be County Human Services Depart- outline of the mural she drew. shown at the Hurley K-12 School ment. Each tile was placed according to auditorium Monday. Future films in the series an indication number and a let- The series, held by the Iron include: ter. County Underage AODA Preven- —Feb. 15 — “The Bill McPhee By collaborating and working tion Community Coalition, will Story,” about living with together, Greany said students feature one film a month through schizophrenia. were part of a community. Gre- April. —March 14 — “The Innocent any said she assigned groups to The first film, shown from 6 to Victims of Meth,” about the make tiles for different sections 7 p.m. Monday, follows the story impact drug addiction has on the of the mural. Children left their of Jackie Nitschke — the first children of addicts. mark on their tiles by including wife of a Green Bay Packers —April 18 — Gogebic Iron their name and a design on player to admit to struggling Area Narcotics Team member them. Greany said there are also with alcohol addiction. Jason Geach will present on tiles with saint names and scrip- “Through interviews with for- drugs in our area and the Lybert ture on them. mer NFL players, their wives family will discuss their experi- Greany said each tile the and Jackie’s own family mem- ence living with heroin addiction children made contributes bers, addiction experts and and recovery. toward the end result. alumni of The Jackie Nitschke According to organizers, most “The small pieces work Center for Alcohol and Drug of the events are scheduled to together to make a mural,” she Rehabilitation, the film captures run from 6 to 7 p.m. in the said. not only Jackie’s fascinating school’s auditorium, with the When it’s done, Greany said story, but the cocktail culture of exception of the April presenta- Tom Stankard/Daily Globe the mural will look like a mosaic her generation, the psychology of tion which is scheduled to run CONNIE GREANY, left, helps pre-school students at All Saints Academy make a mural Monday morning. addiction and relapse and the until 8 p.m. From left, are Greany, Evan Sikonia, Camryn Sterbenz, Karim El Tom, Elliott Lovelace and Jameson Pisco. myriad ways in which lives in — Richard Jenkins MURAL — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Business . .14 Daily Globe Inc. Monday Precipitation BASKETBALL Classifieds . .12-13 Vol. 97, Ed. 3 118 E. McLeod Ave. Mostly sunny High 28 To 7 a.m. P.O. Box 548 Low 20 Monday .04 in. Comics . .11 —Details, page 2 Wakefield loses to Calumet Ironwood, MI 49938 Year ago today Snowfall Community . .3 High 3 To 7 a.m. — Sports, page 9 Obituaries . .6 yourdailyglobe.com Low -20 Monday 1.2 in. Today’s records Snow depth 10 in. Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 High 42 (1930) Season total 39.1 in. Sports . .9-10 Low -30 (1981) Last year 122.9 in. Your best health. Your best self. Find a provider at aspirus.org 2 l TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2016 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD OUR LADY OF PEACE TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Mostly Sunny Snow Possible Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 29º 21º 29º 24º 31º 26º 32º 25º 29º 15º Winds: 15-20 mph S Winds: Light winds Winds: 8-11 mph S Winds: 5-10 mph SW Winds: 6-13 mph SW Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 33/25 -*./0%+1%+"22%311%4*3520%36770%38"13%+"5$%/%$"#$% 51491:/56:1%*;%'<=>%$64"."50%*;%??@&%A*65$%+"7.% Bergland B?% 5*% ',% 49$&% -$1% :1C*:.% $"#$% 51491:/56:1% ;*:% 30/22 5*./0% "3% D?=% 315% "7% B<E<&% FG91C5% 4*3520% C2*6.0% :DNHÀHOG 38"13%5*7"#$5%+"5$%/7%*H1:7"#$5%2*+%*;%'B=&% Ironwood 29/21 45 Saxon 29/21 29/22 Marenisco SUN AND MOON Bessemer 29/20 Watersmeet Hurley 29/21 2 Upson 28/21 27/20 28/21 A67:"31%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%EJDK%/&4& 51 A67315& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & DJ'(%9&4& Mercer L**7:"31% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & KJB'%/&4& 26/19 L**7315%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%BJ'<%9&4& Tom Stankard/Daily Globe Manitowish PRE-SCHOOLERS FROM All Saints Catholic Academy get a first-hand lesson in the art of making a mosaic 25/21 Minocqua NATIONAL WEATHER Monday afternoon. 26/21 %-*./0%M1.& N$"C/#*% K?O'D% 3% K(OK,% 3 P/22/3% DEOK(% 3% ?BODE% 3$ Q/73/3%N"50% DKOK,% 3% DBOKR% :/ )*3%S7#1213% ?(OD(% :/% ?RODE% :/ ALMANAC REGIONAL WEATHER T1+%I*:8% KBO'D% 3% D'OK,% 3 Officers quickly rejected U:2/7.*% RRO??% 3% EKO?<% 3$ !"#$"%&'(%" % -*./0% M1.& V$*17"G% RBOD<% 3$% ?EOD?% 3$ !"#$%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&'( S3$2/7.% K,O''% 3% K,O'R% 37 A1/5521% DROK(% :/% DROKE% :/ )*+% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &', P6265$% '(O''% 3% K,O'?% C2 *"&'+"%,-*./FOFORXG\ÀÀXUULHVSFSDUWO\FORXG\ :/O:/"7\%:3O:/"7%]%37*+\%3O36770\%3$O3$*+1:3\% suicide in Illinois cop’s death I1351:./0Precipitation & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .04& in.
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