Presettlement Vegetation of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho A. C. HULL, JR., AND MARY KAY HULL Highlight: Explorers and early settlers found abundant grass and little sagebrush in length of the valley, they repeafedly Cache Vavaileyin northeastern Utah and southeastern Idaho. Excessive grazing by live- mentioned plains covered with huge herds stock after setriemenl caused thegrass to decrease and the sagebrush fo increase. Most of buffalo (Miller, 1952, 1954). The 1841 grassland meas were eventually plowed for dry-land or irrigated farming. However, in Bartleson wagon train (Kelly, 1930), and the dry-farm beit are many steep 07 rocky slopes, inaccessible corners, and similar areas Fremont (1845) and his party traveled in that have not been plowed, irrigated, heavily grazed, 01 burned in recent years. Many 1843 through the north and west parts of of these arem support vegetation that, except for increased sagebrush, is undoubtedly the valley. Both Fremont and Bidwell of similar fo that described by explorers, early settlers, and historians. the wagon train mention a fine cover of grass. About 60% of Cache Valley, so named and that any amount of hay might be cut Notes from the public land survey of for the huge fur caches made here by the without interfering with range for the Cache Valley (Utah section in 1855.78, trappers, is in northeastern Utah and 40% cattle. An 1870 report to the U. S. and Idaho section in 1872.73) indicate in southeastern Idaho. The valley floor Commissioner of Agriculture stated that good grass for grazing and sometimes for extends north and south slightly over 50 Cache Valley was probably the finest mowing on most areas; sagebrush is rarely miles and varies from 5 to 12 miles in Erazing section in the entire Salt Lake mentioned (U. S. Govt., 1855.78 and width. The valley, 4,400 to 5,200 feet in basin and must become a favorite pasture 1872.73). The Trenton and Corn&h area elevation, is completely surrounded by ground for stock raisers (U. S. Dep. Agr., on the west side of the valley was called mountains with peaks up to 9,980 feet. 1871). the Big Range because of its abundant Precipitation on or near the valley floor In 1825, as Peter Skeene Ogden’s grass and excellent grazing. Sagebrush in ranges from 15 to 20 inches annually. In Hudson Bay trapping party traversed the this area was rare when the 1876 land the surrounding mountains it reaches 50 inches. Spring and winter are the seasons of highest precipitation. As Mary Ann Maughan (1898) viewed Cache Valley with the first company of permanent settlers in 1856, she ex- claimed, “Oh, what a beautiful valley!” In 1832 Ferris (1940) wrote: “One of the most extensive and beautiful vales of the Rocky Mountain range ., producing everywhere most excellent grass ..” Hayden (1879) called Cache Valley the garden spot of Utah. Stansbury’s official report (1852) indi- cated that Cache Valley had the finest range imaginable for any number of cattle me authors are range scientist, Agricultural RereadI service, U.S. Department Of *gricut- ture, and research assistant,Logan, Utah. This pper is a joint contribution from Agr. Res. serv. and Forest service, U.S. Dep. AK.. and Utah Agricultural Experimenf station, b;gaj (Utah *gr. Fxp. Sea. Journal Paper me authorsthank those who supplied infor. mation or made helpful EOmmentS on the ma”” script. Special thankS to A. J. Simmonds and EarI M. Christensen who supplied many D”bli. cations and historical records. Hovey, 1925; Olson and Olson, 1927; (Bromus tectorum) and minor stands of Stewart, 1941; and Ricks, 1953 and perennial grass and forbs. From the litera- 1956). Mary Ann Hull came to Franklin, ture we concluded that originally there Idaho, with the first settlers in 1860. She had been much grass, with limited sage- stated that there was good grass on the brush in the valley. We found that the benches and foothills east of Franklin and areas traveled by the Hudson Bay trap Preston, with only widely spaced sage- pers (Miller, 1953, 1954), Fremont brush plants on the higher slopes and no (1954), and the Bartleson wagon train sagebrush in wales and areas of deep soil. (Kelly, 1930) and the area called the Big After settlement, the local livestock and, Range (Simmonds, 1970) still have good later, migratory sheep used this area so grassland remnants (Fig. 1). heavily that the grass decreased and the Many of the protected or moderately sagebrush increased. Within 40 years after used areas had good stands of grass and settlement, sagebrush was abundant and forbs, with little sagebrush (Fig. 2). On the settlers could count the migrating such areas, beardless bluebunch wheat- bands of sheep by the clouds of dust*. grass (Agvopyron spicatum var. inerme)’ Hanson (1939), Hanson and Stoddart was the most abundant species and was (1940), Stoddart (1941), and Tisdale et the only native grass that grew in major al. (1969) concluded that northern Utah amounts on all 73 areas. Other native and southern Idaho were essentially a grasses with rare to good stands on many grassland with small amounts of sage- areas and in order of abundance were: brush but that uncontrolled livestock streambank wheatgrass (Agropyron grazing had reduced the perennial grass riporium), basin wildrye (Elymus cin- and allowed sagebrush to increase. ereus), Junegrass (Koeleria cristata), Sandberg bluegrass (Pea secunda), west- Study Areas ern wheatgrass (A. smithii), and various To determine the vegetation in Cache bluegrasses (pan spp.). Ridge tops and Valley before it was changed by the white areas of sandy soil supported Indian man, we reviewed literature on early ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides), needle- vegetation and also searched the valley andthread (Sripa comata), and sand drop- floor up to 5,200.foot elevation for good seed (Sporobolus crytandrus). stands of native vegetation. We tried to locate axas where explorers and settlers Five exotic grasses are spreading and had described the vegetation. The best are undoubtedly adapted to Cache Val- stands of native vegetation and those that ley: cheatgrass, crested and intermediate seemed to resemble the original vegeta- wheatgrasses (A. desertorum and inter- tion were in the dry-farm belt around the medium), and bulbous and Kentucky edge of the valley or in breaks along bluegrasses (Pm bulbosa and pramsis). streams. Here were many steep 01 rocky The tall grass in the moist valley slopes, inaccessible corners, and similar areas that had not been plowed, Irrigated, bottom was used by the American Fur heavily grazed, burned, or otherwise dam- Company and later by the early settlers aged for 50 years. for wintering cattle (Stansbury, 1852; We selected 73 areas on which we Ricks, 1953). This grass has been altered recorded Lhe presence and estimated the by grazing, cultivation, and water devel- abundance of 41 of the more important opment. Patches of basin wildrye, called herbaceous and woody species. The abun- big bunchgrass by the settlers, and reed dance of a species was the average stand canary grass (Phalaris arundinacee) prob- found on the various sites of an area. This ably resemble the original tall grass (Fig. varied from rare, through poor, fair, and good, to very good as compared with 3). what might be expected for this species Early records rarely mention forbs. on the sites of that area. Areas averaged However, palatable forbs were probably about 2 miles apart, and 6 miles was the abundant, especially on the north expo- greatest distance between areas. sures and favorable sites. At present, We counted annual growth rings on arrowleaf balsam-root (Balsamorhizn sagebrush plants on most areas and on sagittata) is the most abundant forb survey was made. However, grazing was trees on some areas. very heavy, and by 1888 sagebrush species and was found on all 73 areas. covered the foothills and much of the Present Vegetation Other major forbs in order of abundance flats (Simmonds, 1970). were little sunflower (Helianthella uni- Much of the unplowed land in the Settlers, historians, and students of flora), stone seed (Lithospermum valley has been heavily grazed and sup- early history tell of the excellent grass in ports dense stands of big sagebrush Cache Valley (Maughan’ ; Tullidge, 1889; (Artemisia tridentata) and cheatgrass 2Perso”al communication in ,934. maple (Acer grandidenratum), and Utah Territories. U. S. Govt. Printing Office. 720 juniper (Juniperus osteosperma). Prob- P. ably rabbitbrush, maple, and juniper have increased, but the other woody plants have changed little since settlement. Maximum growth rings on the sage- brush plants ranged from 21 at Red Rock Maugha”, Mary Ann Weston. L898. Journal 1X17-1898. 88 p. (typewritten) pass to 81 at Cornish. Almost half of the Miller, David E. 1952. Peter Skeene Ogden’s areas had sagebrush with over 50 rings. Journal of his expedition to Utah, 1825. However, in this area it is difficult to Utah Hist. Quart. 20:15V-186. accurately determine the age of sagebrush Miller, David E. 1954. Kitfson’s Journal cover- ing Peter aeene Ogden’s 1824.25 Snake plants much beyond about SO years. At cwntiy expedition. Utah Hist. CNart. about this age most stems split and the 22:125-242. exposed central rings break up. Adjacent juniper or maple trees usually had more growth rings than the older sagebrush P- Ricks, Joel Edward. 1953. me beginnings of plants. Settlement in Cache Valley. 12 A”“. Fat. Lecture, Utah State Univ. 36 p. Conclusions Ricks, loel E. (editor) 1956. The history of a Early records show that Cache Valley valley: Cache “alley, “tatI and Idaho. Cache “ailey Cent. Comm., Logan, “t. 504 p. was predominantly a grassland area. Com- SirnrnO”dS, A. .I. 1970. On the Big Range (A paring the early records with present cent.
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