![YOUNG ADULT ALCOHOL SURVEY [Community] Thank You for Taking the Time to Complete This Survey](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
YOUNG ADULT ALCOHOL SURVEY [Community] Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your honest thoughts and opinions are very important to us. This survey is anonymous and your answers will be combined with those of other respondents. When you are done, place the completed survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope and mail it. To thank you for your time, we would like to offer you an incentive. To access this incentive, please follow the instructions on the insert included with this mailing. SECTION 1: YOUR ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS 1. How much do you think people risk Great Risk Moderate Slight Risk No Risk Don’t Know harming themselves physically or in Risk or Can’t Say other ways when they do the following? Smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per O O O O O day Use chewing tobacco or other tobacco O O O O O products once or twice a week Smoke marijuana once or twice a week O O O O O Use prescription pain relievers for non- O O O O O medicinal purposes (e.g., OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin) once or twice a week Use cocaine or crack cocaine once or O O O O O twice a week Use prescription ADD/ADHD drugs (e.g., O O O O O Ritalin or Adderall) for non-medicinal purposes once or twice a week Drink any alcohol (e.g., beer, wine, wine O O O O O coolers, malt beverages, and liquor) once or twice a week Drink 5 or more drinks (e.g., glass, can, or O O O O O shot) of an alcoholic beverage on one occasion Mix alcohol with other drugs on one O O O O O occasion Use [community-specific drug] once or O O O O O twice a week Minnesota Young Adult Alcohol Survey 2015 1 2. In the past 30 days, what percentage of people 0%-25% 26%-50% 51%-75% 76%-100% around your age in your community do you think… have had at least one drink of alcohol? O O O O have had 5 or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage on O O O O one occasion? have driven (e.g., car, truck, or motorcycle) while feeling O O O O the effects of alcohol? have operated a snowmobile, ATV, or boat while feeling O O O O the effects of alcohol? have played a drinking game involving alcohol (e.g., beer O O O O pong, flip cup, card games)? have participated in an activity involving rapid O O O O consumption of alcohol (e.g., beer bongs, beer sticks, shot-gunning)? Very Somewhat Not at all 3. How popular are drinking games (e.g., beer pong, Popular Popular Popular flip cup, card games) among people around your age in your community? O O O 4. How popular is rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g., O O O beer bongs, beer sticks, shot-gunning) among people around your age in your community? 5. In your opinion, how acceptable do you think it Acceptable Somewhat Somewhat Unacceptable is for… Acceptable Unacceptable individuals 21 and older to have one or two drinks? O O O O individuals 21 and older to get drunk? O O O O individuals 21 and older to provide alcohol for people O O O O under 21 years old? individuals 18 to 20 years old to have one or two O O O O drinks? individuals 18 to 20 years old to get drunk? O O O O 6. In your community, how likely is it that… Very Somewhat Not Very Not at all Don’t Know Likely Likely Likely Likely or Can’t Say someone driving under the influence would be O O O O O stopped by the police? Minnesota Young Adult Alcohol Survey 2015 2 someone driving under the influence would be O O O O O arrested? police would break up a party where persons O O O O O under age 21 are drinking? police would arrest an adult who is believed to O O O O O have provided alcohol for persons under 21? In your community, how likely is it that a drunken adult, 21 years of age or older, would be… served a drink of alcohol if they asked for O O O O O one in a local bar? sold an alcoholic beverage if they tried to O O O O O buy it in a local convenience store? sold an alcoholic beverage if they tried to O O O O O buy it in a liquor store? 7. Does a drink special (e.g., “all you can Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never I don’t drink”, two-for-one, or cheap pitchers) typically drink influence… the number of drinks you consume? O O O O O O where you decide to go out for a drink? O O O O O O 8. Listed are statements and Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly perceptions regarding alcohol use in Agree Agree nor Disagree your community. Please mark how Disagree much you agree or disagree with each statement. Bartenders and wait staff who work in O O O O O restaurants and bars should be taught how to serve alcohol responsibly (not serving minors or drunken customers). More police officers should patrol for people O O O O O driving under the influence of alcohol (e.g., DWI/DUI). Someone caught driving under the O O O O O influence of alcohol should be arrested. Someone charged with driving under the O O O O O influence of alcohol should receive the maximum sentence. Minnesota Young Adult Alcohol Survey 2015 3 SECTION 2: YOUR BEHAVIORS 9. Please indicate which of the following Within the More than 30 1 Year Ago I Have Never substances you have used, if any, and Past 30 Days, but or More Used This how recently you have used each. Days Less Than a Substance Year Ago Tobacco O O O O Marijuana O O O O Non-medical use of prescription pain O O O O relievers (e.g., OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin) Non-medical use of prescription O O O O ADD/ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin or Adderall) Cocaine or Crack Cocaine O O O O [Community-specific drug] O O O O Alcohol (e.g., beer, wine, wine coolers, malt beverages, and liquor). O O O O Do NOT include any time when you only had a sip or two from a drink. Continue to Skip to Skip to Skip to question question 14.b question 16 question 19 10 10. During the past 30 days, on how 0 Days 1 or 2 3 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 20 to All 30 many days did you… Days Days Days 19 29 Days Days Days have one or more alcoholic beverages? O O O O O O have 5 or more drinks (e.g., glass, can, or O O O O O O O shot) of an alcoholic beverage on one occasion? drive (e.g., car, truck, or motorcycle) O O O O O O O while feeling the effects of alcohol? operate a snowmobile, ATV, or boat O O O O O O O while feeling the effects of alcohol? Minnesota Young Adult Alcohol Survey 2015 4 play a drinking game (e.g., beer pong, O O O O O O O flip cup, card games)? participate in an activity involving rapid O O O O O O O consumption of alcohol (e.g., beer bongs, beer sticks, shot-gunning)? 11. If you have used alcohol in the past 30 days in your community, how did you get it? (Mark all that apply.) I bought alcohol… O at a gas station, grocery store, or convenience store. O from a friend, acquaintance, or relative who is 21 or older. O at a bar or restaurant. O at a liquor store. O off the Internet. O from someone I don’t know who is 21 or older. O at a party. O at a concert or sporting event. O other (please specify) ___________________________ I was given alcohol… O by a friend or acquaintance who is 21 or older. O by a friend or acquaintance who is under 21. O by my parents or other adult family members. O by someone else’s parents or other adult family members. O other (please specify) __________________________ I took alcohol… O from my parent’s house. O from a friend or roommate. O from stores. O from another person’s house or dorm room. O other (please specify) _________________________ 12. During the past 30 days, would you say that you drank… O more alcohol than usual. O about as much alcohol as usual. O less alcohol than usual. Minnesota Young Adult Alcohol Survey 2015 5 13. During the past 30 days, list the top two reasons why you drank. O it breaks the ice O it helps me to fit in O it makes socializing easier O there is nothing else to do O it is a way to celebrate O it makes it easier to flirt and/or hook up O it makes it easier to deal with stress or problems 14. Have you experienced any of the following while under the influence of alcohol, or as a result of drinking? (Mark all that apply.) a. during the past 30 days? O Woke up with a hangover O Been sexually assaulted O Missed class or work O Gotten into a fight O Vomited b.
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