Index abduction, as scientific reasoning Blackmore, Susan 257, 259 process 198–9 “blending inheritance” 151 Addison, Joseph 70, 72–3, 101 Bohm, David 37 animals, status of 169–71 Bonaventura of Bagnoregio 17 Aquinas, Thomas 69, 189, 191–2, 227 Boyer, Pascal 259, 266 Arbuthnot, John 71 Boyle, Robert 65, 69, 91 Aristotle 189 Boyle Lectures 69–70 Athanasius of Alexandria 114 Bridgewater Treatises 5, 119–26 Atran, Scott 259 Brooke, John Hedley 16–17 Augustan Age 49–50 Brougham, Henry Lord 112–15 Augustine of Hippo 15, 114, 220, Browning, Robert 130–3 222–9, 232, 280, 285 Brunner, Emil 279 on rationes seminales 222–8, 230, Buckland, William 110–11, 120, 221 232–3 Buffon, George Louis 100, 149 Ayala, Francisco J. 190–1 Chalmers, Thomas 120, 122 Bacon, Francis 75 Chambers, Robert 166 Baer, Karl Ernst von 161 Charleton, Walter 53 Barrett, Justin 267 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 13–14 Barth, Karl 18, 51 Clifford, William K. 153–4 Barrow, Isaac 74 contrivance, notion of 53–4, 63–70, Bauman, Zygmunt 221 91–7, 156–7 Beagle, H. M. S. 144–5 Cooke, Josiah Parsons 194 Bell, Charles COPYRIGHTED120, 122 Copernicus, MATERIAL Nicolaus 28, 37 Bentley, Richard 69–70 Cottingham, John 18 Berger, Peter 57 creation, doctrine of, and natural Black Beauty (1877) 170 theology 61–3, 217–33 Blackmore, Richard 70 in Augustine of Hippo 222–9 Darwinism and the Divine: Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology, First Edition. Alister E. McGrath. © 2011 Alister E. McGrath. Published 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229494 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:00:40:00 PPMM Index 295 creation as process and event 230–7 Derham, William 4, 70–1, 72, 75, 86, and laws of nature 54–5, 60–1, 90, 101, 115 66–7, 159–60, 172, 234–5 Dickens, Charles 118 special creation 156–7 Dio Chrysostom 14 Cudworth, Ralph 55 disenchantment of nature 4, 57–9 Cuvier, Georges 100 Dobzhansky, Theodosius 39–40 Dryden, John 49 Darwin, Annie 158, 169 Duhem, Pierre 200 Darwin, Charles xii, 20, 100, 124, Durkheim, Émile 265 143–70, 199, 249, 263, 279, 283 on adaptation 148 Eberhard, Johann August 5 on animal emotion 169–71 Edmonds, Bruce 260 and H. M. S. Beagle 144–5 Egerton, Francis Henry, Earl of on “blending inheritance” 151 Bridgewater, 119 on coexistence of theory and Eichendorff, Joseph von 290 anomaly 152–3 Eliot, George 132 death of daughter Annie (1851) 158, emergence, and creation 230–3 169 Essays and Reviews (1860) 133–4 development of views on natural Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 263 selection 146–50 evidence, criteria of assessment 75–6, on distribution of species 148 102–3, 115–19, 283–5 and divine providence 166–70, 202 on extinction of species 147–8 Feuerbach, Ludwig 132 Origin of Species (1859) 144–6, fine-tuning within nature 187, 194–7, 150–1, 247 229–30 on pangenesis 151–2 Fish, Stanley 287 and religion 157–60 Fiske, John 251 on rudimentary structures 147 Freud, Sigmund 27–8 on “special creation” 156–7 on William Paley 155–7, 164 Galen of Pergamum 14, 65, 68 Darwin, Erasmus 96 Gayon, Jean 28 Darwinism 27–40, 247–68, 287 geology, impact upon nineteenth- applicable to cultural century natural theology 110–12, evolution? 249–54 221–2 definitions of 28–32 Ghiselin, Michael 281 as an ideology 32–6 God’s action within nature 234–8 metaphysical inflation of 36–40, Gould, Stephen Jay 99–100, 156, 287 192–3, 255, 263–4 Neo-Darwinian synthesis 30–2 Gray, Asa 5, 160, 161, 163 “Universal Darwinism” 247–68, Gregerson, Niels 233 281–2 Grew, Nehemiah 60 Dawkins, Richard 34–6, 38–9, 217, Guthrie, Stewart 266 250, 253–62 Deism 52–3, 60–1, 109–10, 159, Hale, Matthew 116 164–5, 235–6, 288 Hanson, N. R. 285 Dennett, Daniel 34–6, 217, 250, 261, Harman, Gilbert 199, 285 281 Hauerwas, Stanley 286–7 MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229595 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM 296 Index Heisenberg, Werner 37 MacIntyre, Alasdair 286 Helmholtz, Hermann von 161 Malthus, Thomas 168–9 Henderson, Lawrence J. 194 Marett, Robert 263 Hitchcock, Christopher 153 Mayr, Ernst 39–40, 190, 191 Hobbes, Thomas 74 meme, notion of 254–62, 282 Hooper, John 59–60 Mendel, Gregor 152 Hort, F. J. A. 11 Midgley, Mary 257 Hoyle, Fred 196–7 Mill, John Stuart 153 Hull, David L. 257–8 Millay, Edna St Vincent 283 Hume, David 87, 95, 96–7, 236–7 miracles Hutton, F. W. 150 cessation of 4, 59–61 Hutton, James 221 and natural theology 66–8, 129 Huxley, Thomas H. 4, 33, 160, 161–3, Protestant approaches to 59–61 165–6, 186–7, 202, 284 Mivart, St George 227 Hyperactive Agency Detection Monod, Jacques 192 Device 266 Moore, Aubrey 146, 227–8, 235 More, Henry 55 induction, as scientific tool 152–4, Morowitz, Harold 232 197–202, 283–5 Morris, Simon Conway 193–4 inference to the best explanation Murchie, Guy 203–4 197–200, 283–5 Murdoch, Iris 11–12, 286 Intelligent Design movement 33–5 natural selection 146–50 James, William 18, 154, 257, 289 natural theology 11–21 Jenkin, Fleeming 151–2 during Augustan Age 49–76 and the beauty of nature 72–3 Kant, Immanuel 5, 87, 190 and the church 285–7 Kepler, Johannes 28, 54 in classical antiquity 13–15 Kidd, John 120 conceptual fluidity of 15–18 Kingsley, Charles 99, 100–1, 164–5 and Deism 52–3, 60–1, 109–10, 159, Kirby, William 120, 123 164–5, 235–6, 288 Kölliker, Albert von 161 and doctrine of creation 61–3, Kristeller, Paul Oskar 253 217–33 as evolutionary adaptation? 262–7 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 32, 149, 251, and fine-tuning within nature 194–7 253–4 future of 277–90 laws of nature 54–5, 60–1, 66–7, and geology 110–12 159–60, 172, 234–5 and inference of design 197–202 Leclerc, Georges-Louis 149 and laws of nature 54–5, 60–1, LeConte, Joseph 251–2 66–7, 172 Lewis, C. S. 16 multiple definitions of 15–18 Lewontin, Richard 33 and Newtonian physics 53–6 Lightfoot, John 200 during nineteenth century 85–103, Locke, John 60, 134 108–34 Lombard, Peter 227 as “physico-theology” 52–3, 63–71, Lyell, Charles 125, 221 88, 91–7 MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229696 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM Index 297 and questions of meaning 288–90 Polkinghorne, John 23 n.36, 238 resurgence of 18–20 Pope, Alexander 49, 59 and suffering within nature 169–71, Poulshock, Joseph 260 202–7 Powell, Baden 56, 124 and teleology 52–3, 63–71, 88, Protestant assumptions of Augustan 91–7, 160–6, 185–202, 202–8 natural theology 55–61 Trinitarian dimensions of 3, 19, 195, Prout, William 121, 122–3 201, 205–7, 235–6, 287 providence, divine 61, 166–70, 191–4 Needham, Joseph 193 Newman, John Henry 127–30, 197 quantum theory, metaphysical status Newton, Isaac 53–4, 60–1, 159, 200 of 37–8 Noble, Denis 39 Nieuwentyt, Bernard 86, 88–91 rationes seminales 222–8, 230, 232–3 Origin of Species (1859) 144–6, 150–1, Ray, John 4, 66, 86, 100, 101, 115, 247 116, 221 Otto, Rudolf 19 religion, theories of the origins Owen, Richard 111–12 of 265–7 Rensch, Bernhard 39–40 Paley, William xii, 4, 71, 85–103, 227, Roget, Peter Mark 120, 122 279–80, 283–5 Rolston, Holmes 206 Cambridge career 86–8 Romanes, George 236 on chance in nature 191–2 Russell, Robert 237–8 on contrivance 91–7 Darwin’s attitude towards 155–7, Sayers, Dorothy L. 143, 172 161–8 Schrödinger, Erwin 37 Dependence on Bernard secondary causality 99, 233–5 Nieuwentyt 88–91 Sewell, Anna 170 on intermediary causes in Shakespeare, William 130, 200 nature 97–9 Sober, Elliott 153 on observation of design in Southgate, Christopher 205–6 nature 91–7, 197–8 Spandels 262–4 preference of biological domain to Spencer, Herbert 150 physical 93–5 Sperber, Dan 259 on suffering within nature 203 Sprat, Thomas 66–7 on teleology 91–7, 186, Steno, Nicolaus 221 on the “watch” image 91–2, Strasbourg, Great Clock of 65–6 101–25 suffering, as theological issue Victorian critiques of 108–34, 166–7 concerning evolution 166–70 Pattison, Hugh 133–4 Sumner, John Bird 155 Peacocke, Arthur 238 Pearson, John 62, 218–22 Taylor, Charles 286 Peirce, Charles S. 198–9, 285 teleology, in biological realm 52–3, physico-theology, as specific form of 63–71, 88, 91–7, 160–6, natural theology 52–3, 63–71, 88 185–208 Platonic theory of Forms 12–13 Temple, Frederick 164 MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229797 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM 298 Index Tennyson, Alfred Lord 166 Ward, Lester F. 251 Torrance, Thomas F. 204 watch analogy, in natural Two Books of God 59 theology 65–6, 91–2, 101–25 Weber, Max 57 “Universal Darwinism” 247–68, 281–2 Whewell, William 4, 114, 118–19, Ussher, James 220 120, 123–6, 149, 153, 199, 200 Weil, Simone 201, 288 Varro, Marcus Terentius 15 Weinberg, Steven 289 Vestiges of the Natural History of Weismann, August 252 Creation (1844) 166 Weisman Barrier 252 Virgil 14 Wilkins, John 4, 64–5, 90 Voltaire 110 Woolf, Clifford 204 MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229898 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229999 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 330000 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 330101 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 330202 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 330303 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 330404 112/3/20102/3/2010 22:40:01:40:01 PPMM.
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