Eccles 66 Eccles

Eccles 66 Eccles

Rotala Prestwich - Eccles 66 via Pendlebury - Swinton - Worsley Monday to Friday Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 01/02/2021 Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Prestwich Tesco -------- -------- 0703 0812 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 Scholes Ln/Bury Old Rd -------- -------- 0710 0819 0922 1022 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1622 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave -------- -------- 0718 0828 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1631 Pendlebury Windmill -------- -------- 0725 0835 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1639 Mossfield Rd -------- 0627 0728 0838 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1642 Swinton Church -------- 0634 0736 0846 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548 1651 Wardley Ash Dr -------- 0638 0740 0850 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1655 Worsley Court House 0557 0651 0753 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1710 Peel Green Unicorn St 0607 0701 0803 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1616 1721 Eccles Interchange 0616 0712 0814 0927 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1628 1733 Service No 66 66 66 66 Prestwich Tesco 1720 1830 1930 2130 Scholes Ln/Bury Old Rd 1727 1837 1936 2136 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 1736 1845 1943 2143 Pendlebury Windmill 1744 1852 1949 2149 Mossfield Rd 1747 1855 1952 2152 Swinton Church 1756 1903 1959 2159 Wardley Ash Dr 1800 1907 2002 2202 Worsley Court House 1815 1920 2009 2209 Peel Green Unicorn St 1826 1930 2019 2219 Eccles Interchange 1838 1941 2030 2230 Eccles - Prestwich 66 via Worsley - Swinton - Pendlebury Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Eccles Interchange 0548 0653 0753 0857 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1709 Peel Green The Unicorn 0555 0700 0800 0904 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1609 1716 Worsley Court House 0605 0712 0814 0918 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 1620 1729 Wardley Ash Dr 0613 0724 0825 0929 1029 1129 1229 1329 1429 1529 1630 1739 Swinton Shopping Centre 0618 0729 0832 0936 1036 1136 1236 1336 1436 1536 1637 1746 Mossfield Rd 0623 0734 0837 0941 1041 1141 1241 1341 1441 1541 1642 1751 Pendlebury Social Club 0627 0738 0843 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1646 1755 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 0632 0743 0848 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1653 1802 Heaton Park St Monicas 0640 0752 0857 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1703 1812 Prestwich Tesco 0648 0800 0906 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1712 1821 Service No 66 66 66 66 Eccles Interchange 1816 1916 2022 2222 Peel Green The Unicorn 1823 1923 2029 2229 Worsley Court House 1835 1935 2039 2239 Wardley Ash Dr 1845 1945 2045 -------- Swinton Shopping Centre 1852 1952 2052 -------- Mossfield Rd 1857 1957 2057 -------- Pendlebury Social Club 1901 2001 2101 -------- Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 1906 2006 2106 -------- Heaton Park St Monicas 1915 -------- 2114 -------- Prestwich Tesco 1923 -------- 2122 -------- 15/01/2021 13:29 (066MF26E) Rotala Prestwich - Eccles 66 via Pendlebury - Swinton - Worsley Saturday Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 06/02/2021 Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Prestwich Tesco 0715 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1715 1815 Scholes Ln/Bury Old Rd 0722 0822 0922 1022 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1622 1722 1822 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 1830 Pendlebury Windmill 0737 0837 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1637 1737 1837 Mossfield Rd 0740 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1840 Swinton Church 0748 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548 1648 1748 1848 Wardley Ash Dr 0752 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 1852 Worsley Court House 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 1805 1905 Peel Green Unicorn St 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1715 1815 1915 Eccles Interchange 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1826 1926 Service No 66 66 Prestwich Tesco 1930 2130 Scholes Ln/Bury Old Rd 1936 2136 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 1943 2143 Pendlebury Windmill 1949 2149 Mossfield Rd 1952 2152 Swinton Church 1959 2159 Wardley Ash Dr 2002 2202 Worsley Court House 2009 2209 Peel Green Unicorn St 2019 2219 Eccles Interchange 2030 2230 Eccles - Prestwich 66 via Worsley - Swinton - Pendlebury Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Eccles Interchange -------- 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Peel Green The Unicorn -------- 0807 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1807 Worsley Court House -------- 0819 0919 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 1619 1719 1819 Wardley Ash Dr -------- 0829 0929 1029 1129 1229 1329 1429 1529 1629 1729 1829 Swinton Shopping Centre -------- 0836 0936 1036 1136 1236 1336 1436 1536 1636 1736 1836 Mossfield Rd -------- 0841 0941 1041 1141 1241 1341 1441 1541 1641 1741 1841 Pendlebury Social Club -------- 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 1845 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 0650 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850 Heaton Park St Monicas 0659 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1759 1859 Prestwich Tesco 0707 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1807 1907 Service No 66 66 66 Eccles Interchange 1900 2022 2222 Peel Green The Unicorn 1907 2029 2229 Worsley Court House 1919 2039 2239 Wardley Ash Dr 1929 2045 -------- Swinton Shopping Centre 1936 2052 -------- Mossfield Rd 1941 2057 -------- Pendlebury Social Club 1945 2101 -------- Agecroft Dauntesy Ave -------- 2106 -------- Heaton Park St Monicas -------- 2114 -------- Prestwich Tesco -------- 2122 -------- 15/01/2021 13:29 (066SA26E) Rotala Prestwich - Eccles 66 via Pendlebury - Swinton - Worsley Sunday and Public Hols ex Xmas Dy, Box Dy, NY Dy Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 31/01/2021 Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 Prestwich Tesco 0930 1130 1330 1530 1730 1930 Scholes Ln/Bury Old Rd 0936 1136 1336 1536 1736 1936 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 0943 1143 1343 1543 1743 1943 Pendlebury Windmill 0949 1149 1349 1549 1749 1949 Mossfield Rd 0952 1152 1352 1552 1752 1952 Swinton Church 0959 1159 1359 1559 1759 1959 Wardley Ash Dr 1004 1204 1404 1604 1804 2004 Worsley Court House 1011 1211 1411 1611 1811 2011 Peel Green Unicorn St 1021 1221 1421 1621 1821 2021 Eccles Interchange 1030 1230 1430 1630 1830 2030 Eccles - Prestwich 66 via Worsley - Swinton - Pendlebury Service No 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Eccles Interchange -------- 1022 1222 1422 1622 1822 2022 Peel Green The Unicorn -------- 1029 1229 1429 1629 1829 2029 Worsley Court House -------- 1039 1239 1439 1639 1839 2039 Wardley Ash Dr -------- 1045 1245 1445 1645 1845 2045 Swinton Shopping Centre 0852 1052 1252 1452 1652 1852 2052 Mossfield Rd 0857 1057 1257 1457 1657 1857 2057 Pendlebury Social Club 0901 1101 1301 1501 1701 1901 2101 Agecroft Dauntesy Ave 0906 1106 1306 1506 1706 1906 2106 Heaton Park St Monicas 0914 1114 1314 1514 1714 1914 2114 Prestwich Tesco 0922 1122 1322 1522 1722 1922 2122 15/01/2021 13:29 (066SU26E) Rotala Eccles - Pendleton 70 via Ellesmere Park Monday to Friday Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 01/02/2021 Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Eccles Interchange 0621 0717 0822 0932 1032 1132 1232 1332 1432 1532 1633 1738 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 0631 0727 0832 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1643 1748 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0644 0740 0845 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1656 1801 Service No 70 70 Eccles Interchange 1843 2034 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 1853 2044 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 1906 2057 Pendleton - Eccles 70 via Ellesmere Park Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0649 0750 0855 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1706 1811 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 0659 0800 0905 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1716 1821 Eccles Interchange 0712 0813 0918 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1729 1834 Service No 70 70 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 1912 2103 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 1922 2113 Eccles Interchange 1935 2126 15/01/2021 13:29 (070MF26E) Rotala Eccles - Pendleton 70 via Ellesmere Park Saturday Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 06/02/2021 Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Eccles Interchange 0832 0932 1032 1132 1232 1332 1432 1532 1632 1732 1832 2034 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 1842 2044 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 1755 1855 2057 Pendleton - Eccles 70 via Ellesmere Park Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0703 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 0713 0910 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1710 1810 1910 Eccles Interchange 0726 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 1823 1923 Service No 70 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 2103 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 2113 Eccles Interchange 2126 15/01/2021 13:29 (070SA26E) Rotala Eccles - Pendleton 70 via Ellesmere Park Sunday and Public Hols ex Xmas Dy, Box Dy, NY Dy Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 31/01/2021 Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 Eccles Interchange 1037 1237 1437 1637 1837 2037 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 1047 1247 1447 1647 1847 2047 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 Pendleton - Eccles 70 via Ellesmere Park Service No 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0903 1103 1303 1503 1703 1903 2103 Eccles Old Rd/Claremont Rd 0913 1113 1313 1513 1713 1913 2113 Eccles Interchange 0926 1126 1326 1526 1726 1926 2126 15/01/2021 13:29 (070SU26E) Rotala Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre - Agecroft Circular 74 via Seedley Monday to Friday Ref.No.: 26E Commencing Date: 01/02/2021 Service No 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 Pendleton Salford Shopping Centre 0618 0718 0829 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1637 1738 Irlams o'th' Height

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