ftiinutrss of the Meeting of District Level Expert Appraisal Gt}qnrnit"iee (DEAC), Jamtara held on 30.09.2016 at Jamtara A rnecting oi Illsr ctLevel E\per'l Appr,risal Committee (DEAC). Jamura $'as held oi 20.r:19.1016 .t DM(l ofllcc..lanrtftra. Altendancei As singed in thc at1cn,.la]]ce r'cgisteted. l'ro(cedings: P|irscrrirlrori !\'i1s giverr hr the Ile!listcrell QLraliflcd Pcr'sorl (l{(]P)r(lonsultant olt behu[1 o1 respscti\( Pro]!-.t Proponerll. The sLrbmittcC \lining Plan. Pre-leasibilltv Reporl. Fomrs. CeIrillcatr.s. infbrrrialion and Lrnderlakincs \\rere e\,itlualed. lolkrring dcliberations and r.lecision: r.vcre tak!'n sepnratel) li)r cach proiecl:, l. !l/s Da!amol Stone NIinu- at l\louzn - Dadar, P.(), - Deojor, District ,Jamt:tl-lr, Strre Jharhhand. PIot No.- 99J(P)r Khata No. 79, Project proponent - Shri l)ayamol llhxttachnI.v:r Prr',pc,icd leasc area i.01 ha. 'I'l!i j is irn .'xisiing stolicquirrr. Yerir-r,,iso ploposerl prodrrction 1i as irliorvs: 1'' year l'td verrr' 192 78 i9lo"+ l)liAi hrs goue tirrough all tiic rcporls. lorms. documenrs ancl .J!'rliilcates submitted h) lhc fP. lt his hccn firurr,:l thdt dlere is no 1i)r:si withi. 50(l iout the tnirrc lctse bouDdiri-) as per thc ietlitjcale issutd hl the DIrO. Jamtarr .lislrict. I-rmhcr. thcre is no habiLarion r.vithin 500 m lioul Lhe Lca:ic hoLrrcliu'r. as pcr thc ('O report. lhc projeci proponenl has lublnittcd two Lrndertakings l() {rlc rp CjjI( lctir iLies anrl cnvirolrrenul rnanagrmc ll ruri\ irlrs \ Ltlr llet.rii . t,l ij r, r, liviu ;!u(i cosL l]rcul rrlt. l [('rciole UL,\( |cfumntc[deri ii)r granlir]g E[' t'rrI Dallrmo) StoLle Nlinc tvith tltt retms alr] conJiLion.ras gllen in :\nnrxurr-l ?. Store irliDr of Dhobna 1t l\,,[ouza , Dhobna, P.L). -Dtrubna, Dirr.- jdmtari, l,lot \() 2513(I'1, KhIta No. - l.[6, ]'rojert proponent - ShriSaclhanMantlal l)foposcd lcar!a iri{ir 0 S1 l)ir 1_his ir lr proposcLl nerl siltlle.iirll-r\. \ car-i\rse pl(4Dsccl prodLtction is as l'ollo\\,s: Production (tl l'l year 32076.0 -".r-u; 2940lri 3 ' 1<rr' 16061 l ,l'l'leal I l:1lJ5.,1 id-1"r. 30909,6- DEAC has gole through all the leports. lbrms. documents and cefiiicates submitted b) the pl,. Il has been lountl that there is no lbresl widtin 500 m fuom ihe mine lease boundary as per the certiflcalc issued b} thc [)FO, Jamtara district. Furrher, there is no habitation within 500 m fron1 the leese boundary as per the CO report. lhe project proponent htrs suhmitted t$o unde(akings to lake-uf ('SR activilies and eltvironmentel managemenl activitics $,ith details of each acti\,ity aird cost break up. 'lherefbre. DEAC recomnended fbr granting Efl fot Stone Mine of Dhobnarvith the terms and condilions as givcn in Annexure-]. 3. Banspahari Store Mine-l of at Mouza Banspahari, Thana - Narayanpur, Dist. -Jamtara, Plot No. 693(P), Khata No. - 27, Project Proponent - M/s Ksheerdabd construction pvt. Ltd- Proposed lease area 0.81 ha. l his is an existing lease area. Year-wise proposed procluction is as tbllou,s: tinl.;iiI,, -[ -q:l".-t1oL5 I'" )ear 0925.It r"ri; -s92a ,1'l'year 21810 5''' l ear 18225 DF.A[ has gonc through all the reports. lblms. documents and oeftificates submitted b] the pp. h has bee| tbund that therc is no iorest \rithin 500 m fiom the mine lease boundar-v as per the ceitillcate issued by the DfO. Jixntara distrjcl. ft her. there is no habitation within 500 m tom the lease bounr.la|v as per the CO teport. l'hc projecl proponent has submitted two undertakings to iirke-up CSR activities and environmental management activilies $,ith delails ofeach activily and cost breitk- Llp. l helelore. I)EAC rccourmen.lcd lit gra ting EC 1br Barspahuri Sklrre \line-lwith the terms en.l cordltions as uilcn in Anne\urc-l 1. Banspahari Stone Mine-[ of at \Iouza - Banspahari, Thana - Naral-aapur, Dist. - Jamtara, Plot N-o. - 693(P), Khata No. -27, Project Proponent - M/s Ksheeraabd Construction Pvt. Ltd. I)roposed lease area 0.81 ha. lhirr is an existinp lease ar-ea. Ycar-\\ise proposed productioo is as tbllo\\s: Productlon tLJ 1'L i,ear 13154 4 d l r e.:L IOS IO 10510 DEACI has gone throLrgh all the reporrs, tbrms. documents and cerlificates submitted b) the pp. Il has been lbund that ihele is no tbrest \lithin 500 m tiom the mite lease boundary as per the cerljtjcate issu"-d by thc DfO, Jamtcra rlisuict. FLrrther. there is no hatrjtation \\,ithin 500 m fiom the lease boundary as per the CO repofi. The projecl proponent hos submitted two undeftakings to take-up CSR actirities and cn\ironlrentcl nlanageDlenL acli\ilics ,,!ifi details ofeach acti\it\ anal cosl bteal( Lrp. Theretire. DEAC recommended 1br granting EC for Banspahari Stone N4ine-llwith the terms and conditions as gi\'en in Annexure-1. 5. Bimal l\Iodi Stone Nline ai Villxge - Nayadih, Thana Narayanpurj Dist. -Jamt:ira, State Jharkhand. Plot No.2l0/(l,art), Khata \o. 90, Project proponent - Shri Bimal NIodi Proposed lc'ase area 3.6.1ha. I his is tr proposed lease area lalling under chNter of mineshaving total area n1ole than 5 ha. Ycar-rvisc proposed procluctioa is m lillou's: Year Prodlr('li,rn (t) 1'L l eal 1'17900.00 2.,.,vear 1;17900 00 l'd lear 147900.00 1,17900.00 147900.00 gorre I)hAC has through all the repo|ts. tbms_ docunlents and cefiificates submitted b),the pp. 11 has bee, lound that ftere is iro lbresr rithin -s00 m liom the minc lerse boundary as pel thc ce ilicalc issued b) th. DFO. Jamtara dislrict. Irulther. therc ls no hatritation within 500 m tiom the lers. boundcrv as pcr the CO rcpo . The proiect proponent has submitted t\r.o undertakings to take-up csR acli\iries and environmenral ma1'ratement activities lvith details ofeach activit_!- and cosr breirk rLp En'ironmenriLl lvlanagemcnt Plan has been submitted for the cluster of mines u hich has been pr-eparccl b1 un accrcdited consuhant. fherelbrc. DEAC recommended lbr granting EC lbr Bimal Modi Stone Mine with the terms and conditions as givcn in Annexure-l_ 6. Chandr.dhipa Stone Mhre of at Mouza Chlndradhipa, p.O. Chandradhipa, p.S. N'Iihijam, Dist. -Jamt*ra, State - Jharkhand, Plot No. - 569(p) and 625(p), Khar,r No. 102, l'roject proponent - ShriSanjitHcmbram Proposecl lcase area 0.931 ha. This is a proposed nerv lease area. Year-wise proposed production is as lbllowsi Productioll G) 1iL _year 12i25 2',,'r,car I c) l2l 3'd vear 1572l l2t 19 28917 DE,^.C has sol]e through allthe repofts. lbrms. documents and cerrificates submitted b) the pp. Ir has been lirund that there is uo lbresr \\irhin 500 m liom thc mine lease boundar,v aLs per the cenificate issued bv titc DIO. Jamtara disLricl FrLfiher, there is no habitation Iithin 500 m from rhe lease bounda|v as per the CO repofl. Ihe project pl.oponent has submifted t1\,o uoderiakings to take-up USR activities and environmental management activities with details of each acti!itl and cosi break up. Therelore. DEAC recommended lbl granting EC tbr Chandradhipa Stone Mlne [ith the terms and conditions :rs given in Annexure-1. 7. Sronc Mine ol Naladih at Village - Nayadih, S.C. - Narayanpur, Dist. - Jamtara, Statc - Jharkhand, Plot No, - 210(P), Khata No. - 90, Projcct proponent -Shri Akhtar Hussain Proposed lease area ,+.86 ha. l his is a proposed lease area t'alling under cluster ofmines ha\,ine total area morc than 5 ha. Year-\,isc proposed production is as lbllows: Production I ll 1't lear 185668 2''r ,iear r 85760 3'o y ear 185 887 :1,,, vear l1l58t4 185895 l)Fr\C has gone throullh all the repofis. lbnns. documetlts and cerlillcates subnittcd b,\ the PP II has beco firund thal there is no lorcst \\'ilhin 500 m from the mine lease bounclan as per lhe cefiilicatc issued b,v thc DF'O. Jamtara districr. Further. thcre is no habiLarion \\'ithin 500 rn iion ihe lease boundarl as per thc CO report. The ptoject propolent has sublnitted l\lo undefiakings to take-up ('Sl1 acti\ rlies dl]d cnvironmental mrnagemcnt aclivities \\ith details of each activit)' aod cost break- Ltp. Lrn\,ironmenlal N4anagement Plnn submitted lor thc cluster of mines has not been preptueLl as per lhe guidelnes of Nlinistl] o1 En!ironment. Folests and Clirnate Change (NIOEI&CC). 'lhereiare. tl're proiect pLi:rponent and the consultant u'ere adrisecl to submit the propeI En!ironmcnlal \{anagenl!' l Plant lbllo\ ,ing thc guide[nes ol \4OEF&CC. 8. Dhobni-t rt-Kalajh,lria Stone N'lire xt \louza Dhotrna-flrf:Kalaihari'r, P.O. (;aria, P.S. Bindapathar, Dist. - Jamtnra, Stat€ - Jharkhand, Plot No. - 100/13(P), Kh:rta No. - 61. Proiect proponent Shril'tpan Kumal Jha l)roposed lcase area -- 1.05 ha. lhis is en existing lcase alea. Yerr-u isc proposed prcdLlclion is i1s tbllo\\s: IIEAC lias gone through all thc reporls. lbnns. documents and cerlilicates submitted b) ihe PP lt has heen tbund that there is no lbr.st nilhin 500 m l'r'om the mine lease boundart as per the cefiificalc issued b) fie Dl'O. Jamlara disrrict. Furthel. there is no habitation rvithin 500 m tioirl the lease bounrlar) as per the Co reporL Tha pr1)jecl proponent has submirted t\!o u]dcrtakillgs to take up ['SR ilctivities and environmelltal ilanagement activities \,'ilh deta]ls ol each activii) and aost brerk uP 'I herelole.
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