OBER, 1926 QcT THE AF T ERGLOW Page 011e <, IN BLOOMFIELDover HILLS Randolph 7444 Beauty That Surpasses Picturesque Old England Eastover in Bloomfield Hills! To the nent Detroit families have built beautiful Detroiter the name conjures up a picture of homes-homes with the seclusion of a country beautiful homes and magnificent estates. For place, yet not too far removed from the city. here nature has produced a rustic charm that Nor need the homes in Eastover be exhor, invites comparison with picturesque old bitant in price. The entire development is England. protected by Judson Bradway's Use and Hills and valleys, beautifully wooded Building Restrictions Agreement. Thus each ravines, lazy streams, and sparkling lakes all owner has the comforting assurance that contribute toward the beauty of this garden every new home must add to the value of spot of Bloomfield Hills, where many promi, his own. Eastover is at the intersection of Adams (Dodge) Road and East Long Lake Road, the recently completed concrete drive that cuts through the very heart of Bloomfield Hills. Its l·acre to 3-acre estates are now selling SUNSET HOUSE at prices that are far less than one would expect for this tyi:;e of property. On Orchard Lake A�ERING to the discriminating public, who appreciate fine C v1ronrnent. food and quiet, dignified en- Prepared for parties, recepti�ns, luncheons 1 · ; weddi g par t1es, etc. Capacity: Main Judson 100 also private dining rooms. This 600 f dining room, Bradway lo;ely Co.. old P l E V ace .533 MAJ STIC BLDG. 3 WOODWARD A E . lias eet of sandy beach. 15 S . Phone Pontiac DETROIT RANDOLPH 9700"'"" BIRMINGHAM PHONE 38 1975 W L VAN e Q,(ll tors · · ZANDT, M anager D ESTABLISHED 1902 OCTOBER, 1926 THE AFTERGLOW ?age 1wo Country Life GILOW Houses .WE OFFER YOU Around Detroit -:- Gardens Hills dis­ Society e e xclusive Bloomfield -:- Sports acres of land in th A modern house on three r estates-$25,000.00. e view of neighbo ing trict; five bedrooms, excell nt r the coun­ e from Detroit, nea e frontage, 17. mil s ee hundred f eet of lak Thr rice. NOW at a very attractive p try clubs. We c an sell this VoL. II on the Dixie Highway ... e near Deer Lake Inn, No. X Fifty acres on a small lak forests. rt of Michigan's primitive 'V looks like a forgotten pa r Design ........ from a. li11olenm rnt b. Sherwood Blacilbnrn Five l m cres m tim­ (ove B oo field Portraits es, good stream, 300 a f .. ................ t e including several lak sid nce o r.eorge M. Dwelley ................................photog raph 4 ..by Be sy Graves One thousand acr s, Re : Society ..................... Reyneau 12 r un mg H ll ........._. .... ......... : ......... ........... by Marion H 5 -......... ..... ......... in the 30-mile ci cle. H t � .......... olden i O . ............. by Iva. G M 13 on the state highway t 111 A B t of l -1�;;� . arlotte ber, Great Pam mgs Owned Detrott.. ...... by Rae Emerson Donlon 7 d Eno� ........... and which is snitable for country C .. ...........................by W. W. B 16 been picked for its bea.uty ard ........from an etching by M. Cortis 8 The rabitts ....... ....... urd .e,i We handle only land that has Wider Woodw -Stanford . ...... ... ....... ouse C . .................by Ra/st.on Go 19 estates a11d retreats. The Amphibious H Boat............. ...........by Helen C. Bower 9 ornucopiae . ss ............................................ a P m w. Golf-As the Season Ends............................... ..... by Ralston Gos 10 Country C mm t oe by H. 23 M. C. ............ o en · ··-......... The Botanical Garden at S. b:i• Ge11evieve Gillett; 11 o YO ? : ................. H w Do U Lie :: ... ....... .. Theodore H. Millington . ...... .....................by Ralsto,;··c·�·;; � Detroit Cadillac 8 8 2 5 91 7 Dime Bank Bldg. ��,,_:,.,,: . , A11 e11trance r deta-il. of· ti e G eorgr M· Dwelley residence which ap- pears on the ne:r:t page. The vig­ or.011sl)• modelled doorway with its b,. oken pednnent framing a spiky fm1eapple oma.ment, is of New E11glaud descent. Arch-itecls //iew of Orchard Lake from One of the Old Ho111t1 PUBLISHER'S STATEMENT ERGLOW s . b THE AFT i he st _of every mont r at Detroit, Mlchlga,.;. :;i ;��,r� i:' / pl h Articles, stories and photo g raphs p� talnlng to any phase of t g ow u b l rshlng Company country LAKES I nc. Theodore H Millin to re ldent ari E r ; life around Detro·t1 are sohc1ted. WEST BLOOMFIELD G ss, Spo E f /'� J ;. M on Holden. dito 25 miles northwest of Detroit Ralston o rt dl o Mu p y usiness Manager; Subscription 50 . in the midst of the Country Club District, . odgers, Adv ertis � e t h , B price $? a . e r • cents the single copy. For Carefully Restricted Residence Sites J C. R ing Ma ag r sale at most- new�st,;:�ds . l Da ' .• _6 . Editorial and m et101t and Birmingham CO. PARK PLACE, DETROIT executlv ffl 4856 Wood ward A venue. Tele- r 1441 phones: G\enrlale 5837 2�it Add ess all comm unlca ti ons to he A terglow Pulisb hing Com­ or••• CLEMONS,KNIGHT,MENARD !ni n 4850 W w r T f Fa, Jurtl,e, informal/on, wrii• pa y. ood a d A venue, Detrolt. 6 OcroBER, 192 THE AF OCTOBER, 1926 TERGLOW Page Five I'age Four THE AFTERGLOW r view H1111ti,ig Hall, , A rea. of showing the end of t 1, e b,g central . the far 1 . hall The bed the sen,ice at e11d. Gordon Mendelsso ins ,,011se ,s rooms are on this en j11st visible over Vha d a11d y's lake at the left. Hunting Hall In Bloomfield Hills, Which Epitomizes the Hunt . mg Enthusiasm of the late Burns H enry By MARION HOLDEN F all the lodges and country places near the china . effigy on th e H em. y ch1111neyp . 0 Open Hunt, Hunting Hall is probably . ·Jece, c 1 asp111g Bloomfield . f ox_, h s ead and brush to a hJS ardent breast. To the most redolent of huntmg and all that goes with it. the "tough and "'O'Ood" a get t mosphere of the 1600' The Hall was planned and built about seven years H enry used . s, M r. timbers and th e ong111al construction ago by the late Burns Henry, who, as everyone knows huge. old barn, which of a was torn dow11 and 1 1auled was the greatest hunting enthusiast that these part; miles to his buil a few dinO'"' SJ't e on the east en ever known. He was founder and presi­ 1 a k e, d fo V hay's have several rods back f.I om east Long Lake Road dent until his death, of the These lofty beams Grosse Pointe Hunt, and wer� left in their original rough then, just after the war, hewn c o n d i t-i o n ' and he was organizer and smaller ones were used founder of the Bloom field for balcony rails and the Open Hunt, which was at two stairways at 'lrfi'ther first a part of the Grosse end of the long high Pointe Hunt. Burn Hen­ room which forms the ry was a sportsman who enter of H�nting Hall. had hunted in England, � he floor, which is most­ Ireland and France, ·who ly bare, is built of ten­ hunting and the knew mch oak boards, joined history of hunting, col­ and set at right angles on and prints lected books the corners. The walls owned on the subject and between the big beams'. horses some of the best are paneled with dark in Detroit. wood, and the windows It was natural, then, are uncurtained. You can that with o 111 uch love see in one of the pictures and knowledge of the how the rough brick fire­ sport, Mr. Henry should place goes up through the want, when he came to balcony to the slope of build his place at Bloom­ the ceilinO'. field, a rough hewn and On this floor and in typically English hall, this setting, the 16th and such a hall as red coated 17th century English MUEHLMAN AND FARRAR, Architects D. D. Spellman fur­ huntsmen have gathered niture looks more of George M. Dwelley in Birmingham The big ce11/ral fireplace at home '!'he Residence in after ·the hunt since is of co,11111011 brick wit!, 011 oak plallk blne blinds, depends for its gra.ce nf>o11 f r //,e 111011/el. No ice f>a,rticularly //,e deal table 111 //,e fore­ than it usually-does in a of grey si'l1cco, with its white woodwork and greenish � ( Th-is ho11.se . plain walls and low-pitched lo ng before John Peel­ g, 01111d a11d the 111011k t t the openings and the details of the cornice Its s be1�ch. fa,rs go 11{> al the lef to he bal- cramped and alien Ameri­ the careful proportioning of t a somewhat a t New England. lnfor111ali y nd a. cony winch 1s b111/t aro1111d two sides. t Georgia11 sl)•le as it was drip cd i11 who, by the way, sits in roof are ypical of the and its combination with can setting. Some of the t the asymmetrcal locatio11 of the doorway, English Georgian feeling res11l from oriel. a of the st11cco and the presence of a11 the round openings which flank it, the irreg11/ r rnrface 'THE AFTERGLOW OcTOBEI\, 1926 roeER, 1926 THE AFTERGLOW Page Six Oc Page Seven well as the na are carved me pieces of the horse and that oak, heavy played so lar the pa­ ge a rich with part in win The ning tina of time.
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