!■:, / ,yk>\ '. T i' '. f-'^f , '•' I '<1 ,.••{■ . ' • ■% .•^'v • :■ , , I ■ '■ 'ii ,. < '■7"t Lj j * .<■ f t V- ■ ,) '• ' • / V y. r. ■y)' . V/:--V r . ./ } * •' - '■'■.^/i'' ■/.' .V'.'y ' •-'-■/'• -.I f'r- . :r-‘, y - ,r- ■/ ^ '^y-ryy-tk ■J A k ' I ■ -y'''''' ' ''''‘^4 ' •■'" '"'" ■- . A : \ : r ’ -I'.,', .. m y 'r ■■ ■ , ■■ -'I' m£a^, ■ ■ . ' i '^'--t '- r - k k ' r:-''":-i:-'/■■ ' \-..k ■ ' ■ ■ ■' v ^ v - . i r'>»_ - . , .- WEDNESDAY, JAKUABY 17 --J : ■\ iianf^pflter EtitttittB Averfiffs Dai|y Net PrsM Run rtSwii^ii itr.-iML,i»irii^ mt , I, Ar;, 'III: ' i i M m-:. - • Bbr fon Wiek BkM ...I daa. 86, ISS4 •fi" *1 About Town Dod^ for Tighter U ,135 •/ -- / Adn^loh^ Rnl^ '* •* foa Aadit Brt4fway.M llts,ai« WMT EEctipy. ; Bwoaa El OtiEoMtfMw Ina tlM «aUn stEcE is which thEy « n locatEd on W. ICMdIo Ttottplka M anchettm r^A CUy.itf VillagB Charm •ad in this addltioMl apaco thEy Wsshlagton. Jb^ 8T—O^ngrEsE- havE addEd a ahoe dEpt. A t prEEEai, sa TbOmaa A. Ifodd, (D-Osaa) VOL.LXXni,NO.100 (ClaasffM Admllshg an ftfa #> thEy arE conductiaa a joint aaai'^ today IntroducEd /a rEEolutton in 1 MANCHESTER, CONNn THURSDAY. JANUARY $8, 1854 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) vEraary salE ahd opEnins c t thE tha HousE of REpawEEtathrEE, pro­ •hoE dEpt,. posing an aasaadpsent to tha Cbn- r Our Lady o( Victory IfothEra sUtuUOn rEgOrdlag admiaaioa of Site of Big Four Parley .4- C btlE w ill aiEEt 'tmilkhC at S nEw EtihEs to Vb^ Unioh to "aaEutE IkePrediists o’clock at thE boaiE af Mra. JEaa morE cErEful o^nWdEratioa of ap- Wuiard. 4T StEphEn St. ThE co* pUcatiooB for mEmborahip in foE hoateaa w ill bE Mra. MildrEd Koa. Mra. Irma CsErwinakl, 78 Hariaad UnitEd StatEs/ of AmErica." End to /Dip [o»ir Rd., will bE wElcomEd aa a nEw Dodd's proposal membEr. pravidas foS t *The Oop^rEas. if EvEr two thirds of both housEs In Business ThE GoldEn A^E Qub wilt hold •hEll dEEm it nEcEEEnfy, shall pro- \ Its aecond mEEttag o f thE month noaa that a nEw atsita ha admittEd l^ U N iv tomorrow aftErnoon at |:S0 at thE to this Uaioa. or. upon applica­ Waahinfton, Jan. 28 (/P)—0 COaunualty T on N. Main SL Bev* tion of foE lEgUlaturas of taro PrEaidont EiaEAhowEr today Eral hUaiaEaa mattEra of Impor* thirds of foE sEvEral statEs, shall call a copvEntion for proposing tbs tErmEd thE nation “mar­ taaoE'will comE up for actioa and vElously prfoiperoua,” prE­ a good turnout (rf thE mEmbErs is sdrmsWoh o f a nEw atata to this h o ^ for. ThosE who .moutiE UniOK which admission in EithEr dictEd rEcovEry this yEar from traasportEUon should talEpnoiia ■ban not ba valid and EffEc- A “briEf, and sElf-corrEcting" BIS W AtHIM Bf thE prEsidEnt, GEorgE D. SdwardE, ttfo until ratifiEd by foE Icgi^- business ^ dip and pledgEd to Euenhower Greets Visiting Fresid6iil 87. RidgEwood 8t., by toidght at turaa of forcE fourths thErEof as § l»y?M > >w!lnf I M * fos'onV.or ufoar.modE of ratifica­ y*E_J;hE govErnmEnt’a vast tha lataat. Mra. tUlwiudh iaa'|^ pmvers to combat a dEprEs­ B I#iA V IIliif BthElEEn Lawia wUl .bo iioataBa tion may bE propoEEd by foE Cba- Or WM^ TIm ^ C M iw . Mmwt for thE Eocial pEriod. grEsE." sion if one should dEvElop, In com niEnt^ on foiE proposal. HE proclaimEd rEadinEss—whEn­ . wM MMOUt flAniMS... MMl CongrEssman atatad that hie EvEr nEcEssary to avErt a^depries- •nlybtWmkp^ ~ Mrs. RlchErd E. &. Viaard, thE sion—to cift taxEs, libErally crEdit \ | formEr CarolE S. Kldr. ia vialUng ExpEriEncEs durltm thE first sea- of thE Sfird EbagrEas rEgarll- -jr^ThlE la fo r AHIE* Cwrtnt OEntEv la WEEt BEHIa wliarE ISifTat andlauBch lacfiE aEala^bUc-wocka ^(fih ’hdhiO b fh cr jjihri^tA'Who rE­ EvEn at foE cosk''bf nEw |dEScit •gfjg^'aag^ - sidE dt 65 High S t Mrs. Visard, Ing admlaElon of Hhwnli showEd MiaiatErE arE EEadnrtiBg high pmEEr «Mks Ea world foE nEEd fo r thin lEgU iftlon. *•» •rEt sad third 7-day pEriods. financing. ^ .*; whosE husband is ', on la naval And^SlisEnhowEr gavE forcEful •sssr**"“ ** cruisE in thE CaribbEan SEa arEa, ThE SoviEt Embassy Is Bast BErlin wlU be host tor thE aEcEad 7-day \ •A«now«aioN.Tai|i •Ei^oB. It took 1# days of wraagliag for roprEEEataOvEE of all foor noticE,'Ip^lUa Economic rEport to is hsra .for a short stay from Kay Congrpai, that it ahorld takE "bold dMariiit.N rtictfci^iitihfc W ait, pia. ■aUoas to agrEE oa a mEEttag ptor*. NBA IbiEplMla. A $2,000,000 drop in th « sssessments for enay BroL stEps" rEquEstEd in his 1954 isgls- and PionEEr ParachutE and ^ E r losses bring Istlvs program to "protEct and Grand l4)t Mmm RuMiff ^ SprcM NmniI? Hip VErnon GrangE will hold a for 1953 down $467,348 b Elo^th E last G: It, maridflf mmW m9wl *Sy*»Wmnw$iftmTmmiiKtm promotE Economic stability.'’ . otluck suppEr Friday night at Tbs program, he said, includEs thE first timE in 17 yEars a listN^M from tha pra- :30 a t thE GrangE H a lt Following foE protEction of millions mwE vioua onE. BIBULAM.Y $2H.H tho Euppor tha “fhm ily and MEm- workErs under unEmploymEnt land ThE abstract of thE 1953 Orand rs" night protflram w ill bE hEld. Dulles Raps old-agE InrirsncE, sad biggEr bEnE­ List rElEasEd today by Tax Ap- fit paymEnts; fEdEral aid tor pub­ aeaaor HEnry MutriE and OEnEral, $An.O O AU.OWANCI POK LAST lic works planning: sUmuIanU to ManagEr Richard Martin IndicatEs nfidence Swittuniiig Classes housing; tax rEvision; highway im­ taxablE propErty of 891,971^5 U v YOtm OLD WASHn Asks German Talk provEmEnt; a nEw farm program;, which is $457,348 lEss than thE; and a tarl3 program to EnEburagE 1952 List. pt1 Scheduled Tonight forEign tradE. ThE last timE a Grand List 4 ^ AppHUM l>tpt-4>ak S t Eatnnci Berlin, Jan. 28 (AO—Secretary of ^iate Dulles today loosed AU this ia ’.‘immEdiatEly ad­ crEasEd from thE prEvious onE was a bUfitering attack on Foreign Minister Chou En-Iai of Com- visablE action.'' EUsenhower said, in l935 aftEr a rEvaluation. ThE BEginnErs' swlinming class for munist China and reused tiie Soviet Foreign Minister of try: adding that if hE finds motE powEr 1934 hat waa 842.S95.756/and thE Itt^ N ^ w a lk womEn will bE onE of thE fEaturEs ihg to supersede the United Nations. The accusation and blast Is hEEdEd, he will7ai1c fo r' it 1985 Ust was 8 8 5 .in 9 ^ r a de­ of thE third Rac Night of ChEnEy camE as Dullea dEmanded fo r th E f-'--------------- ------------------- r— promptly. crEasE of 87,283,509,/’n E list in­ crEasEd thE nExt yEar and has Norwalk, Jan. \28 BrothErs A A . tonight at thE East third atralght day . thE talka aEttlE WagE BcqaEat MiEEing Mlaaing was an ExpEctEd rE­ riaEn EvEr aince. - Commander AlbErt A- BEna SidE REc. FrEsMEat Dwight D.' EisEahEwEr grEEtE PrEaldEat OElal Bayar Ef TurkEy aa foE srivEs af foE MriEf PrEsidEnt William BrEnnan rE- : Bncker Treaty quEst for an IhcrEasE in thE 75-ccnt 81 lunE Tax SEEa aaid today hE will fo r 'a hourly mjatmum' wagE, fiEcrEtaiy . _Ih*„«l!IJaKi #»«. .Iiwe Ivr A aMWfo-laag . EjUmated..tait xEcEipta.will.faring porta-UfagiMrd-fioh He^mea wiH -In rEfErEncE, fo . Chouv-'DuUoEl ---------- — ----- ^ CEuria’^aurUaKEfl BtstEs. \ votE of. confidEncE frbi^ -hia ~ / be thE iniinictor and to datE 80 •aid Molotov ia trying to ovErridE of Labor MitcbcU rEcEntly rEportEd in $34,677 lE n than he anticipatEd VEtErana o f ForEign Wfika ung woman, all noa-EwimmEn. thE Unit^ Nations with a council I Bill Opposition that fo E admlniatfation was jsx- when he EstimatEd'a mill ratE of (VFW) PoEt for thE policy of Ap / iva eignod lip for thE riast wMdt of fivE powEEa .. Including REd ploring means to . raisE it to "a 81 mUlSk Martin aaid today. Mar­ tin rEportEd an attEmpt would be rEporting to thE FBI tlw Hi i will bE hEld froth 8 to 10 p. m. jChIna. , mbirE rEalistic lEvEl." But ElsEn­ ■ TdMa tEnafa, pool, caiw and 'In opEning foE foniih da3r*if- ‘Untrue’ howEr toid'OongrEss foE timE te madE to reducE ExpEndltUrEa dur- namEa o f pETaona auapEctEd^ badminton wlU bE offorod la taro mEEting foE U. B. SEcrEtary not ripsi i^ fo E rEat of thE fiscal yEar by Communistic activitiEs. \ R a is e d that amount in ordEr to sEt foE rooms assignEd thE ChEnEy mEm­ ^ . / Waahington, Jan. 28 ISb—Sen. .Of his Economic program, out­ ThE Mulvi^-Tsrlov-Aquino Post bErs tonight. linEd In a SS.OOO-word-mEssagE, ratE in March at 81 mlUa aa an­ wliiEh hE heada w ill mEEt at* 8 cC> t i o i ^ ^ u ; r i«% “ w“ uid t EisEnhowEr aaid: ticipatEd. o'clock tonight to rEcEivE n foil ' Bible solution of. all our/'prob- objEctlona PrEaldEht BtaEnhowEr "It is not a lEgislativE program Martin said he did not ExpEct rEport on its patriotism activltiks. , lema ? {has raisEd to his propoEEd consti­ of EmErgEncy measures, for thE To Welcome U S, Holdbacks a highEr ratE would be set. Attcatisa Drawa to Past 1 ■/ HE dEscribEd Chou as^a lEadEr tutional amEndmEnt of trEaty­ currEnt situation claarty doEs not HE aald p rin cii^ cause o f thE WidE attEntion has bEEn focusEd rEduction waa cutbacks in invEn­ Sheets and! Pi'llovV^Cases of a rEgimE which gamEd powEr making, tabbEd one aftEr anothEr rEquirE one.
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