' r .VOLUME XXXVI. NO! 26. RED BANK, DECEMBER 24, 1913. PAGES i TO 12? HUNTEE TEBOW8 TB.OM HO8SE. GIRLSTLAY HOUSE OPEN ! BCD BARK WOMEXT HON0BED. Mort. Baniberffer unseated Lant Wadnes- Mothero of . Btttg/ern Collaire Stndentf Carlo Dolci's Great Painting. Ony Afternoon But Was Uninjured.. ; Act as Otoperones at Partleg. "God&foss UsJEvery The Monmouth county hounds met TUBEEX THERE The ciass of 1916 of ;Rutgcrs college r at Holmdel last Wednesday after- of New Brunswick gave "their "sopho- One" —-Tiny Tint* noon and the scent was over farms in more hop" Friday night week in the Holmdel and fMiddletown townships, trairtjr-One CUrla Present at.the Sapper, Ballantine gymnasium at the college. ending' at Crawford's Corner.^ .The. Wldcli Wat Srejarea an! Served *y a Eight societies of.the class.gave part- hounds covered-fen Tnlles with" plenty- "' Number, of -Women of-Bea Bank who ies at eight different houses during of jumping and open country gallop-' Are Interested in Children. the evening. Mrs. Samuel Sabath of ing. Mort Bamberger was unseated The girls' play house on the east East Front street was chaperon for when his horse was taking a fence and side of Shrewsbury avenue, nearly op- the' Chi Phi and Chi Psi society's was thrown to the ground. He was posite River street, was formally party arid Miss^Dorpthy Weeks of Red not hurt." Thomas S. Field, Mort- opbned last Friday night. It had been Bank was one of the guests. • Mrs. Bamberger, Milton and Sidney Er- used by the girls of the neighborhood Charles A. Minton of-. East Front langer, • William Stonebridge and several'days as'a-play house and as a street was one of the chapcrohes at three whips followed the hounds. place for games and fun, but Friday the Queen's Club party; Jesse Sab- marked the real opening of the build- ath and Adrian C. Minton are stu- ing. Thirty'i-one girls of the neighbor- dents at the college. • hood assembled at the house at seven WANTED FOR ABDUCTION o'clock arid'partpok ofa turkey dinner atfc $tthis simple with all the accompanying fixings. An..exfa.. large y6ung turkey, fresh LARGE BRICK CONTRACT. >. • MAN AEBESTED HEEE WANTED IS from a Monmouth county farm, had MASSACHUSETTS. - •' -. been provided as the center of the CRESCENT COMPART MiKIHO TH.E feast, and this, with potatoes, sweet Salvatore zeparo Its Clmrgea wltli Bnn- potatoes, cranberry sauce, onions and rOB-LABOE SPBIHtt LAKE HOTEL. nlugr Away with Another Man's Wife other vegetables, celery, grapes^, at flte$$a#£ te fcacfe —Ho was Arrested Here {marffed with oranges and pumpkin pie made up the Tlie Company's Plant at Eatontovm. is Atuaultlng- the Women. feast. The dinner was prepared and Working at Its Fullest Capacity and Salvatore Zepuro of Shrewsbury cooked by Mrs. Harry. Osborn,-who Porty Men Are Employed—How Kind avenue was arrested Thursday on a had for her assistants Mrs. Elizabeth of Tile Mannfaotdred. charge of assault and batteiy by E. Walling, Mies ^Hannah A. Cook, Crescent Brick company is having Chief Arthur L. Wymbs, Patrolmen Miss Mildred Rosevclt and Miss Flor- an unusually active season, and about Hairy Clayton and Harry VanNotc. ence Brand. These women, together forty men are at work at its plant.at tllatj tU The complaint was made by Mrs.. with Miss"Horte'nse Lee, Miss Maude Eatohtown which is managed by. Dan- Amelia Montesano, who has been liv- Moore, Miss Mary Brand, Miss Alice iel H. Applegate, Jr., of Red Bank. ing with Zeparo on Shrewsbury ave- Appleget, -John Donovan of New A'few days ago the company was nue, near River street. Zeparo had a York, Lewis Heller of Newark and awarded the contract to furnish Cres- hearing before Justice Harry C. Ba- Cortlandf White of Red Bank, served cent tile for the outside walls of the deau and was held in $500 bail for the the dinner at the play house. New. Essex and Sussex hotel at Spring grand jury. -He couldn't furnish bail The girls were seated'at three Lake, which is one of the finest build- and was taken to Freehold Friday by tables in the dining room. This room ings anywhere along the coast. The Constable William Chandler.. will accommodate thirty to thirty-five building will be 250 feet square and Zeparo and Mrs. Montesano form-, girls at table, but the waiters had to five stories high, and will cost about erly lived at East DenKnm, Massa- go sidewise at times to pass each other $500,000. Samples of brick from var- chusetts. Two months ago they ran as they brought in the viands and re- ious factories were submitted to the away and came to Red Bank to live. moved the plates'. Sufficient food had hotel owners, and the Crescent pro- Mrs! Monlesano went to work in Eis- been provided not only to give the duct was selected as the brick which ner's factory and the money she girls full and plenty on Friday night, would be in keeping with the charac- earned was used by Zeparo. Later. but there was. enough remaining to ter of the building. » . • " Zeparo also went to work in the fac- provide a .feast on Saturday, and it The tile are a vougfi finished hollow tory. Mrs.' Monteeano claims that was not until Sunday night that the block similar to a large face brick and Zeparo treated her badly and she said last of the supper was eaten. are produced exclusively by the Cres- at the hearing that on December 1st After the supper on Friday night, cent, company. Inquiries are coming he punched her in the side, and pulled some of the girls; sang, others recited, in to the company from distant parts a revolver out of his pocket and and two pr three gave short readings. of j the country where the qualities of threatened to shoot her. Mrs. Mon- The supjfer'began shortly after seven the new product are becoming known. JANID ON ARSON CHARGE. tesano made the complaint a week or o'clock and. the festivities came to a The .factory owners believe that the TWO VISITING NURSES- popularity of the«1iew material seems ten days ago but Chief Wymbs would close shortly fiefore ten o'clock. hot arrest Zeparo until he got in com- The h*OBJ=& Has been put in' thorough assured and they have made prepar- FIVE ALLEGED FIREBUGS PUT BEHIND munication with Mr. Montesano. Mr. repair andrit Kus been completely fur- ations for a busy" season. Besides GOOD WORK BEING DONE AT ATLANTIC Montesano arrived at Red Bank I nished as a girls' play house. It lias these tile the company for many years THE BARS. Thursday • and Zeparo's- arrest fol- been painted and papered, electric past has been making face- brick HIGHLANDS AND LONG BRANCH. lowed. "~ lights have been installed in every which have been used in large build- Montesano told the police that his room in the house and in all. closets, ings at New York, Brooklyn and other They are lanies aad Ollie Davis, Herbert McClUskey/ The Motley to Pay for the Work Conies from Var- wife had stolen $100 which belonged a cooking stove has been put in the cities.. - - - to his father when she ran away with kitchen and two heating stoves in and Luke and William Conrow of Oceanport—The Zeparo. He said a complaint had teen other rooms, anil town water with MISFORTUNES HIM. ious Sources, Including School Funds, Member- made in Massachusetts against his kitchen sink, etc., has been provided. wife for grand larceny. He also said The house is also furnished with rats HUB Been Unkind to Charles Wnll- Two Conrows are Boys—Many Incendiary Fires at ship Fees, Donations, Entertainments, a Life Insur- a complaint had been made against tables, chairs, rocking chairs, etc. Ing the Past Two. Months. Zeparo in Massachusetts for abduc- Plates, cups and saucers, vegetable Misfortunes^ have fallen thick on Oceanport During the Past-Year. tion in taking- Mrs. Montesano away. dishes, glasses, knives,* forks, spoons Charles.Walling of Shrewsbury the ance Society, and Sales of Red Cross Seals. past two months. Last October he Two men and two boys were ar- in the Red Bank jail .on Wednesday If Zeparo secure's bail he" will be held and platters, with sauce dishes, small night another fire of .incendiary ori- One of the modern adjuncts to civil- ers' meetings are held, at which the for extradition to Massachusetts. plates and side dishes, sufficient for was badly scalded by boiling catsup rested at Oceanport last Wednesday in Harry Powers's factory at Shrews- night on a cRarge of arson. The com- gin occurred at Oceanport." A vacant ized life is a nurse who goes about a nurse tells mothers how to take care thirty girls, havd been furnished, and house on Portaupeok avenue.ownedby: neighborhood giving instructions as of their children in hot weather. She there is a double supply, of napkins bury. A tank containing fhe catsup plaint was made by Constable James FOR1IEB. RESIDENT ABBESTED. burst and the hot liquid burned Mr. Lynch of Eatontown, who" made the A. T. Woolley.vpostniaiitei'. of-Long , to the care of the sick, telling what abo looks after sick or drooping chil- and tablecloths. The house is also Branch, was completely destroyed. .should be done in order to get, sick dren who may • be brought to the equipped, with all other needs for Walling on various parts of his body. arrests. The persons arrested are DavlO- Connolly Arrested at EU«aletU He was taken to the Long Branch hos- Herbert McCluskey, James Davis and The loss was.apbut ?l,20O.
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