$150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`1\S` Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Town enhancement Whitewood returns to western ways for August events By Elaine Ashfield [email protected] :KLWHZRRG:HVWHUQ:HHNLV$XJWR 7KH:KLWHZRRG&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHLVZRUNLQJ WRHQKDQFHWKH:KLWHZRRG&KDFDFKDV5RGHRDQGWKH &DQDGLDQ+RUVHVKRH&KDPSLRQVKLSV 7KH FKDPEHU HQFRXUDJHV DOO EXVLQHVVHV IURP $XJWRWRGHFRUDWHZLWKDZHVWHUQWKHPHDQG GUHVVLQZHVWHUQZHDU7KHUHZLOOEHSUL]HVIRUWKH EHVWZHVWHUQL]HGEXVLQHVV 2WKHUHYHQWVWKHFRPPLWWHHLVZRUNLQJRQDUHD FKLOLFRRNRIIRQ:HGQHVGD\$XJDQGDELNHSD- UDGHRQ7KXUVGD\$XJ $OVRRQ7KXUVGD\$XJZLOOEHD%OLQG*ROI&DUW Course Challenge. )ULGD\$XJDFWLYLWLHVDUHWKH:HVWHUQ%XVL- QHVV&RPSHWLWLRQDQGWKH5DQFK+DQG&RPSHWLWLRQ ZLWKWKH:KLWHZRRG&KDFDFKDV5RGHRVWDUWLQJDW p.m. ,QDGGLWLRQWRURGHRHYHQWVRQ$XJDQGLVD craft fair/farmer’s market. $FURNLQROHWRXUQDPHQWDQGDQROGWLPHVWUHHW GDQFHDUHDOVRLQWKHZRUNVIRU6XQGD\$XJ 0RQGD\ $XJ LV D MXQLRU KRUVHVKRH WRXUQD- PHQWDQGDQRXWGRRUPRYLHQLJKW 7KHQDWLRQDOKRUVHVKRHWRXUQDPHQWEHLQJKHOGLQ- GRRUVDWWKH:KLWHZRRG&RPPXQLW\&HQWUHEHJLQV :HGQHVGD\$XJDQGUXQVGDLO\XQWLO6DWXUGD\ $XJZLWKWLFNHWVIRUWKHEDQTXHWEHLQJVROG 7KHZHHNHQGRI)ULGD\$XJWR6XQGD\$XJ LVDOVRWKHVL[WKDQQXDO3UDLULH9LOOH&DU5DOO\DQG I see you! CHRIS ASHFIELD | HERALD SUN 0XG%RJZHVWRI:KLWHZRRG This moose, spotted north of Whitewood in the Qu'Appelle Valley near Highway 9, stopped to stare ´7KLVKDVEHHQDSDVVLRQRIPLQHVLQFH,FDPHWR at the photographer and to let him know that he was also being watched. Moose have now become :KLWHZRRGµVD\V9DOHULH0LFKDOHVNLFKDLURIWKH a common sight in these areas and motorists should keep an eye out for them on the roads. - SEE WESTERN WEEK, 8 Esterhuyse returns from archery all-star competition By Sarah Pacio XODUSUDFWLFHDWKRPH(VWHUKX\VHPHWZLWK-DUYLV SDUWLFLSDQWVKRWWKUHHURXQGVRIEXOO·VH\HDQGVKH [email protected] DQGWKHRWKHUVWZLFHDPRQWKWRÀQHWXQHKHUVNLOOV HDUQHG SRLQWV RYHUDOO HDUQLQJ IRXUWK SODFH It’s been an exciting year for Charne Esterhuyse, VKRRWLQJEXOO·VH\HDQG'WDUJHWV DPRQJWKHIHPDOHDUFKHUV2QWKHODVWWZRGD\V' a young archer from Grenfell. ´7KH SUHVVXUH LV RQ EHFDXVH QRZ \RX·UH JRLQJ WDUJHWV UHSODFHG WKH EXOO·VH\H DQG HYHU\RQH VKRW ,Q$SULOVKHZRQÀUVWSODFHDWWKH1DWLRQDO$U- against the best of the best from other countries so WKUHHURXQGVDJDLQ(VWHUKX\VHZRQWKH'VKRRW FKHU\LQ6FKRROV3URJUDP 1$63 SURYLQFLDOWRXUQD- \RX·YHJRWWREHDWWKHWRSRI\RXUJDPHJRLQJLQWR ZLWKSRLQWV6KHÀQLVKHGLQWKLUGRYHUDOODPRQJ PHQWLQ0HOYLOOH+HUVFRUHRXWRIHDUQHG LWµ-DUYLVVDLG IHPDOHDUFKHUVZLWKDFRPELQHGVFRUHRISRLQWV KHUWKHJROGHQERZDQGDVFKRODUVKLS7ZR 7KHDOOVWDUFRPSHWLWLRQZDVKHOG-XO\WRDW (VWHUKX\VHVDLGVKHHQMR\HGSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH ZHHNVODWHUVKHFRPSHWHGLQWKHQDWLRQDOWRXUQD- Calgary Olympic Park. $OO6WDUVDQGPDNLQJQHZIULHQGV´,KDGQHYHUEHHQ PHQWDQGSODFHGVHFRQGLQWKHKLJKVFKRROJLUOVGL- 7KHWRXUQDPHQWLVKHOGHYHU\WZR\HDUVDQGDU- WRDFRPSHWLWLRQOLNHWKLVEHIRUHDQG,KDYHWRVD\LW YLVLRQZLWKDVFRUHRIRXWRI7KLVVHFXUHGD FKHUVIURP&DQDGDWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV6RXWK$IULFD ZDVUHDOO\IXQ,UHDOO\HQMR\HGLW VSRWIRUKHURQ&DQDGD·VDOOVWDUWHDP DQG1DPLELDSDUWLFLSDWH ´:HZHUHDOZD\VFKHHULQJIRUHDFKRWKHULWGLGQ·W 0LNH-DUYLVKDVFRDFKHG(VWHUKX\VHDVSDUWRI ´(YHU\FRXQWU\EULQJVWKHLUWRSDUFKHUVµ-DU- matter where you were coming from, if they were on 6DVNDWFKHZDQ·VGHYHORSPHQWDOWHDPDQGFRQWLQXHG YLVH[SODLQHG´%DVLFDOO\ZKHQ\RXJHWWRWKLV\RX·UH \RXUWHDPRUQRW,IWKH\ZHUHGRLQJZHOO\RXZHUH WRZRUNZLWKKHUDQGWKHRWKHUDUFKHUVWRSUHSDUH FRPSHWLQJDJDLQVWWKHEHVWRIWKHEHVWLQWKHZRUOGµ FKHHULQJ,IWKH\ZHUHQ·WGRLQJZHOO\RXZHUHVWLOO WKHPIRUWKH1$63:RUOG$OO6WDUV$ORQJZLWKUHJ- (VWHUKX\VH·V KDUG ZRUN FRQWLQXHG WR SD\ RII cheering for them.” WKURXJKRXW WKH WRXUQDPHQW 7KH ÀUVW GD\ HDFK - SEE ESTERHUYSE, 8 IT’S SUMMER FUN TIME – Lake front seasonal spots – Rental Cabins – New development property There will be no Herald Sun Phone: 306-793-4365 – Nightly or seasonal spots published July 27 or Aug. 3 • Hotel • Restaurant • Lounge Cell: 306-740-7804 – Playground and Boat launch The Herald Sun office is closed for staff holidays from OPEN Breakfast Buffet Everyday – Store & Hall Rental 7-DAYS 00 12 noon on July 19 until Aug. 7. The Grasslands A WEEK 6 to 9 a.m. $8 ROUND LAKE, SK. News main office in Melville will remain open and • Daily specials • Friendly atmosphere Resort & Campground Next issue: Aug. 10 can be contacted by calling toll free 1-844-GNG-NEWS. READING PROGRAMS MURRAY MANDRYK AMAZING RACE THEFTS INVESTIGATED Libraries host fun summer West must stand up for its 4 First Nations compete RCMP investigate thefts in reading programs 2 vast prairie region 4 in 46 km race 6 Broadview and Grenfell 9 The Herald Sun 2 July 20, 2018 www.grasslandsnews.ca Broadview literacy camp to help keep kids reading By Sarah Pacio time reading quietly to themselves. [email protected] $IWHUZDUGWKH\FDQNHHSWKHERRNRU Children are keeping their reading UHWXUQLWWRWKHWDEOHIRUVRPHRQHHOVH skills sharp with a Summer Literacy to read. Thanks to generous donations Camp at Broadview School. from sponsors, more than 44,000 new The camp runs Monday to Friday, ERRNV ZHUH GLVWULEXWHG WR FKLOGUHQ July 16 to 27 and participants range across the country last year. At the end LQDJHIURPÀYHWR\HDUVROG7KLVLV of the day, campers spend a few min- WKHÀUVW\HDUWKHFDPSKDVEHHQRIIHUHG utes journaling. Writing prompts such in Broadview and there are 30children DV´7KHEHVWSDUWRIWRGD\ZDV«µDUH participating. Prairie Valley School Di- SURYLGHGDQGOHDGHUVDUHDYDLODEOHWR vision (PVSD) organized the program assist as needed. in co-operation with Frontier College. Rev. Alfred Fitzpatrick founded The literacy camps help children Frontier College in 1899 and it has maintain their reading and writing EHHQFDOOHG´&DQDGD·VRULJLQDOOLWHUDF\ VNLOOVEHWZHHQVFKRRO\HDUV RUJDQL]DWLRQµ7KHFROOHJHEHJDQOHDG- “It’s a great program, it really is,” ing Summer Literacy Camps in 2005 PVSD’s literacy camp director Anna DQG FDPSV ZLOO EH RIIHUHG LQ QHDUO\ Edoo explained. “It is important to pre- every province this year. Host commu- vent summer slide and help children nities, TD Bank Group, and several have continuity in their learning.” other organizations provide funding so Camp leaders read with children children can attend the camps free of and discuss what they read. The group charge. Surveys show that the camps also hears from community speakers have positively affected thousands of DERXWKRZOLWHUDF\UHODWHVWRHYHU\GD\ children across the country. life. Throughout the week, children 3DUWLFLSDQWVGHYHORSEHWWHUUHDGLQJ HQMR\DYDULHW\RIOLWHUDF\EDVHGDFWLYL- KDELWVLQFUHDVHWKHLUFRQÀGHQFHDQG ties involving art, music, and physical increase their academic readiness, education. ZKLFKDOOOHDGWREHWWHUVFKRROSHUIRU- For example, during the camp in mance. %URDGYLHZHDFKFKLOGEXLOWDPRQVWHU “Learning to read is critical to a out of materials provided and wrote FKLOG·VVXFFHVV³ERWKLQVFKRRODQGLQ a description for it. Then they shared life,” Stephen Faul, Frontier College’s their project and description with the president and CEO, said in a recent re- group. port. “Frontier College is proud to help Each day, campers choose from a foster a love of reading and a sense of ODUJH VHOHFWLRQ RI ERRNV DQG VSHQG empowerment through reading.” Preventing summer slide SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN Children are keeping their reading and writing skills sharp during a Summer Literacy Camp at Broadview School. Children also enjoy other activities in- Local libraries operating volving art, musical and physical education. summer reading program By Sarah Pacio noted that Saskatche- travels the the most in [email protected] wan offers excellent op- Canada in each group 3XEOLF OLEUDULHV LQ portunities for reading wins a prize at the end Grenfell, Whitewood during summer holidays of the summer.” DQG%URDGYLHZDUHEXV\ VLQFHRQHOLEUDU\FDUGDO- Registration is re- with special activities ORZVDFFHVVWROLEUDU\OR- quired to get your pass- NOTICE OF this summer. cations throughout the SRUW EXW FKHFNLQJ LQ LV $OO WKUHH OLEUDULHV province. For example, up to the individual. All are encouraging chil- ERRNV FDQ EH ERUURZHG forms of reading mate- PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE dren to read through from Broadview and rial are accepted from the annual TD Summer returned in Saskatoon. HERRNV DXGLRERRNV 5HDGLQJ&OXE&KLOGUHQ There are also online printed material in- DUHJLYHQDERRNOHWZLWK programs like Hoopla cluding newspapers and reading-related activ- DYDLODEOH WKURXJK WKH PDJD]LQHV ERRNV IURP SaskWater - CGFPC Non-potable Water Supply System Project Feasibility Study ities to complete. The 6DVNDWFKHZDQ OLEUDU\ KDYHKRPHRURQHVERU- goal is not only to track system. URZHGIURPWKHOLEUDU\ SaskWater is currently proposing the development of a non-potable water supply their reading progress, ´7KH ERWWRP OLQH LV *UHQIHOO /LEUDU\ LV system to service Canada Golden Fortune Potash Corporation’s (CGFPC) proposed EXWDOVRWRKHOSNLGVXQ- to keep kids reading KRVWLQJDEXWWHUÁ\KXQW potash mine, Broadview Project, located approximately 12 km south of derstand that reading through the summer,” The scavenger hunt will Grenfell, SK in the RM of Chester No. 125. relates to other areas. Judy told the Herald EH RQJRLQJ DOORZLQJ As part of the public engagement process, SaskWater will be presenting project “We hope kids con- Sun. SDUWLFLSDQWV WR VWRS E\ details in two open houses scheduled: nect reading with ac- In Whitewood, they DQ\WLPH WKH OLEUDU\ LV tion and learn that are doing their summer open, get their clues, LW·V QRW MXVW DERXW VLW- reading program a lit- ÀQGERRNVZLWKEXWWHU- August 1, 2018 – Town of Grenfell (4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) ting and reading a tle different this year,
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