880 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 38 P0R EWA RIDING lin e across Rangatira Road, to the south-western corner of ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a Lot 3, D.P. 892, the western boundary of that lot, the !me commencmg at a point in the middle of the Rangitikei southern and north-western boundaries of Lot 27, D.P. 344, River un the south-western boundary of the North Island the wes_tern boundary of Section 271, the southern boundary Mam Trunk Railway, the said point being a point on the of Section 270,_ both Township of Hunterville, a right line boundary of th~ County of Rangitikei as described in Gazette, across the Wato uru-Bulls State Highway to the southern­ 1957, page _16 5~, a nd also on the boundary of the Rangitoto most corner of Section 125, Paraekaretu Block, the southern , R1dmg hercrnbefore described;- thence north-westerly generally boundaries of that section, Section J 24, Paraekaretu Block, along the north-eastern boundanes of the Rangitoto Riding Lot 2, D .P. 7163, and part Section 123, as shown on D.P. to the rntersect10n of the northern side of Makirikiri Road A / 3252, a nd a right line across Ongo Road to the eastern­ and the eastern_side of Williamson Road being a point on most corner of Lot 15, D.P. 1046, being a point on the the boundary of the Otakapu Riding hereinbefore described; boundary of the Rangatira Riding hereinbefore described; thence_ nort11erly generally along the eastern boundaries of thence north-westerly generally along the north-eastern boun­ that ndmg to the north-eastern corner of Section 54 Tura­ daries of that riding to the north-eastern corner of Section 60 kma District,_ being a_ point on the boundary 'of the ParaekaretLt Block, bein~ a point on the boundary of th~ Whangaehu R1dmg herernbefore described; thence northerly Whangaehu R,dmg herembefore described; thence northerly and easterly generally along the western and southern along the generally eastern boundaries of that riding to the ooundaries uf that riding to the southern corner of Section north-east_em corner of Sect10n 6, Block XII, Mangawhero 16, Paraekaretu Block; thence southerly generally along the Survey D1stnct, bemg a point on the western boundary of the western side of Mount Curl Road to a point in line with County of Rangitikei aforesaid; thence northerly along that the southern boundary of that part of Block CCLXXX boundary to the south-wes tern corner of Section 10, Block Rangitikei District, as shown on D.P. A / 287; thence easterly VIII, Mangawhero Survey District; thence easterly generally to and along that boundary and the northern boundary of along the south-western boundaries of Section 10 Block that part of Section 17, Paraekaretu Block as shown VIII! and Section 7, Block XII, Mangawhero Survey District, on the said D.P. A / 287; thence southerly ge~erally a long Sect10n. I, Block IX, Tiriritukawa Survey District, and the the south-eastern boundary of the aforesaid part of Section product10n_ of the last-mentwned boundary to the middle of 17, the eastern boundaries of part Lot J, D.P. 4314, the the T~rakma River, down the middle of that river and up abutment of Warrens Road, the northern and eastern boun' the middle of the Mangapapa Stream to a point in line with daries of Lot 1, D.P. 5074, the - eastern and so uthern the western boundary of Run 33 situated in Block X boundaries of Lot 2, D.P. 5074, across Jefferson Road to Tiriraukawa Survey District, to and along that boundary: and along the eastern boundaries of Sections I Os and J 5s the southern boundaries of that run, the south-western Greystoke Settlement, Lot I, D.P. 1270, and part Block boundary of Lot 5, D .P. 465, a nd its production across XXXIX, Rangitikei District, to the easternmost corner of the Murimutu Road; thence north-easterly along the south­ that block; thence easterly along the northern boundary of eastern side of that road to the western corner of Lot 3 Block XII, Rangitikei District, and its production to the D .P. 465; thence south-easterly along the so uth-wester~ middle of the Porewa Stream; thence southerly down the boundaries of the said Lot 3, and Lots 6, 7, and 8, D.P. 465; IT11Lddle of that stream to a point in the middle of the thence southerly generally along the south-western and north­ Rangitikei River, being a point on the boundary of the western boundaries of part Ohingaiti No. 3, and Lots 2 and County of Rangitikei aforesaid and along the eastern boundary 1, D.P. .14484, the western boundary of the said Lot 1 of that county to the point of commencement, excluding to and along the north-western side of the Waiouru-Bulls therefrom tiie Borough of Marton as described in Gazette, State Highway to a point in line with the south-western side of_ Otara Main Highway, across the Waiouru-Bulls State 1922, page 2788. Highway and the North Island Main Trunk Railway to and along the said south-western side of the Otara Main High­ RANGITIRA RIDING way to a point due south of the westernmost corner of that part of Ohingaiti 6A 2, situated to the north of the Otara ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a Main Highway; thence due north along a right line to the !me commencrng at the confluence of the Rangitikei River said westernmost corner; thence easterly along the northern and the Porewa Stream,_ being a _point on the boundary of bounda~y of the aforesaid part of Ohingaiti 6A 2 and the the County of Rang1l!ke1 as descnbed in Gazelle, 1957, page pr_oduction of that boundary to the middle of the Rangitikei 1653, and al_so on the boundary of the Porewa Riding herein­ Ri ver, bemg a pomt on the boundary of the R angitikei before descnbed; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries County aforesaid; thence south-westerly along that boundary of that riding to the southern corner of Section 16 Paraeka­ to the point of commencement. re_tu_ Block, _being a point on the boundary of the Whangaehu R1dmg herembefore described; thence north-easterly generall y along the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of that riding TE KAP UA RIDING to the north-eastern corner of Section 60, Paraekaretu Block, ALL that area in the Co_unty of_ Rangitikei bounded by a on the southern side _of · Mangahowhi Road; thence easterly line commencmg at the mtersect1on of the summit of the along the southern side of that road and Ongo Road to eastern watershed of the Whangaehu River and the southern the north-western corner of the Huntcrville Town District boundary of S_ecti_on 63, Block XIII, Maungakaretu Survey being the easternmost corner of Lot 15, D.P. 1046; thenc~ D1stnct, the said mterse~t!on_ being a point on the boundary southerly and easterly generally along the western and of the County of Rangtl!ke1 as described in Gazette, 1957, southern boundaries of the Hunterville Town District as page 1653; thence easterly along the southern and south­ described in Gazette, 1905, page 817, and being the eastern western boundaries of Section 63 aforesaid and the production boundaries of Lot 15, D.P. 1046, Lots 39 and 38, D.P. of the last-mentioned boundary, to the middle of the Tura­ 1049, the northern boundaries of Lots 37, 36, and 35, D.P. k_ma River; ~he~ce _north~easterly up the middle of that 1049, Lot I, D .P. 1046, a right line across the Waiouru-Bulls nver to a pomt Ill !me with the sc;mth-western boundary of State Hig?way? the northern boundaries of part Hapopo Sectwn 1, Block X, Maungakaretu Survey District; thence Block, a nght hne across Mam Street, the northern boundaries south-easterly to and_ along that boundary, the south-eastern of Lots I and 2, D.P. 18959, and the northern boundary boundanes of Ruanm 2B 7 and 2B 6 the southern boundaries of Lot 31, D.P. 344, to a point in line with the eastern of Ruanui 2B 5 and Lots 3 and 5, D.P. 18241 , the production boundary of Section 104, Township of Hunterville, a right of the last-rnent10ned boundary to the middle of the Pane­ !me to the south-eastern corner of the said Section I 04 the mango Stream, down the middle of that stream and the eastern _bounda1;es of Sections 104, 103, 102, 101 , and ' 100, Tamokomoko Stream, up the middle of the Mangapapa Stream Township of Hunterv1lle, the southern boundaries of Sections to and_along the southern boundaries of Ngaurukehu Block, 93, 92, 91 , and 90, and the eastern boundary of Section 90 S~bd1v1s10ns A 9, A 10, and A 8, to and down the middle all Township of Hunterville, to the north-western corner of of the Pahekeheke Stream to a point in line with the Lot 28, D.P. 344, on the southern side of Rangatira Road; south-western boundary of Section 3, Block XVI Maunoa­ thence easterly and southerly generally along the southern karetu Survey District, to and alo ng that bound~ry to a°nd and western sides of that road to the easternmost corner along the north-western side of Murrays Track to its junction of Lot 30, D.P. 344; thence north-easterly across Rangitira with Mataroa Road, a right line across that road to the Road to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 23, north-western corner of Section 1, Block XIII Ohinewairua D.P.
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