March 29, 1985 Weat.!:!.~~~Di.Tip~S.:... Perfect, C10uuess At

March 29, 1985 Weat.!:!.~~~Di.Tip~S.:... Perfect, C10uuess At

STANFORDllWITATICNALTRACKl'1EET First Day of Two - March 29, 1985 at Stanford Stadium, Stanford, Calif. Weat.!:!.~~~di.tip~s.:... Perfect, c10uUess skies, 600-650 RESULTS w::MEN'SLCNGJUHp: 1. Janet Yaroorough, Stars & Stripes, 19-9 3/4; 2." Lori Costeilo-;- es=t-lOrthridge, 18-7 3/4; 3. Terri Givens, Stanford, 18-4 3/4; 4. Rachael Bray, Cp-SlD, 16-9 1/4; 5. Danielle Sharkey, CP-SID, 16-6; ,. MEN'SSHar pur: 1. Gary Kostruba1a, lCMa, 58-1 1/4; 2. Scott Steckel, funtana State,-55-91/2; 3. No:rnanBalke, lCMa, 54-9 3/4; 4. Chris Gambol, Iowa, 54-8; 5. Dave Herhert, CS-Sacramento, 49-10 1/4; 6. Louis Fayant, Montana State, 49-6 1/2. w:l-fEN'SDISCUS:1. Kris Larson, lXIA, 164; 2. ~1aryDentinger, CS-Sacramento, 160; 3.-c'Indi-Dlir"Chslag, Ca1, 156~6; 4. KimKesler, Ca1, 150-1; 5. PamDukes, Stanford, 145-9; 6. Kristi Wreath, Oregon State, 140-5; 7. Latonia 1:'loyd, Ca1, 130-8; 8. China Blockton, Sacramento City College, 129·-7. (TIllS CCMPETTI'ICNWASFOR'!'IiOSE UNDER170 FEETCNLY). VQ1EN'S3000 METERS:1. Ellen Lyons, Stanford, 9:43.5;2.Katy Manning, CP-SID, 9:46.7; 3.- Denise-Ba"ll,-t.eI:A" 9:59.5; 4. Kathy Hildebrand, ,CP-SID, 10:02.3~ 5. M::>Winner, UCIA, 10:03.6; 6. Jill Ellingson, CP-SID, 10:13.7. MEN'SPOLEVAULT(TIUSCCtfi?ETITIONWASFOR'THOSEUNDER15' 6" CNLY):1. T\lac1eNichols, es=Sacramento, -15-6; 2. John Gash, unattached, 15-6; 3. Marshall Price, fv'..ontana State, 15-0; 4. Doug Pennino, ICMa, 14-6. w::MEN'S400 METERHURDLES(3 Heats-Winners Determined on Time): Heat #1: 1.Jackie Joyrler; ITcD.; 59-:-05;- 2. -Gayle Kellon, tXIA, 59.06; 3. Roberta Eccles, Cal, 61.0; 4. kelly Kaser, Oregon State, 63.1; 5. r1arlene Michalak, M:mtana State, 65.4; KimTurner, CS-Northridge, 68.9 (the last four ti.rres were hand-timed). Heat #2: Tonja BrONn;World Class Te, 56.63 (NEWSTANFORDSTAf'IUl'1REmRD); 2. Julie Fricke, CS-Fullerton, 61. 94; • 3. Kari Weston, Oregon State, 63.1; 4. Jo Ann Zulaica, Cal, 63.2; (last two ti.rres were hand-timed) . Heat f,3: 1.Gail Devers, UCIA, 60.16; 2. laurie Hagan, CP-SID, 62.97; 3. Vicki Anderson, Oregon State, 64. 71. HZl~'3 400 HEI'ERHURDLES(2 Heats-Winners Determined on Ti.rre): Heat #1: 1.r.,arry shizrway,l'tID-B ft:; 52-:-65; 2. Kraig Sanders, Stanford, 54.39; 3. Brad Ca.rnan, Oregon State, 57.04; 4. Bill Arnold, Chico State, 57.55. Heat #2: 1. Kevin Plint, Boise State, 53.55; 2. Steve Wright, Oregon State, 54.01;'3. TomHoban, CS-Sacramento, 54•62; 4• Greg Chacon, Stanford, 56. 69. MEN'SLONGJUMP:1. Tim Pinnick, U.S. Army, 24-3; 2. Henry Green, Stanford, 23-6; 3.-Quiiln-Ea"rly; Iowa, 23-4 1/2; 4. Jason t~lff, M:mtana State, 22-8 1/2; 5. TornHildebrand, Oregon State, 22-7 1/2; 6. J. Brunell, CS-Sacramento, 22-2 1/2; 7. GuyOke:rrran,Oregon State, 21-10 3/4; 8. Babjide Akanbi, Oregon State, 21-5. w:MEN'~10Q ~~~ _- TRIAlS (Heats were cancelled today; Sectionals to be run Sat.) ~'S !OQ ~_- TRIAlS (Heats were cancelled today; Sectiona1s to be run Sat.) w::MEN'SJAVELIN(THISCCNpETITICNWASFORTHOSEt..JND~ 150 feet): 1.Mary Hyder, unattaChed-; 156-7; 2. Jeanine Hiller, CS-Sacramento, 153-1~; 3. Colleen Kevany, eal Poly-SID, 142; 4. Elizabeth Archer, Stanford, 131-7; 5. TamnyHartenstein, Chico State, 122-3; 6. Martha Hill, Cal, 118-9; 7. Cindi Durchslag, Cal, 108-9; 8. Pat Espinos~, E. L.A. College. ~'S HIGHJUHp (ThIS CCMPET~ICN WASFDR'!'HOSEUNDER7 FEFI'): 1.Mike Clark, Sac. City-College; 6-8; - 2.-Mike Patterson, CS-Sacramento; 3. Ken Townsend, M:>ntana State, 6-6; 4. Mike Cunningham, Iowa, 6-6. rore STANroRDINVITATICNAL- 3/29/85 Day 1 Events - Page 2 w:t1EN 's SHor pur (THISCXMPErITlOOWASFORTHOSEUNDER48 FEET): 1. Cindi Durchslag, Ca1, 46=-5-172";-2:- Jill Crisler, CS-Nortbridge, 45...• 4 3/4; 3. Latonia Floyd, Ca1, 45-0; 4. Kris Larson, taA, 42-10; 5. Anita Neumann,r-bntana State, 41-11 1/2~ 6. Karem Nickerson, Stanford, 40-6 1/4; 7. Blockton, Sac. CC, 39-6; 8. Kristi Wreath, Oregon State, 38-11 1/2. MEN'S3000 MEI'ERSTEEPLEOiASE:1. Ryan Stoll, Stanford, 8: 57.4; 2. Kevin Jones, Cal Po1y=-Sr..o;-9:06.0;- '!.-DavTd-Frank, Pur!a 'J:'C,9:19.5; 4. Cal Linam, CS-IDng Beach, 9:20.0; 5. Keith rSneval, Chiro State, 9:27.7; 6. Ken Arriola, Beach, 9:29.7; 7. Jeff Grubbs, CS-Sacr~to, 9:37.5; 8. Gary Daily, CS-Fullerton, 9:45.7. HIm SCHOOLGIRLS3000 MEI'ERS1.R. Chamberlain, Leigh, 10:09.5; 2. r1. Hendoza, Presentation~ '10:li.'I;- '!.-D. Self, • Del ~, 10:31.8; 4. S. Bessey, Reed, 10:32.9; 5. K. Dalton, Sonana .• Valley, 10:35.5; 6. H. {'b:>d,Vacaville, 10:41.3. MEN'SSHurrLE HURDLERELAY:1.IONa Migginton, Jones, Lacey, McCoy), 59.77; 2. -Stanford TrX5) -: - - - - Yn1EtJ'S 4x880 RErAY:1. Cal Poly-SID (Storvick, IDpez, Poieur, Ehlen), 8:57.8; 2.-cal-;- 9:05:-0; -3:- tx::I:A,' I 9:05.0; 4. East L.A. ('..allege, 9:53.6. MEN'S4x880 RP.I.AY: 1. Stanford, {Brian Conley, Chris Skoog, Jeff Atkinson, Brian PettIngiltj,-7":35.0; 2. Iowa, 7:43.8; 3. rbntana State, 7:49.2; East L.A. College dropped out after the second leg. HIGHSCHOOLGIRLS4x880 REIAY:1. Palo Alto, 10:04.3; 2. Reed, 10:16.3; • 3.-vacavIlle-;- '10:2"3.7;- 4.Hcrnestead, 10:31.9; 5. Gunn, 10:34.5; 6. Sir Francis Drake, 10:34.6; 7. Tokay, 10:44.9; 8. Del Campo, 10:51.6. HIGI SCHOOLBOYS4x880 Rf':l..AY:1. Los Gatos, 8:08.3; 2. Leigh, 8:08.8; 3. Santa Rosa, 8:09:-3; -4:- VaCaville,-8:14.2; 5. Bellarmine, 8:18. 5; 6. Tokay, 8:22.9; 7. Sir Francis Drake, 8:28.6; 8. Homestead, 8:34.2; 9. ~ilroy, 8:41.7. w:MEN'S5000 HETERS: 1. Stacey O'Hara, Cal, 16:29. 2; 2. Annette Hand, Montana State, 'I6:40.1';- '!.-B:- Bray, Converse Te, 16:55.2; 4. Kathleen KnON1ton,Oregon State, 16:58.3; 5. Robyn Root, Cal poly-SLO, 17:00.3; 6. Magdelena Manriquez, CS-NorthridJe, 17~06.5; 7. Shannon Stryker, UClA (no time); 8. Carrie Lautner, TTCIA(no time); Sue l1artineau, Oregon State, 17:37.7; 10. Laura Starrett, Cal, 17:43.9. Ya1EN'S 100 METER:ruRDLES- TRIAlS (2 heats - top 3 in each heat advance, plus next t\..D fastest): Heat-#'I:-l:- Tonja BrONn,v.'br1dClass Te, 13.75; 2. Cece Chandler, c:a1 Poly-4 SID, 13.75; 3. Gail Devers, OCTA,14.19; 4. Natalie Day, CS-Sacr~to, 14.77; 5. Kathleen Barbo, M:>ntanaState, 15.7 hand-time. Heat #2: 1. Helga Balldorsoottir, Cal, 14.46; 2. Gayle Kellon, tx:I.A, 14.66; 3. Kari {'7eston, Oregon State, 14.73; 4. Sonya Smith, ~ Sac. City College, 14.81; 5. Jean Basta, lbntana State, 16.54. MEN'S110 t-EI'ERfrrJRDIF..5- TPIAIS (2 heats - top 3 in each heat advance, plus next two 'fastest): Heat-#'I:- 'I.-DOug Jones, Iowa, 14.52; 2. Joe Hicks, :'bise State, 14.58; 3. Kraig Sanders, Stanford, 14.69; 4. Steve "right, Oregon State, 15.64; 5. Bill Becorest, rbntana State, 15.8 (hand-timed). Heat #2: 1. Ronnie McCoy,Iowa, 13.87; 2. Andre Phillips, {brld Class Te, 13.95; 3. ~ti.keLee, CS-Sacr~to, 14.91; 4. Brad Carnan, Oregon State, 16.11; 5. Chris Fritzen, Hontana State, 16.8 (ht). MEN'SDISTANCEMEDLEYRElAY:1.Stanford (Chris Skcog, Brian Connolly, Steve Schadler, Jeff-AtkInSon)~ 'Io:o"2'.1';- 2. laNa, 10:09.2; 3. rbntana State, 10:20.5. ~'S 10,000 r1ETERS:1. ~1arilyn Nic!1ols, CP-SLO,• 34: 35.8; 2. Kathy Smith, Stanford, 35:0'0.6; - 3. -Linda-van Housen, ~ol1. of Notre 1)ame, 35:28.5; 4. rHchelle ~1ason, Stanford, 35:40.9; 5. Alexandra. Aguirre, ~..s-Northridge, 35:43.8; 6. f'4. "Title, r.bntana State, 36:21.6; 7. Dianne Hernandez, CS-!brthridge, ~6:31.1; 8. Julie Thanas, Cal, 36:31.1; 9. Hillary Ellin, Stanford, 38:06.3 •• STANFOIDINVITATICNAL- 3/29/85 Day 1 Events - Page 3 ~'S 10,000 MF:I'ERS: 1. Ivan Huff, Converse Aggies, 2!1:56.S; 2. Dan Harvey, ('onverse ;..ggies-; .-28: 56-:-3; 3. GydRisdam, Oregon State, 29:05.R; 4. Carrre10 Rios, Converse Aggies, 29:58.3; 5. Bill Brist, t-bntana State, 30:00.5; 6. Alan Just, CS-Long Eeach, 30:40.1: 7. J. Drew, Capital City Flyers, 30: 41. 8: 8. Paul Ghicbssi, CoIl. of rJotIe DaIre, 30:46.2: 9. R. Csinta1an, CS-Long J3each., 30:46.7; 10. f)Ju::J Avrit, Converse h:Jgies, 31:01,2: 11. B. ~ Canpos,!:. L..1\. Co11eqe; 31:07.4: 12. D. Trisse11, cp-SW, 31:0!J.9; 13. unknown; 14. B. Darling, "EXcelsior ~, 31:19.9: 15. D. Reynolds, CP-SLO, 31:47.4: 16. J. Mendoza, •• CS-Sacramento, 32:51.1; 17. n. CMens,r~ntana State, 33:04.5; 18. C. Henshaw, unattached, 33:?9.6: 1!J. M. Whitcambe, CP-SLa, 33:56.6. STANFORD INVITA"t'IctW. TRACK , FmD HEF.'1' Secad Dayof'1\«)- March 30, 1985 at Stanf~ Stadiun HeatheE.£adi t:.ic!}s1.

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