.J t K IT ‘N’ CARLYLE Larry Wright MANCHESTER OH h e lp w an ted 00 HELP WANTED SPORTS Reliable, dependable Legal Secretary. Part teachers and teachers aides needed to start Im- Pike rebuilding time small local office, PLfrVTlC? Latvian homeland excellent skills reaulred, mediotely! Coll 649-5531, 'MM Bosox thumped experience preferred. weekends 233-2366. IfKATM a/ i i i i m m u m i m Flexible hours, diversi­ In iiiM M B II M fR IflR fg Fa ir ! affects 12G lots inspires this cook fied duties. Coll 646-7360. twice by Royals Fogorfy irothant Bo> ... page 3 ... page 13 Hair Dresser - position fhrgeiyi ramoWrilng; lit* ... page 15 available In busy full ser­ Proof Operotor In data » lc * . processing, part time stalhitliNrareitar haotars. vice salon. For Interview, garbage <H«posals; foucaf O Si O Landscaping. Voca­ call 643-2103 or 647-1315. hours. Monday through tion cuttings, hedge trim­ Frldoy. 4:30 to 9:00. Satur­ rapotrs. MMS39. Visa/M- ottarCord occagtad. ming, Frimlngt, flower 8> day 12:00 to 3:00, Apply ^ JW IriiSwi. shrub plantings. Free asf I- SBM, 923 Main Street. mdtas. Coll 699-2436 after 646-5773. EOE ________ M IL F IW P E 0 FL6 ag. $:30pm. ttofy thalr naadi and Kitchen Helper - days and Driver - Gasoline tanker ^ Rtfaraneat, some nights at local coun­ YW*«W^si»Jweil*r: irgaat»imotda.AiM24». arairis... that's what wont A. Henry Personallzad must have Class I license ads ora on about. Lawn Core-Complete try club. Some expe­ and a clean driving re­ rience. Responsible Indi­ lown care ond landscap­ cord. Benefits, five paid ing. Free estimates, fully viduals only. Coll 647-1458 holidays and paid vaca­ Tues. thru FrI, noon, ask E8 Insured, oil work guaran­ fbr Steve. tions. Year round work, teed, senior citizens dis­ Mmxdmtn not seasonal. Call 243- counts. 647-1349. Manchester — A City ot Viitage Charm 5457.____________________ Mrralft Automotive detoll person. Odd lobs, trucking. l4oma radolrs. You ncana Immediate opening. Full Waitresses needed. Also Your Neighborhood gnwatryNgA.Inc time days. Apply to Gorin part time cook needed. K, w e do It. Free esti­ Handymen - Goroges, at­ Jaguar, Rte. 83. Vernon. Apply In person. Luigis mates. insured. M34304. tics cleaned, bosements Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1986 Restouront 706 Hartford cleaned or wotarprooted, Are you retired, a house Rd. Daiivaring claon farm lawns mowed, generol 25 Cents wife, or simply a person bib'X:,*' , .-j- toom; 5vordsS75plustax. tandscoplng* Interior ond , with free time looking for Also sand, stone, and exterior palntlng,ooy odd a port-flme lob with a gravat.CallS4S«»4. lob. NO iob too big or too flexible schedule to allow small. Honest family men Political Payroll Clerk - Growing will work for you at o fair for your Fall acfivltles? home area care agency nil's Lown Cora • fertllls. West Springfield, Ma. price. Coll John and AAork Senate nixes seeks Individual with two SlOr gardening and lawn- ot643-43S3. Demo componv is looking years payroll experience mm mowing, tight for food samplers fo work tor computerized payroll. kmcboiptna. Coll 74S-7476. detainees In the local Manchester Coll Visiting Nurse Com­ grocery stores. Good munity Core of Vernon, Odd lobs. Fainting, win­ LOOKING FOR an apart- starting hourly wage, plus 872-9163. EOE. dow deonlng, hedge clip­ nsentf Be sura to check mileage with no money ssaaaraaaaa plan to block ’• Oumds.^ FuHy Licwised. ping, dnythingi Call AAork the many vacancies listed released put out by you. Call now 649-S«9S. In classified each doy. for work sfarting Sep- f ember 1st. 1-800-343-2082. D U R B A N , South Africa (A P ) — Dozens of political detainees were Mature woman to do light Coshler. Full time, second shift tor convenience HOMES reported freed around South contra training housekeeping and cook­ HOMES APARTMENTS I Africa today, and the governing ing tor retired gentleman store with gasoline. Start FOR SALE In his home In Monches- at $5.00 per hour. Must be HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT National Party debated ways to ter. Call 742-6713. bondable. Call 649-9117, preserve white power and meet By Robert Parry , mornings only. Democratic-run House, which ap­ All real estate advertised Whatever suits your •30 Locust St. 2nd floor, 4 black demands for social change. The Associated Press proved $100 million for the rebels In the Manchester Herald foncy! Builder will con­ Business Day, a Johannesburg room, heated apartment, INVITATION TO BID on June 25 as part of its version of a Is subject to the federal struct a custom home to newspaper, said Justice Frank Fair Housing Act of 1968, No appliances. Security. FURNITURE WASHINGTON - The military construction bill. suit your taste or will $520 monthly plus utilities. The Manchester Public Smuts confirmed the release of 42 Republican-controlled Senate, Both House and Senate bills which makes It Illegal to build this beautiful 8 room Schools solicits bids for PICTURE THIS odvertlse any preference, Call 646-2426. Weekdays 9 MUSIC EQUIPMENT for the detainees held in the Orange Free pressing toward final approval of would allow the CIA to resume Contemporary with ap­ to 5. Water bed, king size, good 1986-1987 school year. Sealed State town of Frankfort, following limitation or discrimina­ proximately 2300 sa. ft. President Reagan’s $100 million training and assisting the Contras. tion based on race, color, shape, asking $200. Call bids will be received Until Au­ a ruling Monday by Natal Province Lovely 2.5 acre country Manchester- 2 bedrooms. 646-2139. gust 20, 1986, 2:00 P.M ., Ot aid package for Nicaraguan reb­ The CIA helped organize the rebel religion, sex or national lot In Bolton on Shoddy 2nd floor, heat and ap­ which time they will be pub­ Supreme Court that the govern­ els, today refused to bar U.S. force from 1981 to 1984 under a $ EXTRA MONEY $ origin, or an Intention to Mill Road. $200,000 plus. pliances. No pets. Secur­ licly opened. The right Is re­ ment exceeded its powers in parts military advisers from training “ covert” program that ended with make any such prefer­ served to relect any and oil of emergency regulations under Jackson & Jackson Real ity. $575 month.Call 646- bids. Specifications and bid the Contras in Honduras and Costa the disclosure of CIA-directed ence, limitation or dis­ Estate. 647-8400 or 646- 3979. which thousands of people have Rica. With Your Own Part-Time Job. crimination. The Herald forms may be secured at the mining of Nicaragua’s harbors two 8646.D Oak 24" Bar stools, swl- Business Office, 45 North been held since June 12. By a 67-32 margin, the Senate years ago. will not knowingly accept School Street, Manchester, Manchester - 2 bedroom, val, brass rails and per­ A spokeswoman for the Detai­ defeated an amendment by Sen. any advertisement which Whistle While You work! Connecticut. The Contra aid debate prompted An Excellent Opportunity for* second floor, no pets, fect condition, original nees Parents Support Committee, Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who argued harsh rhetoric on both sides. Is In violation of the law. This spacious 6 room stove and refrigerator. 018-08 over $100 each; $89 or best the main independent monitoring that the current aid package In sponsoring the amendment Housewives and Mothers with Colonial has great poten­ $475 a month plus utilities. otter. 633-2468. For Sale By Owners - 80 tial. It boasts a 2 car 646-1379. group, said it was impossible to tell amounts to a “ blank check — no against civilian attacks. Sen. Larabee St, East Hart­ limits on numbers, no limits on young children garage, aluminum siding, how many people have been Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said bring them ford, on lot 100 X 300. Call fireplace and hardwood Male or Female or couple MISCELLANEOUS released since the ruling. how (U.S. advisers) can be used.” the Contras "are thugs, they are 649-9535 before 10am or flooring. In need of some wanted to rent 1 large [fo r SALE But newspapers quoted lawyers But Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., drug pushers, they are criminals. with you and after 4. save on repair. Ottered at $106,500. room furnished. Com­ 2 adlustable brass look around the country as saying a Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ They don’t deserve to receive a Jackson 8< Jackson Real plete use of aportment. Just listed Large two floor lamps, 1 tent style, 1 6 cubic foot chest freezer. significant number of people have tee chairman, said the proposal nickel of our money." babysitting costs. Estate. 647-8400 or 646- Coll 649-7911. shell style $20 each, pine 15 been freed. would "deny flexibility to the family with lovely stone 8646.D Like new. Selling to get piece stereo TV , book Law and Order Minister Louis le president." fireplace and natural oak Manchester- 3 bedroom/6 money to remodel house. wood. Good location. Pos­ shelf or whatever wall 649-0776. Grange said Tuesday the govern­ The Senate then refused, 82-17, to Manchester 15 x 24 family room newly built apart­ unit - greet tor den, kids sible office use. Call today room with large field- ment tor rent. Available ment would appeal the Natal court earmark $10 million for the treat­ tor details Joyce G. Ep­ room, can point, $120 Frigidaire refrigerator ment of civilian victims of Contra stone fireplace, pegged Immediately. Coll 233-0319 633-2468. ruling. stein Real Estate 647- floors and triple sliders to otter 2pm. good condition. $^. On Tuesday, President P.W. attacks, an amendment sponsored K o h l 8895.0 large deck overlooking Portable typewriter with by Sen.
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