Healing Author! ps Dr. Peter Newbery says t's time Local children's writer Brenda Skeena Jr. Girls prove to hot to to stop the health care Silsbe has had another story handle as they demolish their infighting/NEWS A3 published/COMMUNITY B1 zone rivals/SPORTS Cl - n WEDNESDAY 75¢ PLUS 5¢/GST " FEBRUARY 23, 1994 TLkNDARD VOL. 6 N0,':45 ':""::: Elks hostel to Knifing open in June draws THE, FORMER nurses residence can't need medical or nursing at- at l~lls Memorial Hospital will tention," Leisinger added. be turned into a medical hostel. Fees haven't been set but are It will provide accommodation expected to be in the $20 a day year in for people from out of town wlxo, range. while they don't need to stay in Each room will have a sink and the hospital, have no other place there'll be conuuon washroom prison to go. facilities. There'll he a coffee- The residence is being leased lounge area but no kitchen. by the local Elks and Royal Pur- Leisingor and Baker noted that THE OWNER of eli's Place at ple under a new society and will there are laundry and restaurant Lakelso Lake was sentenced last have room for 12 people. facilities in a small shopping Friday to a year in prison for Renovations are to start this centre across the mad from • the stabbing a former business part- spring and the hostel is expected hostel site. ner two years ago. to open by the end of June, Elks Renovations ate budgeted at A Supreme Court jury found representative Lawrence Eaher just under $200,000 and will Emmanuel Cenitagoya not guilty said last week. come from the health mtnistry's on a charge of attempted murder, "We felt there was a great need mental health branch. but found him guilty on the lesser for people from out of town -- charge of aggravated assault. Dense Lake, Stewart, even Cenltagoya stopped Michel Smithers," he said. "'It won't be luxurious Chayer's van on 1st Avenue at Michael Leisingcr of the Ter- but it will be clean, dry and Lakelse Lake on March 7, 1992 race Regional Health Care comfortable." to question him, court was told. Society, which runs IMills, de- Thieves had stolen more than scribed the hostel as a way of $27,000 worth of goods from reducing overall hospital costs. Cenitagoya's home. "It won't be luxurious bat it "We had the building checked Chayer, 26, testified Cenitagoya will be clean, dry and con~ort- out by the building inspector. It's produced a concealed hunting able," he said. in great shape. We'll have to put knife and stabbed him in the In the past, when health care a new roof on but we're happy chest. budgets were richer, people from with its overall condition," said The wound was seven inches - .out of town who had problems Baker. deep but did not puncture any vi- ~,;:,;~., ........ .., ..... , . :. i~. :=3," ...... : ..... with Ixavel arrangements could The new society is,.c.,3119d.t~,~ tal organs, Dr. Don Strangway either check in emly or stay past a Elks and Royal PIi~I~,"H~lol told the court. normal discharge date. Society. Chayer said Cenitagoya con- But that's changed in the past Baker and Leislnger noted that tinued to hang onto the van, s0veml years. Hospitals are not it will be only the second one of swinging the knife at him inside, only closing beds, but have had to its kind, after Easter Seal Home while the vehicle slowly moved ensure that only those people in Prince George. forward. ilii: 'ii i needing medical care are r0gis- Two of the rooms are to be kept The van eventually went into a • tared as patients. in reserve for visiting medical ditch and Cenitagoya was thrown "People either have to nlake technicians and the such doi,g off. Chayer fled through the pas- . .- .. alternate arrangements or stay in work at Mills. senger door and sought help at his hotels and that can be ex- The hostel will have a full time friends' home. pensive," said Leisinger. caretaker and is budgeted to be Chayer said he believed he was self supporting at 50 per cent oc- L He noted that the hostel is in no dying. way connected to the hospital but cupancy, said Baker. Marc Ducharme, 34, and Daniel A QUESTIONmark hangs over Isaac Munson's future. He's one of 16 children who attend the that residents can take advantage "We've had nothing but good Discovery Daycare at the moment. But the facility is moving to a neighbourhood where zoning Joseph Heroux, 26, put the of the emergency room if needed comments," added Baker Who wounded and bleeding Chayer in regulations would allow only eight kids in such facilities. Will Isaac be one of the lucky eight? "People will have to be able to noted that theparent Elks organi- Or will city council find a way that he and his friends can all remain at Discovery? their vellicle to take him to hosp- take care of themselves, l~hey zalton is interested in the project. tial. But first they drove past Cenltagoya's house, pulled guns and fired shots, killing Bromleys ponder Cenltagoya's Doberman Pimcher Skiers save 'boarder dog and badly searing his wife. They then drove to Mills A SNOWBOARDERneafly died thermic but still breathing when Memorial Hosptial, where Chayer on Shames Mountain last week rescuers extflcatod hirm He:spent next daycare move when he got trapped in a mow- .two days in Mills Momodai Hos- was hospitalized for four.days. Heroux and Dueharme were across the street fmrn his own bank. pitsl and was released. WHAT NOW'/ The boarder landed head-flint in The incident happened in an tin- convicted last year of possession That's the question facing home. of a dangerous weapon. However, council should the snowbank Fob. 12 and was 'tracked treed area between two Sharon and Mickey Bromiey unable to move. ski runs. Supreme Court Justice John E. after council, by a five-to-one respect the feelings of people Hall sentenced Heroux on June who had moved into such "His hands were looked in bes- He said it's a good warning for margin, rejected a rezoulng ide him," explained Shame,s gen- peuplo to ski and snowhoard to- 24, 1993 to seven monti~s in jail, amendment which would have ncighbourhoods and expected one year on probation, and to see "the integrity of the eral manager Scott Siemens. "Fie gether if they're going off the allowed them to continue to went in like a torpedo, so he had beaten path. banned him from possessing operate their daycare as is at in zone maintained." firearms for five years. Echoing those sentiments, no way to get out." "If he'd had somebody to-help their new Humor Ave. home. A couple of skiers found him an him out, the problem wouldn't Hall fined Dueharmo $1)250, councillor David Hull said a The Bromloys have mn the estimated 45 minutes later. have happened in the first place." gave him one year on probation 16 child Discovery Dayeare permit request from the Brom- and prohibited him from possess- lays would have been more ap- "He was head-first, straight up Although snowboarders are out of an Agar Ave. building and down in the snow, and the more vulnerable to such Incidents ing firearms for one year. for the past six years. propriate than "blanket rezon- Chayer, Ducharme, Heroux arm ing". only thing sticking out wm his because their feet are strapped to When that building was sold snowboard," said ski patroller their boards, similar things can a fourth man had rented the bar at to a local church, the Bromleys Councillor Rich McDanie] eli's from Cenitagoya for severali expressed sympathy for the Barry Peters. "He was acttmlly happen to skiers. decided to build a combined very lucky these guys spotted his Siemens Said skiers who ski In weeks in 1991 until the establish- new home and daycare on the children who would be without a place at Discovery Daycare. snowboard." the trees run the risk of falling mentYs liquor licenee was 4700 block of Humor Ave. He said he would be "He was so deep in the snow into a tree well and becoming suspended. However, that's in an R1 Hall said the business rela- prepared to approve a special there was no way his voice ~vould trapped. Sometimes the collision zone where daycares can have have carried -- he was four or with the tree will cause all the tionship then turned "poisonous" no more than eight children. Miekey Bromley six-month operating permit and deteriorated until the violent And that, says Mlckey Brom- five feet in." snow on its branches to fall on The Bromleys last year asked Rejection, she added, would The snowboarder was byp- the hapless skier. incidents of March 7, 1992, to be allowed to c0uttnu~ oper- reduce by eight what "pro. lay, is what he sad his wife wiU now try. "Several of the adults on that sling with 16 children. cious, precious child care "We asked the parents what day behaved like unruly chil- The then-council put the spaces" were available now. they want and they said we dren," he said. matter on hold pending the Urging her colleagues to at should try whatever avenue we In an effort to discredit CMyor results of a provincial overhaul least consider giving the can," he said. Snow policy eyed as a witness at last week's trtal of of its daycare legislation.
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