Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17068-0 - Serial Publication in England Before 1750 R.M. Wiles Index More information INDEX Initial articles. both definite and indefinite. are omitted from all titles in English. Names in imprints are omitted. For these. see Appendix B. passim. Abree. James. 188 Amusements of Aix la Chapelle. 354 abridgments. l8. 30. 39. 47. 48 .66. 7l. Amusements Serious and Comical (Brown). 16o-l. 164-5. 305 63. 3u Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet. Anatomical Tables. 244 31 6 Ancient Masonry (Langley). u8. u8. 291 Account of the Plague at Marseilles. as in· Andrea Palladio' s Architecture. l85 stalments. 30 Aniello. Tomaso. 7l Account of the Rebellion, 310 Annesley. James. case of. as serial. 43; Account of Voyages (Hawkesworth). 161 in numbers. III n .• 33 6• 343. 344; Acts of Parliament. xiii. l3. 31. p. 53. fiction about. 338. 343: Memoirs of. 54. 70• 154-7. 155 n .• 17l. 18l. and as serial. 46. 50 Appendix A Annotations on the Holy Bible. 212-3 Acta Germanica. l44. P5. 344 Annals of the Reformation of the Church of Acta Regia (Rapin-Whatley). monthly. England (Strype). 197. l04. 302 97.277; weekly. u3. I¢. 285; shares anonymity. UI. 140. 146-7. lU-16. in. 151-2; odd numbers retailed. u8; l51 n .• 255 usefulness of. 237 Anson. Commodore. 43; see Authentic Adams. George. 278. 330. Journal Addison. Joseph, l6. 315; see Cato; see Anti-logarithmic Canon (Dodson). 197. 3u Spectator essays Anti-Pamela (Haywood). instalments of. Adlerfeld. Gustavus. 334 46.48.49 Admiral Vernon's Weekly Journal. 74. 330 Antiquities Sacred and Prophane (Calmet­ advantages of buying fascicules. 14. 88. Tindal). 94-5. l06. l75 134 n .• 221. 232 Apology for the Conduct of Mrs . •. Phillips. Adventures of Aristonous. P 2 143-6. 171• 355 Adventures of Telemachus (Fenelon). 322 Appendix ad thesaurum greCt£ lingual (Scott). advertising offascicules. 14l-5. 203-u; 148. 199. 3P costs of. 5. 183-4. 222 Applebee. John. u. 39-40. 60 Agreeable Campanion. 336 Apsley. Lord Chancellor. 161-l Agreeable Historian (Simpson). 336 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. instalments Albinus. Bernard Siegfried. 244.l51• 351 of. 35. 36• 38. 38 n. All-Alive and Merry. 44-50. 5l. Arbuthnot. Rev. Archibald. l33. 347. All the Expeditions. Sea-Fights. 69 348 allowance to dealers. 18. 177. 179. lBo. Archbishop of Canterbury. 14l. l3l. 186-7 319; see Tillotson America. description of. U4; history of. Argensola. Bartolomeo de. 88. l7l 89 Art of Cookery (Thacker). 254. l55. 350 American Traveller. 334 Art of Painting (de Lairesse-Fritsch). 214. Amhurst. Nicholas. 108 l50 .308 Amusements des eaux d' Aix-la-Chapelle (de Asia. description of. 124 Pollnitz). 354 Atlantis Reviv' d. 344 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17068-0 - Serial Publication in England Before 1750 R.M. Wiles Index More information SERIAL PUBLICATION IN ENGLAND Atlas Geographus (Moll), 8J-6, 15)8, U9, Bentley, Dr. Richard, II 9, 188 271, 271 Bernard, Jean Frederic, 129, 288; see Aubin, Penelope, see Life and Adventures Ceremonies and Religious Customs of Lady Lucy Bernard, John Peter, 174-5, 287; see Austen-Leigh, R_ A, 178 n. General Dictionary Authentic Journal of the late Expedition under Beveridge, William, )21 .. .Anson (Philips), instalments of, 4J, Bibliotheca Anatomica, 89-90, 272 4J n.; in fascicules, 4J n., 197, J41 Bibliotheca Biblica (Parker), 101, 249, 274 Authentick Memoires of . Sarah. late Bibliotheca Harleiana, 244-5, ))0; see Har- Dutchess of Marlborough, 255, ))7 leian Miscellany author as distributor, IJ7, IJ9, 141, Bickham, George, 255; see British Mo­ 145, 146, 22J narchy, I J9, 192, ))4; see Musical En­ author as proprietor, I J6, I J7, I J9, tertainer, J05, pI; see Universal Penman, 141, 14J-6, 186 I J0-I, lJ9, 192, 2J8, 288, ))0 Author to be Lett (Savage), 2J Biographia Britannica (Oldys and others), Author's Farce (Fielding), 174 n. 151, 168, 2J8, 24J, J46 author's signature on fascicules, 145, Birch, Rev. Thomas, II5, 174-5, 287 249, )24 Bird, G., 129, 218, 288 authorship, difficulties of, IJ5, 141, 142, Birt, Samuel, 86 n., 259 I4J, 145; expenses of, 141, 16J, 165, Blackstone, Sir William, 161-2 171 Blackwell, Alexander, 176 Aventures merveilleuses (Gueullette), trans­ Blackwell, Elizabeth, 176, J05, J 12, )26; lation of, as serial, J6 see Curious Herbal Blagden, Cyprian, 151 n. B. Berington's Evening Post, 108 Blainville, J. de, 148, ))0 Barnardiston, Thomas, 162 Blomefield, Rev. Francis, 140-2, J02; Baddam, Benjamin, 175, JII see Essay Towards a... History of Baker, J., 192, 294 Norfolk Baker, Sir Richard, 125, 150, 281 blue paper covers, 6, 7, 47, 65-6, 197, Bald, R. c., 154 n., 18~ U2, and passim Banks, John, J 2J Bodleian Library, records of, 169, 170-1 Barclay, Dr. Patrick, 124, 281, 286 Boerhaave, Dr. Herman, 244, 282; see Barrow, Dr. Isaac, 2J9, ))7 Elementa Chemi"" Bartholomew, AT., II9 n. Bolton, S., ))7, see Complete System of Baskett, J., 159, 178, Joo Geography Bayle, Pierre, see Dictionary Historical; see Book of Martyrs (Foxe), 129,192,220,29°, Dictionnaire historique et critique; see )28,345 General Dictionary Book of Martyrs the best Preservative against Beane, Sawney, story of, 252-J Popery (Lyndar), 291 Beauties of the English Stage, 19 n., 267, Book-binder. .. Confuted (Stackhouse), JII, )21-2 109, 112-IJ Bee, 55-6, 57 books, imitation, 12 Behn, Aphra, 297; see Lord Grey's . .. books as ornaments, I 1-12 Love-Letters; see Oroonoko; see Several books ordered by the yard, 12 Love Lellers booksellers' problem, 15, 25 Bellamira (Sedley), 114 Boswell, James, 157, 158 n., 179, 242 n. Bennet, George, )26 Bowes, R., J5I, J56 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17068-0 - Serial Publication in England Before 1750 R.M. Wiles Index More information INDEX 373 Bowes, Sir Robert, 302 Caius College Library, 142 Bowles, Rev. Mr., 169-70 Calmet, Augustin, 94, 275 Bowyer, William, 178 Cambridse Journal and Flying Post, 73, 351, Boyer, Jean Baptiste de, 315 35 6 Boyse, Samuel. 250, 348 Camden, William, see Britannia Brant&me, Pierre de Bourdeille, Sei­ Campbell, Dr. John, III, 280, 282, 340; gneur de, )26 see History of the Bible; see New and Brice, Andrew, of Exeter, 29, 20, 3J, Compleat History of the Holy Bible 34,60 Cantabrigians, reading matter for, 73 Brice's Weekly Journal, 29 Cantemir, Demetrius, 170, 297; see Bridges, John, Jl6 History of the Othman Empire Brief Historical . .. Account of all the Empi- Captain Singleton (Defoe), instalments of, res, instalments of, 37 3° Brief History of England (Lindsay), 352 Care, Henry, 75, 78, 79, 270, 297 Brindley, James, u 3 Carnan, William, of Reading, 63 Bristollia (Hooke), 356 Cart, M., 296 Britannia (Camden), 56, 57,61-2,85, 289 Case of Authors . .Stated (Ralph), 134-5 Britannia & Hibernia, 84-5 cases, court: Caman v. Bowles, 158 n.; British Intelligence, or Universal Advertiser, Donaldson v. Beckett, 158; Gyles v. 50 n., 54 Wilcox, 160 n.; Hinton v. Donaldson, British Melody, Jl6 157,158 n.; Millarv. Taylor, 157; Read British Mercury, 37, 290 v. Hodges, 162; Tonson v. Walker and British Mercury, or Weekly Pacquet, 68 Marchant, 159 n. British Miscellany; or the Harmonious Grove, Catalogue of Books Printed . .. at London, I 288 catchwords, 27, 35, 60 British Monarchy (Bickham), 139, 192, 3J4 Cato (Addison), I7 British Musical Miscellany, 289 Catrou, Fran~ois, 98, 276 British Observator, 56-7, 61-2, 289 Cauche, Franc;:ois, 272 British Traveller, instalments of, 46, 48, 49 Cave, Edward, 58, 184-5, 258 Brown, Josiah, 158 Cave, William, 195 Brown, Tom, 82 n.; see Amusements Celenia; or, the History of Hyempsal, instal­ Serious and Comical; see Infallible Astro­ ments of, 40 loger Ceremonies and Religious Customs (Bernard), Browne, Sir Thomas, works of, 302 193, 288 Browning, Robert, 250 ceremonies et coutumes religieuses (Bernard), Brushfield, T. N., 202 129, 298, 226, 288 Bruys, F ran~ois, HI, 282 Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de, 35, 40, Budgell, Eustace, 55-6, 57 82, 97-8, 273, 276; see Don Quixote; Bundy, Dr. Richard, 98, 100, 110, see Exemplary Novels; see Story of the u8 n., 276 Liberal Lover Burkitt, William, 127, 152, 289 Chamberlen, Paul, ) I 2 Burn, Thomas, bookseller in Oxford, 18 Chambers, Ephraim, 10, )27, )28; see Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, 38, 114, 289 Cycloptedia Burnet, Thomas, 297 Champion, Joseph, 129, 289 Burrow, Sir James, 157 Chapman, R. W., 133 n. Butler, James (Duke of Ormonde), Jl2, Charles I. works of, 2~ )26 Chesterfield, Earl of, 228 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17068-0 - Serial Publication in England Before 1750 R.M. Wiles Index More information 374 SERIAL PUBLICATION IN ENGLAND Chinese Tales (Gueullette). instalments of. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Gala­ J4. J6 tians (Luther). p4. P9 Choice . .Collection of . .Histories. z07-8. Common Sense. 45 JOJ Compleat and Impartial History of England Christian's Amusement. 18g-90 (Robinson). 146-7. z68. P5 Christian Library. P7 Compleat Body of Divinity (Stackhouse). Christianity Set in a True Light (Radicati). 109. 110. 166. Z44. JJ J 9J. 18z-J. z80 Compleat Collection of . .• Songs. UJ. z8J Christian's Companion (Whitefield). J05. Compleat Collection of the Works of. .. Jo­ po sephus (ed. Jackson). JOJ Christian's Guide (Smith). u6. J09 Compleat Collection of the . .. Works of . .. Chronicle of tne Kings of England (Baker). Josephus (ed. Wilson). 74 PJ. P9 58. u5. 150. 197. ql Compleat English Gentleman (Defoe). I I Churchman's Last Shift; or. Loyalist's Weekly Compleat Herbal (Tournefort).
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