E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 No. 97 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, July 7, 2003, at 2 pm. Senate FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 The Senate met at 10:15 a.m. and was he always find joy in serving You by IN REMEMBRANCE OF STROM called to order by the President pro serving in this august chamber. You, THURMOND tempore (Mr. STEVENS). Lord God are America’s boast now and Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I wish The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- forever! Amen. to take a few minutes at this time to day’s prayer will be offered by our express my sympathy to the family of guest Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. f Senator Strom Thurmond, one of Coughlin, Chaplain of the United America’s most dynamic leaders in this States House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE past century, a man who lived through extraordinary change in his life, a man PRAYER The President pro tempore led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: whose commitment to his country was The guest Chaplain offered the fol- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the unwavering. lowing prayer: United States of America, and to the Repub- I had the opportunity in 1997 to trav- Before the Congress of the United lic for which it stands, one nation under God, el with him to China. He was 94, I be- States leaves to celebrate Independ- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lieve, at that time. His vigor and his ence Day, we pause to pray to You, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. In my strength were extraordinarily impres- Lord God, for the repose of the soul of capacity as Senator from Alaska, I sive to me and all of us who traveled Senator Strom Thurmond. Lord, re- note there is no quorum. I suggest the with him. He wanted to see The Wall. ward this most senior statesman for absence of a quorum. He wanted to meet the people of China. his many years of pledged service to The clerk will call the roll. He would tell them: America and China this country. The legislative clerk proceeded to are friends. We want to be better As the Source of life and justice that friends. He made very perceptive and will last forever, You have inspired the call the roll. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask appropriate remarks. Founders of this Nation, individuals Then we met Jiang Zemin at his re- such as Senator Thurmond and citizens unanimous consent the order for the quorum call be rescinded. sort in the month of their vacation across this land, to continually seek time and Strom made an extraordinary what is right: to pursue lasting values The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- out objection, it is so ordered. speech that reflected so well America for themselves and for all their broth- and had so comprehensive an under- ers and sisters; and to pray always that f standing of the relationships of our they may grow in virtue and so countries. That just struck me particu- strengthen this democracy. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME larly. Our national celebration this year is We went out to a Chinese army base. an occasion for us to thank and praise The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under He trooped the line of a group of Chi- You for this form of government, for the previous order, leadership time is nese troops. I remember saying to him its leaders and for the natural and reserved. afterwards that I never thought I human resources with which You con- would be in Communist China, seeing tinue to endow this great Nation. f Strom Thurmond, the great cold war- May we also take this moment to rior, troop the line of a group of Chi- MORNING BUSINESS pray for the new Chaplain of the U.S. nese troops. But he was extraordinary Senate, Chaplain Barry Black. Guide The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under in that way. him by Your holy inspiration to ably the previous order, the Senate will I had comeup to this Senate in the respond to the needs of the Senators begin a period of morning business mid-1980s as a nominee and it wasn’t a and this community. Gift him with the with Senators permitted to speak very pleasant experience. I will never spirit of wisdom and prayer. And may therein for up to 10 minutes. forget and will always appreciate his ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8819 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:58 Jun 28, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JN6.000 S27PT1 S8820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 27, 2003 courtesy and support for me at that ship in the world. He was certainly the Senate, Strom became a person time and enjoyed responding a little committed to that. who did give me a lot of guidance. At bit to that when I was able to come There are many other things I could one time he was chairman of the back to this Senate and he was leader say. I will not at this time. I just ex- Armed Services Committee and I was on the Senate Judiciary Committee, press my sympathy to his family, his chairman of the Defense Subcommittee chairman of the Armed Services Com- friends, the people of South Carolina, for Appropriations, and we did a lot of mittee. It was just a pleasure to work and those around this great country work together. with him. who will mourn his passing. But my memory of Strom really goes He lived through a complete change I thank the President and yield the back to the time after 1981 when we in the South. He reflected the change floor. had a dinner for the new President pro that went on in our region of the coun- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. May tempore as we had taken the majority try. I think he did it in a positive and the Chair request the Senator to oc- in the Senate. Strom became President especially important way. His leader- cupy the Chair so this Senator may pro tempore. I was the assistant leader. ship in moving from the days of seg- speak about Senator Thurmond? Senator Baker was the leader. We had regation to a new era of relations be- Mr. SESSIONS. I will be honored to. a dinner at one of the local hotels. Sen- tween the races was very important Mr. STEVENS addressed the Chair. ator Baker and his wife Joy and I and and positive throughout the South. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SES- my wife Catherine were at the head He served his country in an almost SIONS). The Senator from Alaska. table. When it became Strom’s time to unprecedented way. He was 40 years old Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, next thank the people there for honoring when World War II began. He was an Tuesday it will be my honor to be part him, he started talking with the people elected judge in his home State and he of the funeral delegation to South at the head table, and he came to me. was an army reservist. He insisted that Carolina to attend the funeral of our I had just been remarried. Catherine he be allowed to be on active duty and departed President pro tempore. When and I were married in December of 1980. they allowed him to do so. I understand I first came to the Senate, I was in the Just before that dinner, she had in- at first it wasn’t going to happen. Gallery up there watching the debate formed me we were going to have a He ended up in England when they on the Alaska statehood bill. A fili- child. were planning for the Normandy inva- buster was being led against that bill Strom stood up and was introducing sion. A number of people were called by the Senator from South Carolina. people. He came to me and made some upon to fly gliders in during that inva- As a matter of fact, he held up the bill kind remarks about me. And he turned sion at the time. He volunteered to fly for a considerable period of time. and said: Here is his lovely lady who on a glider, one of the most dangerous Because of his opposition, we devel- has now joined our family. She is a missions there could be. The planes oped a strategy of trying to get the bill beautiful woman, and isn’t it nice that would pull up these gliders and get passed by the Senate without amend- she is with child? them going and just let them go and ment—passed by the Senate as it had I thought Catherine was going to break my arm and bust my head. I they would have to find a place to land come to us from the House, without grabbed Strom and asked him to come down behind enemy lines—extraor- amendment. It was, I think, the only over and tell Catherine I had not told dinarily high risk. Many were killed on statehood bill in history that ever him that. She did listen to him for a landing. Many were killed in combat, passed both Houses in identical form moment or two.
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