5274 CONGRESSION.A.L RECORD-SENATE 1\Lillcn 24 5888. By 1\fr. WARE: Petition ·signed by 187 citizens-of Cov­ H. R. 340. An act to atlthorize the inrorv.orated town of ington, Kenton County, Ky., protesting against House bill 78; Anchorage, Alaska, to issue bonds for the construction and to the Committee on the District of Columbia. equipment of an additional school building, and for other 5889. Also, petition signed by citizens of Newport and Coving­ purposes; ton, Ky., urging that immediate steps be taken to bring to a H. R. 7367. An act to authorize the incorporated town of vote a Chi.l War pension bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Seward, Alaska, to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding sions. $50,000 for the purpose of constructing and equipping a public­ 5890. By 1\lr. WHITE of Colorado: Petition presented by Dr. school building in the town of Seward, Alaska ; and 1\I. L. Rice, president Colorado Conference of Seventh-Day Ad­ H. R. 9860. An act to amend the act of .April 25, 1922, as ventists, being 131 feet long and containing 3,035 signatures of amended, entitled "An act authorizing extensions of time for residents of Denver, against the Lankford Sunday observance the payment of purchase money due under certain homestead bill (H. R. 78) ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. entries and Government-land purchases within the former 5891. By Mr. WYANT: Petition of Thirty-fifth Continental Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian Reservations, N. Congress, Daughters of the American Revolution, favoring pas­ Dak. and S. Dak. sage of Capper-Gibson bill ( S. 1907, H. R. 6664) ; to the Com­ mittee on the District of Columbia. ENROLLED Bll..LS AND JOI~T RESOLUTIO~ SIGNED 5892. Also, petition of Tarsus Commandery, No. 375, Knights The message also announced that the Speaker had affixed of 1\fnlta, 1\lanor, ·westmoreland County, Pa., favoring passage his signature to the following enrolled bills and joint resolu­ of House bill 10078; to the Committee on Immigration and tion, and they were signed by the Vice President: Naturalization. S. 1665. An act to authorize the board of pari~ commissioners of the city and county of San Francisco to construct a. recrea­ tion pier at the foot of Yan Kess Avenue, San Francisco, Calif.; SEN... ~TE H. R. 445. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a cooperative agreement or ag1·eements with the SATURDAY, March 24-, 1928 State of l\lontana and private owners of land within the State The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offer~ ¢e of Montana for grazing and range development, and for otheL' following prayer : purposes; H. R. 3145. An act for the relief of " .. illis B. Cross; "How beautiful it is to be alive! H. R. 7367. An act to authorize the incorporated town of To wake each morn as if the 1\Iaker's grace Seward, Alaska, to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding Did us afresh f1·om nothingness derive, $50.000 for the purpose of constructing and equipping a. public­ That we might sing, 'How happy is our case! school building in the town of Seward, Alaska ; How beautiful it is to be alive! ' H. R.10027. An act to authorize t11e tram:fer of a portion of "To .l'ead in God's great book, until we feel the hospital reserration of the United States Yeterans' Hos­ Love for the love that gave it; then to kneel pital No. 78, North Little Rock, Ark., to the Big Rock Stone • Close unto Him whose truth our souls will shrh·e, & Material Co., and the transfer of certain land from the Big While every moment' joy doth more re,·eal Rock Stone & Material Oo. to the United States; 'How beautiful it is to be alive.' H. R. 10083. An act to provide for advances of fundS by spe­ "Not to forget when pain and grief draw nigh, cial di~bursing agents in connection with the enforcement of Into the ocean of time past to dive acts relating to narcotic drugs; For memor ~ es of God's mercies, or to try H. R. 10373. An act authorizing the Plattsmouth Blidge Co., To bear all sweetly. hoping still to cry its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a 'How beautiful it is to be alive! ' bridge across the Missouri River at or near Plattsmouth, Nebr.; and "Thus ever toward man·s height of nobleness H . J. Res. 211. Joint resolution to amend Public Resolution Strive still some new progression to contrin~; No. 65, approved March 3, 1925, authorizing the participation Till, just as any other friend's, we press of the United ~tates Government in the International Exposi­ Death's hand; and, having died, feel none the less tion to be held in Seville, Spain. 'How beautiful it is to be alive. '" CALL OF THE ROLL Let us pray. 0 merciful God and Heavenly Father, who hast taught us in Thy holy word that Thou dost not willingly affiict Mr. CURTIS. l\Ir. President, I suggest the ab..~nce of a or grieve the children of men, look with pity, we humbl;r beseech quorum. Thee, upon the sorrows ·of the family and loved ones of Thy The PRESIDIXG OFFICER (~Jr. FEss in the chair). The faithful servant whom Thou hast called unto Thyself. Gently cl('rk will call the roll. Thou didst press the tired lids to rest, for so Thou givest Thy The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ beloYed sleep. Vouch ·afe to him, 0 Lord, light ancl rest. peace tors answered to tl1eir names: and refreshment, joy and consolation in the paradise of God; A~hurst Fletcher McNary Shortridge Barkley Frazil'r Mayfield Simmons and may the benediction of his noble character rest upon us Bayard George .1\fet<'alf Smith all, that having served Thee with constancy on earth we may be Black GerrY Neely Smoot joined hereafter with Thy blesseu saints in glory everlasting. Blaine Gillett Norb<> ck Steck Blease Gooding Not·ris 8teiwer Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Borah Greene Nye Stephens Bt·atton Hale OddiP. Swanson The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ Bt·ookbart Hawef; Overman '.rbomas ings of the legislative da;r of Thursday last, when, on request Broussard Haydt'n Pine Tydings of 1\Ir. Cu"'RTIS, and by unanimous consent, the further reading Capper Johnson Pittman T~· son Caraway .Toni's Ransdell "'alsll, Mass. was dispensed with and the J ournal was approved. Couzens Kt'ndrick Reed. Mo. Walsll. ~Iont. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a message Curtis Kt'yes Robinson, Ark. Warren from the House of Representatiyes. Cutting King Robinson, Ind. Waterman Dale MrKellar Sackett Watson ?,{ESS.AGE FROM THE HOUSE Dill McLean Sheppard ·Wheeler A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chaffee, Fess :McMaster Shipsteacl one of its clerks, communicated to the Senate the resolutions of 1\fr. JOKES. I desire to announce that the Senntor· from the House adopted as a · tribute to the memory of Hon. WooD­ Colorado [:Mr. PHIPPS] is absent ou offieial business. BRIDGE N. FERRIS, late a Senator from the State of Michigan. l\lr. ROBINSOX of Arkansas. I wish to announce that the The message also announced that the House had passed with­ junior Senator from New Jersey [~Jr. EDWARDS] is necessarily out amendment the following bill and joint resolution; detained from the Senate by illn('Ss in hi· family. S. 3343. An act for the relief of the Arapahoe and Cheyenne l\lr. KEYES. I wish to ann~mnce that my collengue the Indians, and for other purposes ; and senior Senator from Kew Hampshire [lir. MosEs] is absent on S. J. Res. 31. Joint 1·esolution to provide that the United account of a death in his family. I ask that this announcement States extend to the Permanent International Association of may stand for the day. Road Congresses an invitation to hold the sixth sessioq. of the 1\Ir. GEORGE. I wish to announce that my colleague [1\lr. as~oria.tion in the United States, and for the expenses thereof. HARRIS] is necessarily detained on official busin~s. The message also announced that the House had agreed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ohair cle ·ires to announce the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 3145) for the that his colleague [~1r. WILLIS] is necessarily absent, and that relief of Willis B. Cross. · this announcement will stand for the day. The message further announced that the House had agreed Seventy-one Senators having answered to their name~, a to the amendments of the Senate to each of the following bills : quoru~ is present. .1928 CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD- SENATE 5275 My clients will very soon receive checks- for SO per cent -of all ALI~ PROPERTY A~D OTHER CLAIMS their custodianized cash, and they will receiv-e 80 per cent of all their Mt·. SMOOT. Mr. PI·esident, I have had sent to me a copy custodianized Liberty bonds or other property. They will receive 5 of a letter written by ~11·. A. W. Lafferty, 510 , Park Avenue, per cent interest-bearing certificates for the 20 per cent of their New Yo1·k, addl·essed to the firm of G. Siegel & Co., Stuttgart, capital withheld, and tht>y will receiYe also certificates for the in­ Germany. I ask that it may he printed in the RECORD as a part terest earned by their custodianized cash pl'ior to March 4, 1923, a of my remarks, anu I call it to the attention of the Senate for period of five years, -and that interest item will amOtmt to another 20 the reason that the letter is filled with falsehoods.
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