JETS 49/3 (September 2006) 651–67 BOOKS RECEIVED Abraham, William J. Wesley for Armchair Theologians. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2005, 195 pp., $12.95. Adams, David L. and Ken Schurb, eds. The Anonymous God: The Church Confronts Civil Religion and American Society. Saint Louis: Concordia, 2004, 287 pp., $19.99 paper. Aharoni, Yohanan, Michael Avi-Yonah, Anson F. Rainey, and Ze’ev Safrai. The Carta Bible Atlas. 4th ed. Jerusalem: Carta, 2002, 223 pp., $38.95. Alexander, Archibald. A Brief Compendium of Bible Truth. Edited by Joel R. Beeke. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage, 2005, 220 pp., $25.00. Allison, Dale C. Resurrecting Jesus: The Earliest Christian Tradition and Its Inter- preters. London: T & T Clark International, 2005, xi + 404 pp., $34.95 paper. Allison, Dale C., Jr. Studies in Matthew: Interpretation Past and Present. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005, 282 pp., $34.99. Anderson, Bernhard W. with Steven Bishop and Judith H. Newman. Understanding the Old Testament. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, xviii + 653 pp., n.p. paper. Anderson, Cheryl B. Women, Ideology, and Violence: Critical Theory and the Con- struction of Gender in the Book of the Covenant and the Deuteronomic Law. New York: T & T Clark International, 2005, x + 148 pp., $39.95 paper. Anderson Robert T. and Terry Giles. Tradition Kept: The Literature of the Samaritans. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2005, xv + 432 pp., $34.95. Arnold, Bill T. and H. G. M. Williamson, eds. Dictionary of the Old Testament: His- torical Books. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005, xxiii + 1060 pp., $50.00. Asano, Atsuhiro. Community-Identity Construction in Galatians: Exegetical, Social- Anthropological and Socio-Historical Studies. JSNTSup 285. London: T & T Clark International, 2005, x + 272 pp., 125.00. Astley, Jeff, Leslie Francis, John Sullivan, and Andrew Walker, eds. The Idea of a Christian University: Essays on Theology and Higher Education. Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2004, 316 pp., $34.99 paper. Athas, George. The Tel Dan Inscription: A Reappraisal and a New Interpretation. New York: T & T Clark International, xii + 340 pp., $49.95 paper. Atkinson, James. Faith Lost: Faith Regained. Blandon Forum, UK: Deo, 2005, 314 pp., $34.95 paper. Avi-Yonah, Michael, ed. A History of Israel and the Holy Land. New York: Continuum, 2001, 375 pp., $24.95 paper. Bacote, Vincent E. The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005, 172 pp., $18.99 paper. Balla, Peter. The Child-Parent Relationship in the New Testament and Its Environment. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2005, xiii + 279 pp., $29.95 paper. Balswick, Jack O., Pamela Ebstyne King, and Kevin S. Reimer. The Reciprocating Self: Human Development in Theological Perspective. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005, 334 pp., $24.00 paper. Barnett, Paul. The Birth of Christianity: The First Twenty Years. Vol. 1: After Jesus. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, x + 230 pp., $15.00 paper. 652 journal of the evangelical theological society 49/3 Bartholomew, Craig G., Joel B. Green, and Anthony C. Thiselton, eds. Reading Luke: Interpretation, Reflection, Formation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 6. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005, xxii + 484 pp., $39.99. Barton, John and Julia Bowden. The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004, xii + 318 pp., $20.00 paper. Beach, Eleanor Ferris. The Jezebel Letters: Religion and Politics in Ninth-Century Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005, xi + 220 pp., $19.00. Beattie, Gillian. Women and Marriage in Paul and His Early Interpreters. Library of New Testament Studies 296. London: T & T Clark International, 2005, xii + 181 pp., $120.00. Bebbington, David W. The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody. Vol. 3: A History of Evangelicalism, People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005, 288 pp., $23.00. Beeke, Joel R. Overcoming the World: Grace to Win the Daily Battle. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2005, 201 pp., $12.99 paper. Bekkenkamp, Jonneke and Yvonne Sherwood, eds. Sanctified Aggression: Legacies of Biblical and Post-Biblical Vocabularies of Violence. JSOTSup 400. London and New York: T & T Clark, 2003, xii + 248 pp., $47.95 paper. Bergen, Wesley J. Reading Ritual: Leviticus in Postmodern Culture. JSOTSup 417. London and New York: T & T Clark, 2005, 140 pp., $95.00. Bergman, Sigurd. Creation Set Free: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, 388 pp., $38.00 paper. Biddle, Mark E. Missing the Mark: Sin and Its Consequences in Biblical Theology. Nashville: Abingdon, 2005, 190 pp., $25.99 paper. Bienkowski, Piotr, Christopher Mee, and Elizabeth Slater, eds. Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society: Papers in Honour of Alan R. Millard. LHBOTS 426. New York: T & T Clark, 2005, 319 pp., $135.00. Bierma, Lyle. An Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism: Sources, History, and Theology. Edited by Richard A. Muller. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005, 223 pp., $29.99 paper. Bigalke, Ron J. Progressive Dispensationalism: An Analysis of the Movement and Defense of Traditional Dispensationalism. New York: New York University Press, 2005, 384 pp., $49.00 paper. Birch, Bruce C., Walter Brueggemann, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen. A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament. 2nd ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 2005, xviii + 485 pp., $40.00 paper. Birkey, Del. The Fall of Patriarchy: Its Broken Legacy Judged by Jesus and the Apostolic House Church Communities. Tucson: Fenestra, 2005, xiii + 376 pp., $26.95 paper. Bland, Dave and David Fleer, eds. Performing the Psalms: With Essays and Sermons by Walter Brueggemann, J. Clinton McCann, Jr., Paul Scott Wilson and Others. St. Louis: Chalice, 2005, xii + 195 pp., $19.99 paper. Blickenstaff, Marianne. “While the Bridegroom Is with Them”: Marriage, Family, Gender and Violence in the Gospel of Matthew. JSNTSup 292. London: T & T Clark International, 2005, vii + 244 pp., $120.00. Blomberg, Craig L. Contagious Holiness: Jesus’ Meals with Sinners. NSBT. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005, 216 pp., $20.00 paper. Bock, Darrell L. and Gregory J. Herrick, eds. Jesus in Context: Background Readings for Gospel Study. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005, 286 pp., $22.99 paper. Bodner, Keith. David Observed: A King in the Eyes of His Court. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2005, xii + 198 pp., n.p. Boersma, Hans. Violence, Hospitality, and the Cross: Reappropriating the Atonement Tradition. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004, 287 pp., $29.99. september 2006 books received 653 Bovan, François. Studies in Early Christianity. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003, viii + 336 pp., $34.99 paper. Britt, Brian. Rewriting Moses: The Narrative Eclipse of the Text. JSOTSup 402. London and New York: T & T Clark, 2004, xi + 208 pp., $45.95 paper. Brooke, George J. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005, xxii + 314 pp., $25.00 paper. Brown, Judith Anne. John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, xvi + 288 pp., $25.00. Brown, Candy Gunther. The Word in the World: Evangelical Writing, Publishing, and Reading in America, 1789–1880. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004, 336 pp., $19.95 paper. Bruce, James. Prophecy, Miracles, Angels, and Heavenly Light?: The Eschatology, Pneumatology, and Missiology of Adomnan’s Life of St. Columba. Studies in Chris- tian History and Thought. Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2004, 285 pp., n.p. paper. Brueggemann, Walter. Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005, xxi + 777 pp. + CD-ROM, $48.00. Brueggemann, Walter. Worship in Ancient Israel: An Essential Guide. Nashville: Abingdon, 2005, 104 pp., $14.00 paper. Brumbelow, David R. The Wit and Wisdom of Pastor Joe Brumbelow: Favorite Illus- trations, Personal Stories, Humor, History, Folklore, and Lessons Learned From Over 50 Years in the Ministry. Garland: Hannibal, 2005, 240 pp., $12.95. Burridge, Richard A. Four Gospels, One Jesus? A Symbolic Reading. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, xvi + 198 pp., $16.00 paper. Buxton, Graham. The Trinity, Creation and Pastoral Ministry: Imaging the Perichoretic God. Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2005, 310 pp., n.p. paper. Calvert-Koyzis, Nancy. Paul, Monotheism and the People of God: The Significance of Abraham Traditions for Early Judaism and Christianity. JSNTSup 273. London: T & T Clark International, 2004, xiv + 173 pp., $115.00. Campbell, Antony J. Joshua to Chronicles: An Introduction. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2004, x + 267 pp., $29.95 paper. Campbell, Antony J. Rethinking the Pentateuch: Prolegomena to the Theology of Ancient Israel. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2005, xv + 183 pp., n.p. paper. Campbell, Antony J. 2 Samuel. FOTL 8. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, xiv + 242 pp., $50.00 paper. Campbell, Douglas A. The Quest for Paul’s Gospel: A Suggested Strategy. JSNTSup 274. London: T & T Clark International, 2005, xi + 290 pp., $115.00. Carlson, Stephen C. The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith’s Invention of Secret Mark. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2005, xix + 151 pp., $19.95 paper. Carson, D. A. Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Move- ment and Its Implications. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005, 250 pp., $14.99 paper. Carter, Terry G., J. Scott Duvall, and J. Daniel Hays. Preaching God’s Word: A Hands- On Approach to Preparing, Developing, and Delivering the Sermon. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005, 299 pp., $29.99. Castronova, Mike. Genesis and the Digital Grid. Book One: The Alpha Cell. Longwood, FL: Xulon, 2005, 85 pp., n.p. paper. Charles, J. Daryl. Between Pacifism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005, 196 pp., $16.00 paper. Chennattu, Rekha M. Johannine Discipleship as a Covenant Relationship. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2006, xxiv + 256 pp., $29.95 paper. Cho, Youngmo. Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul: An Attempt to Reconcile These Concepts. Paternoster Biblical Monographs. Waynesboro, GA: Pater- noster, 2005, xviii + 227 pp., £19.99 paper. 654 journal of the evangelical theological society 49/3 Chung, Sung Wook, ed.
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