TOWN OF SMITHERS Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. Council Present: Staff Present: Jim Davidson, Mayor Wallace Mah, Corporate Administrator/CAO Norm Adomeit, Councillor Deborah Sargent, DCAO/Director of Planning Cathryn Bucher, Councillor Clair Lee, Corporate Administrative Assistant Cress Farrow, Councillor Leslie Ford, Financial Administrator/Collector Bill Goodacre, Councillor Mark Allen, Director of Development Services Jo Ann Groves, Councillor Darcey Kohuch, Director of Operational Services Marilyn Stewart, Councillor. Keith Stecko, Fire Chief Kelly Zacharias, Airport Manager/Deputy Fire Chief Angela Belsham, Recreation Coordinator Penny Goodacre, Recording Secretary. Media Present: C. Lester, The Peak. Public Present: B. Atherton, R. Chipeniuk, and A. Watson. CALL TO ORDER 1. Mayor Davidson called the meeting to order (7:33 p.m.). APPROVAL OF AGENDA (including Supplemental Items) 1A. Farrow/Groves 06.0383 THAT Council approves the agenda, and the following supplemental items for AGENDA discussion later in the meeting (under Section 14): APPROVAL 1A-1 Report ADM 06-045 dated May 8, 2006, from W. Mah, Chief Administrative Officer, recommending the Town participate in the UBCM Member Consultation on Policing Costs in Small Communities and Electoral Areas being held May 26, 2006, in Richmond (0230-30). 1A-2 Email dated May 4, 2006, from the Official Opposition Environment Critic and the Official Opposition Municipal Affairs Critic concerning Bill 30 and proposed changes to the Utilities Commission Act (0135-01). 1A-3 Email dated May 5, 2006, from CivicInfo BC presenting a letter from the Sunshine Coast Regional District urging Premier Campbell to reconsider Bill 30 (1425-02). 1A-4 Approved routine request form for Smithers Hockeyville Day on May 6, 2006 (0300-04). 1A-5 Letter dated April 28, 2006, from Mayor S. Hartwell, Village of Telkwa, inviting a Town representative to present the business case for the Northern Development Initiative Trust runway project (0470-20, 8400- 03). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING 2. None. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3-1 Adomeit/Farrow 06.0384 THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held April 25, 2006, be REG APR 25 adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 4-1 Adomeit/Stewart 06.0385 THAT Report ADM 06-041 dated April 26, 2006, from W. Mah, Chief ITEMS Administrative Officer, regarding items being made public from the Special (In- MADE Camera) Meeting of Council held April 11, 2006, be received; PUBLIC AND THAT the following items be placed on the public agenda: (0640-01). 8. CORRESPONDENCE/REPORTS (LEGAL/LAND) - ACTION AS NECESSARY a) Northern Development Initiative Trust & Smithers Airport Application Farrow/Bucher THAT Report ADM 06-035 dated April 7, 2006, from Mayor Davidson, regarding Northern Development Trust Board’s decision to provide monies half as a grant and half as a repayable loan for the Smithers Regional Airport runway expansion, be received (6750-20); AND THAT Council receive the letters from Mayor Davidson dated April 3, 2006, to the Northern Trust Board and dated April 5, 2006, to the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako, concerning the Airport Northern Development Initiative funding application; AND THAT the Mayor proceed with the grant/loan sharing proposed by the Northern Development Initiatives Board. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06-055 Bucher/Farrow THAT letters be written to Burns Lake, Houston, Granisle, Telkwa, New Hazelton, Hazelton, and Regional District of Bulkley Nechako requesting they contribute the 2005 interest earned on their apportioned Northern Development Initiative allotment, which will be put towards the airport runway extension project. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06-056 Farrow/Bucher THAT Council continue to lobby against the 50% grant/50% interest free repayable loan guidelines of the Northern Development Initiative Trust Board; AND THAT Administration continue to work with other Chief Administrative Officers to lobby against this policy. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06-057 See 9. a) of these minutes. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. Page 3 9. CORRESPONDENCE/REPORTS (LEGAL/LAND) - RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION a) Northern Development Initiative Trust Bucher/Groves THAT letter dated March 22, 2006, from C. Morey, Vice-Chair, Northern Development Initiative Trust, providing guidelines for approving the grants for the Northwest Regional Advisory Committee, be received (6750). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06-061 See 8. a) of these Minutes. 10. OTHER BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS a) Willowvale Subdivision A map of the Willowvale Subdivision was distributed to Council. Farrow/Adomeit THAT Lots 1, 2 and 3 PRP 42839 (attached as Schedule A) of the Willowvale Subdivision be listed for sale at $53,900.00 each. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06-062 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-2 Item 14-4 of the Regular Meeting of Council held April 25, 2006: 06.0386 POLICING Farrow/Bucher COSTS THAT Report ADM 06-044 dated May 3, 2006, from C. Lee, Corporate UBCM Administrative Assistant, presenting additional information regarding UBCM CONSULT- Member Consultation on Policing Costs in Small Communities and Electoral ATION Areas, be tabled for discussion under Supplemental Item 1A-1 (0230-30). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS 5-1 Dr. R. Chipeniuk reported on three amenity migration studies undertaken in AMENITY Smithers. MIGRATION The telephone study of new residents (847 and 877 exchanges) was used to test the method of tracking amenity migrants relocating to Smithers. Of the 250 new households surveyed, the majority were amenity migrants. Each amenity migration household creates at least one new job. R. Chipeniuk recommended that the Town survey new residents every two years. The story study of causal events determines why Smithers has become an amenity migrant destination. A report will follow once the data has been analyzed. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. Page 4 The fly-in fly-out study examines the phenomenon of long-range commuting by air. For example, the Athabasca area is booming so rapidly that there is not enough housing for oilsands trades employees. Twenty communities across Canada are trying to find out more about housing those workers. The City of Kimberley and Canadian Natural Resources purchased their own 737, have an agreement to assist with Kimberley runway extension, and built airstrips near the oil sands. Dr. Chipeniuk offered to make a presentation at a future Economic Development Committee meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS: COUNCILLOR ADOMEIT 6-1-1 Adomeit/Bucher 06.0387 THAT the minutes of the Advisory Recreation, Parks and Culture Commission REC COMM meeting held May 3, 2006, be received (0370-20). MAY 3 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISC GOLF A. Belsham, Recreation Coordinator, advised that G. Ingram intends to make a presentation to Council regarding disc golf. COUNCILLOR BUCHER 6-2-1 Bucher/Groves 06.0388 THAT the Visitor Information Statistics from the Smithers District Chamber of VISITOR Commerce for the period ending April 30, 2006, be received (0230-20). INFO STATS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NCMA Councillor Bucher advised that the North Central Municipal Association (NCMA) FERRIES resolution to work with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding ferry service was passed at the NCMA conference held May 3 to 6, 2006. HOCKEY- Councillor Bucher commended D. Kohuch, Director of Operational Services, for VILLE the department’s services in promoting “Smithers is Hockeyville”. COUNCILLOR FARROW 6-3-1 a) & b) Farrow/Bucher 06.0389 THAT the minutes of Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Meeting No. 7 and RDBN Environmental Services Committee meeting held April 6, 2006, be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-3-1 c) Farrow/Adomeit 06.0390 THAT the minutes of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Alcan Committee RDBN meeting held March 9, 2006, be received. ALCAN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-3-2 Farrow/Groves Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. Page 5 06.0391 THAT the minutes of the Planning and Design Committee meeting held April 19, PLANNING 2006, be received (0540-20). APR 19 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 06.0392 Farrow/Adomeit ALDOUS ST. THAT, as recommended by the Planning and Design Committee, parking on PARKING Aldous Street remain as it is; AND THAT signage be placed by the Town Hall entrance indicating where handicapped parking is located. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DV 06-02 See 7A-4. COUNCILLOR GOODACRE 6-4-1 Goodacre/Bucher 06.0393 THAT the minutes of the Family Court Committee meeting held April 4, 2006, FAMILY be received (0540-20). COURT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APR 4 6-4-2 Goodacre/Adomeit 06.0394 THAT the minutes of the Recycling Committee meeting held April 26, 2006, be RECYCLING received (0540-20). APR 26 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Councillor Goodacre advised that: a) the Recycling Centre and Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako have entered into a two and a half year agreement; b) there will be a recycling forum in Burns Lake on June 24, 2006; and c) the Talking Trash event takes place June 6, 2006. 6-4-3 Goodacre/Adomeit 06.0395 THAT Mayor Davidson reappoints Joan Wells to the Smithers Public Library LIBRARY BD Board, for a term of two years commencing May 1, 2006; APPTS AND THAT Mayor Davidson appoints Sylvia Golke to the Smithers Public Library Board, for a term of two years commencing May 1, 2006, as recommended in Report FIN 06-15 dated May 4, 2006, from Councillor Goodacre (1610-01, 7960-02).
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