DRY GOODH DRY GOODS. but has promised to issue a étalement ÍR6INIA TO-DAY'S TELEGRAPHIC NEWí* ^KOM WASHINGTON. alter tbe eeeeion of the convention to¬ IffiWfi of the Alexandria Oaaett·,] Holt F. ha* been appointed The Situation at Martinique LANSBURGH & BRO., f orr«»p-i'd»Ticw day. But, j'., 16 .M. gover¬ Wasbingtan, D. C , May 16. An csu-ed a sc-nnutional postmaster at Puitimoutb. Parie, May L'Heurre, Favorite Store. Englishman tele¬ Washington'* Dr. Jung, the physician of Lord some among aristocratic sped it« r-» of a Confederate Memorial Day was ob¬ nor pro tem of Mart.nique, today Pauricefote, tbe British Ambassador, circus io Madrid, yesterdav, 0] ti e Ing served at Norfolk yettarday witb ap¬ graphed the minia »r of colonies that Business Hours 8 a. rn. to ß p. na. «aid Ibis morning tbat bis patient wee the Duke of Arion with a laid« ? w bip. propriât» ceremonies. all the city achieves of St. Pierre were Saturdays 9 o'clock. from the disease man wanted to a club of «Lieh 10th, llthtBtlFSts.. N.W. in no serious danger The join Tbomas Savege bas been appointed los*, in the destruction of tbat be is sull-ring, and that the Duke is a member. A council of re¬ city. with wbicb postmaster to succeed W. L. Taylor, Mount tbe Governor reports that be wa9 thing were un¬ bonor, witb tbe Doke as president, signed, at Aebgrove, Fairfax county. Pelee, acting says, founded. "He bas gout io aa acute considered his application, and rejeve'ed Judge B. C. Jackson of tbe fifteenth is atill smoking, SI. L'Heurre's ncte i form," said Dr. Jung, "complicated it lor reasons not disclosed. E r^ged to continues: "The complete re-vicual- circuit will soon and will go Specials resign witb stomach and liver trouble?. The at this treatment, »he young Eaglish- i-to tbe ling ol Martinique bas been provided Saturday Being was affected a few be en tbe Tazewell and again enter prac¬ Tbe hive asthma with which be tnan determined to revenged tice of law. for. neigho ring Miositi For One days atro titas disappeared entirely. Duke of Arion. sent much. Tne French cotsul at New DayOnly. Children's Day, bev« lor bim to of Mr. H. B. Nelle, proprietor of Roke- York has iu(orm»il tbe Government A veritable bargain whirlwind We arranged gota Tbe Cubao Senate and House sold on We will offer iterila Aix lea Bain« s as soon ae be is able to met in joint session by stock farm near Leesburg, tbat transports wi 1 arrive at Fort de Not room here to itemize a twentieth many Representatives Monday a splendid pair ol trotting bred France wit ? sufficient of the Come and of and Summer t av-d." yeeterday and examined the cre¬ to Waeb- eh.inly provision part (speciale early Spring ??0?? The. IV-Miler.t sent tbe following dentials of the members of presidential bays for $1,600. Tbey went fur 1150,000 persons fur twenty daye." take advantage' of the saving-. Outfitting» for Boys, Girla, Dominations to tbe 8er>ate today: Her¬ aod senatorial colleges. Tbe creden¬ tngton. Io additiou io t ia provisions already Satin l'utiants, In lenijhs from 5 to 15 Children at MAY 16, 1902 the ot (Joloni-s has or¬ aud Little very FBIlaAY KVENING, bert GoldsmitD Squiers, of N-w York, tials were correct, and it Tbe entire force, with possible sent tbe Ministry ystds; »li »hade», media-·, »natii, and n- proclaimed cf the De* a amount ot treme not one sold for lew th»n attractive . t« be Minister ta Cuba; Edward f. waa announced that Senor exception of a dozsn men. dered fur Martinique large figures, yatd prices General at formally lord of Luray, went sent oirtc. from St. 59c ; souo were 75c and $1.01 qualities. 24 TlMHS cnange and men ebanite t\.t"i Bra.-, of Wisconsin, Consul Pelma has been elee'ed president and Tannery Company, provisions Pierre, »ilk. For Gardner of on a etrike demanding an in¬ iucbea wide, itiictly pure "lQr> Wash Suits. been toe bei in- Havao»; John Coolidge, Senor Eitevt-z vice president. Governor yesterday Miquelon. ono .??» Boys' tTTcn. Buch ben from of tbe crease In Fort do 16.8ome cf day only, yard.^, taut VlaseachusettH, Secretary lega- General Wood was formally net'· wages. France, May A «ervlre»blo House made of excel¬ full and will do_bt!e«>s continue, ton at Clarence (J. tbe few rit. Pierre residents wbo escaped Skirt, Galatea Cloth and Cbambray Faits, niog Pekin, China; tied to this effect, nnd a commission Contributions are being received by lent quality striped gingt ana, fill width aod »izee 3 to 12. more qoickl«, C-lUctorof Curtotns, Cherry¬ in Richmond for from the douta» d city before tbe erup¬ fiaisb-1 witb blouse; to many, tbey change rfmither«, was aDDointed Id notify Senors Palma Rev. Dr. Moncuie length, deep doable flounce, S tion that io tbe wi d on a French 1.00 Fach. now than tbey once did. It le in the stone, Va. and Eneve/. building a church near Widewaier, say early April aad smill rulase, gorei at top 1'2. President lloos'-velt tois mornine Siaäcrd county. Rev. E. B. Burrell ie animals and reptiles left tne vicinity of yoke, with araw strimi length 40 to 43 Galatea and Cbambray Suits, aizia 3 to memory of compara'.lvely youne people showed n 75c. For one Each. received an invitation from "Teddy's CONGRESSIONAL. tne minister in charge. Pelee in great numbers. Cattle eli'«. B«gular price. mtammAQr fl.50 the iuh_biUr t> of a aud at the d*v only»,...._....-. < r»sh and cambric, with wbat sympathy Terrors," of Loe Aogfle?, to attend Ad extended Mr. McLau· General Hum an has sold hie uneasiness, dogs nightsought Buxelan Bloute Suite, were held wben, to atlend speech by Eppa cf tbeir showing Lawn snl Pereste Wrappers, odds snd »\za»2% te G Alsace and Lorraine "round up." Tbe requett in to tbe residence in Warrenton to Mre. Sarah company maste», season's hsve a ekln in tbe Id- rio, of Mississippi, opposition of fear. Later rumbliogn ends of this selling. They (1.68 acd |2 25 E»ch. alt« r tbe war of 1871 between Germany Was buroed lato calf Hoge for ton thousand dollars, posees- every sign been selling at $1.48, $1.25, and $1.00, both lärmige: "We're goin ter pending Philippine government b il, was Tbis is were beard but Mont Pelee bad been so Brown Linon Suits, a ? is 3 to 12. »nd France tbe latter country was com¬ lowing sion to be given October 1st. the light «nd dark effects, fitted wiist linings, bave a round up aod we shore want a feature of yesterday's session in tbe tbe in long dormant that tbe people in this season's sizes 34 to 46. To $ I 25 Fsch. ta the two one of most desirable places In style», vFj^WMir pelled give up provinces yer mlgbty bad. Feed ana wtter Senate. He assailed tbe policy lieiDg Warrenton. valleys laughed at tbe warnings. close, your choice for one day._ Bussi« ? Blouao Suits, bloouar pant», a aia foe. Toe irons Stal· tbe cases bodies were untouched named to ber victorious plenty. 8tocks fut. Brandin' pursued by tbe United ia Tbe trial of tbe sul in Balti¬ many t>> 2% to 0. wben bere, ('orne on and deprecated out¬ litt fire. Tbe reason t'a et so few escaped te Dailv Deliveries to Alexandria to 3.75 Each. Alaciaos and Lorranians bitterly ready you git Philippines, more of Henry \V. Jackson, oí Kes- 13.25 f and Ibe »ill yer?'' Tbe invitation came from ragée perpetrated in the islanus, wheth¬ Gil- believed to be owing to the fact that Fine White Pique Suits, best quality, sizes opposed being expatrltted, bux and the were committed the wick, Albemarie county, against tbe first threw off California in a red wood er tbey by Filipi¬ t Brea A wholesale volcano great quan¬ 3 to 12. of the people aod Per¬ or tbe Americans. were, bet Co., druggists, tities of wnich over the city, sympathy liberty-loving Presided told denature Bard nos by Tboy for $25,000 damages for alleged lose ol gas swept Lansburgh&Bro., ?5 00 Fach. of tbe world was extended to them in kins who made tbe presentation tha' in his judgment, the natural outgro* tb Jamaica rendering tbe inhabitant* unconscious. Mac-o'-Wsr Suits, wbito snd dark blue 1« than one of tbe policy, for wbicn, eyesigtt by drinking ginger, Then followed the streams of lava, to 426 Seventh street, sito white tbeir distress, but tbe stem fate of wer he'd rather have printed government'») bigan jet inlay. 420 linen; drilling. upon a plate of gold studded with dia¬ he maintained, tbe republican party wbicb finished tbe work of destruction. WASHINGTON'. D. C Drilling, f5 00 fach. Linen, ftJ.00. willed it -o, and though many of them He ur¿ed tbe ab in- The Standing Committee of tbe The steamer Madiana, witb tne sun monds. was responsible. has Fxtra Pair Long Pants, fl.50. did still loyal to and loving la belle Booeevelt bae announced donmeot of the policy in tbe interest Episcopal Dioceeeol Virginia given plies purchased by the New York Order· Conferred oa Alfonso. President to tbe of Rev. time has evident'y caused a to Seoatci Cullom that be will if poss¬ of humanity and ju-tioe.
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