Sl. Name & Address of the Borrower / Guarantor(s) / Description of Immovable / Movable Property / Bid Reserve Price Date & Time E-AUCTION No. Outstanding Amount Increment Amount / EMD of E-Auction 7) Land situated at Mouza: Jharpada, Khata No.: 928/2495, Plot No.: 1298 B (P), Area: `20.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at Ac.0.096dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name / 10.00 A.M. to Circle Office, 4th Floor, Deen Dayal Bhawan, Ashok Nagar, Janpath, Bhubaneswar -751009, Ph.No.: 0674-2534349 SALE NOTICE of Shri B. Sashi Kumar. / ` 20,000/- `2.00Lacs 10.30 A.M. 8) Land situated at Mouza: Meherapalli, Khata No.: 644/559, Plot No.: 99, Area: `50.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at Sale of Immovable/Movable Properties mortgaged to Bank Under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets Ac.0.710dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name / 11.00 A.M. to and Enforcement of Security Interest Act.2002 of Shri Rahul Kumar / ` 50,000/- `5.00Lacs 11.30 A.M. Whereas, the Authorized Officer of Punjab National Bank had taken possession of the following properties pursuant to the notice issued under 9) Land situated at Mouza: Jharapada, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 929/1659, Plot No.: 1541/4163, Area: `30.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at Sec 13(2) of the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 in the following loan account Ac.0.116dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of / 12.00 Noon to with right to sell the same on “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS” for realization of Bank’s dues plus interest as detailed hereunder and whereas consequent Shri V. Radhakrishna Pillai. / ` 20,000/- `3.00Lacs 12.30 P.M. upon failure to repay the dues, the undersigned in exercise of power conferred under Section 13(4) of the said Act proposes to realize the Bank’s 10) Land situated at Mouza: Tora, Khata No.: 1580, Plot No.: 2581, Area: Ac.0.10dec., `5.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at dues by sale of the said properties. The Sale will be done by the undersigned through e-auction platform provided at the website www.pnbindia.biz Tahasil/SRO: Baragarh, P.S.: Baragarh, Dist.: Baragarh,recorded in the name of Shri C. Ravi / 1.00 P.M. to Sl. Name & Address of the Borrower / Guarantor(s) Description of Immovable / Movable Property / Reserve Price Date & Time Kumar. / ` 10,000/- `50.000/- 1.30 P.M. No. / Outstanding Amount Bid Increment Amount / EMD of E-Auction 11) Land situated at Mouza: Meherapalli, Unit No.: 34, Khata No.: 644/612, Plot No.: 566/1888, Area: `8.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at 1. ARMB BRANCH, BHUBANESWAR 1) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Ac.0.180dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of / 2.00 P.M. to Unit No.: 53, Khata No.: 928/1550, Plot No.: 1874, 10.00Lacs S. Padmini Amma. / ` 10,000/- `80.000/- 2.30 P.M. Borrower: Ganapati Foods, Plot No.: 641/642, ` 16.11.2015 at Area: Ac.0.046dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, / 12) Land situated at Mouza: Jharpada, Khata No.: 928/1955, Plot No.: 1314/4106, Area: `60.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at Upper Sahi, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar - 751006, 10.00 A.M. to P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the ` 1.00Lacs 10.30 A.M. Ac.0.220dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of / 3.00 P.M. to Directors : 1. Sri C. Ravi Kumar, Plot No.: 641/ name of Mr. C. Ravi Kumar. / ` 10,000/- Shri V. Radhakrishna Pillai. / ` 1,00,000/- `6.00Lacs 3.30 P.M. 642, Upper Sahi, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar- 13) Land situated at Mouza: Jharpada, Unit No.-33, Khata No.: 165, Plot No.: 1275, (Sub Plot `35.00Lacs 25.11.2015 at 751006, 2. Sri S. N. Swain, Sudhanagar, PO: 2) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 158, Plot No.: 1299, Area: ` 10.00Lacs 16.11.2015 at No.-A), Area: Ac.0.126dec.,Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded / 4.00 P.M. to Nati, PS: Niali, Dist.: Cuttack / Guarantors: 1. Sri in the name of Shri C. Ravi Kumar. / ` 40,000/- `3.50Lacs 4.30 P.M. B. Sashi Kumar, LB-103, Stage-IV, BDA Colony, Ac.0.077.5dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: / 11.00 A.M. to Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of ` 1.00Lacs 11.30 A.M. 5. Borrower: Dhyan Chand 1) Land at Mouza: Sisupal, Dist.: Khurda, Khata No.: 417/332, Plot No.: 683, `4.50Lacs 16.11.2015 at Laxmi Sagar, Bhubaneswar - 751006, 2. Smt. V. / 3.00 P.M. to Viswanathan, Plot No.: 1049/4234, Upper Sahi, Smt. B. Jayashree / ` 10,000/- Mishra, Plot No.: 27-A, BJB Area: Ac. 0.165dec. / `10,000/- `45,000/- Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Dist.: 3.30 P.M. Laxmi Sagar, Bhubaneswar - 751006, 3. Smt. B. 3) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit 2) Land and Building at Mouza: Sisupal, Dist.: Khurda, Khata No.: 417/332, Khurda/ Outstanding `9.00Lacs 16.11.2015 at Jayashree, C/o- Sri P.K. Pasupalak, Lane No.: No.: 33, Khata No.: 928/2699, Plot No.: 480, Area: ` 15.00Lacs 16.11.2015 at Amount: ` 17,71,103/- as Plot No.: 1256/2472, Area: Ac. 0.042dec., Plot No.: 1256/2240/2471, Area: / 10, Gajapati Nagar, Berhampur - 760010, 4. Sri Ac.0.080dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: / 12.00 Noon to Ac. 0.023dec., Plot No.: 1263/2106/2473, Area: Ac. 0.008dec., Total 4 plots 4.00 P.M. to on 30.12.2013 +future `90,000/- 4.30 P.M. Bijay Kumar Khatua, S/o- Late Balaram Khatua, Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of ` 1.50Lacs 12.30 P.M. interest & expenses thereon Area Ac 0.238dec., in the name of Gangadhar Gajendra / `10,000/- Vill/PO: Pathuriapada, PS: Banki, Dist.: Cuttack / Smt. V. Vinaya / `10,000/- 6. M/s. Lucky Telecom, Prop.: Smt. Suchitra Swain, At: Badambadi, Land & Building situated at Khata No.: Outstanding Amount : `10,91,73,680/- as on 372/317, Plot No.: 401/2184, Area: 4) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, ` 15.00Lacs 16.11.2015 at Opp. Puri Bus Stand, Arunodaya Market, Cuttack-753012 / Guarantor: `35.00Lacs 21.11.2015 at 31.12.2013 + future interest & expenses thereon Ac. 0.134 dec., Mouza: Cuttack Sahar, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 928/2698, Plot No.: 480/ / 1.00 P.M. to Shri Ananta Mohanty, S/o: Late Maguni Mohanty, At: Kamalpur, / Unit-33, Dolmundai, Tahasil/SRO: 10.00 A.M. to 5182, Area: Ac.0.080dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.:New Capital, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in ` 1.50Lacs 1.30 P.M. Opp. Puri Bus Stand, Arunodaya Market, Cuttack-753012 / `3.50Lacs 10.30 A.M. the name of Shri B. Sashi Kumar. / ` 10,000/- Outstanding Amount: `78,31,050/- as on 30.11.2013 + future Cuttack, Dist.: Cuttack in the name of Shri Ananta Mohanty / `40,000/- 5) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 928/33, Plot No.: 1497, ` 25.00Lacs 16.11.2015 at interest & expenses thereon Khata No.: 928/326, Plot No.: 1498, Area: Ac.0.114dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.:Laxmisagar, / 2.00 P.M. to 7. Borrower: BRM Mines & Minerals, Prop.: Smt. Jyoti 1) Immovable properties i.e. Factory Land & Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of Shri S.N. Swain / ` 20,000/- ` 2.50Lacs 2.30 P.M. Malhotra, W/o.: Sri Bikas Malhotra, Factory at : Building situated at Khata No.: 19, Plot No.: 6) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 158, Plot No.: 1299, Area: 30.11.2015 at Salarapenth, P.O.: Mahadeijoda, Dist.: Keonjhar, Office 219, Area- Ac.0.400dec., Khata No.: 19, Plot `50.00Lacs ` 15.00Lacs No.: 247, Area: Ac.0.490dec., Khata No.: 48, 26.11.2015 at Ac.0.077.5dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: Laxmisagar, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of / 10.00 A.M. to At : Deluxe Hotel Lane, Mahulpali, Rourkela, Dist.: / 12.00 Noon to Sundargarh / Outstanding Amount : ` 9,14,89,297/- as Plot No.: 246, Area: Ac.0.220dec., Khata No.: Shri B. Sashi Kumar / ` 10,000/- ` 1.50Lacs 10.30 A.M. 47, Plot No.: 237, Area-Ac.0.400dec., Khata `5.00Lacs 12.30 P.M. on 31.12.2014 + future interest & expenses thereon 7) Land situated at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit No.: 33, Khata No.: 928/1292, Plot No.: 1873, `140.00Lacs 30.11.2015 at No.: 43, Plot No.: 248, Area: Ac.0.980dec., Area: Ac.0.222dec., Plot No.: 1874/3840, Area: Ac.0.146dec., Plot No.: 1872, Area: Ac.0.060dec., / 11.00 A.M. to Khata No.: 50, Plot No.: 235, Area: Ac.0.560dec., Khata No.: 53/11, Plot No.: 246/352, Area: Khata No.: 928/1413, Plot No.: 1875, Area: Ac.0.175dec., Tahasil/SRO: Bhubaneswar, P.S.: New ` 14.00Lacs 11.30 A.M. Ac.0.580dec., Khata No.: 53/19, Plot No.: 250, Area: Ac.1.080dec. & Plot No.: 251, Area: Ac.0.400dec., Capital, Dist.: Khurda, recorded in the name of Mr. C. Ravi Kumar. / ` 1,00,000/- Mouza: Salarapenth, Unit-2, Tahsil-Keonjhar, Thana No-19, Dist.: Keonjhar, Total Area: Ac.5.110dec., 8) Factory land and building situated at Mouza: Ghadaghadapalli, Khata No.: 228/744, Plot No.: 440/ recorded in the name of Shri Vikas Malhotra / ` 50,000/- 1521, Area: Ac.0.020dec., Plot No.: 453/1520, Area: Ac.0.170dec., Plot No.: 440/1519, Area: `40.00Lacs 27.11.2015 at 2) Plant & Machineries i.e.
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