DOCUMENT RESUME ED 129 742 SP 010 455 TITLE Movement. Proceedings of Seventh Symposium in Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. INSTITUTION Association of Physical Activity Professionals of Quebec, Montreal. PUB DATE Oct 75 NOTE 376p.; Partly in French; Proceedings of Canadian Psycho-Motor Learning and Sport Psychology Symposium (7th, Quebec, Canada, October 1975) .AVAILABLE FROMAssociation of Professlonals of Physical Activity of Quebec, 1415 Est Rue Jarry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2E, 277 ($20.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$20.75 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Athletes; Athletic Programs; *Athletics; Attitudes; Behavior; *Emotional Response; Memory; Morale; *MotivatiOn; Physical Activities; Physical Education; *Psychometrics; Psychomotor Objectives; *Psychomotor Skills; Response Node; Sportsmanship; *Time Perspective; Transfer of Training IDENTIFIERS *Sport Psychology ABSTRACT The symposium on the physical and psychomotor aspects of sports covered a variety of topics. Among those contained in.this report are: discussions on the taxonomies of sports; the time dimension of physical activity including ;esponse variables, judgment of temporal order, and duration discrimination; memory; information and its use in physical activity; trainitTand the transfer of __training to performance; the .academic discipline of sports; attitudes of the athlete; cooperation and competition in sports; 'anxiety and other emotions aroused in' athletics; the causes of success; motivation; the implications of participation.in sports activities; and other psycho-social aspects of sports. (JMF) *********************************************************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain.the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions *, * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * ******************************************************************A*** REVUE DE L'ASSOCIATION DES-PROFESSIONNELS DE L'ACTIVITE PHYSIQUE DU QUEBEC ACTES DU 7e SYMPOSIUM CANADIEN EN APPRENTISSAGE PSYCHO-MOTEUR ET PSYCHOLOGIE DU SPORT Comité de Publication Chantal Bard = Michelle Fleury John Salmela Conception graphique Jean-Pierre Labeau Prix de l'exemplaire : $20 c' Pub liée avec la collaboration de rAssociation des professionnels de ractivité physique du Québec 3 Mouvement. Actes du 7 . symposium en apprentissage psycho-moteur et psycho.logie du sport. Octobre 1975. COMITE D'ORGANISATION DU 76 SYMPOSIUM CANADIEN' EN APPRENTISSAGE PSYCHOMOTEUR ET PSYCHOLOGIE DU SPORT: Dr John Saimela (responsable) Dr Chantal Bard Prof. Raymond Desharnais Dr Denis Drouin Dr Michelle Fleury Le Comite canadien d'apprentissage psycho-moteur et psychologie du sport de la C.A.H.P.E.R. a créé des précédents qui témoignent de sa vitalité sur la scene nord-américaine. Ce symposiUm disciplinaire de haute quaintly, tenu a Québec, regroups des cherchiurs canadiens et américains et marque l'émergence d'un pourcentage important de francophones, tout spécialement dans le domaine de l'apprentissage moteur. Toutes les sessions plénières et les reunions disciplinaires parallèles disposent de la , traduction simultanée et les presentations et discussions se tiennent en angials oS en francliis. Mais le plus important précédent est sans contredit la distribution des actes avant méme le déroulement du symposium, permettant ainsi une beaucoup plus grande efficacité de participation. Je remerdle tilts sincèrement taus les auteurs dont la diligence a permis cette,parution. Ma gratitude va aussi au Comite-organisatpur qui travaille depuis un an a la réalisation du Symposium. La collaboration du Departe- ment d'education Physique de l'Université Livel fut tout aussi essentielle la tenue de cet événement. L'apport financier du. Secretariat d'etat du Canada a rendu possible la traduction simultanée. Et finalement, je rends un hommage tout particulier STAssociation des Professionrieli de l'Activité Physique du Québec (APAPQ) dont le dynamisme a piirmis cette publica- tion. JOHN SALMELA, responsabie du Symposium L'aide apportée a la correction des epreuves par Magdeleine Yerles et Erlene Waghorn nous a permis de renyntrer nos échéances. 2 MouveMent. Actes du 7symposium en apprentissage psycho-moteur et psychologie du sPort. Octobre 1975. SOMMAIRE PERFORMANCE MOTRICE: TAXONOMIE 'The Structure of Motor Tasks Ann M. Gentile, J. R. Higgins, E. A. Miller, B. M. Rosen Towards a Typology of Apraxia 29 Eric A.,Roy Le gardien de but au hockey: une strategic, psycho-motrice de recherche 45 John H. Salmela La tiche de gardien de but et le temps reaction classique: Lin test du concept \ dem reflexes n 49 Denis Drouin, John H. Salmela 0 PERFORMANCE MOTRICE: DIMENSION TEMPORELLE An Electromyographical Study of StimUlus Limb Dominance and Measurement Conditioni on Fractionated Response Variables 55 Ann M. Duncan, Waneen Wyrick Spirduso Selective Attention and the Judgment of Temporal Order 63 Richard D. Frey, Robert D. Wilberg Effect of Variation in Foreperiod Duration on Fractionated Reaction Time Components 67 Harold H. Morris, Thomas G. Blank Application of the Limited Capacity Model to Duration Discrimination _73 Edgard Pitre and Robert Rousseau An Information Processing ApproaCh to Temporal Anticipation 77 Anne Rothstein La mesure du temps de reaction en discrimination de durite 95 Robert Rousseau 'Attention Demands of Movements: A Critique of the Probe Technique '103 Alan W. Salmoni, S. John Sullivan, Janet L. Starkes Effect of the Complexity of a Previous Response Upon Reaction Time to a Subsequent Stimulus .111 Donald S. Siegel' Specific and Non-Specific Fatigue Effects on the Timing Performance of Well-Practiced Subjects 119 Craig A. Wrisberg, William G. Herbert '5 Mouvernent. Actes du 7. symposium en apprentissage psychomoteur et psycholOgie du sport. Octobre1975. 3 PERFORMANCE MOTRICE: MEMOIRE Strategies and Encoding of Location in Short-Term Motor Memory 127 Ninoska A, Gomez-Toussaint,N.Chevalier-Girard Encoding and Response Strategies for Distance 133 Craig R. Hall, Robeti B. Wilberg The Repetition Effect in Short Term Motor Memory Retrieval 141 David Goodman, Robert W. Schutz ProOrioceptive Encoding in Preseiected and Constrained Movements 147 Stephen0A. Wallace, George E. Ste !mach On the Locus of the Range Effect in a Short-term Motor Memory Paradigm 153 Robert B. Wilberg, Yves Girouard PERFORMANCE MOTRICE: INFORMATION ET RETOUR D'INFORMATION La stratégle perceptive et la performance sportive 193 Chantal Bard, Michelle Fleury, Lise Carrière De l'inflow a l'outflowlorede la reproduction d'un mouvement d'adduction horizontaie du bras 185 Claude Henri Nade-au,-Clermont Simard Knowing which Modality to Procedure in the Matching of Visual and Kinesthetic Information 195 Kar NeweA Diane C. Shapiro Feedback and Feedforward Mechanisms . Subserving the Perception of Movement 199 Donald L. Pardew, David Kornhauser, Francine Rosen PERFORMANCE 'HUMAINE:, ENTRAINEMENT ET TRANSFERT Effect of Pretraining on Performance Error identification 209 Shirl James Hoffman, Charles W. ArMstrong Le transfert et les phases de l'apprentissage moteur , 215 Lucien Vachon Mouvement Actes du 7 symposium e.n apprentissage psycho-motaur et psychologie du Sport. Ociobre 1975. SCIENCES. DU SPORT DISCIPLINE ACADEMIQUE Physical Education the Sports Sciences and Whitehead's Dilemma 227 Murray Smith ATTITUDES ET SPORT Attribution of Attitudes Toward Physical Activity as a Function of Success 239 ' A. Craig Fisher Robert G. Driscoll Self Concept and Attitudinal Differences in Elementary Age- School Children after Participation in a Physical Activity Program' 243 Linda B.,Zaichkowsky, Leonard D. Zaichkowsky, Thomas J. Martinek COOPERATION, COMPETITION ET SPORT The Developmenttof the Skimetric Differential Inventory: A Childrenistic Approach 249 Terry D. Orlick, J. T. Partington, H. A. Scott, R. G. Glassford Effects of the TerritOrial Experimental Ski Training Program in Tulita, N.W.T. 261 John T. Partington, Terry Orlick, Harvey Scott Cooperative Sport Strpcibres: A Preliminary Analyiis 267 Jane McNally, Terry. Orlick ANXIETE, NIVEAU EMOTIONNEL ET'SPORT High Pressure Competition and its Effects 275 Jamet H. Duthie, A. M. Guilmette Emotional Arousal in Athletics : New Considerations 279 Peter Klavora Competitive Anxiety: Theory and Research 289 Rainer Martens, Diane Gill, Juile.Simon, Tara Scanlan 7 Mouvement. Actes du 70sympiisium eh apprentissage psycho-moteur et psychologie du, sport. Octobre 1975. The Effect of Arousal induced by Competition on Learning and Performance of a Motor Skill isi Susan' Moxley:JanIce Butcher Classical Theories of Emotion :. Historical Milestonek 297 WHIlam F. Straub ( Competition and Anxiety in the Learning of Tennis 303 Vietta E. Wilson Combating Stress: What about Relaxation Training and Biofeedback ? 309 Leonard D. Zalchkowsky ATTRIBUTION DES CAUSES DE AUCCES OU D'ECHEC ET SPORT Win-Lois Causal Attributions of Little League Players° 315 Glyn C. Roberts A Test of the Attribution Theory of SucCess and Failure with Little League Baseball Playerti\ , 323 Seppo lso-Ahola MOTIVATION ET,SPORT Need for Stimulation : Some possible Antecedents of-Individual-Differences andits-Refationship to Sport Involvement"
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