BRIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, September 8th, 2020, 6:30 pm NOTICE is hereby given that the Brighton Town Council will meet electronically, via Zoom, on Tuesday September 8th, 2020 at 6:30pm. TO JOIN ZOOM MEETING Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85425347682?pwd=SWhjMTBuYnQxaDdwZkVGcDFFM1E5QT09 Meeting ID: 854 2534 7682 Passcode: 148935 One tap mobile +12532158782 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. PUBLIC INPUT The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. at which time public comments will be read. You can email your comment to a councilmember or council staff ahead of time. [email protected] . Questions and comments about the current discussion can be made using the “Chat” feature and will be read aloud at the end of the meeting. 4. MINUTES Approval of Minutes for August 11 th , 2020 5. UPD Lee Arnold 6. UFA Dusty Dern 7. BUSINESS a. Wasatch Mountain Lodge presentation of the history and potential partnership. b. Amendments to Short-term rentals business licensing requirements and presentation from Granicus/Host Compliance regarding their short-term rental services. For discussion and direction. c. Consideration and possible action to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Contract with Granicus/Host Compliance for Short Term Rental monitoring and related services in an amount not to exceed $25,000. d. Amendments to Special Event Code. For discussion and direction. e. Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Relating to the Conduct of the Community Development Block Grant Program, Emergency Solutions Grant Program and the Home Investment Partnership Program. For discussion and possible action. 8. REPORTS a. Mayor’s Report b. Council Members’ Reports c. BCCA Report 9. PROPOSALS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 10. ADJOURN BRIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES REPRESENTATION ▪ COMMUNITY ▪ LEGACY August 11, 2020 ▪ 6:30 pm ▪ Electronic Meeting ▪ Presiding: Mayor Dan Knopp ATTENDANCE Dan Knopp, Jeff Bossard, Carolyn Keigley, Jenna Malone, Keith Zuspan, Polly McLean, Barbara Cameron, Kara John, Nate Rockwood, Steve Pantuso, James Blanton, Dusty Dern, Kim Mayhew, Trent Sorensen, Kristin Cassell, Karl Bryner, Chelsie Bryner ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC INPUT Steve Pantuso expressed concern about no public bathrooms at Brighton, specifically the Lake Mary trailhead. There is increased foot traffic due to COVID and so a need for porta-potties. He regularly sees people relieving themselves in the woods 150 yards from his cabin. MINUTES Minutes for July 14th, 2020 were approved with the adjustment to the public comment portion to include a statement the statement requesting that RMP consider burying power lines as a solution to reduce the threat from tree fall. UPD James Blanton reported on the extra traffic due to the fire evacuation in Parley’s Canyon because of the fire on Mt. Aire. There were more cars in the canyon then ever seen before causing issues with the left turn at Guardsmans Pass. Officers were placed at the turn going uphill toward Guardsman to help to direct traffic. Cars were sent around the Brighton Loop to avoid the left turn and more easily pass the cars coming down the mountain. Jeff was appreciative of the extra help. Park City helped to turn around larger vehicles to keep the road from getting too clogged. This recent evacuation begs the need for an evacuation plan for our canyon, either over Guardsman’s Pass or down the canyon. Residents should be thinking of a list of essential things that they could pack to prevent delays during an evacuation. Another thing they’d like to see is that cabins have clearly marked house address numbers. There were several cabins unmarked in Mt.Aire, making it challenging to keep track of which residents had been checked. They had to use other ways of identification to keep track that are less precise than house numbers. Vehicle break ins are still high, especially at Cardiff, Butler, the S turn and lower picnic areas. It points to the need for people to keep valuables in the trunk where they can’t be seen. They have posted reminders on roadside lighted message boards to help. There weren’t any domestic burglaries this month. There is more traffic in the canyon than previous years, including parking problems on Guardsman Pass. They’re still working on getting no parking signage and getting parking citations switched over to civil infraction which would also change the fee. Jenna asked if we could place No Parking signs with more frequency on the Big Cottonwood side in a similar way to how they did it on the Park City side. They’d like to increase signs to every 30 ft. even though it causes a challenge in the winter with removing them. Barricades have also been discussed as an option. Jeff explained that a sign at the top and bottom isn’t sufficient because people don’t recognize that it applies to the full stretch of road including the wider shoulders, such as the second switch back. UDOT still has changes for the Brighton loop. In terms of staffing, there is a new bid as of Aug. 2 nd for the canyon which put Sgt. Ed Twohill on day shifts and Sgt. James Blanton on in the afternoon for the next 6-8 months. There is one vacancy and one retirement expected soon so they’ll need to fill those. A written report was provided by Lee Arnold: As you all witnessed, Big Cottonwood seen a great influx of traffic going over the Guard Road last week. It was so bad UPD had to close the road. As you may or may not know it was due to the fire in Parleys. This is a chance to look at your evacuation plan and prepare for what could happen when people over use a road that was not intended for that amount of traffic. Also when we had to evacuate Mt Air there were many who were not prepared. This may also be a good time to have items in a pack ready to go at a moment’s notice. I had one older couple who somehow was missed and had no idea they were supposed to evacuate. When I informed them they needed to leave the fire was only ½ mile away they panicked. They had no preparation. I had to remind them to get the medication and the very essential items. I tell you this so we can be prepared for when a fire hits Brighton, when were are prepared it is a calming effect knowing we have what we need when we need it. Another problem was the cabins, houses were not numbered properly on the house or near where they could be easily read. If this is your home please have it properly marked so we can easily keep track of who has been contacted and evacuated. On another note vehicle burglary are still on the increase at the trail heads mostly at Cardiff, Butler Fork the S turn and the lower picnic areas. If you see something suspicious call dispatch and report it. There were no residential burglaries reported for the mouth of July and to date. Traffic remains a problem and UPD continues to deal with the problem. As you know there are changes to the Bright Loop Road I think will help with the ONE WAY traffic problem. I hope everyone is safe and well if you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 801 214 4544. If it is an immediate problem like traffic or other problems please call dispatch @801-743-7000. Thanks Lee UFA Dusty Dern reported that it’s been a busy fire season. He was the incident commander for the Mt Aire fire from the initial attack through yesterday evening. He’d had discussion with UDOT to influence the road closure. It was deemed necessary on the second day that Mt. Aire was threatened because it is a hazard to fly buckets over the roadways. Outside of that, fire Fuels Crews have been busy with mitigation projects. There have been an increase in medical calls for backcountry rescue by recreational users. BUSINESS Resolution for SLCo Municipal Service District Property Tax Rate and Brighton Property Tax Area Authority The council unanimously voted to pass the resolution with a roll call vote. Nate Rockwood presented additional research on the property tax options. His initial understanding was that this tax was from the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Service District, but in fact it is Salt Lake County Municipal Service District’s special fund for unincorporated areas, the Legal Defense Fund. Legal defense fund. Now that we are incorporated, state code requires the tax automatically transferred to the town. Setting the rate at .00006 does not increase the property tax from where it’s been. There is no requirement to pay this amount to the county if we forgo implementation of the tax. There is no impact to the town budget if we don’t collect this tax. Ten years ago there was a collective property value of 10 Billion dollars but it is much lower now, reducing the need for the fund. Rather than remove the tax, they transferred it. It makes up such a small percentage of the town budget and it isn’t currently allocated toward anything. His professional opinion is that since the budget is balanced it isn’t necessary. Given all of this, Dan prefers to change it to .000000 to keep his promise to not raise taxes. Although the tax was already imposed and wouldn’t actually be an increase, the title on the notice would be perceived as a new tax coming from the Town of Brighton.
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