Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1964 A Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Broadcasting by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Northern States Mission Area Robert W. Donigan Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Broadcast and Video Studies Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Donigan, Robert W., "A Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Broadcasting by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Northern States Mission Area" (1964). Theses and Dissertations. 4647. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4647 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. A descriptive ANALYSIS OF tietleTIMrag effectiveness OF broadcasting BY ciaclaTIM CHMCH OPOFJESUS CHRIST OF iattmdaylatmhatm dayQAY SAINTS IN raeIMEmae nortimr14 STATES MISSION ARM A thesis presented to the department of covmmicationcoctaunicetion lrbrighamalvnalyk yousakyolyousagyotquasgnas university in I1partial fulfiliaentfulfilliment of the requirements for the degree master of artsarubarus by kobertbobertw donigan 164 august 1 I1 64 aiciqkylgdglacmaiwiviutsisnisasnis the author would ukolikeilko to acknowacknowledgelodge with deep- est gratitude the siscasistauceassistancesistanceuceand contributions of the following parsonspersonsin making this thesis possible and in givlnggivinggivifig it whAwhateverdavertevorgaver value it may have dr ouvaowenguma S rich of the department of cawcowcocxnunicationicatior4 and or aarmhyrmaayrm L andrus of the college of religiousRoligiouslousinstruc- ru 001ft tion BrighbrbrighaaaVssaaaa young universityUniversiLy served as the authors fac- ulty thesischasis codtt4consftittee As mahtmmhtsuch they bavasavesavagave manymy helpful corrections and criticcriticismcriticiamcriticiaiaelawiam as vollwellwaliweilasa supervision haber grant wolsey and vaivat Z lisdmrgw1wa S both of the department of communication brBrigbrighasihaslhasihaul41a1 young university were nostnoetnoatmostmoet generousgormwous in mittingpermittingpa thethochedhe author to askaaakamakemaka use of their thesisthesiachesla aaterialsaateaadematerialsmatorialsmadematomadorials in this study president fc ichard W haycock sndand his successor presidentpro E A xdloedloadleadieof the northnorchhorthemhorchem slatastatescatastatesscatessuatos missionkdasiont church of jesus christ of latternatterlatterdaydaydby saints m4madema thethochedhe sur- vey possible by granting famissimFapemiseionmissim and enthusiastictir amencour- agement for their missiseionarici wo utilize the questionnairequost ema in their tracfcractiagtractingotingo president haycockmaycock was aMitioadditionallynallynailyhelp- ful iin the construction ofZ the questionnaire the author owes a very great debt of0 gratitude to the missmissionariesonariesfonaries of the hortnorthemNortbernhernstarsstalasstatesstags mission who actually eilelluilii 4wivowiv compiled the statistics of the survey throuthrough& their useus of the questionnairequest naire in actingtractingtrackingtra&tingtr 4 particular appreciation isia alsoaisoalaoalboeibodue to sister merited olaofoisoaolaou northernworthern states mission secretary who carefully supplied missing infoatiminforraation on the survey forms andond faithfully forrdorrforrdedf9nrdedded zhennhenthem to the author in cahtah thethame kevbevrev boadonbon ropedroper of the divisionDivisiorioxloxiof radioradlokadio andaud television the united Presbyteresbyterianpresbyteriaresbypresbyterimpresbyterianterlanterianrimzimcim chehchurch iain the uniteduniced states of america and a wimber of other religious radio and TV directors of the majrmajumajor faiths into chchicago as well as the directors of bubliepiblicpublie affairs progracbnitgwkvwev of the var-vargvazg ious chicago television stations vereveromerewarwaz wostmost helpfulhelpheipzu1suizuizua in pro-promo viding backerbackgrbackgroundomd material on their utilization and policiespolioleslasios 100werain81concerningmerninWerain81 religiousu broadcasting nallynailyfinallyVi amymany hours of tedious statistical work and possible inaccuraciesa wewerewece saved the author by thetilachetike inter- ested and4 concerned sistancedistanceassistancesistance vowedrendered bydyDy brian bone andond roger Goofgoodrichtichgich of the briambri&mBrigbrighaiahaia yoggyoung uniuniversityrsftrafty computercombutrputr benrcenrcendercentercenzer as theyghey progranxaed11 111101 thecheti surysurvey results in the IBM computerComputeraputero to allalialii w the author offers his merestsinceresttsiisi apprecia- tion and a renewedIN imsov44N realization that no ananman isia soan island unto hixaselfhixaselfseifbelfif TABLE orOF CONTENTSCOMYENTS chaptchapter yabeyabopagepagapogo I1 hr3lodcmsumoduction THET hsoblgmPROBLUI I1 A statement of thechecha frobleiaFrobprobleisleia 1 B analysis of theche problem 2 C the hypotheaec 8 D definition of tanaszanaszenas 10 E importance of theche problem andend scope of theghe research IX I1IXL REVIEW orOF RELATED RNSURCHRESEARCH 14 A introduction 14 boB sources 0 14 C suoiaarySuoisues00aary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 30 inlinIIL PROCMWPBOCIBIMK orOF tietlezheTIMTHE uvestitioninvestigatiokinvestigation 9 31 A method of investigation pres6atedpresented and iali4lexplained 31 boB austifjustifjustification of the desistdesiwtDesibesigndesignwt v v 0 v 33 IV imwssaslwpresutation OF deebamueedazaDATA 34 v amiamxANALYSISTOs ofor miaUTAMTA 46 A inferencesluforoac40to to be drawn from datadada a 46 B Llimitationutissutims of datadadsdausdatta mdand Inferxaftremesinferencesinferenceelugerencee 53 VIvievia cdncixsionscosgumioms 55 A sewsawnew knowledge 55 B coiaooents on validity andaddlimitations of moaccelk procedures 59 C relevance to previous research 61 D recofaaendationr forfoz application of Finfindingsfindingadinga 62 I1 kecooiaendationfi for furtherpurther research 64 bibliogrambiblxogbaiay 0 0 67 vomvumvow chapter page APPEMLK1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 vivia CHAPTER I1 ilcmoductiointroductigN 0 ihiltheetheoIHJS PROBLEM A StatenstatenlentstatanstatamllaclatamanttantLentgant of the problem research indicates that there haslias been no official study of the effectiveness achieved oydilydehy Ppastast or present church broadcasting oyilysiysty the church of jesus gilristcurgilgristis c of0 latter day saints and none by anyone else in or out of thetche churchchurchy 1 1 with the exception of wolseywolseys wor f which will Lieie discus- sed iain chapter II11 of this study hiechebleblacha of the doctrines of the church involves continuous progression 2 appiApplapplyapplyingapplyinyinin this to the field of thethaditediye churchschurchy broadcastinrbroadcasting therecherechorechece is need to now hewhemhow effective it is in tercercectedasterastermsas of its object- ives whether it needs to iebe improved and if s03so in what iuaimexsi aarmeasaarmeASmems 1 this study is undertaken therefore in order to investivateinvestigate0 the effectiveness of church broadcastingtyroadcastirincp it is hoped that this study might lead to suggestions rerepardregardaedard- ingin chanteschangaschangesor additionsadditlonationain programming which might isproveimproveis prove lheaheheerter grant dolseydoiseyreligious broadcasting ly the LDS morruonMorfosroonfosmorraoninonluonraonroonrmonmmon church unpublished mastermaster1mastera1 s thesis depart- ment of speech northwestern university 1949 9 ajoseph2joseph ncrnornox swit11 1 I N eg joseph Fieldifielding suiithsmiith doctrinesdoctrinegDoctrinoctrinesulgesOW of salvationNOW Ffieldingoctrinese101din z smijai ed brucesruce sermons and writings 1of0 joseph i smithsmitn bru R mcconkimcconkiemcconklee 3 vols saltsaitt lake cicitytY a bookcraftbookeraft 1955 II11 appp 22 313431 34 58 mel0011 2 effectiveness helieikekiestated would LDS droadcastintbroadcasting effect-e j ectaectw iveness be improved by increased utilization of other types of 1roadeastibroadcastingag than those presently employed jlB analysis of the iroblemproblem it is not within the scope of this study to review in any detail the history and present status of 14roadcastinbroadcasting inln the church however a brief summryswanarysumery udayudeyay lebe in order to provide the baclgroundoackgroundbackground of the LDS broadcasting availavailableabiaabIe in the area to beldleadle surveyed ttyY this study the first radio broadcasting by the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdaydayoday saints was the annual and semiannualsemi annual general conferences of 1924 television broadcasts of these conferences began in 1949 1 these broadcasts and telecasts eraereeerawerewera carried in october 1963 by 166 TV and 2 30 radio stations and in april 1964 ly11 y 188 TV and 25 radio stations located in 46 states inclinciincludintincludingudint hawaii plus cheuhe district of columbia and canada 3 qt nusicmusic and the iporenspokensporenspo i en word a radio progrwlprogrami featuring the salt ilakeakelalalaianormonnormmormonnoummormon tabernacle choir and short derioranationalnonnonderiorjinational sermonettessermonettes celebrated its thirty moves era vot itheathe1thethe church cnun onthe lmrovementimproyeomnt06 volvoi LXVI nomo 6 june 1963 rlpj 0 4384380 the church news section r the debereDeseredeseretfc news salt lake itycityC
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