30630 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 111 / Friday, June 9, 1995 / Notices Dated: June 1, 1995. DEPARTMENT OF STATE compilation includes reports of both Robert D. Stillman, tangible gifts and gifts of travel expenses [Public Notice 2215] Associate Administrator for Investment. of more than minimal value, as defined [FR Doc. 95±14195 Filed 6±8±95; 8:45 am] Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal by statute. BILLING CODE 8025±01±M Employees From Foreign Government Publication of this listing in the Sources Reported to Employing Federal Register is required by Section Agencies in Calendar Year 1994 7342(f) of title 5, United States Code, as added by section 515(a)(1) of the The Department of State submits the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, following comprehensive listing of the Fiscal Year 1978 (Public Law 95±105, statements which, as required by law, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865). Federal employees filed with their employing agencies during calendar Dated: April 13, 1995 year 1994 concerning gifts received from Richard Moose, foreign governments sources. The Under Secretary for Management. AGENCY: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Report of Tangible Gifts Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accept- of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying accept- ing gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current government ance Government disposition or location President ....................................... 4′ scroll that bears Chinese char- Mr. Chen Jie, Foreign Affairs Of- Non-acceptance would cause em- acters on brocade paper. fice, Huaibei People's Govern- barrassment to donor and U.S. RecdÐJanuary 5, 1994. Est. ment, People's Republic of Government. ValueÐ$1,200. Archive Foreign. China. President ....................................... 19′′ glass scepter, with brown His Excellency, Valeriy Shmarov, Non-acceptance would cause em- glass handle and brown spikes. Deputy Prime Minister of barrassment to donor and U.S. RecdÐJanuary 6, 1994. Est. Ukraine. Government. ValueÐ$1,500. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... Sterling silver clipper ship model His Excellency Ruud Lubbers, Non-acceptance would cause em- and wooden stand. Approx. 9′′ Prime Minister of the Nether- barrassment to donor and U.S. x 8′′. RecdÐJanuary 10, 1994. lands. Government. Est. ValueÐ$600. Archive For- eign. President ....................................... Framed Turkish tapestry that in- Her Excellency Tansu Ciller, Non-acceptance would cause em- corporates a portrait of the Prime Minister of the Republic barrassment to donor and U.S. President. RecdÐJanuary 12, of Turkey. Government. 1994. Est. ValueÐ$1,400. Ar- chive Foreign. President ....................................... Gold-toned saxophone with moth- His Excellency Vaclav Havel, Non-acceptance would cause em- er-of-pearl keys and the en- President of the Czech Republic. barrassment to donor and U.S. graved signature of President Government. Havel, made by Amati Krasilce. RecdÐJanuary 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$1,800. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... (1) Porcelain blue and white stat- His Excellency Boris Yeltsin, Non-acceptance would cause em- ue of the President holding a President of the Russian Fed- barrassment to donor and U.S. saxophone, made in Russia. (2) eration. Government. Green marble mantel striking clock with ormolu mounts and an eagle on a pedestal holding three crowns. Approx. 161¤2′′ x 21′′. (3) Framed photograph of the President with Boris Yeltsin. RecdÐJanuary 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$1,800. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... (1) Brown and green glass vase His Excellency Leonid Kravchuk, Non-acceptance would cause em- that bears abstract designs. President of Ukraine. barrassment to donor and U.S. Approx. 10′′. (2) Portrait of the Government. President etched on a grain of rice and set in a lucite box with magnifying glass. RecdÐJanu- ary 11, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$850. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... Blue leather scrapbook that con- His Excellency Michal Kovac, Non-acceptance would cause em- tains various articles and photo- President of the Slovak Repub- barrassment to donor and U.S. graphs from the Slovak Repub- lic. Government. lic. Approx. 13′′ x 16′′. RecdÐ January 15, 1994. Est. ValueÐ $850. Archive Foreign. Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 111 / Friday, June 9, 1995 / Notices 30631 AGENCY: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTÐContinued Report of Tangible Gifts Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accept- of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying accept- ing gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current government ance Government disposition or location President ....................................... Green cut-crystal bowl, made by His Excellency Jean-Luc Non-acceptance would cause em- Val St. Lambert Cristal, Bel- Dehaene, Prime Minister of Bel- barrassment to donor and U.S. gium. Approx. 12′′ x 4′′. RecdÐ gium. Government. January 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ $400. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... Miniature oak vodka cask that The Honorable Vitaly V. Pevnev, Non-acceptance would cause em- bears a male bronze figure on Mayor of the City of Azov Rus- barrassment to donor and U.S. top with a ladle and a sword at sian Federation. Government. his side. Cask bears Russian calligraphy on its side. Approx. 10′′ x 15′′. RecdÐJanuary 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$300. Ar- chive Foreign. President ....................................... Bronze sculpture of a knight on a His Excellency Stanislav Non-acceptance would cause em- horse, the symbol of Belarus. Shushkevich, Chairman of the barrassment to donor and U.S. Approx. 10′′ x 6′′ x 4′′. RecdÐ Supreme Soviet Republic of Government. January 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ Belarus. $750. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... Gold Pendulum date and time His Excellency Claude Haegi, Non-acceptance would cause em- clock. RecdÐJanuary 14, 1994. President of the State Council barrassment to donor and U.S. Est. ValueÐ$1,800. Archive of the Republic and Canton of Government. Foreign. Geneva, Switzerland. President ....................................... Large crystal vase that bears gold His Excellency Vaclav Klaus, Non-acceptance would cause em- detail and miniature cartouche Prime Minister of the Czech Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. portrait of a woman. RecdÐ public. Government. January 18, 1994. Est. ValueÐ $500. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... (1) Large hardcover folio book, His Majesty Hussein I, King of the Non-acceptance would cause em- ``The Mosaics of Jordan,'' by Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. barrassment to donor and U.S. Michele Piccirillo, in a red Government. slipcase. (2) Bedoin-style red, black and green pillowcases. RecdÐJanuary 26, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$425. Archive Foreign. Sterling silver figure of an Arab ....................................................... warrior on a camel, inlaid with yellow gold. The figure is mounted on an agate panel base. Approx. 71¤2′′ x 61¤4′′. RecdÐJanuary 26, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$5,000. Archive Foreign. President ....................................... Model of an Amtrak ICE train His Excellency Dr. Helmut Koho, Non-acceptance would cause em- housed in a clear plastic con- Chancellor of the Federal Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. tainer. Approx. 34′′ x 9′′. public of Germany. Government. RecdÐJanuary 31, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$1,200. Archive Foreign. Pair of Zeiss binoculars in a plas- tic case. Recd.ÐJanuary 31, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$225. Ar- chive Foreign. President ....................................... (1) 40′′ x 35′′ framed oil painting His Excellency Nursultan Non-acceptance would cause em- that depicts Kazakh horsemen Nazarbayev, President of the barrassment to donor and U.S. with mountains in the back- Republic of Kazakhstan. Government. ground. Approx. 40′′ x 35′′. (2) Oriental rug that bears portraits of the President and First Lady in its center. Approx. 90′′ x 60′′. (3) Traditional Kazakh burgundy colored hat with gold embroi- dery and mink trim. (4) Bur- gundy velvet robe with gold em- broidery. RecdÐFebruary 14, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$2,750. Ar- chive Foreign. President ....................................... Gold and pearl tie tac. Recd.Ð His Excellency Morihiro Non-acceptance would cause em- February 11, 1994. Est. ValueÐ Hosokawa, Prime Minister of barrassment to donor and U.S. $300. Archive Foreign. Japan. Government. 30632 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 111 / Friday, June 9, 1995 / Notices AGENCY: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTÐContinued Report of Tangible Gifts Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accept- of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying accept- ing gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current government ance Government disposition or location First Family ................................... A matted and framed 1851 en- His Excellency Dr. Helmut Kohl, Non-acceptance would cause em- graving of Emmanuel Leuize's Chancellor of the Federal Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. ``Washington Crossing the Dela- public of Germany. Government. ware,'' by Paul Girardet. RecdÐ July 14, 1994. Est. ValueÐ $750. Archive Foreign. Porcelain bowl that bears the image of a pink flamingo, titled ``The Audobon'' and made by Limoges. Approx. 9′′ diameter. RecdÐJuly 14, 1994. Est. ValueÐ$300. Archive
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