America~'s OldestFone Prep School July2,ed85 Newspaper L.80, NO. 20 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1956 PRICE, 15 CENTS uch Ado' Excellent As Weisbuch, Mrs. Bensley NATIONWIDEMEI SCHOLARSHIP In a recent letter, it was an- nounced that Paul William Smith Lead Fine Cast Performance Jr. has passed the final round of the by ,JON MIDDLEBROOK National Merit Scholarship compe- tition. Despite Shakespeare's title,_1!Much Ado About Nothing" as presented Final announcement as to how by the Hallowell players last Saturday evening was a great success. All of much of a scholarship he has been granted will he made May . the actors handled their roles competently throughout, and were able to The eight oer P.A, semni-final- establish and maintain the personality of each character and yet not des- ists-Langley Keyes, Marsh Mc- the ontnuiyoftheac- Call, Richard Parks, Woodbury troy ecniutoftea-Ranwom, John Randolph, George tion. Naturally much of the credit Hoopes, and Steve Rosenkranz- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~forthis continuity is Shakespeare's failed to make the final round. but an equally large portion I'm Each received a Certificate of sure belongs to Mr. Hallowell, the Merit. director. SHAKESPEARE DEFIES though by self-definition "an ass", Since Shakespeare often defies gave one of the finest performances the Andover mind even in class, it of the evening in his portrayal of a - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ishard for me to give more than a pompous, uneducated man. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~broadoutline of the troubles of the Comedians, however, immediately two pairs of lovers. Tom Weisbuch remind me of Jan Hartman's ter- .was lost to Mrs. Bensley the mo- rific job as Borachio, the perpetual- nment he bragged he would die a y soused comrade in the villainy bachelor, but he put up a good fight of Don John. His facial expression until convinced by the subversion was most effective, but better still 'K. of Leonato, John Malone, the prince iia e hisahdeliwas ; veryoftelnsO- -- Dave Cathcart, and half the other sfe sh a;Brci' vr pair of lovers,,Bill Hegeman. It syllable was clear and easily under- wasn't enough that Benedick should stood. ht be convinced, however. It was up toLES ~i ~~~~~I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hero, Diana Ifallowell, Claudio's Perhaps a little backward, I now love, to convince Beatrice that with- come to the leads. Tom Weisbuch out her Benedick would die. was tops. He played his role with OnScenes from last - Just slightly more informed, let feeling and confidence. His actions St peA cir On Saturday's Drama-.,; us go on to the sad plight of Hero and lines were well-fitted to the tic ~~~~o ci e t y per ~~~~~~~and Claudio. Smitten by hier maid- self-centered egotist he played. His t occe pnMuhr-- enly charms, Claudio wins Hero line, "..here. is deep neaning in a Lobell IFumd omneiiMc fdr himself. But then, just as they this.. ." must have rung joy to the Cah Ado About Noth- were about to make it legal, the English department. BeN.~~~~~villainying." L.La~~~~h~~ners (Photos by of black Don JoAii, John Mrs. Bensley as Beatrice put on NOL.ing." CrS(Photos by ~~~~~~~~~~~~Beck,bastard brother of Don Pedro, a fine show. Her tone was light and BELL ~~~~~Crofoot and Ben- th'rne ae fetad Claudlio carefree and she seemed to domi- in the spring term, sleY.) tearfully denounces th~soon to be nate every scene she was in, even Le.nCamr'il pa prostrate Hero as unchaste, when hiding behind a wall just spekedaon LoelFn.Bemlyathe ys Club Boxi g Tea- The almost marriage scene is the listening to the conversation of speakerthe Lobellon Fund. and it suffered in the hands of Hero Dave Catlhcart-.as the Prince Don liis a grant of five thousand Visits Andover Oiver IVe1"ekend and Claudio, neither of whom had Pedro did aii adiiiirable pob. He had to be used in some way by quite the voice range to express the just the right amount of the soldier shol to demonstrate to the stu- by JOHN ROCKWELL supposedly broken hearts they had -do anything for the men-in him that America is still a land The Boys' Club of New York, whose boxers recently de- sffered. I certainly suffered though to make his role of matchmaker ity and that free enter- ~~~~~~~~~~fromwhere I sat in the fifth row, between Hero and Claudio believ- Ppuit angodechati freeinter feated Andover, is celebrating its 80th year of service to New I got the distinct impression that able. espeakers will all be men who York. Originally founded in 1876 by a group of public-spirit- Hero's tears were of laughter, not The best way to describe Bill through imagination,. intelli- ed citizens to meet the rising Mr. Peter Capra, Executive Di- of sorrow. It might have been bet- Hegeman's portrayal of Claudio is and xtrmelyprolemourae, een f juenie deinqency itrector Director of the Club, and ter if there had bean some artful competent. He knew his lines well, eanfu co usie, isnetrmlstbllmgon strong.elnunci P.. A. Class of '22. Mr. Capra is a cutting in this scene, but in any (Continued on Page Five) Boxing, in turn, is the most de- success story in himself. Born in case, let me stress that it was the THE FuND veloped feature of the sports pro- Milan, Italy, he was raised in the only weak spot in an otherwise good Mr. Ais; Victor eLana Lobell Fund was given gram. The best coaching is avail- New York slums, and it was his performance. r. Boris Leavitt. (Lana Lobell able as is seen in Sid Martin, who desire to improve the lot of boys VARIETY THEME n T own Polling trade name used in Mr. Lea- coached Sugar Ray Robinson and like himself that led him into his - Variety was the theme as with- business.) Mr. Leavitt is Floyd Patterson when they were present work. He got himself here in the thwarted-love plot were wo- Two persons with whom Phillips stor himelf:staringoutmaters, nd n Jon O'alloanon his own power and made a dis- yen some precision marching, Academy is familiar were victori- ssian imseigrtwithno bouth ofterswhom wer atohe'atrn tinguished record for himself, a- little bit of "Anna Russell Sings?', ous in the township School Coin- hesmanaige t N.wit day tcheswho ere t hle extu-though he was several years older and some very effective mopping-upmitelcioshdMnayMr J, e mnagdt golo . Y U.plained that the team that fought thnhsclsmtsiHstos niMs. hleowellen Doberry, Jim Frederick S. Allis, Jr., of the Am- scoo where, despite the Andover was not the tops theyanabrteatnddA ov. Hishteexletcntbea- crican History Department polled Fcaps of kowing very little have; only one or two could makeN E.T 2754 votes, and Reta V. Buchan, adhvng almost no cash the All-Club team, while the others r e c o lM s cF si a widow of a former Andover fire, died until he got a diploma were chosen wvith an effort to match chief and at present an Assistant Hefrm en awscholusevenly in age, weight, experience1 T V i in Language Training here, receiv- rkin a bank, and eventually and ability. H ~eld Inl Ge rgashington ed only one hundred less than this, a branch ngr He be- There are five branches of the by BRIAN PENDLETON bled th otheeivmed thn cloes manager, organization: two centers in thebldteverciedythcost dssatisfied, however, with hi Upper and Lower East Sides, one The New England Preparatory School Orchestral Festi- runner-up.THMJB i, and went to Hanover, Pa. in Harlem, and two summer camps, val held last Sunday afternoon in George sigo HallTERJn ehe opened a small dress shop. which altogether accommiodate 7411 . ahigo As members of the School Comn- la while the shop became pros- boys. In order that the boys do not indeed a superb job of coordinating on the part of the direc- mittee, they will serve without pay Uand Mr. Leavitt pened a feel themselves to be members of a tors, was highlighted by a tor, Valerien Lagueux. The uncer- for three years. Although only two li.The shops have since grown charitable organization, each boy general excellence in tone quality tainty of the entrances and the positions were filled as a result of chaiigh ofstoes ad apays a nominal membership fee and technique of the combined or- poor tone color of the piece in gen- the recent election, there are three Z nailo-order treMr.-chstLea-n an awbusiness.,alogwhicht withsit te ianmakesae i aupppinialong thr M. ilene-oer lIeaniler season to. a- fits, income from investments, chsrs0n h rlin in ea aei iapitn nr ty, in the insurance business; Mr. raenwhleenta sn t Ano-Alumni contributions, general do- solo by Judith Singer of Dana Hall duction to an otherwise lovely con- Roy Russell of the Andover Police nations, and the educational pro- School. A total of nine schools par- cert. The group next played the Department; and Mr. Albeit Cole, FIRST SPAE gram, the annual budget of some ticipated in the festival. Concerto No. in C major for Jr., a member of the town Fire De- firs spekerill e Mr SAT430YS M0CHE The orchestra began the program Piano and Orchestra by Beethoven. partment. The five are responsible firstSAURDAY' peakerwill MATCHS b Mr witha renition f Schuert's ym- Deise Baon of anaforl allctexecutivexe decisionsiio concecer- ersa raduteclasP.A. of Last Saturday's matches werewiharnionf cue-'Sm-DisBcnofaaHlldetd ing the Andover public schools, in- camebrughtaboutby rom comortabe te frendsip phny i B mnor, o. 8(Unfnish as soloist Miss Singer played difi- cluding appropriations and choice (Contnuedn Pag Two) of Messrs.
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