In Honor of V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day: May 8, 1945) Happy Mother’s Day Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 7, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 19-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS First Grade Teacher Geddis Named Westfield Philhower Recipient By CHRISTINA M. HINKE exemplary teaching skills, among Ms. Geddis has taught in Westfield Specially Written for The Westfield Leader other qualities. since 2000. Wilson Elementary WESTFIELD – Washington El- Principal Andy Perry presented School Principal Joe Malanga said he ementary School first-grade teacher slides of pictures of Ms. Geddis with had previously worked with Ms. Karen Geddis was the recipient of her students in various school activi- Geddis in Bloomfield and had called this year’s Charles Philhower Fel- ties, including the volleyball team, her about the job opening at Wash- lowship Award. The award night pro- about which he said, “we’re really ington. “She was patient and under- gram on Tuesday at Washington prior nothing without her.” He later showed standing and the children really liked to the regular board of education a video Ms. Geddis had prepared for her,” he said. meeting started off with the crowd another event, featuring photos of her He said that in evaluations over the singing along to “You’re A Grand family and her words describing how years, some of the parents’ letters he Old Flag,” in tribute to Ms. Geddis’ her career and family are important. had read about her included state- practice of having her class sing a Groups of students, parents and ments such as her classroom being patriotic song after the daily flag sa- fellow teachers came up to speak one of “excitement in learning” and lute. kind words of Ms. Geddis. that she is “an excellent role model Board President Ginny Leiz pre- Some of the students’ comments for my daughter.” sented Ms. Geddis with a resolution included: “she helps me a lot;” “she After comments from the commu- plaque honoring her outstanding does cool science experiments;” “she nity, Ms. Geddis spoke. “I’m a little teaching, interest in children, posi- was so nice and sweet;” “you always overwhelmed,” she started, and then tive attitude, respect for children and made me feel special.” thanked many people. “When I started teaching, as chil- dren learned…I became more and Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader more excited for them,” she said. COMING HOME…UNICO volunteers help transform the recreation room in Westfield’s Armory for soldiers from the The next board of education meet- Army National Guard’s 102nd Cavalry coming home from Iraq in June. Pictured are: 102 Calvary RSTA Cpt. Pete Zabita, ing is on Tuesday, May 19, at 7:30 Sgt. Julian Londono, Cadet Lt. Louis Fernando, Cpl. Jeff Heine, Pfc. Steve Undrosky, Nancy LaCorte, family readiness group leader and mother of Spc. Evan Dickerson and Spc. Joshua Dickerson. UNICO volunteers are Dave Lovato, Peter p.m., when the board will announce Serpico, John Chiesa, Tony Valles and Robb Abrams. Not shown is Amy Lovato. the Optimist Club Intermediate Teacher Award. During the regular meeting, Prin- cipal Claudia Andreski along with Jury Unanimously Rules Westfield McKinley Elementary School fifth- grade teacher Brendan Hickey and four students from the school, talked about the social studies program with Did Not Engage in Discrimination the Westfield Senior Citizens Hous- BY MICHAEL J. POLLACK AND of $1.065 million. more qualified than other volunteers ing that the class is conducting. The PAUL J. PEYTON Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “The jury listened to all the allega- based on his performance on the Union students have met with seniors in tions and said the town didn’t do any- County Fire Academy, New Jersey and class, where they asked the older WESTFIELD – A state Superior thing wrong...they said the right thing Westfield Fire Department examina- people questions about their child- Court jury in Union County, last week, was done, and we prevailed,” Mr. Gildea tions but was “passed over...repeatedly hood. The students mentioned that ruled unanimously that the Town of said. “It came down to the credibility of between March 2002 and March 2004, the seniors when they were kids would Westfield had not engaged in age dis- the town officials versus the credibility until it was too late for him to ever be Charles Laskowski for The Westfield Leader build go-karts, play marbles, listened crimination when it denied a Scotch of Mr. McMeekan.” hired as a paid firefighter.” SHOW STOPPER...Known as Joe the Plumber, Samuel Wurzelbacher of Hol- to the radio and went out to play. Plains resident from serving as a volun- Mr. McMeekan claimed in his law- The cut-off age to be considered for land, Ohio, rallies the enthusiatic crowd at the Deutscher Club in Clark Tuesday Mr. Hickey presented a video of teer firefighter. The jury also decided, night in support of Steve Lonegan, a GOP candidate for New Jersey Governor. suit that the town requires an applicant a position on the paid fire department is outtakes of some of the in-class inter- by a 7-2 vote, that the town had not to serve two years as a volunteer before 40. There is no guarantee, however, views. “retaliated” against the same resident, being considered to join the paid unit. that a person would secure a job as a “It was fun to watch the children who had later sought a position on the “We discussed this ad nauseum. paid firefighter after serving as a volun- State to Have Ability to Test with the seniors,” he said. town’s local-access television station. There was a major dispute over these teer, Mr. Gildea said. Superintendent Margaret Dolan William McMeekan had filed the facts,” Mr. Gildea responded. Mr. Gildea said to be a Westfield Fire announced the retirement of guid- lawsuit against Westfield in November Mr. McMeekan alleged that he was CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 For Swine Flu by Tomorrow ance counselor of nine years James 2006 after first dropping a civil-rights By DEBBIE HOFFMAN demic level 5. Moriarty as of Tuesday, June 30. It complaint against the town when he Specially Written for The Westfield Leader In a speech on Monday, Homeland also was announced that Director of applied as a volunteer with the Westfield Willow Grove Road in WF AREA – The H1N1 flu, more com- Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Counseling Services Scott White was Fire Department on March 18, 2002, at monly referred to as the “swine flu,” said she expects the level to be raised resigning on June 30, after being hired age 35, and was not hired. has not made any additional inroads to 6, but stressed that “does not mean in June 2008, and that K-12 Social Subsequent to making his initial claim To Undergo Improvements into the state, according to the New the virus has become any more se- Studies Supervisor Noel Baxter also against the town in November 2006, By MICHAEL J. POLLACK Avenue will switch places. Once the Jersey Department of Health and Se- vere,” but rather it has spread to a was resigning. Mr. McMeekan filed an “amended com- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ordinance passes, cars will have to nior Services. number of countries. Board member Ann Cary said she plaint,” alleging that Town Administra- WESTFIELD – The Westfield stop at the end of Summit Avenue As of Tuesday morning, there were “Although there are no new cases was “disappointed” at the news of tor Jim Gildea had “retaliated against Town Council moved on multiple before turning onto Summit Court. seven confirmed cases in the state. reported in New Jersey today (Mon- Mr. White resigning and thought there him” by not hiring him as the TV-36 road-related measures at Tuesday Presently, cars are forced to stop on None of those seven confirmed cases day), I remind everyone to remain should be an analysis to understand director of operations. In 2006, the night’s public meeting. Summit Court. are in Union County. Also the Cen- vigilant and continue to stay informed why this position has a high turnover town opted to hire Jamie Lynn Drohan, First, the town, after holding an When asked after the meeting, ters for Disease and Control and Pre- and practice good hygiene habits,” rate. “Why can’t we find the best a previous producer on Union TV-34 advertising hearing, passed a special Town Administrator Jim Gildea and vention (CDC) in Atlanta announced said Heather Howard, New Jersey match?” she asked. and a CN8 “Newsmakers” host. ordinance to authorize the improve- Finance Policy Committee Chairman Tuesday that schools no longer had to Health and Senior Service Commis- Ms. Dolan agreed, noting that it is The trial, held from April 13 to 30, at ment of Willow Grove Road, from Sal Caruana declined to comment on close for the swine flu. sioner. a difficult position to fill in many the Union County Courthouse in Eliza- Rahway Avenue to Lamberts Mill the Policemen’s Benevolent Associa- Natalia Munoz, health educator/ Mr. Proctor agreed. As health of- school districts. beth, included six witnesses – former Road, including roadway reconstruc- tion (PBA) Local 90’s decision to risk communicator for the Union ficer for the City of Rahway, he has The agenda also noted a list of Fire Chief John Castellano and current tion and installation of curbs, under- refuse the town’s voluntary request County Office of Health Manage- posted on the city’s website home longevity payments for the 2009-2010 Chief Dan Kelly, Mr.
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