Checklist Bird

Checklist Bird

To report sightings, contact: Natural Resources Coordinator 980-314-1119 BIRD CHECKLIST Mecklenburg County, NC: 318 species Geese, Ducks, Swans ☐ Eared Grebe (VR) ☐ Cooper’s Hawk* (U) ☐ Black-bellied Whistling ☐ Western Grebe (Ac) ☐ Red-shouldered Hawk* (FC) ☐ Broad-winged Hawk* (U) Duck (Ac) Petrels, Shearwaters ☐ Snow Goose (R) ☐ Red-tailed Hawk* (FC–Co) ☐ Sooty Shearwater∆ (Ac) ☐ Ross’s Goose (VR) ☐ Rough-legged Hawk (Ca) ☐ Canada Goose* (Co) Storks Rails, Gallinules, Coots ☐ Tundra Swan (VR) ☐ Wood Stork (VR) ☐ Yellow Rail (Ac) ☐ Wood Duck* (U) Cormorants ☐ Black Rail (Ca) ☐ Gadwall (U) ☐ Double-crested Cormorant (VC) ☐ Clapper Rail (VR) ☐ American Wigeon (U) ☐ King Rail(*) (Ca) Darters ☐ American Black Duck (U) ☐ Virginia Rail (R) ☐ Mallard* (Co) ☐ Anhinga (VR–R) ☐ Sora (R–U) ☐ Blue-winged Teal (U) Pelicans ☐ Purple Gallinule (VR) ☐ Northern Shoveler (U) ☐ American White Pelican (VR–R) ☐ Common Gallinule (R) ☐ Northern Pintail (R–U) ☐ Brown Pelican (VR) ☐ American Coot (FC) ☐ Green-winged Teal (U) ☐ Canvasback (R–U) Bitterns, Herons Cranes ☐ Redhead (R–U) ☐ American Bittern (R) ☐ Sandhill Crane (R) ☐ Ring-necked Duck (FC–Co) ☐ Least Bittern (VR) Stilts, Avocets ☐ Greater Scaup (R) ☐ Great Blue Heron* (FC–Co) ☐ American Avocet (Ca-VR) ☐ Lesser Scaup (U) ☐ Great Egret (U–FC) ☐ Surf Scoter (R) ☐ Snowy Egret (R) Plovers ☐ White-winged Scoter (R) ☐ Little Blue Heron (R–U) ☐ Black-bellied Plover (VR) ☐ Black Scoter (VR) ☐ Tricolored Heron (VR–R) ☐ American Golden-Plover (VR) ☐ Long-tailed Duck (VR–R) ☐ Cattle Egret (VR–R) ☐ Semipalmated Plover (R–U) ☐ Bufflehead (U) ☐ Green Heron* (FC) ☐ Piping Plover (Ac) ☐ Common Goldeneye (R) ☐ Black-crowned Night-Heron (R) ☐ Killdeer* (FC-Co) ☐ Hooded Merganser* (U–Co) ☐ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron* (R) ☐ Spotted Sandpiper* (FC) ☐ Solitary Sandpiper (FC) ☐ Common Merganser (R) Ibises, Spoonbills ☐ Red-breasted Merganser (R–U) ☐ Greater Yellowlegs (U) ☐ White Ibis (R) ☐ Ruddy Duck (U) ☐ Willet (VR) ☐ Glossy Ibis (VR) ☐ Lesser Yellowlegs (U) Quails ☐ Roseate Spoonbill (Ac) ☐ Upland Sandpiper (R) ☐ Northern Bobwhite* (U–FC) Vultures ☐ Whimbrel (Ac) Turkeys ☐ Black Vulture* (U–FC) ☐ Marbled Godwit (Ac) ☐ Wild Turkey* (U) ☐ Turkey Vulture* (FC–Co) ☐ Ruddy Turnstone (Ca) ☐ Red Knot (Ac) Loons Kites, Eagles, Hawks ☐ Stilt Sandpiper (R) ☐ Red-throated Loon (R) ☐ Osprey* (R–FC) ☐ Sanderling (VR) ☐ Common Loon (U) ☐ Swallow-tailed Kite (VR) ☐ Dunlin (R) Grebes ☐ Mississippi Kite* (R) ☐ Baird’s Sandpiper (VR–R) ☐ Bald Eagle* (R–U) ☐ Pied-billed Grebe* (FC) ☐ Least Sandpiper (U) ☐ Northern Harrier (R–U) ☐ Horned Grebe (U–FC) ☐ White-rumped Sandpiper (VR) ☐ Sharp-shinned Hawk* (U) ☐ Red-necked Grebe (VR–R) ☐ Buff-breasted Sandpiper (VR–R) Abundance Codes H: Historical Ac: Accidental FC: Fairly Common Ab: Abundant ∆Pending Review VR: Very Rare R: Rare Co: Common *Breeding Bird from NC Bird Records Ca: Casual U: Uncommon VC: Very Common (*)Unclear Breeding Status Committee ☐ Pectoral Sandpiper (R) Swifts Swallows ☐ Semipalmated Sandpiper (R) ☐ Chimney Swift* (Co) ☐ Purple Martin* (U–FC) ☐ Western Sandpiper (VR) Hummingbirds ☐ Tree Swallow* (U–FC) ☐ Short-billed Dowitcher (R) ☐ Violet-green Swallow (Ac) ☐ Ruby-throated Hummingbird* (FC) ☐ Wilson’s Snipe (U) ☐ Northern Rough-winged Swallow* ☐ Black-chinned Hummingbird (Ca) ☐ American Woodcock* (R–U) (FC) ☐ Anna’s Hummingbird (Ac) ☐ Wilson’s Phalarope (Ac) ☐ Bank Swallow (U) ☐ Calliope Hummingbird (VR) ☐ Cliff Swallow* (U–FC) Jaegers ☐ Rufous Hummingbird (R) ☐ Barn Swallow* (Co) ☐ Pomarine Jaeger (Ca) Kingfishers ☐ Parasitic Jaeger (Ac) Chickadees, Titmice ☐ Belted Kingfisher* (FC) ☐ Long-tailed Jaeger (Ac) ☐ Carolina Chickadee* (VC) Woodpeckers Gulls, Terns, Skimmers ☐ Tufted Titmouse* (VC) ☐ Red-headed Woodpecker* (U) ☐ Sabine’s Gull (Ca) Nuthatches ☐ Red-bellied Woodpecker* (Co) ☐ Bonaparte’s Gull (FC) ☐ Red-breasted Nuthatch (R–U) ☐ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (U–FC) ☐ Black-headed Gull (Ac) ☐ White-breasted Nuthatch* (FC) ☐ Downy Woodpecker* (Co) ☐ Laughing Gull (R–U) ☐ Brown-headed Nuthatch* (U–FC) ☐ Hairy Woodpecker* (U–FC) ☐ Franklin’s Gull (Ac) ☐ Northern Flicker* (FC) Creepers ☐ Ring-billed Gull (Co–Ab) ☐ Pileated Woodpecker* (R–U) ☐ Brown Creeper (U) ☐ Herring Gull (U–FC) ☐ Thayer’s Gull (Ac) Falcons Wrens ☐ Iceland Gull (Ac) ☐ American Kestrel* (R–U) ☐ House Wren* (FC) ☐ Lesser Black-backed Gull (VR) ☐ Merlin (R) ☐ Winter Wren (U) ☐ Great Black-backed Gull (Ac) ☐ Peregrine Falcon* (R) ☐ Sedge Wren (R) ☐ Brown Noddy (Ac) Parakeets ☐ Marsh Wren (R) ☐ Sooty Tern (Ac) ☐ Carolina Wren* (VC) ☐ Carolina Parakeet (extinct) ☐ Bridled Tern (Ac) ☐ Bewick’s Wren(*) (extirpated) ∆ Flycatchers ☐ Least Tern (Ac) Gnatcatchers ☐ Caspian Tern (R–U) ☐ Olive-sided Flycatcher (VR) ☐ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* (Co) ☐ Black Tern (R) ☐ Eastern Wood-Pewee* (FC–Co) ☐ Common Tern (R–U) ☐ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (VR, R–U) Kinglets ☐ Forster’s Tern (R) ☐ Acadian Flycatcher* (FC) ☐ Golden-crowned Kinglet (Co–VC) ☐ Royal Tern (Ca) ☐ Alder Flycatcher (VR) ☐ Ruby-crowned Kinglet (FC–Co) ☐ Black Skimmer (Ca) ☐ Willow Flycatcher* (VR–U) Thrushes ☐ Least Flycatcher (R–U) Pigeons, Doves ☐ Eastern Bluebird* (Co–VC) ☐ Eastern Phoebe* (FC) ☐ Rock Pigeon* (Co–Ab) ☐ Veery (U–FC) ☐ Ash-throated Flycatcher (Ac)∆ ☐ Band-tailed Pigeon (Ac) ☐ Gray-cheeked Thrush (U) ☐ Great Crested Flycatcher* (FC) ☐ Eurasian Collared-Dove* (R–U) ☐ Swainson’s Thrush (U–FC) ☐ Western Kingbird (Ac) ☐ Passenger Pigeon (extinct) ☐ Hermit Thrush (FC) ☐ Eastern Kingbird* (U–FC) ☐ Common Ground-Dove (VR) ☐ Wood Thrush* (U–FC) ☐ White-winged Dove (Ca) Shrikes ☐ American Robin* (VC–Ab) ☐ Mourning Dove* (Ab) ☐ Loggerhead Shrike(*) (R) Mimic Thrushes Cuckoos Vireos ☐ Gray Catbird* (FC) ☐ Yellow-billed Cuckoo* (U–FC) ☐ White-eyed Vireo* (FC–Co) ☐ Brown Thrasher* (Co) ☐ Black-billed Cuckoo(*) (R) ☐ Yellow-throated Vireo* (U–FC) ☐ Northern Mockingbird* (VC) Owls ☐ Blue-headed Vireo(*) (U) Starlings ☐ Warbling Vireo (R) ☐ Barn Owl* (R) ☐ European Starling* (Ab) ☐ Philadelphia Vireo (R) ☐ Eastern Screech-Owl* (U) ☐ Red-eyed Vireo* (Co–VC) Pipits ☐ Great Horned Owl* (U) ☐ American Pipit (U–Co) ☐ Snowy Owl (Ca) Jays, Crows ☐ Barred Owl* (FC) ☐ Blue Jay* (VC) Waxwings ☐ Short-eared Owl (VR) ☐ American Crow* (VC–Ab) ☐ Cedar Waxwing(*) (Co) ☐ Northern Saw-whet Owl (VR) ☐ Fish Crow* (Co) Longspurs ☐ Common Raven* (R–U) Goatsuckers ☐ Lapland Longspur (VR–R) Larks ☐ Common Nighthawk* (R–U) Wood Warblers ☐ Chuck-will’s-widow(*) (R–U) ☐ Horned Lark* (R–U) ☐ Ovenbird* (FC–Co) ☐ Eastern Whip-poor-will* (R–U) ☐ Worm-eating Warbler(*) (U) ☐ Louisiana Waterthrush* (U–FC) ☐ Prairie Warbler* (U–FC) ☐ Northern Cardinal* (VC) ☐ Northern Waterthrush (U–FC) ☐ Black-throated Green Warbler ☐ Rose-breasted Grosbeak (U–FC) ☐ Golden-winged Warbler (R) (U–FC) ☐ Black-headed Grosbeak (Ac) ☐ Blue-winged Warbler (R–U) ☐ Canada Warbler (R–U) ☐ Blue Grosbeak* (FC–Co) ☐ Black-and-white Warbler* (U–FC) ☐ Wilson’s Warbler (R) ☐ Indigo Bunting* (VC) ☐ Prothonotary Warbler* (U–FC) ☐ Yellow-breasted Chat* (FC–Co) ☐ Painted Bunting (VR) ☐ Swainson’s Warbler(*) (R–U) New World Sparrows ☐ Dickcissel* (R) ☐ Tennessee Warbler (U–FC) ☐ Eastern Towhee* (Co) Blackbirds, Orioles ☐ Orange-crowned Warbler (R–U) ☐ Bachman’s Sparrow(*) (extirpated) ☐ Bobolink (U–FC) ☐ Nashville Warbler (R–U) ☐ Chipping Sparrow* (VC) ☐ Red-winged Blackbird* (Co–Ab) ☐ Connecticut Warbler (VR–R) ☐ Clay-colored Sparrow (VR) ☐ Eastern Meadowlark* (FC–Co) ☐ Mourning Warbler (VR–R) ☐ Field Sparrow* (FC–Co) ☐ Rusty Blackbird (U) ☐ Kentucky Warbler* (U) ☐ Vesper Sparrow (R) ☐ Brewer’s Blackbird (R) ☐ Common Yellowthroat* (Co) ☐ Lark Sparrow (R) ☐ Common Grackle* (Co–Ab) ☐ Hooded Warbler* (FC–Co) ☐ Savannah Sparrow (FC) ☐ Brown-headed Cowbird * (FC–Co) ☐ American Redstart* (Co) ☐ Grasshopper Sparrow* (U) ☐ Orchard Oriole* (U–FC) ☐ Kirtland’s Warbler (Ca) ☐ Henslow’s Sparrow(*) (extirpated) ☐ Hooded Oriole (Ac) ☐ Cape May Warbler (U–FC) ☐ Le Conte’s Sparrow (VR) ☐ Bullock’s Oriole (Ca) ☐ Cerulean Warbler (R) ☐ Nelson’s Sparrow (VR) ☐ Baltimore Oriole* (VR–U) ☐ Northern Parula* (U–FC) ☐ Fox Sparrow (U–FC) ☐ Magnolia Warbler (U–FC) Finches, Allies ☐ Song Sparrow* (Co–VC) ☐ Bay-breasted Warbler (R–U) ☐ House Finch* (VC) ☐ Lincoln’s Sparrow (R) ☐ Blackburnian Warbler (R–U) ☐ Purple Finch (U) ☐ Swamp Sparrow (U–FC) ☐ Yellow Warbler* (R–U) ☐ Red Crossbill (R) ☐ White-throated Sparrow (VC–Ab) ☐ Chestnut-sided Warbler (U) ☐ Common Redpoll (Ca) ☐ White-crowned Sparrow (U) ☐ Blackpoll Warbler (U–FC) ☐ Pine Siskin (R–FC) ☐ Dark-eyed Junco (Co–Ab) ☐ Black-throated Blue Warbler (U–FC) ☐ American Goldfinch* (Co–Ab) ☐ Palm Warbler (U–FC) Tanagers, Cardinals, Allies ☐ Evening Grosbeak (R) ☐ Pine Warbler* (Co) ☐ Summer Tanager* (FC–Co) Old World Sparrows ☐ Yellow-rumped Warbler (Co–FC) ☐ Scarlet Tanager* (U–FC) ☐ House Sparrow* (VC–Ab) ☐ Yellow-throated Warbler(*) (U–FC) ☐ Western Tanager (VR) Taxonomic nomenclature follows: the 56th Supplement to the American Ornithologist’s Union Check-list of North American Birds, published in 2015. Checklist Publication Series: No. 01 © 2018 Mecklenburg County — All Rights Reserved. Photo: Northern Cardinal © Gary P. Carter..

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