September 7, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7125 places, giving care to those who need it Mr. Chairman, we are facing some The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is the most. They treat victims of sexual tough choices. Our Nation is nearly $20 recognized for 5 minutes. violence and provide menstrual hy- trillion in debt. We are going to debate Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- giene services and maternity care in lifting the debt ceiling in the coming man, each and every one of us has a humanitarian crisis settings. days. Simply put, we cannot afford to moral obligation to challenge ourselves I visited many times UNFPA projects continue recklessly spending on dupli- to make this little piece of real estate all around the world, and I have seen cative and wasteful programs. that we call Earth better for genera- firsthand the tremendous impacts The United States Institute of Peace tions yet unborn. these programs have on the lives of is a perfect example of a duplicative USIP does good and great work by those they serve. Defunding these pro- program that must be reexamined. The teaching people around the world to grams truly will kill women. Institute’s charter states that the or- strive to create a society at peace with I urge my colleagues to reject these ganization was established to promote itself and its neighbors. harmful riders, reject this bill, and get international peace and the resolution We spend millions and billions of dol- back to regular order. It is time to stop of conflict among the nations and peo- lars on guns, bombs, and missiles. Can trying to push through these really un- ples of the world without recourse to we spend just a few pennies, a few tenable bills that really are very dan- violence. dimes, a few dollars on peace? These are laudable and worthy goals, gerous to women and girls throughout This world, this planet is, not ours to but it sounds a lot like the mission the world and babies. hoard, waste, and destroy. Mr. Chair- statement of another taxpayer-backed Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Chairman, I yield man, I ask you: What is wrong with diplomatic organization, the United back the balance of my time. supporting the way of peace, the way of States Department of State. love, the way of nonviolence? What is The Acting CHAIR. The Committee The State Department’s operational wrong with teaching communities to will rise informally. mission is to create a more secure, respect the dignity and the worth of The Speaker pro tempore (Mr. LAM- democratic, and prosperous world for BORN) assumed the chair. the benefit of the American people and every human being? What is wrong f the international community. Why is with preventing conflict and keeping our military personnel safe and out of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Congress funding an independent think tank that supports the same mission as harm’s way? A message from the Senate by Ms. another Federal Government agency? Mr. Chairman, on the question of pre- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced The U.S. Institute of Peace is far venting war and on the challenge of that the Senate concur in the House from the only organization on the keeping peace, there should be no price amendment to the Senate amendment ground working to foster peace across tag, but USIP does good and great numbered 6 to the bill (H.R. 601) ‘‘An the globe. Since its inception, the U.S. work on a shoestring budget. It is a Act to enhance the transparency and Institute of Peace has awarded thou- small agency which teaches the way of accelerate the impact of assistance sands of grants to other peace organi- peace, the way of love. Their small provided under the Foreign Assistance zations. There are also more than 150 staff help communities solve problems Act of 1961 to promote quality basic colleges and universities offering peace through dialogue rather than weapons. education in developing countries, to studies programs across the United Mr. Chairman, this is not the first better enable such countries to achieve States. time that we consider an amendment universal access to quality basic edu- Why are we earmarking an additional to abolish the U.S. Institute of Peace, cation and improved learning out- $35.3 million in public funds to support but I hope this will be the last. I urge comes, to eliminate duplication and a think tank that duplicates the State each and every one of my colleagues to waste, and for other purposes.’’, with Department’s mission, uses its public vote against this amendment. an amendment. funds to support other peace-promoting Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance The SPEAKER pro tempore. The organizations, and can raise millions of of my time. Committee will resume its sitting. dollars in private funds to promote its Mr. BUCK. Mr. Chairman, I yield f own work? such time as he may consume to the For this reason, Members on both gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, sides of the aisle have supported ending PERRY). ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED this program. In fact, this same amend- Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, first I AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ment was offered by a Democratic want to thank the gentleman from Col- ACT, 2018 member from New York to an appro- orado for the amendment and the com- The Committee resumed its sitting. priations bill in 2011. The amendment mittee for the opportunity. The U.S. AMENDMENT NO. 94 OFFERED BY MR. BUCK passed with a strong bipartisan vote. Institute of Peace is intended to be a The White House recently proposed The Acting CHAIR (Mr. BOST). It is nonpartisan independent national in- now in order to consider amendment eliminating Federal funding to the In- stitute funded by Congress, and I ques- No. 94 printed in part B of House Re- stitute noting that it duplicates not tion both the nonpartisan nature of the only other Federal programs but also port 115–295. Institute and the need, quite honestly, nonprofit and private sector organiza- Mr. BUCK. Mr. Chairman, I have an for the Federal Government to fund it tions. now, at least $1 billion over these many amendment at the desk. In addition to the duplicative nature years at $35 million a year, and, as the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will of its work, the Institute’s authoriza- gentleman from Colorado said, in a du- designate the amendment. tion has expired. The underlying fund- plicative effort. The text of the amendment is as fol- ing contained in the bill is not even al- Nobody is against peace and nobody lows: lowed under House rules. Page 874, line 1, after the dollar amount, The authorization process is vital to is against love. The question is: Do we insert ‘‘(reduced by $35,300,000)’’. ensuring that the American taxpayer is need a State Department doing it at Page 1140, line 23, after the dollar amount, protected from waste. At the very the cost of billions of dollars and then insert ‘‘(increased by $35,300,000)’’. least, we should withhold funding until this other organization doing the exact The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to the Institute is reauthorized. same work at a cost of another $35 mil- House Resolution 500, the gentleman Our kids and grandkids are relying lion annually when we are $20 trillion from Colorado (Mr. BUCK) and a Mem- on us to find a solution to this problem in debt and more, maybe up to $200 tril- ber opposed each will control 5 min- rather than continuing to dig the hole lion in unfunded liabilities? And then utes. deeper. I urge my colleagues to support to add insult to injury, regarding the The Chair recognizes the gentleman this amendment. nonpartisan independent nature that from Colorado. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance the taxpayers are forced to fund, on Mr. BUCK. Mr. Chairman, I rise for of my time. January 5th of 2016, on an episode of C– the opportunity to speak about my Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- SPAN, Manal Omar, the acting vice amendment to the State and Foreign man, I rise in opposition to the amend- president for the Middle East and Afri- Operations division of H.R. 3354. ment. ca Center conducted a highly divisive, VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Sep 08, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07SE7.077 H07SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 7, 2017 partisan attack on then-leading Repub- Mr. Chairman, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on [From the Washington Post, Feb. 27, 2011] lican primary candidate Donald Trump this amendment. THE U.S. CAN’T TURN ITS BACK ON PEACE and the Republican party as a whole. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- (By Ted Hesburgh) Some of her more egregious state- man, I yield 1 minute to the gentle- Some would say that by the time you have ments include: ‘‘What Trump is doing woman from Texas (Ms. GRANGER), a lived almost a century, you have seen it all. is inciting violence, make no mistake member of the Appropriations Com- But what I saw the House of Representatives about it. He has blood on his hands.’’ mittee. do with its continuing resolution is beyond the pale. That Congress would seek to elimi- And ‘‘Trump and other Republican Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Chairman, today I rise in strong opposition to this nate funding for the United States Institute rhetoric have validated that type of vi- of Peace is abhorrent and unthinkable.
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