00 X ' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' n ' ." ' " j ,'.'. i 'i ' ' ,' i.. ,m , . - v ii- ' ,T. ... j C '! ."..'"' j T'i'jMwr y Evening BulIetinEst IS? 2, No. 69T. 18 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. IS PAGES Hawaiian Star. Xo XXV, No. 8017. PRICE FIVE CENTS fnifiniol Vlfl o)(fiW .2: m mm UUUUinl POPE POINTS TO HONOLULU INDIGNANT AT Cable Orders FRENCH HIT KE17 GEfiMflM PtAK TO 'SETTLE Hawaii to Get WOULD SUFFERING LENIENCY SHOWN RODIEK HUN AIRMEN HORED; RUSSIA CHAOS Busy -- on Draft AS MS LESSON W Maioritv nf Comments Indicate Local Men Think "Plotter" HEAVY BLOW PLflVltlG ItlTO TEUTOi IIAflDS Should Have Been Sent to Jail Reported Rodiek is Coming (AuocUUd PrM b j U. 6. XUval Tftreltu.) ROME, Italy, Dec. 24. Pope Ben- & Co.-rConvi-ction Carries 4-- a Back to Reorganize Hackfeld Judging from cable received (AsocUt4d Prcis by U. S. VavU W)r today by Captain F. Green. edict, through the Associated Press f J. 4 today, a message to the Ameri- Loss of Citizenship 4-- officer, Major Gener- - issued draft from 4 can people. It follows: 4 Bobheviki Negotiating With Other Factions, 4 al E. II. Crowder, Washington is 4 PARIS, 24. Dur-- Holy peo- 4 France, Dec. 4 ciDrcssions, of Honolulans heard today are a criterion Intending to "do things" Bhortly 4 "The Father sends to the 4 ing the past three days there 4 While Kaiser's Agents Scheme If - ple of America greetings and by 4- with regard to drafted regis- - 4 cordial 4 have been no less than a hundred 4 the leniency shown Georg Rodiek 4-- - prays that they may take to heart in For Commercial Control Honolulu is indicnant at trants in Hawaii. The cable In- 4 4 air combats on the French-Ger- - 4 few exceptions, every 4- - structs members of the legal ad- - this time of strife, the sufferings oi the federal court in San Francisco. With . u A . l A 4 . 1 r-- U i 4 man front. The French aviators 4 - - t - 4- vlsory boards to prepare for 4 iru ,"8"u Ul ur 3l- 4 been highly successful, des- - ROME, Dec. reported here on Star-Bulleti- n reporters thought Rodiek had have 4 Italy, 21 It is apparently person seen by 4- "business at once." It says: 4 mastide--a lesson of God s unceasing K troylng machines and - mankind, a of reliable authority there is a new German peacp plan im- been let off too easily; some favored a stiffer fine, while the 4- "The president directs that love for lesson unfalter 4 dropped 20 heavy charges of ex-- 4j that 4- - - ing courage and sacrifice of self. - was mentea you be informed that these ap- 4- Dlosive behind the German lines. 4 pending. It is reported that the kaiser will issue a declaration majority were of the opinion that a jail sentence - 4- polntments have been made pre- - 4 "More especially He calls to little 4 - on Christmas Day containing his peace proposals. The nature Rodiek'a conviction and sentence 4- cisely as nominated, to date from 4 children to whom He belongs. 4444444 444444444 carry irilh them loss of American 4- - December 22. Please inform the 4 "Let all Hearts pray to the Babe of of these is not suggested in the latest rumors. 4- - may your ' IIALSEYTIIIllllS appointees and request them to 4 Bethlehem that He protect already - sal circlet. RodieX nas been 4- organize and prepare for business 4 loved ones and give back to the world Church Bells to dropped. -- rom the rolls of the Pacific 4-- at once. Formal certificates of 4 the peace He came to bring on earth." LONDON, Eng., Dec 24. While tlje Bolsheviki faction is Commer- - XHub: tsrunder fire In the 4- appointment will issue in due 4 endeavoring to win over other Russian elements and secure cial Club' but so far njjnove habeen course." Toll Tonight For made to expel him from, the chamber RODliJOliD 4-- The refusal of the war depart-- 4 a combination to carry on peace negotiations with the Central of commerce. r 4-- ment to grant further time for 4 German Powers, the1 German agents are busy behind the Russian lines, George R. Carter - Paper Former Ctovernor 4- persons enlistments of drafted 4 -- Ban - attempting declared that he had been told In 4- In army by many Red Cross Work to turn the chaotic situation to Germany's account ' re- the is taken to Franclaco that Rodiek Intends to IN GEE! PLOT 4- - & be another indication that the 4 in a commercial as well as a political way. reorganize Hackfeld - - turn here and 4- war .department is preparing to 4-4- reports today say Co. as purely American Institution. draft Hawaii registrants in the 4 Suspended For To emphasize the fact that the Red Petrograd ' Rodiek do-nrit- ed How this can be done with 4-- next call which Is expected 4-4- - Cross Is in existence tonight, Christ that the Bolsheviki commis- of dtlzenshlD is Immigration Inspector , Says every PEACE PARLEY IS of his rtehts about February 1. 4-- mas Eve, at 7:30 o'clock, chime v sioners are attempting to ne- '"w matter of speculation. f ExiConsuI Got Him to . sena 4 and church bell In the city will ring J.V comments heard rela- - every Some of the' s: German Sailor Away rood Criticism for five minutes, and half hour gotiate a settlement with the tlte to Rodleks light sentence foUow: 4444444444.4444444 thereafter will toll for five minutes Otl; DELEGATES AT RICHARD TRENT, Trent .rust Co.: until 9:30 o'clock. This is a part oi Ukranians, who haye already nublication of the Grass The history ot this i war clearly Since the (AiMctettd Prasi t7 V. 8. HU Wirtlata.) the propaganda work of the American set up an independent govern- prove that every German, regardless hof diary Richard Halsey. inspector in RED CROSS DRIVE Red Cross Society. Not only in Hon immigration sta- AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Dec. BORDER ment, and it is further reported, charge Hawaii Vor-waert- . of how good citizen he was before of the 24. s, lulu but In every city, town and ham- CITY UPOil reure-sentatio- ns The Socialist paper, the war in potential if not an ac- tion, declares he believes false sus- let in the United and its terri- that the Ukranians are in a re- regarding the physical which was suddenly States tive enemy of this country, and as, NEAR GOAL; pended by the German govern- tories the church bells will ring to ' locked up until the condition of 'a member of the Geier 3000 WASHINGTON, Dec 24. Peace ne- ceptive mood. uchvhould be .by ment, has resumed publication. In night telling the world of the good ' war ; ended. Georg Rodiek is a crew were made personally to him the Red Cross Is doing. gotiations are under way at Brest The Cossacks are still vigor--7 ' is' George Rome its first issue it announces that that way former German Consul the suspension was due to the Every Red Cross member who has Lltovsk, rerorts from theie by it consulate con- oiisly opposing the Bolsheviki see no, reason why he should not be and A. Schroeder. the raDERS NEEDED criticism which it made of the bought his Christmas Red Cross flag Copenhagen declare. On the can- - secretary. '.:: r:-- ? trary, leports of the de- no reports today bohlnd the bars. I also not see tsK't. system of furnishing food to those Is, urged to place a lighted candle be-- Petrograd tell but there were any of local clubs should heal is a reference the Grasshbf di parture of the Bolsheviki delegates why the It in ' invalided by tjte war, the criticism hind that flag in the front window of of important campaign devel- tate for an instant over the question ot arv to Geier sailors and officers who With a total of 22,444 members on being printed under the heading his home tonight so that the Red on their return home. The exact dropping him from membership. are sick for whom It is, believed pos the roll this morning the local chap- "Let Them Beg." In this connec- Cross will be illuminated and cast Its status of the situation is apparently a opments. -- Copenhagen DEPUTT SHERIFF JULIUS ASCII: sible to secure permission to 'travel, 10 ter of the American Red Cross started tion it prints prominently the de- light upon the world. This Is also be- matter of spme doubt, the It is currently reported that there If Georg Rodiek is guilty of the things the sUtes" that causes Mr. Halsey.to on its last day's drive to obtain a mem by despatches' Indicating that proceed Is Increased military activity among fense. made Herr von.Waldow, ing done tonight everywhere in the " to which he confessed and to which believe he was duped by the :former bership of. 25,000 on the islands of the food control chief. United States and its territories. ings are going ahead, while the Petro- the Ukrainians. ' unex- the evidence point - he certain German consul and his secretary. , 4 Oahu,' Maul and Kauai. The island grad despatches Indicate an German "war prisoners now released should not be given his liberty anJ lie says thaOe remembers Rodiek of Hawaii Is a separate chapter, ' plained hitch somewhere. The Petro from various Russian detention camps - too small. grad reports were dated Friday, while are flocking Petrograd, It Is the $10,000 fine was far and Schroeder coming . to him" with When the Pacific Mall steamer ar towards PETRIE, CasUe e Cooke: Ro-dli- kl Geier1 represent-lng,th-at rived here, George R.
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