Kennedy and AMA Faif To Reach Agreement on Medicare Some. Doctors J6ped The Weather .S. ~~ Back Social Mostly fa ir and warmer through ~ Uni. tonight, hi,hs in ttt. 701. Increa .. om ~he In, cioudinesl and continued mild ~, bet Security Plan of owan Thursday. I ~ersity WASffiNGTON (UPI) - Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of IOWtl CUy Presf1cialside ofnt th Kennedye American and 1edicaltop of- Established___________________ in 1868 AssocIated Preu1eaJed_______________ Wire and Wirephoto United___________________________________________ Press InternaUonaI Leaied WlreI 5 Centa per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, May 2, 1962_ A sociation (A fA) talked al­ most an hour on Tuesday and wound up stili poles apart on the issue of medical care for \.be aged under social security. Also unresolved was the question of who asked for the meeting. The White House said the doctors did, I the doctors said the President did. Faculty Petition Kennedy he'd firm'y to Ills view I that soci., .ecurity i. the proper Ipproach to medicar •. The doc· tors .merged still flatly opposed to the plan, which they consider ~\I\hed medicine. Meanwhile, another segment oC the medical profession launched a nationwide campaign among physi· Asks 'New Probe clans olf behalf of 'the President's medicare program. This group, headed by director Caldwell :S. Es· selstyn oC the Rip Van Winkle Clinic in Hudson, N.Y. , is called the Physicians Committee for Health Care for the Aged Through Social Security. The White House meeting came aft e r Democratic congressional Of Hankins Case leaders told the President at their weekly get·together that on their Easter visits home they found overwhelming grass·rools support for the social security idea. Captured 22 Days - Abraham A. RJbicoff, secretary Charges SUI of health, education and welfare, Alice With Rabbits said after sitting in on Kennedy's Seals Club, synchronized swimmin, club, will (from I.ft) Kay G.Il, A4, Sioux City, Ros.lInd session with the doctors that the Hill, A2, Cedar Falls, Linda Stock, AI , Waukon, President stood his ground and ex­ present "Alice in Wonderland" It the Fi.ld House Viet Cang Frees Race Policy pressed belief that Congress will Pool Friday and Saturday. Susan Olive (center), and Carolyn Capouch, N2, Berwyn, III. (S.. story approve the Administration plan. Al, Rockford, III., who will play the role of Aile. on Pag' 8), - Photo by Joe Lippincott Dr. Leonard W. Larson of Bis· is shown during the rehearsal with four rabbits, mark, N.D., AMA pre si d e n t. 2 GIs Unharmed 'Circumvented' emerged to tell reporters: l "We told /rim (K.nn.dy) In no SAIGON, South Viet Nam IA'l - nist gave no rea on (or freeing Raps IOvert Pressurei uncertain terms that we don't be· Two young U.S. Army ergennts them, causing speculation it may Asks Joint Faculty, lI.v. that. That is not our intelli. Senate Group To Study Plan were released by Communist guer· have been done as a May Day ges. genc •• We have a very good lint rillas aCter 22 days of captivity lure. Administration Inquiry of communication with the grass Tuesday. They said they were kept They .ald tha~ aft.r their re· By HAROLD HATFIELD roots and the support of the old I.... it took 21/1 hours to make bound the entire tlme but thai their City Editor people for the Administration Requiring Seat Belts at SUI captors fed them rice and showed their way down the mountain top plln I. decrlaslng now that they no brutality. on which they had be.n held. A petition asking Pre id nt r.. 1l1t what it will mean to Student Senate voted Tuesday islatures have deadlines requiring have two safety belts installed in The mcn, Francis Quinn or Ni· Th.y w.r. ,ulded by a mountain­ eer work In, for the Viet Con,. Hancher to jntitiate a prompt them." night to set up a committee to new automobiles to have safety the front scat by the fall seme t r, agarn Falls, N.Y., and George E. Former Democratic Rep. Aime study a resolution recommending belts ; C3) It is Ci ve times saCer to 1963, in order to be registered with Groom o( Sl. Joseph. Mo., looked They reached a group oC villag· and thorough inquiry into the J. Forand, now chairman of the to the StaLe Board of Regents that remain in an automobile in an ac· the University. tired but otherwise healthy and un· ers who led them to a local civil deplcdging of a Negro by National CouncLl of Senior Citi· all students registering cars with cident; (4) It is a privilege to oper· The legality of this resolution harmed when they stepped from guard post, and Cram there they Delta Chi social fraternity last year ANDY HANKINS zens, immediately took issue with the University be required to have ate an automobile in Iowa and to was questioned when Senalors the plane that brought them to Sai· were evacuated by hellcoptcr to Larson. "Letters have come to us safety belts installed in their cars. rcgister a car at SUr. Da Nang, near where the ambusb is being circulated among SUI foc­ to be pledged to any chapter of the pointed out that the Senate does g~n . lrom people ali over the country The resolution, introduced by The resolution then recommended had occurred, and Down to Saigon. u1ty members. fraternity to be "socially accept­ - young and old - who are strong. Chuck Pellon, A4, Clinton, cited that: not have authority to present \.bis They told debrl.flng offictr. The peUtlon, to be presented La able" to ALL chapters of the fra· resolution and to suggest this ac· th.y had been held throUilhout Quinn and Groom were clean Iy in favor of the President's plan," several reasons for its importance: (1.1 The Senate recommend that ihavCJl. whon they arrived and Hancher, charge "subversion of ternity. Cll the greatest killer 0(· youth in ail stlldonts owning automobiles ion to the Board of Rr,ent . their ceptivity on • mountain top he $ald. earlni the camouflage uniforms the University" on two counts: Della Chi has 45 undergradu­ Forand, who sponsored legisla· our country is the automobile ; (2) have safety belts in tailed immedl· Ron Andersen, A3, Dike, said near where they w.re c.ught April 8. They deni.d rumors that and berets oC the Army special 1. "A conspiracy to clrcum.".nt ate cbapters, several of them in tion similar to the Administration Wisconsin and New York state leg· ately, and (2.) All automobiles the states of Wi con in and New Corces to which they belong. proposal, saId the medical group's York are at least 25 years ahead they had been led through vII. University policy prohibiting roce the south. charge oC socialized medicine "is or Iowa, "and this resolution might lages and exhibited for propa· A t.. m of officers, phy.lcians as a criterion of fraternity." In the spring of 1961, the SUI lhe same old cry the AMA has used put Iowa only 15 years behind the ganda purposes. and a U.S. Army cheplaln wert 2. "O.".rt pressure, from source. chapter of Delta Chi pledged on hand to r.c.l"" them at 511· to oppose ever~ single piece 01 other states." Quinn and Groom were released external to both the University and Andy Hankins, an honor pre·medi· Panel Talk .Set Tonight less than rive miles (rom the spot gon', airport. major social legislation in the The resolution will be referred the sLate, to dictate the conditions cal student and n member oC the past. " to the Committee on Student Life, near the coastal town of Da Nang Intelligence oCficers declined to Forand's organization also an· where they were ambushed with say whether the Communists had oC membership in fraternities on varsity basketball team. Hankins which may then present it to the this campus." nounced that it is distributing On Discrimination Here Board of Regents. BeCore the reso· two other American soldiers and tried to indoctrinate the two p0- was the first Negro to be pledged labels supporting the Kennedy 31 Vietnamese trainees. litically or to disclose whether the It asks that the investigation be hy any chapter of Delta Chi. By STEVE SANGER of constructive action by the Uni· luUon becomes a University regu· plan to be pasted on envelopes con· lation, it must be accepted by the The other Americans, Sgt. Wayne men may have undergone interro­ made by a joint faculty·Admin· In following week., the chap'er versity in ending discrimination on gation. taining payments on doctor bills, Staff Writer Board. E. Marchand of Plattsmouth, Neb., istration committee, with "appro· received numerous letter. from and on other letters. The labels and off the campus." and Sgt. James Gabrial of Honolu· The two were expected to be A panel of University adminis· The Senate referred to a com· priate authority and instructions." other chapter., threaten in, to In· will be distributed through the Tonight's meeting developed present at a news conCerence Wed· The petition was written by John voke the Biloxi Agreement in de. week of May 14. trators, professors, students and from a resolution Introduc:.d lut mittee a resolution call1ng for the -----------­ an Iowa City landlord will meet to· establishment oC a committee for See Joseph Alsop's column, Pa,. 2 nesday. Harlow, associate professor of gen· mands that the SUI chaptor'. In still another de."elopment, Wednesday in Student Sen at. by They were also expected to be eral business, and James Murray, charter be suspended by the na­ Dr.
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