New Products Latest Releases for Open Systems Remote Access Application Development ICL has introduced AccessManager for Antares has announced release 3.0 of its Remote Users, an application designed to Huron ObjectStar software, an application provide secure, dial-in access to distrib- development environment that facilitates uted networks. AccessManager is certified the transition of mainframe and legacy to the U.K.’s ITSEC E2 level, equivalent applications to three-tier client/server envi- to the C2 level of the U.S. Government’s ronments. ObjectStar enables developers Orange Book. to build and distribute applications selec- Access Manager for Remote Users sup- tively, tier by tier and component by com- ports Sun Solaris and SCO servers. The ponent. SOFTWARE price is around $40 per user, depending ObjectStar supports HP-UX, IBM AIX, on configuration. Sun Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 3.1 Data Warehouse Management ICL Enterprises, 11490 Commerce and Windows for Workgroups. Prices start SAS Institute has announced the “Orlan- Park Dr., Reston, VA 22091; (415) 648- at $8,000 per developer seat. do” releases of the SAS System for Data 3300. Antares Alliance Group, 17304 Pre- Warehousing and the SAS System for Ana- WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 203. ston Rd., #1200, Dallas, TX; (214) 447- lytical & Technical Applications. The Data 5500. Warehousing product provides interop- Software Development WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 206. erability features, connectivity tools and Atria Software has announced ClearTrack, database interfaces for data warehouse a client/server change request manage- Error Detection Tool management. The Analytical & Technical ment (CRM) system that tracks defects and ParaSoft has introduced Insure++ 3.0, an Applications product offers a point-and- enhancement requests throughout the application for run-time error detection. click forecasting system, a menu system software lifecycle. Developers can record It detects errors, including memory cor- for market research and tools for quality change requests, track development status ruption and operations on uninitialized, improvement and project management. and obtain metrics through query and null or loose pointers, as well as memory The products support HP-UX, IBM reporting facilities. leaks, errors that allocate and free dynam- AIX and Solaris. Product fees are deter- ClearTrack supports SunOS, Solaris, ic memory and operations on unrelated mined by the number of SAS System com- HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Windows NT and Win- pointers. ponents that are licensed. The first-year dows 95. It is priced at $795 for the first Insure++ 3.0 supports SunOS and license fee for base SAS software, which is single-user license. Solaris. Prices start from $1,995 for a sin- required, starts at $985 for one work unit. Atria Software, Inc., 20 Maguire Rd., gle machine license. SAS Institute, Inc., SAS Campus Dr., Lexington, MA 02173; (617) 676-2400. ParaSoft Corp., 2031 S. Myrtle Ave., Cary, NC 27513; (919) 677- 8000. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 204. Monrovia, CA 91016; (818) 305-0041. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 201. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 207. Systems Availability Development Software Clam Associates has announced Geo- Metadata Management AT&T has introduced a software toolchest, graphic High Availability (GeoHA), a soft- Platinum has introduced its Reposito- “Greatest Hits, Volume 1,” which is ware product that, the vendor claims, ry/Open Enterprise Edition for open envi- designed to assist software development. helps ensure continuous access to appli- ronments. The application provides meta- The toolchest consists of 34 CD-ROMs that cations and data. The product allows data management in a three-tier contain software tools in source form cre- servers to be placed in separate geo- client/server architecture where the appli- ated at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Tools graphic locations. In the event of disas- cation logic, repository engine and repos- include escape, awk, awkee, unity-te, con- ter, GeoHA automatically switches users to itory database can each reside on sepa- current-c and others. another location. rate servers. The Software Toolchest source code GeoHA supports IBM AIX. Pricing for Repository/Open Enterprise Edition can be used in development for Unix plat- a four-node cluster of servers in two loca- supports HP-UX, IBM AIX and Solaris. forms. The price is $495. tions starts at $150,000. The price is $50,000. AT&T Software Solutions Group, 2 Clam Associates, 101 Main St., Cam- Platinum Technology, Inc., 1815 So. Paragon Way, #400, Freehold NJ 07728; bridge, MA 02142; (617) 621- 2542. Meyers Rd., Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; (908) 577-2700. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 205. (708) 620-5000. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 202. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 208. 68 UniForum’s ITSolutions FEBRUARY 1996 Project Management through the use of point-and-click speci- Servers Digital Tools has announced AutoPlan II fications for user interfaces and business Data General has introduced a family of 3.0, Project Management for Workgroups. rules, as well as through prebuilt tem- Aviion servers based on Intel’s Pentium The product provides enterprise work- plates that can be edited to accommodate Pro processors. Products include Aviion group functionality, resource manage- business requirements. departmental servers and Aviion enter- ment capabilities and integration with the QuickStart for ActionManager supports prise SHV servers. The basis of the servers Internet and the World Wide Web, and SCO Open Server and IBM AIX. Pricing is Standard High Volume (SHV) server multimedia for client/server environ- begins at $100 on a per computer/per boards which combine up to four Pen- ments. location basis. tium Pro processors. AutoPlan II 3.0 supports Sun Solaris, Park City Group, 333 Main St., Park The Aviion servers support DG/UX HP-UX and IBM RS/6000. The product is City, UT 84060; (801) 645- 2105. and SCO Open Server. Prices start at priced from $1,495. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 212. $25,000 for the departmental servers and Digital Tools, 10351 Bubb Rd., $80,000 for the enterprise SHV servers. Cupertino, CA 95014; (408) 366- 6920. HARDWARE Data General Corp., 4400 Comput- WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 209. er Dr., Westboro, MA 01580; (508) 366- Servers, Workstations 8911. Performance Management Tool Hewlett-Packard has introduced the HP WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 215. Aurora Software has announced SarCheck 9000 model EPS20 parallel server and the version 2, a performance management HP 9000 C-Class power desktop family of Communications Servers tool designed to assist the system admin- workstations. The HP 9000 server pro- Integrix has announced the CS20E and istrator in the analysis of a Unix system’s vides up to four-way symmetrical multi- CS1000 communications servers, designed performance. SarCheck identifies perfor- processing per node. The HP 9000 C-class for use by Internet service providers or mance bottlenecks, recommends para- workstations are upgradeable to the HP by companies providing enterprise-wide meter and hardware configuration PA8000 processor. desk-to-Internet connectivity. Both servers changes and quantifies the amount of The products support HP-UX. Prices come with configuration scripts, plus remaining system capacity. for the HP 9000 model EPS20 start at built-in Ethernet and ISDN interfaces. SarCheck version 2 supports SCO. It $19,715. Prices for the HP 9000 C-class The CS20E and CS1000 servers sup- costs $199. workstations start at $13,640. port Solaris. Prices start at $8,995 for the Aurora Software, Inc., P.O. Box Hewlett-Packard Co., 3000 Hanover CS20E and $17,995 for the CS1000. 1033, Plaistow, NH 03835; (603) 382-4200. St., Palo Alto, CA 94304; (415) 857-1501. Integrix, Inc., 1200 Lawrence Dr., WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 210. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 213. #150, Newbury Park, CA 91320; (805) 375- 1055. Communications Workstations WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 216. Century Software has introduced Term for Sun Microsystems has announced the Sun Unix, version 6.2. It provides access to Ultra workstation family, including the Workstations applications on Unix via terminal emula- Ultra 1 and Ultra 2 systems. Based on the Tatung Science & Technology has tions such as SCO ANSI, Wyse 60 and 50, 64-bit UltraSparc processor, the worksta- announced the SuperCompstation 20S/81 DEC VT220, VT100 and VT52. tions use “crossbar switch” technology to and SuperCompstation 20S/812MP, two Term for Unix supports Solaris Sparc connect the CPU, memory, I/O and net- Sun Sparcstation 20-compatible systems and x86 Unix systems. The price is $695. working components to provide parallel that incorporate the Sparc 85MHz chip. Century Software, Inc., 5284 So. data paths and low memory latency. The workstations support Sun Solaris. Commerce Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 84107; According to the vendor, this technology Pricing starts at $16,315 for the 20S/81 (801) 268-3088. improves workgroup server performance and $21,365 for the 20S/812MP. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 211. for network applications. Tatung Science & Technology, Inc., Sun Ultra workstations support Solaris. 1840 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035; Software Implementation Prices for the Ultra 1 start at $15,495 and (408) 383-0988. Park City Group has introduced the for the Ultra 2 at $59,995. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 217. QuickStart line for the ActionManager Sun Microsystems, 2550 Garcia Ave., Remember to use the business-operations automation family of Mountain View, CA 94043; (415) 786-7737. Reader Response Card in this issue for WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 214. software products. QuickStart helps users FREE product information. implement and deploy ActionManager FEBRUARY 1996 UniForum’s ITSolutions 69.
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