TAXON: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel SCORE: 8.0 RATING: High Risk Taxon: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel Family: Iridaceae Common Name(s): dragon's head lily Synonym(s): Gladiolus cooperi Baker maid-of-the-mist Gladiolus leichtlinii Baker Natal lily Gladiolus natalensis Reinw. ex Hook. parrot lily Gladiolus primulinus Baker sword lily Gladiolus psittacinus Hook. f. Gladiolus psittacinus var. cooperi Gladiolus(Baker) Baker quartinianus A. Rich. Watsonia natalensis Eckl. Assessor: No Assessor Status: Assessor Approved End Date: 11 Jun 2018 WRA Score: 8.0 Designation: H(HPWRA) Rating: High Risk Keywords: Tropical Geophyte, Naturalized, Ornamental, Wind-Dispersed, Spread Vegetatively Qsn # Question Answer Option Answer 101 Is the species highly domesticated? y=-3, n=0 n 102 Has the species become naturalized where grown? 103 Does the species have weedy races? Species suited to tropical or subtropical climate(s) - If 201 island is primarily wet habitat, then substitute "wet (0-low; 1-intermediate; 2-high) (See Appendix 2) High tropical" for "tropical or subtropical" 202 Quality of climate match data (0-low; 1-intermediate; 2-high) (See Appendix 2) High 203 Broad climate suitability (environmental versatility) y=1, n=0 y Native or naturalized in regions with tropical or 204 y=1, n=0 y subtropical climates Does the species have a history of repeated introductions 205 y=-2, ?=-1, n=0 y outside its natural range? 301 Naturalized beyond native range y = 1*multiplier (see Appendix 2), n= question 205 y 302 Garden/amenity/disturbance weed n=0, y = 1*multiplier (see Appendix 2) n 303 Agricultural/forestry/horticultural weed n=0, y = 2*multiplier (see Appendix 2) n 304 Environmental weed n=0, y = 2*multiplier (see Appendix 2) n 305 Congeneric weed n=0, y = 1*multiplier (see Appendix 2) y 401 Produces spines, thorns or burrs y=1, n=0 n 402 Allelopathic 403 Parasitic y=1, n=0 n 404 Unpalatable to grazing animals y=1, n=-1 n Creation Date: 12 Jun 2018 (Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel) Page 1 of 16 TAXON: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel SCORE: 8.0 RATING: High Risk Qsn # Question Answer Option Answer 405 Toxic to animals y=1, n=0 n 406 Host for recognized pests and pathogens 407 Causes allergies or is otherwise toxic to humans y=1, n=0 n 408 Creates a fire hazard in natural ecosystems y=1, n=0 n 409 Is a shade tolerant plant at some stage of its life cycle y=1, n=0 n Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions (or limestone 410 y=1, n=0 n conditions if not a volcanic island) 411 Climbing or smothering growth habit y=1, n=0 n 412 Forms dense thickets 501 Aquatic y=5, n=0 n 502 Grass y=1, n=0 n 503 Nitrogen fixing woody plant y=1, n=0 n Geophyte (herbaceous with underground storage organs 504 y=1, n=0 y -- bulbs, corms, or tubers) Evidence of substantial reproductive failure in native 601 y=1, n=0 n habitat 602 Produces viable seed y=1, n=-1 y 603 Hybridizes naturally 604 Self-compatible or apomictic 605 Requires specialist pollinators 606 Reproduction by vegetative fragmentation y=1, n=-1 y 607 Minimum generative time (years) Propagules likely to be dispersed unintentionally (plants 701 y=1, n=-1 y growing in heavily trafficked areas) 702 Propagules dispersed intentionally by people y=1, n=-1 y 703 Propagules likely to disperse as a produce contaminant 704 Propagules adapted to wind dispersal y=1, n=-1 y 705 Propagules water dispersed 706 Propagules bird dispersed y=1, n=-1 n 707 Propagules dispersed by other animals (externally) y=1, n=-1 n 708 Propagules survive passage through the gut 801 Prolific seed production (>1000/m2) Evidence that a persistent propagule bank is formed (>1 802 yr) 803 Well controlled by herbicides y=-1, n=1 y 804 Tolerates, or benefits from, mutilation, cultivation, or fire Effective natural enemies present locally (e.g. introduced 805 biocontrol agents) Creation Date: 12 Jun 2018 (Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel) Page 2 of 16 TAXON: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel SCORE: 8.0 RATING: High Risk Supporting Data: Qsn # Question Answer 101 Is the species highly domesticated? n Source(s) Notes [Widely cultivated, but not domesticated] "The significance of polyploidy in G. dalenii is difficult to gauge. It is one of the most successful species of the genus, and certainly the one with the widest geographical distribution (Goldblatt, 1989; in prep.). It Goldblatt, P., Takei, M., & Razzaq, Z. (1993). Chromosome extends from the eastern Cape, South Africa, to Senegal in West Cytology in Tropical African Gladiolus (Iridaceae). Annals Africa and from Madagascar to Ethiopia and Yemen. Perhaps of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 80(2), 461-470 polyploidy has played a role in enabling the species to thrive under the wide range of conditions that occur across its range. The role of humans in its dispersal may also be important. The species is cultivated in West Africa, and as an important medicinal plant it may have been spread over long distances by human agency." 102 Has the species become naturalized where grown? Source(s) Notes WRA Specialist. 2018. Personal Communication NA 103 Does the species have weedy races? Source(s) Notes WRA Specialist. 2018. Personal Communication NA Species suited to tropical or subtropical climate(s) - If 201 island is primarily wet habitat, then substitute "wet High tropical" for "tropical or subtropical" Source(s) Notes Native Africa NORTHEAST TROPICAL AFRICA: Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan EAST TROPICAL AFRICA: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda WEST-CENTRAL TROPICAL AFRICA: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Rwanda, Zaire WEST TROPICAL AFRICA: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo 2018. National Plant Germplasm System [Online SOUTH TROPICAL AFRICA: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Database]. http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/index.html. Zimbabwe [Accessed 9 Jun 2018] SOUTHERN AFRICA: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, [KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga] Swaziland WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Madagascar Asia-Temperate ARABIAN PENINSULA: Saudi Arabia, Yemen 202 Quality of climate match data High Creation Date: 12 Jun 2018 (Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel) Page 3 of 16 TAXON: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel SCORE: 8.0 RATING: High Risk Qsn # Question Answer Source(s) Notes USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. 2018. National Plant Germplasm System [Online Database]. http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/index.html. [Accessed 9 Jun 2018] 203 Broad climate suitability (environmental versatility) y Source(s) Notes "In its native range of summer rainfall areas, it is found in open grasslands, savanna woodlands and scrub and in rocky areas, often Lim, T.K. 2014. Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal among rocks along streams, at altitudes up to 2,500 m. G. dalenii is Plants. Volume 8, Flowers. Springer, Dordrecht absent from the winter rainfall (Cape) regions and from the semiarid and arid regions including the Karoo, Kalahari and Namib. It is cold hardy and tolerant of low temperatures down 0 °C." "It is one of the most successful species of the genus, and certainly the one with the widest geographical distribution (Goldblatt, 1989; Goldblatt, P., Takei, M., & Razzaq, Z. (1993). Chromosome in prep.). It extends from the eastern Cape, South Africa, to Senegal Cytology in Tropical African Gladiolus (Iridaceae). Annals in West Africa and from Madagascar to Ethiopia and Yemen. Perhaps of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 80(2), 461-470 polyploidy has played a role in enabling the species to thrive under the wide range of conditions that occur across its range." Native or naturalized in regions with tropical or 204 y subtropical climates Source(s) Notes Native Africa NORTHEAST TROPICAL AFRICA: Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan EAST TROPICAL AFRICA: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda WEST-CENTRAL TROPICAL AFRICA: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Rwanda, Zaire WEST TROPICAL AFRICA: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo SOUTH TROPICAL AFRICA: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. SOUTHERN AFRICA: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, 2018. National Plant Germplasm System [Online [KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga] Database]. http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/index.html. Swaziland [Accessed 9 Jun 2018] WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Madagascar Asia-Temperate ARABIAN PENINSULA: Saudi Arabia, Yemen Naturalized Australasia AUSTRALIA: Australia Northern America SOUTHEASTERN U.S.A.: United States [Alabama, Louisiana] Pacific NORTH-CENTRAL PACIFIC: United States [Hawaii] Creation Date: 12 Jun 2018 (Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel) Page 4 of 16 TAXON: Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel SCORE: 8.0 RATING: High Risk Qsn # Question Answer Does the species have a history of repeated 205 y introductions outside its natural range? Source(s) Notes "A strikingly ornamental plant, Gladiolus dalenii is widely cultivated, not only in its native Africa. A late-summer-flowering form from Goldblatt, P. & Manning, J. C. 2008. The Iris Family: southern Africa is perhaps the best known in horticulture. More Natural History & Classification. Timber Press, Portland, important than its value as a wild species for garden display is its the OR role as one of the parents in the original crosses that led to the development of the large-flowered Gladiolus hybrids, today one of the world's most important cut-flower crops." 301 Naturalized beyond native range y Source(s) Notes Franck, A. R., Anderson, L. C., Burkhalter, J. R., & Dickman, "^Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel (Iridaceae). Numerous specimens of this S. (2016). Additions to the flora of Florida, USA (2010- Paleotropical species (Goldblatt 2002) were previously identified as 2015). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, G. ×gandavensis Van Houtte. Gladiolus dalenii typically has red to 10(1): ϭϳϱʹϭϵϬ orange tepals with yellow markings on the outer tepals." "Gladiolus dalenii ͙North Coast, Central Tablelands and Central Coast.
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