Volume 3, Number 1 Backyard February/March, 2008 PoultryDedicated to more and better small-flock poultry Cheap Tricks for Winter Challenges Raising Broilers for Small Markets: Thinking it Through A Primer on Different Comb Types The Steinbacher “Kampf” Consider the Regal Red Heritage Turkey Fighting Goose 2 Backyard Poultry February/March, 2008 www.backyardpoultrymag.com 3 Backyard Poultry Volume 3, Number 1 February/March, 2008 From the Editor ....................6 Book Reviews: Backyard Poultry Naturally ......... 54 Letters to the Editor ..........8 Managing Breeds for a Secure Coming Events .................... 16 Future ...........................................55 Resources: Breeds: Poultry Friendly Veterinarians ... 18 Consider Raising the Gorgeous Regal Red Heritage Turkey ...... 56 Helpful Hints: Cheap Tricks for Winter’s The Steinbacher “Kampf” Challenges .................................. 22 (Fighting) Goose ........................ 58 The Steinbacher Goose: The Appenzeller Spitzhauben Backyard Poultry Perspectives in the Development Photo Contest ..................... 19 is a very unusual and stunning breed. It is ideal for mountainous of the Breed .............................. 60 Youth Photo Contest Showcases conditions and does not suffer from frostbite due to the small How to Keep Steinbacher Kampf Creativity ...................................20 wattles and combs. See page 26. Geese Healthy and Happy ........ 61 Just for Fun: Poultry Seminar at HLW Backyard Poultry Visits The The Sebright Bantam ................ 28 Acres ...........................................62 Ohio National Poultry Show ....24 Health: SPPA News: Breeds: The Answer Man .......................30 Mini Fowl Trust Sites Showcase The Appenzeller Spitzhauben ..26 Rare Breeds: SPPA Funds The Chicken’s Comb ................ 34 Members’ Projects ..................... 63 Financial Opportunities: Stepping Up to Production for a Small Broiler Market: Thinking it Through ................. 36 Serving a Small Broiler Market: Three Examples .........................44 Is small-scale broiler produc- 4-H photo contest integrates Storing Poultry Meat ................48 tion an option for you? Get a clear two project areas—photography picture of the process beginning and poultry. See page 20. Chicken Broth: A Way of Life .. 52 on page 36. 4 Backyard Poultry ON THE C O VER : BACKYARD The February/March, 2008 POULTRY cover photo of a Golden Sebright cockerel is by Dyanna Byers- 145 Industrial Dr. Heiss, California. Medford, WI 54451 www.backyardpoultrymag.com Learn more about the won- derful Sebright bantam breed on Publisher: Dave Belanger page 28. Editor: Elaine Belanger To find out how you can enter Managing Editor: Anne-marie Ida your poultry-related photos in the Editorial Assistant: Samantha Ingersoll photo contest, see page 19. Circulation and Fulfillment: Laura Ching, Ellen Waichulis, Kate Tucker, Bookstore: Ann Tom Advertising Representatives Your Voice: (Rates on request): The Original White Meat: Alicia Komanec Farm, Table & Energy 1-800-551-5691 Friendly ......................................64 [email protected] A Gamebird for Everyone: Gary Christopherson Shady Hollow: The Future 1-800-551-5691 [email protected] of Gamebirds .............................66 The Regal Red turkey offers another stunning bird for your Backyard Poultry (ISSN 1559-2251, USPS 023-374) Resources: homestead and dinner table. See is published bi-monthly at Exciting Poultry Resource page 56. Available, and it’s Free ..............69 145 Industrial Dr., Medford, WI 54451. Periodicals postage paid at Medford, WI Backyard Poultry and additional mailing offices.©2008 Youth: Breeders Directory ........... 72 Gertrude McCluck: Chicken The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of the editor in Charge ....................................70 Backyard Poultry Index or publisher. All contents of this issue 2007............................................73 of Backyard Poultry are copyrighted by Countryside Publications, Ltd., 2008. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited except by permission of the publisher. Editorial and Advertising Office: Backyard Poultry 145 Industrial Dr. Medford, WI 54451 [email protected] Subscriptions (U.S. funds): $21 per year; 2 years $35. Backyard Poultry Subscriptions 145 Industrial Dr. Medford, WI 54451 1-800-551-5691 POSTMASTER: The Krebs family works to save the rare Steinbacher goose, Send address changes to: which originates from former East Germany, from the Thüringer Backyard Poultry Subscriptions area. It had a four-fold purpose there, including the use of feathers, 145 Industrial Dr., Medford, WI 54451 eggs, meat and fighting —considered the “poor man’s sport.” Learn more about this breed on page 58. February/March, 2008 www.backyardpoultrymag.com 5 FR O M THE EDIT O R : FIND OUT WHAT PE op LE WANT THEN GIVE IT TO THEM ELAINE BELANGER Many of these home business dreams If you are considering such a ven- can come true. The key to being able ture, start your plan with an Internet person would have to be living to really succeed takes a bit more than search, and visit the sights listed below. in another dimension to miss dreaming. It takes hard work and plan- For more ideas see the articles related Aseeing the latest trend toward ning. It takes time and, often, money. Re- to the small broiler market on pages 36, organic, naturally-raised, locally-grown peat, it takes hard work and planning. 44 and 64. products. When Wal-Mart announces We can’t begin to tell you everything that it will double its organic food of- that needs to be done to start a business, http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/: ferings, when Lowe’s reserves large but we can offer some resources to get Presented by the Internal Revenue amounts of floor space for “green” the thought process going. Service, United States Dept. of the products, when Reader’s Digest includes First I did a search on the Internet, Treasury. As you can guess, this site articles on the success of small busi- “Starting a small business.” The vol- provides guidelines, documents and nesses ranging from specialty wines to ume of information and details to be details of tax rules, the basics on self- holistic spices, you know organic has hit considered are amazing (and even a bit employment, filing requirements, and America big time. We can debate Wal- overwhelming). reporting responsibilities for small Mart’s entry into the world of organics, Even small details matter —a lot. business owners. Includes deductions, but one thing’s for sure, there’s no stop- According to the website www.midnet. record keeping, and much more. All ping the trend. sc.edu/smbiz/smallbus.htm, choosing a important details that should not be Readers of Backyard Poultry, and its business name can be very important. overlooked in any business plan. sister magazine, COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL A name serves two functions: to help STO C K JOURNAL , have long pondered how customers identify your business among http://www.sba.gov/: they can run a business from home. (See many others, and it carries the reputation The Small Business Administration sidebar, page 7.) We fantasize about of that business. They suggest choosing a provides a comprehensive list of articles the wonderful life: you can work from distinctive and, in my opinion, even more and details from planning the business to home, earn extra money, have more time importantly, a descriptive name. Many the exit strategy. Includes info on licenses with your family, save on travel costs, times I have seen a business name and and permits that may be required, naming etc. Maybe you seek a way to have the had absolutely no idea what they were the business, financing, marketing and farm “pay for itself” with the sale of offering. An example that comes to mind selling, and much more. eggs, meat, vegetables or other farm is a new convenience store chain that is For more information, if you are un- products. popping up throughout northern Wis- able to go online, check your phone book consin. The name is “The Store.” Hmm, for federal listing of the SBA, then call Got Guineas? Join... wonder what they sell there. Of course it the office nearest you. Every state has at Guinea Fowl International Assn. is somewhat obvious when you stop and least one office, and the resource guide see the gas pumps, etc., but should I have they send would be specific to rules/ $20 membership - Benefits include: to investigate what they are selling before guidelines in your state. • Welcome packet deciding to enter the place? A descriptive • Care and feeding brochure business name should, at least in part, de- http://www.entrepreneur.com/bizstart- • Annual educational seminars scribe the products/services provided. ups: • Be in touch with other guinea Choosing a business name is just one Presented by Visa but loaded with fowl owners and experts. of the many considerations that the “plan- topics including business ideas, busi- www.guineafowlinternational.org ning” phase should address. ness plans, taking your small business Guinea Fowl Starting a business for yourself can to the next level, finding customers, International Assn. be a successful and enjoyable venture, getting financing, how-to guides, in- PO Box 367 but planning and reviewing/updating venting, self-assessment, startup basics, Paradise, TX 76073 that plan must be a part of any continued mompreneurs, teen entrepreneurs, and success. success stories. 6 Backyard Poultry “I’d like some advice on starting a home business.
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