New York Radio ningham, dir of radio; Angela Fitzpatrick, mus dir: D. Box 1300. 25 Church St. (10977). (914) 425 -9400. Daniel Whelan, chief engr. WMHT(TV) affil. Rockland Media Corp. (acq 8- 15 -77). Rep: Uni Rep Bcstg Corp. Format: Contemp. Spec Prags: Irish 1 hr, It WRUC(FM) -May 9, 1975: 89.7 mhz: 100 w. Ant 1 hr, Jewish 1 1/2 hrs wkly. Elton Spitzer, pres; Gene minus 91 ft. Stereo. Union College (12308). (518) Gugig, VP & gen mgr; Walter Hirsch, sls mgr; Joe 370 -6151. Trustees of Union College. Format: Alterna- Calabro, prog dir; Nancy Reamy, news dir; Larry tive, prog. Spec grogs: Sports line 1 hr, class hrs, 6 jazz Shimagin. chief engr. Rates: 517.50; 15; 17.50; & prog dir; Miles Anderson, chief engr. Rates: $25: 20 hrs wkly. Richard Biegen, gen mgr; Geoffrey Tyre. -. 22; 25; 18. chief engr. Staten Island WLNG -FM -April 13, 1969: 92.1 mhz; 2.1 kw. Ant WTRY(AM) -See Troy. 350 ft. Dups AM 70 %. ' WSID(FM)-Licensed to Staten Island. See New York. WWWD(AM) -July 15, 1942: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D. 250 St. Bonaventure w -N. 422 Liberty St. (12305). (518) 393 -3622. Wavlon Communications (acq 1- 8 -76). Net: MBS. Rep: Stony Brook WSBH(FM) -April 13, 1975: 88.3 mhz; 100 w. Ant Savalli /Gates. Format: Var. Spec progs: It 1 hr, Pol 1 hr, 90 ft. Stereo. Box 0 St. Bonaventure U. (14778). (716) jazz 1 hr wkly. Glen H. Von Calio, sr VP; James D. *WUSH(FM) -June 1977: 90.1 mhz; 4 kw horiz, 3.7 375 -2307. St, Bonaventure University. Net: ABC /I. For- Walsh, gen mgr & mus dir; Doanal Jacques, coml mgr; kw vert. Aril 225 ft. Stereo. State University of N.Y., mat: AOR. prog. Mathias Doyle, pres; Robert J. Lee Sommers, prog dir & prom mgr; Lou Tinney, news Stony Brook. (11794). (516) 246 -7900. State Universi- Buckle, gen mgr; Joseph R. Martone, grant mgr: dir; Charles Jablonski, chief engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9. ty of N.Y. Format: Ed, prog. Spec progs: Class 21 hrs, Sp 3 hrs, Indian 1 1 Thomas P Schuh, prog dir; David R. Yaun, mus dir; hr, It hr, Pol 1 hr, Haitian 1 hr, 1 hr, David T. Lanzillo, prom mgr; William F. McMeekin, Seneca Falls Chinese bluegrass 2 hrs, reggae 6 hrs wkly. news dir: William King, chief engr. Norman L. Prusslin, gen mgr; Edward Becker, chief WSFW(AM) -Oct 1, 1968: 1110 khz; 1 kw -D. One engr. Salamanca Water St. (13148). (315) 568 -9888. Waterfalls Bcstg Corp. Rep: Market 4. Format: Talk, MOR. Spec prog: It Syosset WGGO(AM) -June 18, 1957: 1590 khz; 5 kw -D. Star 1 hr wkly. George G. Souhan, pres; Criss Onan, gen Route (14779). (716) 945 -1515. Altair Communi- & sls mgr. Rates: $6.25; 6.25; 6.25; 6.25. W K WZ(FM) -July 24, 1973: 88.5 mhz; 19 w. Ant 90 cations Inc. (acq 11- 1 -74). Net: ABC /I. Format: MOR. ft. South Woods Rd. (11791). (516) 921 -8850. WSFW -FM 1, 1968: mhz; kw. Ant 235 ft. Spec prog: Pol 1/2 hr wkly. John R. Newman, pres & -Nov 99.3 3 Syosset Central School District. Net: APR. Format: Div. Dups AM 100 %. Stereo. gen mgr; John Survit, gen sis mgr; Bob Dixon, mus dir; Spec progs: C &W 6 hrs, class 6 hrs, jazz 12 hrs wkly June Numeracki, prom mgr; Jim Sexton, news dir. Jack B. DeMasi, gen mgr: Roy Dippel, chief engr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. Sidney Syracuse WCDO(AM) -1983: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 75 Sandy Creek -Pulaski Main St. (13838). (607) 563 -3588. Bcstg Facilities. WAER(FM) -April 1, 1946: 88.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 300 Robert Raide, pres. WSCP(AM) -Aug 8, 1974: 1070 khz; 2.5 kw-D. 7890 ft. Stereo. 215 University Place (13210). (315) Jefferson St. Pulaski (13142). (315) 298 -6505. WSID(FM) -Co -owned with WCDO(AM). 1983: 423 -2406. Syracuse U. Bd of Trustees. Net: MPR. For- Oswego Jefferson Bcstg Inc. Net: MBS. Format: C &W. 100.9 mhz; 640 w. Ant 577 ft. Stereo. mat: News, info, jazz. David R. Anderson, gen mgr; Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Jeff Zufelt, gen mgr; Nancy Briere, dev dir; J.F. Briere, Felicia Otero, prods; Dan Denny, prog dir; James Foederer, VP & coml mgr; Rick Mattioni, news dir. Stephen Long. news dir; Doreen Hanson, chief engr. Smithtown Rates: 6.76; 7.41; 6.76. WAOX(FM)- See Manlius. $7.41: WCTO(FM) -1961: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 280 ft. Box 697, Long Island, N.Y. (516) (11747). 423 -6729. WCNY -FM -Dec 4, 1971: 91.3 mhz; 18.6 kw. Ant Saranac Lake Greater Media Inc. (group owner; acq 1961). Net: 740 ft. Stereo. 506 Old Liverpool Rd. (13088). (315) Radio Long Island. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Btfl 457 -0440. Public WNBZ(AM) -Sep 11, 1927: 1240 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 Bcstg Council of Central N.Y Net: music. Peter Bordes, pres; Richard J. Scholem, gen w -N. Box 211 (12983). (518) 891 -1544. WNBZ Inc. NPR. Format: Jazz, class. Spec prog: Blue grass 3 hrs mgr; Neil Ward, sis mgr; Bill Goff, prom mgr; Paul (acq 3-1-63). Net: ABC /E. Rep: New England Spot Sls, wkly. Richard Russell, pres & gen mgr; Don Dolloff, Fleishman, news dir; Marvin Holverstott, chief engr. Pates/Walton. Format: MOR. James Rogers III, pres, prog mgr: Gloria Kritz, mus dir; Hugh Cleland, chief gen & coml mgr; Roy Kristofferson, mus, news & prog engr. WCNY -TV affil. dir; Christopher Brescia, chief engr. Rates: $6.60; Sodus 6.60; 6.60; 6.60. WEZG(AM) -See North Syracuse. WSCS(FM) -Sep 8, 1980: 89.5 mhz; 10 w. Ant 85 ft. Mill St. (14551). (315) 483 -9141. Sodus Central WFBL(AM) -Feb 4, 1922: 1390 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. Saratoga Springs School. Format: MOR, top -40. Spec progs: C &W 2 hrs, Box 1390, Eastwood Station (13206). (315) oldies 2 hrs wkly Brian Stoll, pres, mus & news dir; 463 -8631. First Bcstg Corp. (acq 3- 1 -56). Net: ABC /D. WASM(FM) -Listing follows WKAJ(AM). S. Arthur Michlin, gen mgr & prog dir; Greg Brynìarski, Rep: Bernard Howard Inc. Format: Music of your life, mgr. WKAJ(AM) -March 23, 1964: 900 khz; 250 w -D. 71 prod mgr & chief engr; Patty Edgar, prod oldies. Milton L. Hibdon, pres; Rick Thomas, gen West Ave., Box 557 (12866). (518) 584 -1610. Com- mgr. Rates: S37; 35: 37; 33. munity Radio of Saratoga Springs Inc. Net: UPI. For- South Bristol Township WHEN(AM) -April 14, 1941: 620 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw- mat: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Kent E. Jones, WYLF(FM) N, DA-N. 620 Old Liverpool Rd., Liverpool (13088). pres; Tim Lyman, gen mgr; William Bingham, chief -1948: 95.1 mhz; 9.5 kw. Ant 990 ft. horiz, 940 vert. 213 W. Commercial St., East Rochester (315) 682 -6665. Park Bcstg. (group owner; acq 6 -76). engr. Rates: S9.40; 8.40; 9.40; 8.40. (14445). (712) 586 -2263. Christian Bcstg Network Net: ABC /E. Rep: Major Mkt Radio. Format: MOR. Roy H. Park, mgr, WASM(FM) -Co-owned with WKAJ(AM). May 27, (group owner; acq 1- 1 -69). Net: UPI. Format: Contemp pres: Robert Carolin, gen prog dir; 1968: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 74 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Christian. Spec prog: Black gospel music 3 hrs wkly Tom Shire, coml mgr; Karen Taylor, mus dir: Cindy from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Rates: $8.50; 7.50: 8.50; M.G. Robertson, pres: John Tomczyk, gen mgr; Doris Thomason, prom mgr: Bill Carey, news dir; Roy Taylor, 7.50. Rowland, coml mgr; Csiko Sawyer, prog & mus dir; Bill chief engr. Rates: $96; 66; 78; 42. Howe, chief engr. Rates: S6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. WRRB(FM) -owned with WHEN(AM). Sep 1, WSPN(FM) -Sep 9, 1974: 91.1 mhz; 253 w. Ant 98 -Co 1958: 107.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 490 ft. (315) ft. Stereo. Skidmore College (12866). (518) 584 -5770. Southampton Stereo. Skidmore College. Net: ABC /FM, APR. Format: Prog, 457 -6110. Format: C &W. Rates: $31; 27; 29; 25. jazz. Steve Rosenbaun, gen mgr: Dave WPBX(FM) -March 3, 1979: 91.3 mhz; 150 w. Ant Henahan, stn WKFM(FM) -See Fulton. mgr. 96 ft. Box 462s, Southampton College (11968). (516) 283 -4000 ext 290. Southampton of L.I.U. For- College WMHR(FM) -March 9, 1969: 102.9 mhz; 11 kw. (CP: mat: Div. Spec prog: Pol 2 hrs wkly. Thomas Schenectady 20 kw). Ant 720 ft. Stereo. 4044 Makyes Rd. (13215). Ratcliffe, gen mgr; Robert Anderson, chief engr. (315) 469 -5051. Mars Hill Bcstg Co. Net: UPI. Format: February 1922: WGY(AM)- 20, 810 khz; 50 kw -U. Rel. Glen H. Burdick, pres; Gordon Bell, gen mgr; 1400 Rd. WSBH(FM) -Oct 1971: 95.3 mhz; 2.8 kw. Ant 400 ft. Balltown (12309). (518) 385 -1385. TWX: Clayton Roberts, chief engr. Rates: $12; 9; 12; 12. 710- 442 -2974. Foster Management. Group owner: Stereo. 56 Jagger Ln. (11968). (516) 283 -9500. Beach Bcstg Corp. (acq 1- 25 Net: RKO Sky Communications (acq 9- 26 -83). Net: NBC. Rep: -79). One, RKO WNOR(AM) -1946: 1260 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Box II. Christal. Format: Full service. Spec prog: Black 8 hrs Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Pol 1 hr wkly. 1212 (13201). (315) 446 -1515.
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