Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1892 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Balerno Burns Club, In Memory of the Founders of Balerno Burns Club - "Let it Blaw" The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com Sam.e_aa Same as ; supplied to aupplied H.R.J1. TH to ,rinee ef ROYALTY Wales, in AND l!OTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMERT. E -)(- FINEST WHISKY Bismllrek, ltt THE WORLD. SOLE PEOPEl.I:lllTO:e., :O,O:&El:.:1,T .15n>Ort 'Uqlbfsllv Metcbant, ff7 Holm Street., & 17 Hope Street, G ~[ '!;.·- .. ~\ • .. , ft '·• t ,' ' ADVBRTISEHENTS,: -' "' ;:Ei.A.'l'EB.SO~, SONS & 00., .,-J ·~ ..... • .. · . GLAS<j-OW. It .. LIST. OF PART .SONGS_ To the A ~· "Burns Clubs" Ott Scotland. I'< :, THE "SCOTTISH MINSTREL. '1 A Stlection of Favourite Bonus, &.c., Harmonised atfd Arranged for Male Yoi~~: 11."dited bg ALEXANDJJ,'R PATTERSON. No. ii' 1. There was a lad was born in Kyle ............. Solo and Chorus ................ T.T.B. 2d. 2. Of a' the airts the wind can blaw .............................................. T.T.B,B. Sd. 8. Afton Water .................................................................. T.T.B.B. Sil. 4. A man's a man fora' tb&t................ Solo and Chorus .................... T.T.B.B. 2d. 6. The deil cam flddlin' thro' the toun ..............................................T.T.B. 3d. 6. Com Rigs ............................ Solo and Chorus ........................ f. T.B.B. 3d• .z.- Bums' Grace .................................................................. T.T.&.B. Sd. '8. 0 Willie brew'd a peek o' mant (Shore) .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .................... T.:t.B. Sd. 9. Auld Lang Symi ...................... Solo and Chorus .......................... T.T.B. 2d. 10. Jessie, the Flower-o' Dnnblane .............................................. T.T.B.B. Sd. (To be continued.) P. S. 8t Co., would call the speeia.I. at~11tion of "Bums Chlb$" to No. 1 ot this series :­ The Ewni'Tl{J Citizen says-'· A most cnrious and int.ereiot.tna composition, intended for the , Burns Clu'blf,of Scotland and all over the world, is the· setting or the lines 'Some hae !!eat and •.canna eM.' tt is emphatically a devotional ' grace bilfore ulea:t.' as the· old &yil'lg has it, and ought to pel'lllllft,te every Jilums Club. The i;omposer is Mr. Montague Smith who wrote 145 fOI' a. specia.l ~. and now p;reperly sends it everyivhere. At the back of 1t1 Is appropriately printed, Wffihftn Bynl's ancient 'Non nobis1 Domine,' and the two together form adiulrlLble artistic ~s to a. social evenfug." ----\ o )--- . · THE STRATHCLYDE COLLECTION OF PART-MUSIC. · ORIGINAL AND ARRANGED· CampOlled or No. , .A.M'auged by 1. Answer me, bnming Stars .................................................. W. Hume lkl. 0 ~: !°n!i1e ~~e ·::::::: :: : : :: : : :: : : :: : : : : : : ·::: ::: :: :::::: ::: :: :::::::::::A.: ·Pattenoo ;: 4. The Broom o' the Cowdenknowes ........................................ G. :i= . :: ~;.;w1f! ::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::+:::::::::·::~:::D. u. • 1 . 7._ Do but look on her eyes (Madrlgu.l) ............................................ 1'". W. • 8. Wb&'ll be King bnt Charlie .................................................... D .. S. 3d. 2g: ~!ar~~';,er.; ·:::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :: :: :: :: : ::: :: :: :: :: :::: ::::::::A. ~tterson ~· 11. Wilt th"u be my Dearie? ................................................. , G. Tagprt lW. 12. Of a' the Airts .................... : ..... ................................ A. P.Uter111m liil.0 lS. Oh I C1Jlen the Door ......................................................... G. Tam.rt ~d.•• 14. Bonnie Dundee ........................................................ Ce.i-1 B. llliller 16. I.och-na-ga,n" ............................................................ John Bogue 16. ·Tinker's Weddin' ..........................................................J. Connor 17. John Anderson My Jo ...................................................... JJ J. Allan l • 18. Rowan Tree .................................................... .-. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, l . 19. Silent, Oh I Moyle ................................................ ~ ....... 1 • 20. Svrlg of Shillelah ....................................... "* ,, -. .. .. .. ... • .. .. .... , _ ,1 3 . 21. Widow Malone .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ·ISlll1tb .811. 22. God is onr hope and strength ......................................... H. mbeth 4d. 23. I will bless the Lord at all times............................................ llwne Stl. 24. Sennacherib (A Choral <Yde) ............................................ A. Pa.ttenqn 4d. 21>. Come ye and let us go up ............................................... C. Morrison 4d. 26. Qi waly waly up the bank ............ : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. G. Tagg.i.rt 1!<1. 'ltl. Tne Campbells are coming .............................................. A. Patteison 3<1. l!S. The Low-bal'k'd Car .................................................... , ... J. Bogne M. i':: g~:ire;;,~ ~~~ =~~ ~- 13ntd.. Sl. What are these .. :: :: :: :: ::~~~~1:t!!: ........... :: :: :: :: :: ; .......... :: :: :·. • :: :: .......................................:: :: :: :: :::: :: J. Love 32. Kathleen O'More ...................................................... A. Patterson :t ALSO IN TONIC SOL·FA NOTATION. :l' ;;- The Largest Stock'of Planofol'tes -d Ol'gans In Scotland, fol' Sale, H!Pe;ol' ,'.:·' dll f.hW special Hire System. -( o )- :.i, • •Ii' PATERSON, SONS & CQ.,, . f 1,62, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Ayr, Dumfries, Paisley,:~ • Edinburgh, "Perth, and Dundee, . -;, •t. · · ._ ::" . ,1 ". ·.· ..\.:_.\;Ji; "·:... 1 ,' .. ~aii~· i'~~·11:· i-•• .N• 1~111.~,..,~J.:.-i. !'.....i.1:!'d.-1 ._':.r ~-.. , J"_,,f,_, ·:,,;,'~,2 •' ADVERTISEMENTS. HUGH LAUDER co.. "THE EMPORIUM," KILMARNOCK. A"BE now showing in their Spacious Premises one of the Largest Stocks in the West of Scotland. Buying all their Goods direct from the Manufacturing Districts for Cash, they a\'e enabled to offer to the Public everything at the lowest possible prices. None but the most reliable Goods kept in Stock. Latest Novelties introduced as they 1 1 appeara DEPARTMENTS. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, BED­ STEADS, CURTAINS, NAPERY, BLANKETS, ETC. MILLINERY, .. MANTLES, DRESSES, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIB· BONS, ETC. "•The Emporium ' is in its present perfected condition the largest and most beautifully appointed Of any Scottish provincial Drapery Ware­ house."-Mercantile Aoe, March 14, 1890. GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. Large Stock of NEW TWEEDS, COATINGS, and TROOS~RU<GS always on hand. Showroom brilliantly lighted, and under Superior :Management. Goon FIT GUARANTEED. <lE:'l'T.'S TWEED SUITS, 46/· to 65/·. TROUSERS, 12/6 to 21/·. Boys' and Youths' Ready­ Made Suits all sizes. TRAVELLING RUGS, BAGS, UMBRELLAS, WATER· PROOFS, SHIRTS, SCARFS, &c. MOURNING ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO AT HUGH LAUDER & Co.'s. KILMARNOCK. ADVERTISE)IENTS. 111. GOVERNMENT AND RAILWAY CONTRACTORS. TELEPHONE No. ses1. ;:: FURNITURE VANS, CHAPEL CARTS, RUSSEL CARTS, WAREHOUSE BARROWS, And every Description of Vehicle made to Order. R. STIRRAT co .. SPRING V.A.N .A.ND LOREY :SUILDEES, "THISTLE" WORKS, 80 AND 82 PORT DUNDAS ROAD, (ADJOINING BUCHANAN STREET STATION), GLASGOW. Gold Medal. Highest Exhibition Award in Scotland. CITY IRONJM:ONGERY STORES_ . --:o:-- SHAW, WALKER & CO., 14 UNION STREET, THE;·' SIN QUAE NON RANGE" GLASGOW. ~ This Range is made in sizes from 4jeet upwards. Prices, from £10 10s. --:o:-- 4 feet, with One Oven, From £4 4s. ~ Advantages of the the "SINE QUA NON" Range. These Ranges can be usecl either as C!ose oi: Open Fire. No smell of cooking. Economy of Fuel-the bottom Grate Raises the Fire, brmgmg the fuel close to the Hot-Plate ; a saving of fuel to the extent of one half is .effected by this arrangement. --)o(-- We also make the. "Sine Qua Non" Range Self-setting, with Raising and Lowering Fire, 36 Inch to /,S Inch, from 68/-. ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN CADZOW &, CO., Drapers, Silk Mercers, Clothiers, Hosiers, Glovers, Haberdashers, Dressmakers, Milliners, Mantlemakers, AND General Outfitters, 48 KING STREET, ESTABLISHED GEORGE Y. BAIN, 1852. KILMARNOCK • Managing Partner ~1 HIS Old Established Firm continues to supply a really good and substantial Jl article at a Moderate Price. After nearly Forty years experience in supply­ ing the wants of the public in Kilmarnock and surrounding District, we are more and more convinced, as time rolls on, that a really Good Article-although a little higher in price to begin with, is the Most Economical for the wearer in the en<l. \Ye are therefore determined to maintain and extend our already well-earned reputation in this respect. A TRIAL ORDER WILL BE MUCH ESTEEMED. ROGERSON'S CEYLON TEA, AT 1/10 PER LB. Is the best value offered, possessing Great Strength and Richness of Flavour. FINE INDIAN & CHINA TEAS, At 1/4, 1/8 & 2/- per Lb. A Trial Solicited. TEAS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND PATENT MEDICINES, Suppliell at Wholesale Rates. a PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. a ROBERT ROGERSON!JC The Kilmarnock Tea Warehouse, 28 & 37 King Street, KILMARNOCK. ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ttbe jfame~ Scotch 1Sonnet 1bouse. "\Vere ye e'er in auld Kilmarnock, Famed for bonnets plaids and shoon." The Seat of the Scotch Bonnet Trade in Scotland. CHARLES ARMSTRONG & SONS, Bonnet Manufacturers and Hatters, 20 Portland Street, 1 Argyle Street,
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