PROTECTING MYANMAR WORKERS ABROAD: RANDOM JOTTING P-8-9 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Singapore Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Myanmar Lecture to be broadcast Theravada Buddha Vihara monastery in Moscow PAGE-3 PAGE-7 Vol. V, No. 130, 13th Waxing of Wagaung 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 24 August 2018 Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds twelfth-day meeting THE twelfth-day meeting of the to top up a layer and widen Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth the Pathein-Monywa road regular session was held at the section in Mindon Township Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall simultaneously. The Deputy yesterday morning. During the Minister replied that topping meeting asterisk-marked ques- up a layer and widening the tions were answered by Deputy Pathein-Monywa road section Minister for Construction U in Mindon Township is con- Kyaw Lin, a motion tabled, a ducted depending upon the report read and submitted and present situation of the road a report discussed by the Py- and road layer design. Where ithu Hluttaw representatives. necessary, fund for topping up a layer and widening is re- Asterisk-marked questions quested, and depending upon Daw Khin Than Nu of Min- availability of fund, works are don constituency posed the conducted, said the Deputy first asterisk-marked question The twelfth-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session being convened in Nay Pyi Taw Minister. and asked if there is a plan yesterday. PHOTO: MNA SEE PAGE 2 Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds twelfth-day meeting THE twelfth-day meeting of plantations were planting in the Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s excess of the permitted 40,000 ninth regular session was held acres, resulting in loss of tax yesterday morning at the Amyo- revenue in billions to the coun- tha Hluttaw meeting hall. In the try. He posed a question on what meeting asterisk-marked ques- sort of action the relevant min- tions were asked and answered, istry has taken on this matter. two reports read, a bill tabled Deputy Minister for Agriculture, and a motion discussed. Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw replied that an advance Asterisk-marked questions tax of 2 percent was collected In the first question of the in Myitkyina Township tax of- day, U Naing Ko Ko of Kachin fices for tissue culture banan- State constituency 12 said as exported through border Kachin State Hluttaw had con- gates. The state government ducted a field inspection on had formed a team to investi- Chinese tissue culture banana The twelfth-day meeting of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s ninth regular session being convened in Nay Pyi gate planting of tissue culture plantations and found that the Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA SEE PAGE 2 INSIDE TODAY LOCAL NEWS LOCAL BUSINESS WORLD By-law needed Maritime trade Ghana opens book to strictly control reaches almost $10 of condolence illegal wildlife trade billion in current FY in honor of Kofi Annan PAGE-4 PAGE-5 PAGE-10 24 AUGUST 2018 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds twelfth-day meeting FROM PAGE 1 Housing Project in the center of Win of Seikkan constituency sentatives who want to table an Pathein Town consisting of 25 tabled a motion urging the gov- amendment motion to submit Next, U Zaw Min Thein of two-storey, four apartments per ernment to conduct researches their names. Laymyethna constituency raised storey, private buildings and 150 on skilled workers, technicians a question on plans to remove houses were turned into public and engineers truly required by Discussion on Pyithu Hlut- trees, bushes, buildings and servant housing, but the process the nation, draw up appropriate taw Government Guaran- shops that restrict view and pro- was not done according to law and policy and strategy and establish tees, Pledges and Under- vide extra width to S-bends and asked if there is a plan to revert more Technical High Schools, takings Vetting Committee U-turns (hairpin turns) on 12 ft. back the public servant housings Government Technical Institutes, report wide and 18 ft. wide Ministry of into private houses as desired by Technical Universities in imple- Following this, U Myo Zaw Construction roads. The Dep- the people. The Deputy Minis- menting Technical and Vocational Aung of Kawlin constituency, U uty Minister replied that in the ter said a total of 350 apartments Education and Training (TVET) Khin Maung Thein of Sagaing U Nay Htet Win. bends and turns on important in the 25 two-storey apartment in Myanmar. constituency, U Win Win of Minbu roads on hills and mountains, buildings and 150 houses of Py- explained the Deputy Minister. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T constituency and Dr. Min Thein turn radiuses were widened for idawtha House Project were des- The Ministry has discussed Khun Myat announced the Hlut- of YeU constituency discussed ease of big trucks using the roads. ignated as public servant housing with Ayeyawady Region gov- taw’s agreement to discuss the the Pyithu Hluttaw Government Road shoulder width and earth during Ayeyawady Region Law ernment and will designate 171 motion and announced further Guarantees, Pledges and Un- embankment width beside the and Order Restoration Council apartments as public apartments for Hluttaw representatives who dertakings Vetting Committee roads were widened depending meeting 1/94. while the remaining 179 apart- want to discuss the motion to en- report. upon priority set, and in places Now, people living in 171 of ments will remain as public serv- roll their names. Pyithu Hluttaw Government where road widening is required, the 350 apartments submitted a ant apartments, said the Deputy Guarantees, Pledges and Un- funds are requested and works request to Ministry of Construc- Minister. Second amendment bill to dertakings Vetting Committee conducted depending upon avail- tion to re-designate the apart- Questions raised by U Nay the Settlement of Labour Dis- member U Myo Naing respond- ability of the fund, said the Deputy ments as Pyidawtha Housing. Htet Win of Sinbaungwe constit- putes Law ed to the discussions made by Minister. Clearing of trees and Public servants living in public uency, U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon Afterwards, Hluttaw was the Hluttaw representatives. bushes obstructing views will servant housings are to vacate constituency and Daw Ni Shwe informed about the receipt of Committee secretary U be conducted by the ministry the apartments when they retire, Hlyan of Thantlang constituency second amendment bill to the Zone Teint then tabled a motion and clearing of squatter huts, but public housings are apart- were also answered by the Dep- Settlement of Labour Disputes for the Hluttaw to agree and ac- shops and roadside sellers on ments/houses where the public uty Minister. Law sent by Amyotha Hluttaw cept the report and the Hluttaw road junctions will be conducted servants and their offspring can with amendments, and bill com- agreed and accepted the report. in coordination with the state/ live on even after they retire. Con- Motion on implementing mittee member U Nay Myo Tun The thirteenth-day meeting region governments, explained verting a public servant housing Technical and Vocational Ed- read and submitted the bill com- of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s the Deputy Minister. to private housing is a sensitive ucation and Training (TVET) mittee’s report. ninth regular session will be held U Wai Hlaing Tun of Pathein matter and it needs to be con- After the asterisk-marked Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker on 29 August it is learnt. – Aye constituency then said Pyidawtha sidered in a nationwide manner, question session, U Tin Maung announced for Hluttaw repre- Aye Thant (MNA) Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds twelfth-day meeting FROM PAGE 1 Deputy Minister. obtained the decision of the Hlut- amendments and announced Finally Dr. Zaw Lin Htut of taw and approved the bill. for Hluttaw representatives who bananas without permission and Mon State constituency 9 asked Next, Deputy Minister for want to discuss it to enroll their to ensure that all is done accord- if there is a plan to upgrade state Agriculture, Livestock and Irri- names. ing to the law, said the Deputy Agriculture Institute (Thaton) gation U Hla Kyaw submitted to Hluttaw debates a motion Minister. into lower Myanmar agricultur- the Hluttaw the Boundary Delin- A motion tabled by U The second question was al college or university. Deputy eation Bill and Amyotha Hluttaw Myo Win of Mon State constit- raised by U Khin Maung Latt of Minister U Hla Kyaw replied that Bill Committee member U Aung uency 8 urging the government Rakhine State constituency 3, more Technical and Vocational Thein read and explained the to control and manage the man- and he asked if there is any plan Education and Training (TVET) committee report on the Bound- agement committee, develop- to take action against prawn/ are required and technical and ary Delineation Bill. This was ment committee and farmland shrimp ponds in Yathedaung vocation sector will be promot- followed by Amyotha Hluttaw management committee to U Kyaw Kyaw Win. Township, Rakhine State, that ed in an increasing momentum. Speaker announcing for Hlut- ensure that there is no corrup- are blocking the two water dis- Along the China-Myanmar eco- taw representatives who want tion, because plots were formed charge pipes of Panzinmaw em- nomic corridor, agriculture and upgrading the skills of the to discuss the bill to enroll their on many farms and plantation bankment. Deputy Minister
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