ly •'-'' *i u?^ /*i SAPICNTIA UNIVERSALIS EX LIBRIS. UNIVERSITY OF NEWHAMP5HIRE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 5*. CLASS N 3 ^ 1 X> O NUMBER AJ ^ ^ I / O ACCESSION 3 7/ 7f V LAWS or THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHmE PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1873. CONCORD: EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PllINTER, 1873. 1 ^73 STATE OFFICERS. EZEKIEL A. STRAW, aovernor. BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, Secretary of State. AI B. THOMPSON, Deputy Secretary of State. SOLON A. CARTER, Treasurer. EDWARD A. JENKS, State Printer. DAVID A. WARDE, President of the Seriate. LUTHER S. MORRILL, Clerk of the Senate. JAMES W. EMERY, Speaker of the House. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Clerk of the House. JOHN M. HAINES, Adjutant Gfeneral JOHN C. PILSBURY, Warden of State Prison. JOHN W. SIMONDS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. OLIVER PILLSBURY, Insurance Commissioner. NATHANIEL BOUTON, State Historian. WILLIAM H. KIMBALL, State Librarian. SUPEEME JUDICIAL COUET. JONATHAN EVERETT SARGENT, Chief Justice. CHARLES DOE, ^ JEREMIAH SMITH, WILLIAM LAWRENCE FOSTER, \ Associate Justices. WILLIAM SPENCER LADD, I ELLERY ALBEE HIBBARD, j LEWIS WHITEHOUSE CLARK, Attorney Qeneral. JOHN MAJOR SHIRLEY, State Reporter. LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1873 CHAPTER L AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIFTEEN, CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWEis'TY- EIGHT OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, IN RELATION TO FENCES AND COM- MON FIELDS. Section I Section 1. Fees of 2. takes effect oh its passage. fence -viewets. | Act Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. That section fifteen of chapter one hundred twenty- Fees of fence- ^'^^ eight of the General Statutes be amended by striking out the words " one dollar " in the first line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " two dollars." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. on\t*s^¥asSf [Approved June 20, 1873.] 144 Chapters II, III. [1873. CHAPTER II. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE OF CHAPTER FORTY-NINE OF THE GENE- RAL STATUTES IN RELATION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY LIABLE TO TAXATION. Section Section 1. Money deposited in savings banks out of 2. Repealing clause. state, liable to taxation. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in G-eneral Court convened: Money deposit- SECTION 1. Sectioii five of chapter forty-nine of the General Stat- banks out of iitcs IS hereby amended by inserting in the fourteenth line thereof, bteto'taiatton. aftci" the word " bank" and before the word " or," the words " within this state." 5luS*°^ Sect. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. [Approved June 20, 1873.] CHAPTER III. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION ONE OF CPIAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY- ONE OF THE GENERAL STATUTES IN RELATION TO OFFENCES AGAINST GAME-LAWS. Section Section 1. Killing deer-^time changed— penalty in- 2. Act takes effect on its passage. creased. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: toicianjed"- SECTION 1. That sectiou one of chapter two hundred fifty-one of ^"' *^^^ General Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended as fol- cr"as''d lows : strike out the word " February" in the second line of said section, and insert the word " January " in lieu thereof; also, strike out the word " ten " in the fourth line of said section, and insert the word " twenty-five " in lieu thereof, and add at the end of said section the words " for each deer so killed or destroyed." ^ECT. 2. This act shall take eflfect and after its on'ufnn™^passage, on passage. j-^pp^.^^^^ j^^^^^ 20, 1873.] 1873.] Chapters IV, V. 145 CHAPTER IV. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION TWO OF CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE OF THE GENERAL STATUTES IN RELATION TO THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Section 1 Section 2. effect on its passage. 1. Consent of one parent sufficient—when. I Act takes Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. That section two of chapter one hundred and sixty- consent of one nine of the General Statutes be amended by inserting after the word dent-when. " " sufficient" the following words : and in c,ase of abandonment on the part of either parent, for the term of three years, the con- sent of the remaining parent shall be sufficient." Act takes effect Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. on .ts passage. [Approved June 20, 1873.] CHAPTER V. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS OF THE PROBATE COURT FOK THE COUNTY OF MERRIMACK. Section Section 1. Terms of probate court—times and place 2. Act takes effect on its passage. of holding. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in Greneral Court convened: Section 1. That in addition to the terms of the probate court for Terms held- "^" the county of Merrimack now required by law to be held, there ^^ ^"' ^ shall be held four terms, annually, in the town of Franklin, that is to say, on the second Tuesday of February, May, August, and No- vember, of each year. Sect. 2. This act shall take effisct upon its passage. ^nul^S'^afr* [Approved June 20, 1873.] 146 Chapters VI, VII. [1873. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AND IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION ONE OF CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX OF THE PAMPHLET LAWS OF JUNE SESSION, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO, IN RELATION TO THE REIMBURSE- MENT OF MUNICIPAL WAR EXPENSES. Section Section 1. Recruits who received part bounty, entitled 2. Act takes effect on its passage. to remainder from reimbursement fund- when. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in Creneral Court convened: Recruits to re- SECTION 1. That if any city, town, or place has received or shall ceive reim bursem"^bursement rcceivc the sum of one hundred dollars, or part thereof, either in fund—when money or bonds, on account of any person counted as part of the quota of such town, city, or place, who has received from said town, city, or place a less sum than one hundred dollars, then so much of said sum of money or bonds so received by said town, city, or place, as is necessary, together with the sum such person has already re- ceived from said town, city, or place, as will make up the sum or amount which said town, city, or place has or shall receive on ac- count of such person, shall belong to and be the property of such person and his legal representatives, and may be received [re- covered] in the manner provided by section one of the chapter to which this is an amendment. Acttaices effect Sect. 2. This act shall take elFect on its passage. on its i^assage. [Approved June 27, 1873.] CHAPTER VII. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION SIXTEEN OF CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE OF THE GENERAL STATUTES IN RELATION TO ATTACHMENTS. Section Section 1. Leaf tobacco attacliedby leaving copy, as in 2. Act takes effect on its passage. case of real estate. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in (jfenerat Court convened: SECTION 1. That scction sixtccn of chapter two hundred and five how attached of the General Statutes be amended by inserting the words " leaf tobacco " after the word " potatoes " in the first line of said section. Act takes effect Sect. 2. Tliis act shall take efi:ect from and after its passage. on Its passage. j-^^p^^^^^ j^^„^ 27, 1873.] 1873.] Chapters VIII, IX. 147 CHAPTER VIII. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE A LIMITED REIMBURSEMENT OF THE MUNICIPAL WAR EXPENDITURES," PASSED JUNE SESSION, A. D. 1870. Section Section effect its 1. Reimbursement fund apportioned to towns, 2. Act takes on passage. divided same as war debt. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. Whenever a portion of any town has been annexed to Reimbursement *^' an adjoining town since the second day of July, one thousand eight po"rti'oneT hundred and sixty-two, the town so enlarged shall receive the same div?de^d.^°^^"'^ ratio of the reimbursement of the other town, with the accrued in- terest thereon, as it assumed of the war debt of said town by the act of annexation. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Act takes effect on its passage. [Approved June 27, 1873.] CHAPTER IX. AN ACT IN RELATION TO ASSIGNMENTS. Section I Section 1. Assignment of wages not valid until copy 2. Act takes effect on its passage, filed with clerk of city or town. | Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. No assignment of or order for wages to be earned in Assignment of WJl^^GS to DG the future shall be valid against any creditor of the person making sied with city town-cierk. such assignment or order, until a copy of such order or assignment, °'^ duly accepted in writing on the back thereof, has been filed with the clerk of the town or city where the party making such order or as- signment lives. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. on us^pfsslgl"* [Approved June 27, 1873.] :— 148 Chapter X. [1873. CHAPTER X. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE POLICE COURT OF KEENE. Section Section 1. Jurisdiction of Keene police court ex- 4. Fees of justice. tended. 5. Either party may appeal: time of appeal 2. Action transferred to supreme court- limited. when. 6. Act takes effect on its passage.
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